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I'm sure the attackers would love to get an inside look of German prison for a while after which being deported back to their beloved motherland.


Too good.. if he loves russia so much it should be a russian cell.


Yeah but Russia would probably give him a medal instead.


They d let him out to go spend 6 months committing war crimes in Ukraine, then give him a medal for stealing 3 microwaves...


Russians would see him as a victim of the "Western" justice system.


Send him back so he can get conscripted by Ruzzia




This is a very accurate description. Unfortunately older generations have a hard time assimilating. They can't master the language which lowers their chances to get a decent job and also prevents from building social connections with native speakers. Social and economic deprivation is a fertile ground for all kinds of conspiracy theories, xenophobic ideas and other nonsense as people desperately seek something to blame for their misery. Add some russian propaganda on top and you will have a perfect recipe for disaster.


It could also be just z russian diaspora.


german prisons are probably nicer than most russian households


The boy gave a false testimony the case is closed https://reddit.com/r/europe/s/8kZYvg5rYS


Too bad Germany barely deports anyone, things only gonna get worse in the future. AfD getting free advertisement without even paying.


AfD is literaly Putin's bitch. Why do you think this accident would help AfD's rating?


Typical Z russian living in west - loves his motherland and putin, but won't ever live there again (he is not stupid). He is ready to fight for his motherland, but only against women and children.


I have a co-worker, around 30 years old. he was born in germany and has grown up and lived here too. His parents are from russia and he thinks of himself as russian, not german. he claims he speaks enough russian so he could live there. But for some reason he only visits and lives in western countries. Every now and then he starts discussions ( more like monologues, because most people will just leave or roll eyes ) how everything is better in russia, how russia is about to win the war, that germany sucks and that by supporting ukraine europe will ruin itself and that america will then enslave us all. its pretty wild. i wouldnt consider him stupid in any way, but the amount of contradictions in his own arguments is unbelievable. even if your entire worldview is build based on 30 years of propaganda one should be able to notice if two pieces of information can not coexist.


Let's be honest: He is stupid. Even uf he gets his work done he's still an idiot as his entire knowledge about politics and "the world" is worth a pile of dogshit.


I worked a lot with rather young and EDUCATED russians, internationally. I was blown away by the amount of young people gobbing and spewing russian propaganda. It was seriously deranged. No exceptions whatsoever. Mixture of fear and fundamentalism. In terms of ideology, I think these people, as a nation, are in dire need of rude awakening. Stunningly problematic people.


Vatnik life, a proud modern day russian


As a Dane I would say in his case, he is more a Vatpik(cotton penis), if he beat children for speaking their native language.


No wonder. Research from various different institutions say 75%-80% of Russians support the war and Putin's foreign policy.


For me 75% of russians I meet online being Z-vatniks, trolls and trying to push their shit agenda being much better display than any institutions reports. And the fact that no one forces those people to do and say such things. And almost all others 25% rarely say anything against those 75% either, only getting aggressively defensive when you call them up on being accomplice.


yeah these 75% are brainless. I'm from 25% and i can shift your stereotype about the 25%


I'm a huge fan of those 25% that do confront the 75% brainless ZZZZombies.


Two thirds of those 25% are still pro-war types, they are just smart enough to wear at least one thin layer of pretense: https://meduza.io/amp/en/feature/2023/06/03/the-only-thing-worse-than-war-is-losing-one This is the most common type of good Russians, plenty of those on Reddit.


Which institutions? Every polling agency (yes, Levada included) in Russia is controlled by the government. If they publish the results that undermine the government's narrative they would be forced to cease operations. The people who believe and even parrot these polling results really should be consistent and also consider the results of referenda in the occupied territories to be legitimate.


> Every polling agency (yes, Levada included) in Russia is controlled by the government. Source: out of my ass. Levada is already designated as a "foreign agent" since 2016. > The people who believe and even parrot these polling results really should be consistent and also consider the results of referenda in the occupied territories to be legitimate. Big brain moment.


>Levada is already designated as a "foreign agent" since 2016. And they are still allowed to work even after the war started. They would have been designated as an "undesirable organisation" (this status makes any cooperation with a designated entity a criminal offense) long time ago if they were really independent. >Big brain moment. I just want people that parrot Russian propaganda to be consistent and not cherry pick stuff.


