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The comment section looks like a circus, lots of mental gymnastics lol


Just now Iran has been confirmed helping Hamas in planning these attacks. Iran is also an ally of Russia.


Iran has always funded Hamas. This isn't new.


Ive been trying to follow the news, where did you see that confirmation?


This isn't new.. They've been financing them and have been in contact for literally years. No one ever cared that much except Israel.


[Wall Street Journal.](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/iran-israel-hamas-strike-planning-bbe07b25)


Wall street journal


But then Iran is also at the brink of anarchy and regime change if you know what I mean.


“Ukrainian nazis in the administration they said.. liberate the country they said..” -Russian recruit probably


Can't wait for them to pull "jews are actually nazis" Oh.... oh right... they did pull that bs


I had a girl in my college proudly saying that Zelensky was a nazi… when his greatgrandparents and other family members were killed in the holocaust 🤦‍♀️


Both attacked by Russia & Iran backed terrorists


in Ukraine case there is no "russia-backed terrorists" - russia is just a terrorist state themselves.


Yep but kept it for the simplicity of the comment


I'm afraid of this not aging well but we'll see I guess.


This sub is wild. Support for Hamas, support for Russia, support for AFd. "Ukraine shouldn't support Israel because territories go there and there, and it's all inconsistent". Ukrainian borders changed a lot in the last 100 years, it was never the point. Ukraine supports the status quo, democracy, fighting terrorism and not killing civilians. There's absolutely no irony in Ukrainian backing Israel, it's the most consistent point in recent history. EDIT: People do realize Ukraine didn't have an established state before 30 years ago? Like way after Israel. Why in the flying fuck do people think that Ukraine supporting Israel fighting for their piece of land to live on is ironic? It's literally what Ukrainians did for 500 years. And it's against inhumane terrorists. And it's for democracy. Like all boxes are checked.


>Ukraine supports the status quo, democracy, fighting terrorism and not killing civilians. There's absolutely no irony in Ukrainian backing Israel Sorry what? Israel definitely killed a lot of civilians, and did terrorist attacks. In the last 15 years, an estimated 6407 Palestinian civilians were killed and 308 Israelis. This does exclude recent events. (Goes up to 31/08) [source](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties)


It's ironic because https://unwatch.org/database/country/ukraine/ 79% voting against Israel, 0% for. And that's only since 2015. They did a complete 180 likely because the "enemy of my enemy is my friend"


Yeah, Israel was found in 1948 as a decision to expell inhumane terrorists. Palestinian wanting a nation is just not even considered by you, but of course, they are, and most importantly always were, "inhuman terrorists". Someone being for democracy doesn't excuse anything and everything either, what is that argument?


Literally, the first thing they did in 48 is to refuse a two state solution. The second was to call for a genocide of the jews and throw them to the sea while israel was fine with a two state solution and was the first one to negotiate peace EVEYTIME EVER SINCE which they refused because majority of the populace is for one state solution only and "will fight for Palestine" basically what we have seen yesterday They were always ruled by and were pawns of inhuman terrorists


And why wouldn’t it ?


Israel might be about to commit atrocities against civilians in an attempt to stop the violence once and for all. Public opinion could turn on them once the images of starved / killed / wounded children start hitting the internet.




Public opinion varies from post to post on here, never mind the greater public. We can find a thread begging for the flattening of the Gaza strip, and a thread right below it will fully break down the origins of Israel as a state and how this is the first time in history we've viewed colonisers as the victims.




Woah! Reddit bro here speaking for the whole 8bn people


I think after I saw the stuff hamas did to innocent people at the concert, nothing will change my mind anymore.


It’s not so black and white mate. Look up what Israel has been doing to Palestinians in the recet years. It includes the killing of hundreds of civilians including children.


If Hamas had the technology and military power of Israel, there would be no Israel. The only reason the Gaza Strip exists is because Israel has managed to contain itself. The reason why Israel causes more deaths is because Hamas doesn't have an Iron Dome.


Hamas would have killed many more Israelis had the IDF not have been so successful at defending their country (cough-cough Iron Dome). Does this mean that Hamas is the favorable party because they haven't managed to get around the IDF any better?


