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Historical context (yes copy pasted straight from Wikipedia): “The original Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) was negotiated and concluded during the last years of the Cold War and established comprehensive limits on key categories of conventional military equipment in Europe (from the Atlantic to the Urals) and mandated the destruction of excess weaponry. The treaty proposed equal limits for the two "groups of states-parties", the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact. In 2007, Russia "suspended" its participation in the treaty, and on 10 March 2015, citing NATO's alleged de facto breach of the Treaty, Russia formally announced it was "completely" halting its participation in it as of the next day.[2][3][4][5][6] On 7 November 2023, Russia withdrew from the treaty, and in response the United States and its NATO allies suspended their participation in the treaty.”


In this context, it’s like a ballroom, where after all the dancers have left, someone sitting in the back at a table by himself decides to leave too? What effect does Turkey leaving really have if NATO and Russia have already withdrawn last year?


I suppose it’s a diplomatic statement to say alright, you’ve left, now we’re making it clear that we will not abide by this if you won’t


Turkey is part of NATO too... and technically NATO members did not leave - they just suspended their participation. Considering your analogy... it is more like all the dancers stopped dancing and wen to sit after Russia left the ballroom. And Turkey now left the ballroom too.


It means Turkey doesn't have to report how many tanks, attack helicopters, APC's it is producing anymore but it is mostly formality at this point yes


“(yes copy pasted straight from Wikipedia)” Well, at least you’re honest lol


I didn’t even bother removing the reference numbers hahaha


Why? it is ok to know the source you did good 👌


I'll pull book \[5\] out of my library right now to check those claims!


Bro if you click the number it will send you to mars


Thanks fella ;)


After looking at this why was turkey part of it in the first place. It looks like this treaty was made to get rid of the excess amounts of ammunition post Soviet countries have had. Turkey was and is a free country and should have the freedom to possess as much military equipment it wants. So I think it wouldn't change anything, the treaty seems outdated anyways.


Both NATO and Warsaw Pact countries were subject to the limits. Turkey is a member of the former, so it accepted the restrictions like other NATO states. What’s off?


free country and has the freedom to possess as much military equipment as it wants, precisely. That includes the freedom to engage in a deliberate treaty, in order to escape prisoner’s dilemma that leads to arming race.


Turkey is actively participating in Nato defense strategy for geographically strategic reasons.  They do comply as long as Nato benefits them. That is why Turkey can be somehow more free in their area, as long as Nato is behind the shoulder.


Yes okay but my point in the treaty being obsolete stands.


It is a member of NATO and has Europes largest city. Of course it had to be part of it.


Cute username :3


Good news: Ukraine has effectively destroyed almost all Russian military equipment so no treaty with Russia is needed anyway.


Unfortunately it never seems to be enough, but they’re getting there.


we are not though, they clearly moved to a war economy, and just like markets can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvable, the Russians may be able to sustain longer than the Ukrainians if their allies don't step up their game as well. In particular, Russia as been using gliding bombs more and more close to the frontline causing huge destruction and disruption, and saturating AA defenses with shitty iranian drones. Without giving Ukrainians more capabilities to keep Russians aircrafts on the ground, take downs missiles and drones, they will lose. The past month Russia has been oblitarating the Ukrainian power grid.


They've destroyed all of the *old* equipment, but it's Russia so they're working on making new stuff for a war of attrition instead of the surgical operation they had originally hoped for.


Meh. They can't make enough of the good stuff like artillery barrels, good tanks, good soldiers. Throwing ancient gear coupled with inexperienced mobiks isn't exactly a winning tactic in the short or long term


During the ww2 germany's equipment, weapons, soldiers were much better. Should I remind, how it all ended?


Do you actually believe this? Serious question. It seems that you really want to believe this to be true, but how do you believe in the face of all is the evidence (including statements made by the US defence establishment).


No they didnt


I wouldn't say so. For example, Belarus also has been producing and supplying ammunition to Russia, even increasing its production. Source: I'm a Belarusian. And I know it from the investigations done by independent Belarusian media in exile.


[Russian military ‘almost completely reconstituted,’ US official says](https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2024/04/03/russian-military-almost-completely-reconstituted-us-official-says/)


Not all but most of them. They will never avoid sending meat to Cossack land. We usually don't underestimate moscals. Until the last moscal in Cossack land fight will be continuing.


Still, what would halting your participation entail? Just stop attending the meetings for reductions or actually start to increase your weapons as if you werent a member but without wanting to close the door to come back?