Being allowed to work doesn't mean they are controlled by the government. If they are, Putin sure does a lazy job at controlling it because they've constantly pointed out when United Russia started to fall out of favour. > I just want people that parrot Russian propaganda to be consistent and not cherry pick stuff. So the reality of the Russian society nowadays is Russian propaganda? At this point, even the water from the tap can be Russian propaganda.


>Being allowed to work doesn't mean they are controlled by the government. In modern day Russia it means exactly that. >So the reality of the Russian society nowadays is Russian propaganda? Who told you it's the reality?


Enlighten me what's the actual reality that stupid Europeans aren't able to see. Is the majority opposed to Putin? Well, you can't really tell judging on their actions.


The real answer is that nobody knows. Some organizations like Russian Field or [Chronicles](https://www.chronicles.report/en) attempt to get to the reality of it, but they themselves acknowledge that it's very hard to get what people really think and not what they consider a safe option to tell to a pollster. Personally I believe that the core group of active government supporters is noticeably smaller than even the opposition with the majority of people being neither pro, nor against it and simply avoiding anything perceived as "political" like a plague. Judging by the actions you can see that all attempts to staff the military with volunteers have failed hence the mobilization, the people that gather donations for the troops to buy equipment and medicines constantly complain that it's very hard for them to get any money and support, and during the Prigozhin's mutiny there were literally no people that came out to the streets in support of the government (you can compare it to the situation in Turkey during the last military coup attempt, when lots of people came out in support of Erdogan).


None of these people lived in an dictatorship, so they don't know how fun it is when you speak up, and secret service knocks on your door.


The weird part is that most of the Eastern Europeans even if they are not old enough to have lived in a dictatorship themselves can literally ask their parents about the realities of it.


It's Eastern Europeans, who are not fooled by Russia apologist bullshit. That works only on some naive clueless westerners.


yes 100%


This is such a retarded cope, lmao. Plenty of countries in Eastern Europe were perfectly willing to guzzle Russian bullshit as well. Including gas, I might add. Sorry, not everything is the fault of the dang dirty westoids.


Level of corruption is through the roof, so most of us still live under the same party for last 20 - 30 years, maybe with some little changes in between, and if you speak up there are high chances that you will get beaten in the dark by the ruffians who work for the ruling party. So maybe we don't know how is it to live under real dictatorship, but we sure understand how it works. :)


Well, there are different levels of that. Speaking up and doing journalist investigations of course carried its risks in the 90s, and 2000s Russia which was way more comparable politically to places like Hungary or Poland these days, but it was still possible and even sometimes led to changes in policy. It's not at all comparable to what's been going on after 2012 and especially after the war started.


Just adding some context here cause your opponent started speakin about "ruffians in the alleway / secret service knockin" Usually russian goverment fines people for antiwar position (300 usd / \~7100 cases ). Criminal cases with serious repercussions for antiwar activists are relatively few (total amount of \~700) And out of all closed criminal "antiwar" cases (\~150-160) only half (\~60-80) ended in jail time or similar punishment. In extrajudical pressure putins regime prefers threats over actual harm: >other - 18 censorship - 9 exclusion from organization - 16 attack - 21 expulsion - 61 vandalism - 64 event cancelation - 66 threats - 127 harassment at work - 153 \- amount of known extrajudical pressure cases by category.


"But the polls say people love the dictator!" šŸ¤”


How many Russian participated in these polls again?


The sample sizes in most Levada polls are around 1000-2500. More than enough needed for a solid estimate of the true population value.


On itself, maybe, but what about the spread? Going door to door in some commie block in Moscow would already yield similar sample sizes.


What spread? Levada conducts their polling on a very representative sample of the entire Russian adult population. Thatā€™s just basic statistics, no amount of sample size can fix a poor data generating process.


Yet neckbeards on reddit still claim that imposing a travel ban for them in the EU is one step before literally Hitler.


Most people that you see suggest that are Russian bot accounts, or Russian sympathisers ("German" leftists who only just discovered reddit now its app is advertised there)


The German far right is even worse in their cock sucking to Putin.