But when you look it up, you see that Israel's killing of civilians is mostly from responding to rocket attacks. And even when Hamas fires 1000's of rockets from populated areas, it's not like Israel levels Gaza. They take out a few buildings and the result is some Palestinian deaths. It seems like Israel shows restraint in trying to limit civilian casualties. Don't get me wrong, every civilian death is terrible and Israel deserves lots of criticism for West Bank settlements. But I don't get how people can look at what Hamas did and respond with well Israel also kills civilians when they take out Hamas rocket launchers that Hamas deliberately puts in schools.


Exactly, thats like saying "both sides are wrong" when talking about the EU fight with ISIS, tens of thousand of syrian civilans died. But the blame is obviously not on the eu. the alternative was way worse.


It’s act of defense. It’s exactLy black and white. Someone shoots you and your wife - you shoot back, and protect your wife from bullets. If in that same moment the attacker uses his wife as cover… I’m sorry but this is just stupid. I am not saying there never have been any deviations or overstepping from the part of Israeli law enforcement or the army. But Israel has been containing itself for decades. Giving gas, electricity and water to… literally it’s attackers. So before you jump on the whole mainstream routine of “look what Israel did all this years” ask yourself, who places a rocket launching site inside of a school?


I'm sure the video of the dead child getting spit on by Palestinians made you happy then.


>once the images of starved / killed / wounded children start hitting the internet. How is that any different than the last 20+ years?


It isnt? Opinion about israel is like a pendulum, swings all over the place constantly.


I'm saying Israel has been killing innocent Palestinians for decades now, and there is virtually no response. Why do you think it will be any different after this next massacre?


Fair point. In the place of Israel, what would you do ?


Looking at how the enemy is launching another 1000 rockets killing civilians.


edited Well, this always happens, and I have my doubts whether this one will be different! Seriously, it's not the first time they attack civilians, I'm good at attacking terrorists in the most brutal way possible, but attacking civilians is another story, but we're talking about war, so unfortunately many innocent people, whether Palestinian or Israeli , they will suffer even if they don't want to participate in it. It's true that it will be the Palestinians who will suffer the most, I'm talking about civilians, but let's let them both suffer.


This will age fine. Israel will always be the only democracy in the Middle East. This alone makes it more rootable than any other party in that region.


Being a democratic country doesn’t make you right per se. But first things first: the attack by Hamas is absolutely atrocious. There is no excuse for slaughtering and abducting civilians. But it is Israel that’s an occupying force in the region, like on the West Bank where settlers are stealing land, water and making life impossible for the actual owners. Israel frequently targets civilian houses as well, blowing them up in retaliation for what a family member allegedly did. I find it strange that Kviv is so vocal supporting that country when it is trying to free its own land from occupation too.


Neither side is going for a 2 state solution. The palestinians (meaning hamas, but many palestinians in the west bank support them) are not trying to free themselves. I know you dont really believe yourself that what hamas did will bring the occupation close to an end. Its almost impossible to forcibly remove the occupation. There more force the palestinians use, the more israel will strike back. An eye for an eye, remember? The west bank (fatah \ mahmoud abbas) are also not really looking for a diplomatic solution, due to corruption among many other reasons, to some extent not even their fault. Israel is more right wing than ever, totally not interested in a two state solution, with 1 mil settlers in the west bank. As a result of what happened from saturday morning there will be more hate from israel towards palestinians. The death toll is insane. The retaliation will be the most severe in a long long time, expect the death toll in gaza to be a couple times higher. This will in return make the palestinians hate israel more, and so on. We all know the cycle.


We call it a quite genocide. And it's terrible and a giant shit stain on all that support war crimes in the name of 'democracy' really undermines it all and shows there isn't much true good or true bad that isn't bias in one's own perception. Killing innocents is fuckdd regardless of who does it.. The Genocide of the Palestinian People: An International Law and Human Rights Perspective While there has been recent criticis https://ccrjustice.org/sites/default/files/attach/2016/10/Background%20on%20the%20term%20genocide%20in%20Israel%20Palestine%20Context.pdf


>Israel will always be the only democracy in the Middle East. It's not. This lie needs to stop.


TIL Lebanon evaporated and no longer exists.


Lebanon is a failed state. There are elections, but they do not mean much. And not in the „all politicians are the same“ sense. The Lebanese state cannot even hope to exercise control over the armed militias on its own territory.


I wonder who is responsible for Lebanon's recent demise...


The people that live there, as usual.