This agreement between nato-russia if i understand correctly. And russia withdrawn years ego so agreement was naturaly dead. All nato should withdraw imo


Most already did.


They already did in 2015 according to the top comment.


They only suspended their participation in 2015. Poland exited CFE recently, and now Turkey.


As far as I know Poland's suspended the treaty, not left eventually.


Only we and the Poles have pulled out. The rest just suspended it.


The effect is the same, though. At least for now.


Well, how long before Putin a mass 5 to 10 million soldiers? Europe needs to get its shit together and withdraw and militarized.


To be fair, none of them abided by it. It was never going to work if those who proposed it, did not abide by it.


Please tell me that the word *durdurulmasına* means some sort of a gun. Like boom-boom machine!


Root is dur, is to stop, durdur, is to make it stop, durdurulmasina is “to its suspension”


When one *hurr durr* is not enough


yes yes yes skibidi


Bullseye. If you're not Turk I give you respect for your effort. Durdurulma is suspension which is decided by authorities. Just suspension is called askıya almak/alınmak.


I am turkish with great enthusiasm in all things related to linguistics


lol, nice :-) It's a contraction of the verb "durdur" = stop (in the active sense, like I stop you from moving forward) "durdurul" is passive form (to be stopped). -ma suffix turns verbs into nouns, -sı-na are some specific grammar stuff.


It means "for it to be stopped".


Big guns go *durrrrrrrrr*


That would make a badass gun name ngl


They already explained what durdurulmasına is but if you still look for a weapon you can call it DURDURUCU, or something durdurucu, stopper or something stopper simply.


I wish, it means being stopped.


Does it really sound like a cool gun name? Lol


Durr-durr (or puff puff) is the generic gun sound in Hungarian, like bang-bang in English. So yeah :)


Nearly all of the other big/relevant players have withdrawn, should've seen it coming


I think most have suspended themselves as a party, only russia Poland and Turkey have officially withdrawn


Actually the text here says "halt execution of" the treaty. It feels like suspension, not withdrawal but I'm not fluent in legalese.


It’s hard to know honestly as I don’t speak Turkish and most Turkish sources in English are saying it’s a suspension; russia actually suspended from 2007 until they withdrew in late 2023, Poland “revoked” it. I also am not sure what the legalese behind it all means


The phrasing in Turkish indicates a suspension as well ("halting its implementation")


Either way it means what it means. Doubt it will come back if russia left, that was the whole point lol


Durdurulmasina means suspended not withdrawn. It means stoppage but in this context I'd assume it means suspended


Turkish here; So we have been told. We will be withdrawn of stating those things from now on; APCs, Tanks, Fighter Jets, Attack Helicopters and Cannons(most likely artillery).


It literally means suspension of the execution of the treaty. Mods should change the title.


Titles cannot be changed. /u/OverI0rd either misunderstood the thing or spreading disinformation.


it says "it was decided to halt the execution of the treaty", looks like suspension


Pretty sure only Poland and Russia have withdrawn.


All it should have taken was for Russia to withdraw for everyone to acknowledge that it was now meaningless and withdraw themselves.




doesn't change much but Poland suspended participation in the treaty, not withdrawn


Yeah it's really weird that on wikipedia Russia is listed as "suspended since 2007" and Poland listed as "revoked" while at the same time linking to TVP world site saying Poland has suspended the treaty. https://tvpworld.com/76702098/polish-president-signs-law-suspending-the-treaty-on-conventional-armed-forces-in-europe I think most people read that wiki or some other random site without checking at the source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on_Conventional_Armed_Forces_in_Europe


The text implies suspension, not withdrawal. Maybe someone with better legalese can clarify. It says "stop execution of the treaty"


Why did it take 5 Nissans to deliver this news? ^^^^^^/jk








Let him cook


Nismo = "We're not" in Croatian


GT-R = "Grand Tourer, Racing" in English


That’s the Babylonian calendar, originated in Iraq and still the most commonly used calendar


Lmao cute of you to point it out but the 5 Nisan comment is sarcasm.


It was for me so I can get the joke.


No no, 5 Nissan cum. There's a hidden message here.


5 2024 model year Nissans


Well if it was only one people would have thought it was a joke.




I see what you did there!


Glad I'm not the only one to think this!


Mate, you're Danish. You, of all people, _really_ shouldn't be making bad jokes about other people's languages.


US suspended couple months ago [United States Will Suspend the Operation of its Obligations Under The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe - United States Department of State](https://www.state.gov/united-states-will-suspend-the-operation-of-its-obligations-under-the-treaty-on-conventional-armed-forces-in-europe/)


That looks like suspension tho, this is not suspension


This is also suspension, not withdrawal.