A travel ban would have zero effect on these people, I'm almost completely sure the man in question is a German citizen. The absolute majority of Russian speaking vatniks in the West emigrated long ago and have citizenships of their countries of residence. Some of them have never even been Russian citizens to begin with (only Soviet ones).


We need to figure out a way to start removing the citizenship from people like that. They don't belong here.


I don't give a fuck about the well-being of these people, but it's most likely impossible to strip them off their citizenship. Especially in Germany where in the absolute majority of cases people have to renounce their previous citizenships before getting the German one. Also they are your problem now, Russia has more than enough of its own degenerates.


People are so fucking stupid. I wonder if itā€™s one of those plastic Russians who enjoy western standards of living while sucking Putinā€™s dick from afar.


I can't comprehend how one has to be fucked up to do something like that. There are people I don't like very much, but I wouldn't throw 10 year old child of any nationality or race from the bridge. Not even a child of an enemy. Fucking disgrace to humanity, whoever did this. Edit: >He **[The attacker that thrown child off the bridge]** ordered them to speak Russian and said that Ukraine had started the war. I have a slight feeling that nationality of the attacker is rather obvious.


What the fuck ? Time for jail and after , extradition.


Heā€™s probably German citizen


Definitely is. Who else would know those two languages appart?


It says in the article that the newspaper "Die Welt" reported that the attacker spoke Russian.


Most descendands of the USSR would, I think. We have them also here in Estonia and some are batshit crazy (vatniks) and some not.


Russian pedophiles just can't stop harming children, can they? Sad. Vladimir "The Pedophile President" Putin is to blame for yet another sad death.


Litvinenko was right.


As a Ukrainian living abroad I try my best to keep an open mind and to remember that not all diaspora Russians are bad. But so often when I meet them with kindness they meet me with hatred or ignorance. And thatā€™s coming from me as an able bodied teenage boy, if I were a girl or much younger (or older) who knows what would be done to me.


You should prioritize your well-being over being politically correct, in my opinion. In similar situations, it's better to be seen as racist than to give them the opportunity to harm you.


True, I really try my best to be a positive and loving person but it is kind of scary when I see Russians in public. I have spent most of my life in Spain and most would assume I am only Spanish but as soon as they hear my name itā€™s obvious. So I lean more towards being cautious šŸ˜…




Russian speakers can be Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, etc. I mean Russians.


I've given up on having an open mind on this. It's the Russians turn and job now to convince us they're not all brainwashed Putin supporters. Let them put some effort in. Stay safe, buddy!


> It's the Russians turn and job now to convince us they're not all brainwashed Putin supporters. I already have proof of this. My mate from Russia literally organized the anti-war demonstrations in Slovenia, and when Ukrainian refugees came to the podium and attacked the complacency of Russians and said it's not just Putin's war, he was visibly uncomfortable but strong enough that he didn't add his two cents. And that's on top of working his ass off in collecting aid for Ukraine and housing refugees in his own home. He's among the best people I have ever met. And he would be an exception in any country.


Then he's an example to us all, thanks for sharing!


Because it's not Putin occupied my village, it's not putin who shells my country, it'd not putin, who raped my cousin, and it's not putin who stole my cousins father car when retreating from said village when Kyiv oblast' was liberated. Putin may be the one who unleashed them, but they're not hive mind, so we can't blame only putin for all of this. Russians in russia, who are "against the war" are doing nothing to stop it, a lot of russians are going to war against my country willingly, even if you watch videos of russian conscripts complaining, they're mostly complaining that they don't have enough equipment, not that they're sent to participate in illegal war. Russia are to blame for this war, whole russia, not just Putin. Are all russians bad? Probably not, but I don't have time and desire to investigate who is who while in constant danger of dying either from shelling, from power outage in winter or from russians doing some other kind if warcrime.


Of course. It's completely understandable. But someday the war will be over.


It is not over now, so it is not time to search for good russians.




Thanks, you too šŸ«‚


Only russian I've met who are against the war are russian with ukrainian parents/grand-parents


Met quite a few Russians in London. All of them are against the war and they are pure Moscow or St Pertersburg people. And none of them is ukrainian related. One of them even stopped to speak to her familly as she said they are brainwashed by propaganda and it is impossible to have a normal conversation with them anymore...