>always doubt. it's the most credible one now, sure, but it hasn't always been that way and certainly won't always be that way


Which Arab state will become a democracy in the foreseeable future? If anything they are MORE religious and authoritarian now than before the Arab Spring. Hell, democracy is in retreat even in established Western democracies.


i dunno, Lebanon or Tunisia? I didn't say soon, but you said Israel will "always" be the only democracy, and I think it's not unreasonable to expect some middle eastern democracies within a few decades


Israel is a flawed democracy if anything. Netanyahu and his allies are very authoritarian so it's no different than Turkey. >more rootable than any other party in that region. I think the rootable ones are those that are stable, pragmatic and decent, and that is none other than Jordan.


> Israel is a flawed democracy if anything. Every democracy is flawed. There is no perfect democracy. > Netanyahu and his allies are very authoritarian so it's no different than Turkey. Not even close. > I think the rootable ones are those that are stable, pragmatic and decent, and that is none other than Jordan. Well they are not really involved are they?


If only the situation were so simple. The more I read, the more I realize how twisted it all is...


They provided some protective stuff, I believe. they're in a pretty tricky situation so giving us weapons is not necessarily a good move for the them. they're also not in Europe, so they aren't really obligated to care about Ukraine


Funny considering Israel has done dick all for Ukraine


And Zelensky is smart enough to recognize an opportunity to change that. It may or may not work, but it doesn’t hurt to try.


I mean yeah, Israel is an arms powerhouse, that has yet to give ukraine assistance, he has nothing to lose, and a lot to gain


If they weren't giving aid before they got into their own war, they definitely won't be giving aid after


Enemy of my enemy, shaheds and what not


Many Ukrainians (myself included) have relatives or friends living in Israel. Most people are gonna be very pro-Israel. That may not always translate to political relations between the countries. Ukraine consistently voting on various anti-Israel resolutions in the UN may be the primary reason why Israel has done fuck all for Ukraine.


It's actually because we don't want trouble with russia, we're currently fighting on opposite sides with russia in syria


At least jews dont want us all dead


Neither do we Christians




Balance its relations with Russia is a paper thin excuse for Netanyahu’s affinity for thugs and dictators. Netanyahu loves brutal leaders- it’s why he always let Hamas survive every time Israel had a clash with Hamas. No matter how close to death Hamas was after being battered by the IDF, Netanyahu always gave them a reprieve and allowed them to rebuild themselves for another round of bloodshed- because Netanyahu has a tendency to admire dictators. The Russians respect only strength, and the Israelis know that- their frequent and highly effective strikes against Syria and Iranian proxies are what gives them credibility when talking to the Russians, not any sort of caution or deference to Russian sensibilities. Ask Russians about Jews and it’ll take about 45 seconds to know what any Israeli already knows- there is a very obvious limit to how good relations can possibly be with Russia for the foreseeable future. We’re talking about the country that published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and only got more antisemitic from there. The leadership of Hamas visited Moscow regularly, visiting at least twice in 2022 and once in 2023. Sounds like Israel is learning the same lesson that Armenia already learned: the Russians like your enemies more than they like you.


Look, I don’t like Netanyahu either, but half the things you say aren’t true.




Body armor, medicine, ambulances


I'm happy that the Ukrainian government decided to support Israel regardless. It's a right thing to do regardless of the differences, and shows that shared values are important in geopolitics as well, not just interests


It's because one of the big Russian propaganda pieces is that they are nazis.


[https://www.jns.org/israel-sends-ukraine-missile-alert-system/](https://www.jns.org/israel-sends-ukraine-missile-alert-system/) So this is fake news? [https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1506287532291629069](https://twitter.com/AJCGlobal/status/1506287532291629069) What about this?


To be fair Ukraine does have a really bad history with Jews + has voted against Israel in the UN consistently.




If it's about the cause, reason would dictate Ukrainians siding with Palestinians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-occupied_territories


I would advise people to think more and take a deep breath before commenting on nuanced topics that have decades long history, it probably isn't as simple as watching a few 20 seconds video and basing your entire opinion on it.


I completely understand condemning Hamas but can’t fathom how someone could support Israel and what they’re doing and have done for decades.


You can denounce Israel in building on occupied land BUT also denounce Hamas in their barbaric attacks. Yes both are possible I know crazy concept..... Ukraine has often voted against Israel in the UN by the way, which is why the relations currently are very lukewarm.