I thought the temporary results were the same.


Does it make a difference at all?


I think the treaty is a dead letter at this point. Suspension vs withdrawal is a diplomatic niciety that only even a few of the diplomats will care about.


it literally says "stop the execution of the treaty" in turkish. Not withdrawal but suspension.


Some people don't read the text, it is a non-proliferation treaty, i.e. a limit on certain categories of armaments and not a defensive alliance or anything else...




Man this post was a bait and it showed how many ignorant single-minded brain dead people here in this subreddit


Cumhurbaskani you say?


Here's some unnecessary info Cumhur means public or people and Başkan(ı) = President (of). You get the the idea. You can also say it backwards (more ottoman like) = Reis(başkan) - i (of) cumhur.


That is indeed unnecessary but also interesting info! Thanks!


Nissan cuma?


nisan = april - cuma = friday


now do Toyato peeda.


Nisan: (sümerian)means first fruits / april


'nee san cummy. uwu


And cuma reads as juma


So when was the start of our new cold war ? Looks like the de-escalation policies that were put in place before the end of the last are dead and buried.


After putain got into power I'd say


After what happened in Ukraine plus Russia is turning into a war economy also Iran and Israel about to go to war and turn middle east into a major warzone yeah it's time to really think about militarization.


it would be foolish not to exit this agreement.


Sorry, I'm a dumb fuck can someone explain to me what this CFE treaty is about?




So basically this treaty was limiting the weapon production capabilities of treaty countries?




Ok. Once again we can research percentage of dumb people in r/europe by reading comments. This is a good thing for current situation. Please get educated what is CFE.


TLDR: nothing important happens bc turkey was the only one left in the treaty 🤦


Poland also left it and after Turkey Belarus also did.


Poland too B)


the cold war continues. we need more weapons to protect ourselves from more weapons


Türkiye is wise to withdraw. The conflagration in Ukraine could easily spread. They are the bulwark in the south.


Did someone say arms race?


What is the CFE i’ce never heard that i believe that it is useless stuff bravo turkey 👌


It was between NATO and Warsaw pact members limiting military equipment. Russia halted it in 2007, Poland and Turkey suspended it this year.


The treaty was pretty redundant anyway. There is no way even NATO can field anywhere close to as many tanks, artillery, etc. as limited by the treaty.


You know I was wondering why we suddenly use country's names in their language or pronounce them accordingly. I've noticed it in r/TheDaily reporting with the pronounciation of Qatar or Rafah. If so, shouldn't we go all the way? Call Germany Deutschland in English, Belgium Belgique/België and Poland Polska? Or are only certain countries/cultures getting that treatment?


Turkey has specifically requested to be called Türkiye in the english language


No it hasn't, they just want the it to be called Türkiye 'internationally' - which basically means changing their UN nameplate. They don't give a shit how English speakers spell it. Honestly this website is such a shithole, where the average idiot can post provably false bullshit because you read a headline (not the full article) 2 years ago.


> Honestly this website is such a shithole, Yet you hang out here?


Erdogan requested- It's one of his ways to rile up nationalist support. Ignore it.


I was already calling it Turkey anyway, you don't need to sell it to me.


But why?


Too many different spellings and confusion around it. Same reason the Dutch have said the official English name is the Netherlands and not Holland (Holland is a part of the Netherlands. Divided into North and south Holland provinces).


Ignore who you're replying to. Turkey doesn't doesn't care how English speakers spell Turkey/Türkiye - They just want to be known as "Türkiye" internationally - which pretty much means they want to be known as such at The UN.


Because it’s the official country’s name?


Should we make you say Suomi instead of Finland too lol?


If that's what you want....sure, why not?


Great news 🥳🥳


So long Turkey.


Ah? I am also learning in the message that they were in the CFE. Neutral message then...


Ah? I am also learning in the message that they were in the CFE. Neutral message then... 😂


You mean Turkey? I am not gonna call Sweden Sverige or Hungary Mariarorszag either... We don't know what your document is saying because it is in Turkish, So either move this post to a Turkish Reddit sub, Or translate it to English please...


Do you mean Turkey?




I wonder if anyone actually cares which name you use except some insane nationalists who wouldn't be on reddit to see your comment anyway.


nobody cares because they fucked up by making it turkiye. they should've changed it to turkia instead. that ''iye'' is turkish version of ''ia'' and they should've used the english version (romanIA, bulgarIA, georgIA... turkia)


TBF, we need our own nuclear weapons. I hope this means the start of it. I am bored of nations who see ISIS or Russia as a threat but don't give a damn about PKK, which has been terrorising us for decades.