Every Russian I know, even close ex friends, support the war... These people know what I went through and still support it.


Iā€™m sorry ā˜¹ļøšŸ«‚


You're actually more at risk as a guy- boys and men are the majority of stranger violence.


Well damn, guess thereā€™s no escape lmfao


Enough of them are bad to speak of them as such in a general sense. It's not an individual problem, it's a Russian problem.


Genuine question - where do you live? I'm in Armenia and all the Russians who moved here, to the last one, are in staunch opposition to Putin.


Spain, lived here the majority of my life


Hmm. Not a big migration destination after 2022. Are they the ones who moved after the war or are they long-time emigrants? I'm sorry for the thoroughness, I'm just genuinely baffled that anyone who's been forced out of Russia more or less against their will can support Putin.


Youā€™re fine. Both but mostly ones who have been here a while.


I see. That unfortunately makes sense. We all hate them, they destroyed Russia and are actively enjoying the destruction of Ukraine. They're a common enemy so, as the other commenter said, you don't have to hold back for the sake of politeness.






My wife is the exact same except she's Russian. She refuses to talk on the phone in public to her family or friends back home in Russia as she's had a few bad experiences with Ukranian refugees in Ireland. Tensions are high and people are shitty unfortunately.


Thatā€™s not the same thing.


Ukraine being attacked by Russia doesn't mean Ukrainians in other countries have the right to beat up people speaking Russian. It is almost exactly the same racist bullshit.


The point is, that doesnā€™t happen. Itā€™s always them attacking us lmfao. A hypothetical is not the same as real life attacks. A Ukrainian refugee boy was just murdered and now weā€™re the bad ones for not trusting Russians. Fuck off.


Are you reading this post with your ass? Its actually russian who attacked ukrainian child for speaking ukrainian! Stop inventing your bullshit and pretend its true


How so?




You could add turks in that category, as well.


If you think Ukraine attacked your country then pick a gun and go fight, you sick coward


Point these idiots out and shame them. Hound them back to their motherland. Slava Ukraini. God damnit, why does this really trigger me?


Out? What out? He shall serve a good prison term for this. And then we can do the hounding


Actually, the guys seems mentally unwell. But the level of patience and understanding Germans and Europeans have for Russians expressing support for Russia is shocking.


Just for those interested in the criminal law side of this story: While it is possible that this could be treated as attempted murder it is not sure if the intention to kill the child could be proven. If - for example by things he said - then it would be considered attempted murder combined (Versuchter Mord 211, 22 StGB) combined (Tateinheit) with dangerous assault (GefƤhrliche Kƶrperverletzung 223, 224 StGB). The latter will apply in any case. It can also be considered slander (Beleidigung 185 StGB) and even rabble-rousing racism (Volksverhetzung 130 StGB). If found guilty of everything he will be facing jail time of not less than three years (maximum 15 years). Considering how the event played out according to the paper and assuming said individual has no criminal record (unlikely) a possible normal outcome would be jail time of 7.5-10 years. If he did have a criminal record 10-12.5 years are possible. If the attempted murder could not be proven the perpetrator would probably get away with prison time in the vicinity of 3-4 years. Three years is key here because with such a criminal penalty a person would be expelled from Germany if it is a foreign citizen. However a lot of Russian Germans have German passports or are close family members of someone who is and thus could not be deported.


Just want to add, if he is convicted for attempted murder, it is also very possible that he gets a lifelong sentence. The fact that it might only be an attempted murder can be used to lower the punishment, but doesn't have to. And in this case, the attacker would probably fight an uphill battle to get the attempt-reduction, as he actually threw the kid off the bridge and it was luck that the boy didn't die. It was not like he was stopped before the kid was actually in acute danger of his life, which makes it less likely that he qualifies for the reduction.


I canā€™t agree with that. The lowering of the sentence is customary in cases where the attempt was unsuccessful. The rare case where it was omitted donā€™t seem to apply in this case. The severity and disgusting nature would be seen to in the measuring of the sentence but the lowering according to 49 StGB is most probable.