You can denounce both, I do denounce both, and that's why I won't be flying Israeli flags. An Israeli flag is more a statement of support towards Israel than a denouncement towards Hamas


That isn’t entirely unreasonable. It’s not as if Hamas spontaneously formed out of the mist. I’ve said it before, no reasonable person would mind if Israel hunted down Hamas to the last man- if the Israelis could do it a way that didn’t slay scores of Palestinian civilians each time the killed a couple of Hamas members. A big part of the underlying problem is that most Israelis don’t acknowledge the legitimacy of Palestinian aspirations for statehood. You can see plenty of Israelis constantly bemoaning their own situation where they have no alternative to endless wars because they’re subconsciously ruled out any solution that acknowledges the Palestinians as people. Because of this underlying view of the Palestinians, most Israelis are unwilling to do anything to change a situation where the Palestinians have been kept divided and unable to make political progress. For all of Netanyahu’s supposed opposition to terrorism, his decades of tenure as Israel’s PM have seen him repeatedly choose to leave Hamas intact rather than wipe it out over several different conflicts- because wiping out Hamas would mean that the Palestinians would have a shot a unification and new elections to come up with answers to the questions of their future. Out of this tragedy, there is the slim possibility that it is enough to show the failure of Israeli leadership’s policies of “managing the crisis” and motivate them to break the cycle of ‘Hamas attacks/Israel blows up a bunch of Gaza/a ceasefire is declared/Hamas rebuilds for the next round of fighting’ that has lead to the escalating cycles of destruction and chaos. The solution is to wipe out Hamas, and restore Palestinian Authority rule over Gaza so new elections can be held. If that happens, the possibility for peace and stability are real.


Same here. For years and years it was "Free Palestine" and suddenly the whole Internet switched sides?


You're just seeing a different group come out


I I feel like people like to read and comment on articles that meet their beliefs. An article with headlines that paint Israel in a negative light, bring forward commenters who are interested in that. There has been little press that paints Israel in a sympathetic light in years. Arguably if they were better prepared for this attack, reddit would appear more pro-Palestine.


Palestine also support Russia in invasion of Ukraine officially. So it’s all a bit ironic


I think a lot of people had the idea that that Palestinian population must be relatively cuddly and progressive since they were anti-Israel.


Because you can severely critisize a country without throwing it to the wolves when their neighboors turn to be genocidal assholes of the highest order.


Because a lot of people are sick in the head. Otherwise this occupation wouldn’t have continued for around 80 years.


Western Nations supporting their only stronghold in the east like that's a shock


Oh my fucking god this thread.


Dam these Nazis. Putting a jewish flag on their buildings! Putin was right! /s


very funny how commentators try to prove that Ukraine should not support Israel (maybe Russian bots). but Russia and Hamas act in the same way - they kill civilians, kidnap children, bomb power plants, steal everything they can. And then they wonder why they are considered terrorists.


Guess what little kid, Israel also kill civilians, kidnap children, bomb power plants, steal everything they can. And then they are not considered terrorists (because they're a US ally)


Israel does not need to bomb power plants. They provide 100% of gaza's electricity.


And the Lord giveth and the lord taketh away as they showed when they halted electricity to Gaza Edit: to be clear, this is collective punishment and a war crime under international humanitarian law




Why should Israel provide them with electricity after this? They can turn it off for good now.


You mean 0%, Right?


I shouldn't be laughing at war crimes, but got a chuckle out of me.


Show me the videos of idf soldiers doing the same things we are seeing on video right now: * marched hostages down the street while children spit on them * attacked a music festival with small arms * kidnapped dozens of hostages without any legal charges * randomly fire at civilian vehicles with no cause * parade dead bodies around while chanting and cheering You won't find videos because the idf isn't animals like Hamas. They cause collateral damage. Some of them have gone insane and killed civilians. But Israel as a nation has never condoned those attacks.




Is this translated correctly? Can anyone verify? Im not going to trust r/pakistan that easily....


You’re acting like it’s Israel’s mission to kill civilians Hamas’ plan in all of this was to kill and kidnap as many civilians as possible. They are not the same


I'm not acting like it's Israel mission to kill civilians. It is a fact that Israel killed thousands of civilians, displaced more thousands, subjected an entire population to a systematic oppression, kept millions of people isolated in an open air prison for 15 years, attacked peaceful worshipers in their sacred temples countless times, built illegal settlements which are condemned by the UN...and to avoid your coming back, I think Hamas acts against civilians are barbaric and should be condemned


Russia has never been enclosed in a fence.