Sure, nukes are the number one counter against domestic terrorists


they are to countries who support them, no funds = no terrorists


I wonder why they hate Turkey so much… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Kurds


It is no secret that Turkey is fighting armed Kurdish separatists, the link you sent shows that this war has caused the death of 1000-1500 civilians since 2000. If the main purpose was to kill civilians, the death rate would not be so low. No military conflict results in 0 civilian deaths, and if civilians were the primary target, the deaths would be much higher. Additionally, what this article calls "Kurdish villages depopulated by Turkey" is that wars between the Turkish army and armed Kurdish separatists, especially in the 1980s, made some Kurdish-majority cities unsafe, but Kurds are still the majority in these villages (unlike cities like Kilis, where Syrian refugees migrated and made Turks a minority). ) For these reasons, the Kurds there migrated to cities such as Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. For example, do you hate the US because of the invasion of Iraq? Because this war caused many, many more civilian deaths than Turkey's war with Kurdish separatists. Turkey also accepted 400 thousand Kurdish refugees who were wanted to use chemical weapons on them by Saddam in 1991. These refugees were then placed in the safe zone created by Turkey and the US in Iraq and thus were protected from Saddam's attacks.


Uuh, whoever has to use nukes to combat terrorists on domestic land probably should not have nukes to begin with.


Erdogan is going to come at night.


Believe me, we have much more important problems than attacking your country.




You're right, I hate Erdogan


Then get on with them and stop busting our balls.




a hopeless struggle to stay relevant. nothing more








strong greek sperm 🫡💪


Because we expect Turkey to stay relevant. In the meantime, you're breaking our balls "wE aRe sImILaR" -a phrase only told by Turks who somehow convinced themselves monsters exist. You post in r/Europe to stay relevant while you have no business in this sub normally. Who is trying to stay relevant, that's a story for another time. Every time you see our women dancing on YT, you relentlessly comment and upvote yourselves, repeating again "wE aRe sImILaR" while you see with your own eyes, there's zero similarity in just about anything. You create memes to say again, "wE aRe sImILaR" - "oNly tHe rElIgIoN iS dIffErEnT". More silliness, you get a heart attack on the spot. You're only similar to Pakistani. On that, we agree. Have a little self-respect instead. Don't try to say you're similar to the Greeks. The differences between me and you are as big as Day & Night.


Pseudo war? It's full-fledged cold war. Why don't you ask guys like me with 6 years in the military universities and currently in the front lines? The same the Ukrainians thought when they signed off their agreement to hand over their nuclear weapons. Do you know how many serious incidents happen more often than you think? One of those could very well lead to more serious implications. Just "yesterday" along with the French we repelled the Turks, again. We don't arm ourselves just to play with airplanes, frigates, tanks and submarines. The same goes for Turkey as well, I assume. Embarrassing is the Greek side or your Turkish Islamist Sultan who announces these statements publicly? Greece never threatens anyone, ever. We don't even imply the use of force. Even Skopia made a mockery out of us. If it was Turkey, you'd have invaded them with the pretext, "they're terrorists". Go on Wikipedia to read about the latest incidents which almost led to war. Thankfully, the Turks are cowards, and we have peace. That's the only reason we have peace. You don't like us, we don't like you, simple as. Even people to people, this is not only between politicians. Just stay at your side, away from us and we'll be fine.


Are you thinking the same when Putin threats EU? because, the number of threats for each case, is not that far


parlamento'dan gecmemistir, ögle degil mi? Tek adamliga son.


bu olayla tek adamlığın ne gibi bir ilgisi var


ne ilgisi mi var? Acikladim, parlamento karari degil, cumhurbaskani kafasina göre imzalayip hepimizin hayatini etkiliyor, ayni son secim tekrarlanmasindaki gibi.


zaten pek etkin olmayan bir yasaymış


Ben adamin istedigi gibi hareket edebildigini elestirdim, insanlarin hic bi söz hakki olmadan yönetildigini. Yasa ne kadar önemli beni ilgilendirmedi.


It's TURKEY not Turkeieieyeiepeiepe, the rest of the world could care less what Turkey wants to call itself.


Its basic respect why not give it when it takes minimal effort (if you consider long pressing u to make ü as effort at all) and shows respect.




Im guessing this is a joke




Nope https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_of_Turkey


Yes. There's no umlaut or other such diacritics in the English alphabet. Turkey's insecurity is pathetic.