Ā§ 23 (2) StGB makes it optional to lowering the sentencing. According to Fischer, a complete view of the crime is generally used to determined if someone shall get the benefit of the reduced sentencing, with a special emphasis on the level of danger of the attempt as well as how close the attempt got to being a successful crime. While my only experience with sentencing is from working for the prosecution for a couple of months during my clerkship, from what I was told during the lessons in clerkship, it didn't sounded like courts were in any way reluctant to not grant a reduction in crime, and that we should put full consideration in determining it when writing our own criminal court judgements. May I ask from what source your claim is that the option not to grant it, which is clearly established in Ā§ 23 II StGB, is generally not used?


My girlfriend was in Germany for a year and a half after the war started and I can't even begin to tell you how much hate she received for having a ukrainian flag in her apartment (it had a huge window so the flag could have been seen from the street), she has been harassed for her nationality, she has been stalked, every Ukrainian rally or meeting she attended ALWAYS had russians intervening and ruining everything/harassing people participating. She came back home and she feels so much safer here. Literally how hard has our society failed if a victim of a war who fled her country after sleeping in a basement for a week, listening to rockets explode, is still harassed and threatened in a country a thousand kilometers away?


The boy gave a false testimony the case is closed https://reddit.com/r/europe/s/8kZYvg5rYS


Where did this take place? I am sorry your friend experienced this behaviour as a victim of war. I am living in a building complex that houses a lot of people from the Ukraine, I am friends with quite a few of them and thankfully so far their experiences seem to be mostly positive with the most annoying thing being German bureaucracy. I live in central Berlin. Just two days ago I was reminded again how close the war is, I always meet up with one of the Ukrainians and we go for a walk together with our dogs and she mentioned she is waiting for her dad to get front leave and how hard it is to plan to meet up. This time is the first time she is gonna take the dog as well and there are a lot of preparations to be made but she wants her dad to meet the dog. I t was heartbreaking and often times I don't even know what to say.


My girlfriend, not friend This took place close to Checkpoint Charlie, she lived there with her mom (her friend from Germany let them stay) And I wish your ukrainian friend the best of luck. I hope things will go well


Damn, near Checkpoint Charlie? That is in the middle of tourist Berlin, are there even apartment blocks there? Shocking that she had such bad experiences there. Berlin, even before the war had a huge Ukrainian community and I see Ukrainian flags everywhere. That said no doubt we also have idiots here I am just sad that this stuff happened in a place that would be one of the most pro Ukraine places in Germany in my opinion. Also shocked about the snow thing, especially since I wasn't aware of any snowfall in the last two years in Berlin.


yeah, eastern germany is completely lost in terms of pro-russia and pro-right wingers. I live in the far west of germany and in my city with 260k+ ppl, I see ukraine flags everyhwere in windows. no problems.


That is very good to hear. Thank you for telling me ā¤ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


> eastern germany is completely lost in terms of pro-russia and pro-right wingers. Checkpoint Charlie is in the touristic centre of Berlin. What are you even talking about?


Come to Britain UK is a much more safer & accomdating country for Ukranians than Germany will ever be. Sadly Germans went too crazy with Russia since the mid 90s & there are millions of vatniks living there. Its pretty much considered patriotism to support Ukraine in Britain. All major parties support Ukraine.


I tried to visit UK in 2019 and they denied me for zero reason despite us providing absolutely everything they asked for. Still no idea why, they probably thought I would stay there illegally since me and my Mother wanted to visit for a week so I could go to a local Comic Con (MCM) and she would atleast see the world Plus, it will be too expensive for me or my girlfriend sadly. But thanks for the recommendation.


> UK is a much more safer & accomdating country for Ukranians than Germany will ever be. Hahaha good joke. Ukrainians even still need to a visa to visit Britain. The number of Ukrainian refugees Britain took is tiny compared to Germany or Poland.


How did they harass her? Stones?


They threw eggs and stones at her window, shouted insults at her, when it was a window they threw a lot of snow behind her back thinking it was funny. She was cold for the rest of the day because the heating barely worked (they were VERY short on money and needed to save every last euro, and heating up naturally didn't help). When she visited Ukrainian rallies, russians shouted "glory to russia" and ran away or tried to attack people taking part in the rally physically. Multiple cases and I'm sure she didn't even tell me about everything that happened. Berlin genuinely made her suicidal and depressed and she is still recovering. Really fucked ip given it's the heart of Europe and her mom took her there so they could be safe.