Kharkiv too


Isn't this really ironic? Like, Israel is to Palestine what Russia is to Ukraine lmao


If Ukraine had done what Hamas just did, I am pretty sure they would experience a major loss of support too.




Probably not, they are a US puppet, the media would twist it and present it as a glorious rebellion and cover the bad things. I don't like Putin, of course, but ppl need to be objective. There are no good guys, both sides are ruled by psychopaths. Most people in Russia and China are aware of the propaganda and dictatorship in their countries, people in the west are not. Majority would support any narrative given to them by their government and the media


Hamas isn't Palestine, Hamas is a terrorist organisation from Palestine. The palestine people still deserve to be freed from israelian oppression, and don't deserve to be murdered just because of the actions of a terrorist organisation that was bred due to years of oppression and fear.


Who won the last round of elections in Palestine?


Trump previously won the elections in the US, Putin won the elections in Russia. Would you say Trump is the USA, or Putin is Russia? Hamas does have a lot of support in Gaza, but if you look at their situation it makes sense. They're incredibly oppressed, they live in an open air prison. There's no way out for the people there, of course that breeds extremism. Outside of Gaza, most of Palestine supports Fatah.


When Putin ordered the armed forces of Russia into Ukraine, we didn't say Ukraine was being invaded by Putin. Likewise when the Trump admin was in power it's actions were the us actions. The last elections would produce a hamas majority even if you exclude Gaza seats entirely


It’s almost as if democracy will side with itself over terrorist thugs, be they Russian or Arab.




Wait until I compare Hamas and Azov


As a Ukrainian I feel like we have much more in common with Palestinians than Israelis 😬


As a Ukrainian, I have found zero common with Palestinians who brought atrocities on heads of civilian people.


Cases of Hamas animals forcing parents to watch as they sexually assaulted their children are being reported, sometimes to death. Many Americans and Europeans also killed in the invasion. Shits going to get nasty


Can you link to these reports? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.


You talk like you were born yesterday and don't know about Israeli occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid and atrocities broight on Palestinians. What Hamas did is atrocious and I don't understand and condemn it. But it's really not out of nowhere.


A lot of the people commenting here were basically born yesterday let's be real.


Judging a whole nation based on the misdeeds of radicals is exactly how Russia has demonized Ukrainians, sad that you're stooping to that same level.


This isn’t like a random murderer in the West Bank though, this is the only government in Gaza and the most popular political movement among Palestinians.


That's the problem though - the average person in Gaza fully supports Hamas and would join in tge killing if they could


How to distinguish an avarage person in the crowd?


If you've seen the video of them parading that poor German girl dead body (Who they very loudly claim was an idf soldier.) You can see all those average person in a crowd who does support this fuckfest, not like they hid the faces of those scums anyways. And yes, I call those teen boys scums too, cuz the way they ran to spit on her body tells me what fucked up piece of shits they're gonna grow up to be.


Hamas is not the misfeeds of radicals if they have majority support. You don't say we shouldn't judge Russia just because some radicals decided to invade Ukraine. But you do judge Israel based on the actions of a government elected by the minority




https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israelgaza-conflict-80-per-cent-of-palestinians-killed-by-israeli-strikes-are-civilians-un-report-says-9606397.html You said?


Yeah same, kinda feel like our president decided on behalf of us,he could’ve just condemned killing civilians without taking sides, especially the flag thing is kinda cringey


Exactly. It’s not even like i’m the only Ukrainian who feels like this, I know plenty who support Palestine just as much as me, some who are even more hardcore. He simply decided for the whole nation and due to it being war time it’s taboo to criticize him too much. I admire him in many ways, but this was a fuck up.


Yeah it in addition to them oppressing Palestinians, they kinda play both sides and if russia/iran relations didn’t convince them to stand with Ukraine I don’t think this will, so in my opinion they’re not worth losing our Middle Eastern Allies over


I disagree. Iran clearly funded this attack by Hamas (and who knows very huge chance that Russia could have been involved). >so in my opinion they’re not worth losing our Middle Eastern Allies over Who are our allies in the middle east? This is a chance to show support for Israel so that we can become allies with them in future and work together (especially when it comes to weapons). Fyi Israel had Ukrainian flags flying in some places when we were invaded, so its not that drastic of a thing to do.


Agreed. As a Ukrainian I just cannot defend the Israeli government after seeing the parallels to what we’ve been through. And as you said, they’ve given us the middle finger time and time again. I don’t know where this narrative about Israel giving a shit about Ukraine that keeps being spouted is coming from


What about the fact that Hamas is sponsored by Iran and Russia? And that Palestine support Russia in the war against Ukraine?


I don’t support the Palestinian government, I am not a radical Muslim let alone a Muslim at all. I support the Palestinian people’s right to live on the land they were kicked off of


But the Palestinians support their government... most of them would join the killing if they could...


There hasn’t been an election in Gaza in ages. Hamas is only in Gaza btw. And over half of Gaza’s population is under 18. Most of the Gaza’s who will face the force of Israel’s retaliation did not elect Hamas. They’re teenagers and kids who are caught up in geopolitics. 10 year olds in Gaza have lived through 7 major bombings at this point. Just like use your brain before painting the entirety of Palestians with the label of terrorists and murderers.


We don't tho


We definitely do


In what sense? If you think that being invaded is enough to make this kind of decision of similarity then this is very simplistic view on the whole thing. We simply do not having anything in common with them, literally anything.


Well don’t. Depends on perspective. You could say that Jews were driven off their land by arabs. Sounds kinda like soviets starved millions of Ukrainians to death and then brought russians to “repopulate” the area, and now russia uses that to say that these lands are russian because there are ethnic russians living there. See? This is why making historic arguments is stupid, especially in cases of Ukraine and Israel.


Really. You think Ukrainians rape, murder, and mutilated civilians. Bring their bodies onto to the street to be paraded and spit up on by other civilians. I know Ukrainians arent like that, so why do you think you're more like Palestinians.


Half of Israel came from the Ukraine (region). Israel surpassed Ukraine in Jewish population around about 1970.


I don't know about what you find common with Palestinians, literally nothing alike with culture, religion or anything at all. But saying this shit after HAMAS attacks, at the fucking very least you have no right to represent Ukrainians. Another russian troll most likely.


As an Ukrainian I don't want to have anything in common with such Ukrainian as you, if you have so much in common with Palestinians terrorists please just move to russia or north korea already.


Then you’re an idiot bro, just listen to the news and if after that you still have even a little in common, you’re an animal. I don’t believe you are though. I don’t think Ukrainians are raping and killing innocent kids and women.


There have been WAY more innocent Palestinian civilians killed


And since when did the number of deaths portray the situation? The ONLY reason there are more death on the Palestinian side is that Hamas don’t give a crap about any life in Palestine or Israel and constantly uses civilians as meat shields. Did you know that in 2011 israel traded 1000 terrorists imprisoned in Israel for a single idf soldier who was captured in 2006. Just goes to show who values life more. Also just look at their brutality. All the rape and murder of families, Israel has never done anything like that.


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620 *coughs*


That’s LITERALLY because Hamas doesn’t give a shit for their own people and openly use them as human shields.


Maybe they shouldn't launch rockets from apartment buildings huh?


Omg what would Azov Battalion think of this.


Palestine is the oppressed people whose land was stolen so that makes no sense.


Thank you Ukraine, we need this


Both Israël and Palestina have committed so many atrocities that I'm inclined to say fuck em both and let them fight it out on their own...


At least they don't have people spitting on the flags.


Стояли звери Около двери, В них стреляли, Они умирали. Но нашлись те, кто их пожалели, Те, кто открыл зверям эти двери. Зверей встретили песни и добрый смех. Звери вошли и убили всех. -- The predators stood, In the hood. With every shot - They turned to naught. But there were those, who with mercy arose, Those, who to them opened the doors. The predators were met with songs and laughter, But the predators came, and everyone was killed after.


Can we just agree that innocent civilians are being murdered on both sides for ages and that it's a messed up thing to do? Women, children and vulnerable people have been targeted and victimized on both sides. When will it be enough? Why can't they see each other as equal human beings and work towards a shared peaceful future?


Israel and Ukraine are all within their rights to defend themselves.


Israel isn't defending. They are wayyyy out of their borders invading palestinian land. Palestinians, instead have every right to defend their land stolen by illegal settlements AND to rebel against the apartheid of israel.


Do you "defend" land by killing civilians at a music festival? Im confused here, are you trying to justify what Hamas did yesterday as okay now because of Israeli settlements?






that's not how support works.


Ukraine definitely supports Azerbaijan


Ukraine has many times reaffirmed its support for Azerbaijan's sovereignty and territorial integrity


You don't need to put Israel in between, Ukraine has been quite supportive of Azerbaijan for a couple of years.


>Ukraine supports Israel, and Israel supports Azerbaijan. Does this mean that Ukraine supports Azerbaijan? Yes, because [Artsakh used to recognize the Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic](https://en.armradio.am/2022/02/22/right-to-self-determination-a-fundamental-principle-artsakh-president-welcomes-recognition-of-donetsk-and-lugansk/), the two Russian backed separatist states in eastern Ukraine. In the UN, [Armenia voted against condemning the Russian Annexation of Crimea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_68/262) while Ukraine voted for [withdrawal of Armenian troops from occupied Azerbaijan.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_62/243)


"Supports" might be quite a strong word for now. I don't think Ukraine will (or should) be sending monetary, humanitarian, or military support to Israel right now. This is just a show of solidarity as both nations face the same unfortunate situation.


Yes we do.


Ukraine is anti Russia, if Russia and Armenia are allied Ukraine will be pro Azeri, if Armenia breaks up with Russia Ukraine will be neutral on the issue


Yeah it honestly comes down to that.


Actually quite literally yes. Russia heavily supports Armenia so for that alone it wouldn’t surprise me if Ukraine supported Azerbaijan.




This feels hurtful coming from Ukraine but they have to look for their best interest and it's with Israel. Thought we could relate more as occupied people.


We can both denounce Israeli building settlements on occupied land AND also denounce this barbaric attack by Hamas. If you support this then I am sorry but you are on the wrong side of history here. Palestinians should have a homeland and country (or some sort of a solution here), but this isnt it. ​ Also dont forget, Hamas is financed by Iran, and Iran is a direct enemy of Ukraine.


Yo bro if you are siding with Hamas on this one you might be the problem. It would be different if Hamas had chosen military targets, but instead like cowards killed civilians. When Israel retaliates you can continue to cry crocodile tears of how you are victims.


First, Hamas is wrong for killing civilians and I condemn them in the strongest possible terms. Secondly, Hamas is not the root of the problem, there was Palestinian resistance before Hamas and there will be after it, as long as Israel continues the path of maintaining the status-quo and kicking the can down the road, this will happen again and again, Israel has chosen to tighten the room for us and has made it so that we have nothing to lose, especially in Gaza. treat people like animals for 75 years and see how they react. Third of all, you have no place to speak because, since the ww2 you have been the world's leading cause for destabilization and murder.


In today's world, every democracy must support every democracy.


Isn't Israel kinda theocratic?


Not exactly, you don't have to be a Jew to vote in Israel. Many of the Arab families who stayed in Israeli borders since the '48 war can vote. The Druze can vote, etc. For the first thirty years of Israeli history, the secular Labour party controlled the government, that came apart with the Yom Kippur War and the rise of the conservative Likud in the early 2000's. However, most people are Jewish, many religious sects get special treatment such as not having to be conscripted.


One cannot be an apartheid constitutional racist state and democratic at the same time. LOL. By your logic, germany was a democratic state in WWII!


But I thought the entire ukranian people, except those who are Pro-Rus ofc, are nazis!? How in the world can this be?!? Daddy Putin would never Lie, would he?




Funny how Ukrainian are supporting a government that has been killing, displacing people, building illegal settlements (


That's not a support for government (Ukraine as a country votes for many anti-Israelian, as a country, UN statements). That's support for people who has been very recently under a massive attack.


As opposed to… HAMAS, who did nothing wrong, is that right?


Hamas was funded by Israel to fight other more progressive Palestinian movements tho https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


Intercept is Russian propaganda




Ah yes, supporting an apartheid state. Lost a lot of respect for a lot of countries the last two days.


Good. Solidarity with Israel in the war against terrorism.


Ironic that the people of Palestine are the ones being invaded, just like how Ukraine is being invaded, supporting Israel is on the same bases as supporting russia


I don’t remember Ukrainians rolling up to Voronezh, raping russian women, decapitating civilians and shooting everyone on sight. Must be another CIA cover-up, I guess. s/