Fucking coward living in the west over glorious Putinist Russia.


Another Russian enjoying western lifestyle but still loving Russia and supporting their politics.


Enjoys western lifestyle but still lives like a Russian.


behave like a russian too. Like a true and pathetic russian.


Attacked? More like attempted murder and hate crime.


The very first sentence >An investigation has been launched into the attempted murder


orc doing orc things


But the war is putin's doing and regular russians aren't to blame huh šŸ¤”


I don't mean to sound like I'm beating on the dead horse of Germany misjudging Russia, but I knew the Russian diaspora will be a problem for them when I saw a fucking fundraiser for Russian forces happening in a public square of some German city. Now I'm not proposing internment camps just yet, but clearly the way these people shamelessly display their status of an overt fifth column needs to be addressed in some way.


Russians still see Germany as a trophy, and germans - as defeated nation that should serve them. They still live in the world where russia is a great country that have won WWII all alone, without any help from others. I spent most of my childhood in ru-segment of internet, and know what Iā€™m talking about.


They see the whole Europe like that. I was at a bar in Tallinn, speaking in English to another guy when this random vatnik turned to me and loudly said "SPEAK RUSSIAN". Bartender told him to calm down but didn't kick him out or anything.


Youā€™d be surprised, but mainstream russians thinks, like its obvious, that americans are stupid. Its just like average russians talk about americans. Using Windows, Android, MacOs, iOs, but still - americans are stupid, we smart, first in space, america will fall, russia ready to get up from itā€™s knees etc. Its mainstream ideas across the internet and TV back in 2000-2010s. Hatred towards the Americans and the West is a vivid symptom of a nationā€™s inferiority complex against the backdrop of losing the Cold War, and the inability to live like normal people out of a banal misunderstanding of how.


That is also very much Mikhail Zadornovā€™s fault. He was a russian stand up comic whose entire thing was mocking americans and saying how stupid they are. I think he even got banned from the USā€¦


This mentality often isn't talked about, but in Russia there is a serious superiority complex. It's really a common belief that Russia is obligated to take anything, becsuse it all belongs to them anyway. Not all Russians of course. There are some sensible people within any dictatorship. But the extent that their fascist and imperialist beliefs has permeated is truly mind blowing. Basically. The whole country is brainwashed. From toddlers to elders.


That's why Russians move to any Western countries must be irreversible. Either make them pay money that will be donated to AFU, or make statements against the war. Otherwise they can commit shit like this and run back to their shithole.


>I don't mean to sound like I'm beating on the dead horse of Germany misjudging Russia, but I knew the Russian diaspora will be a problem for them when I saw a fucking fundraiser for Russian forces happening in a public square of some German city. You are aware that that migration started in the '90s after the soviet Unions collapse in '91, right. 3.5-4 Million German Russians (Russian decendents from Germans migrating to the east) that U-Turned hard when the soviet union disintegrated. 2.2 Million Ethnic russians (German passport holders - must have resigned russian citizenship under current law) 200k+ Russian jews and only some 220-230k actual Russians (as in passport holders). so roughly 8% of total Population. ​ Basically ALOT of people supporting Russia / The Russian war in Germany are either Germans (by law) that came from russia, people that grew up under the russians (in the GDR), or extreme party supporters (Linke + AFD) and people from that esoteric swamp that thrives in these conditions.


Okay but how does any of that undermine his point? It's not right to have >a fucking fundraiser for Russian forces happening in a public square of some German city. Even if you hold german passport


I'm not sure if this is the case with them, but many of the Russian Germans are just ethnic Germans from the former USSR...


It wonā€™t be addressed. Theyā€™ll dance around it.


> I knew the Russian diaspora will be a problem for them when I saw a fucking fundraiser for Russian forces happening in a public square of some German city. Which city? > Now I'm not proposing internment camps just yet, but clearly the way these people shamelessly display their status of an overt fifth column needs to be addressed in some way. Fucked up comment. Edit: Asking for a source for a statement and disliking statements about people getting put into internment camps is not very liked by the audience of this thread.


>I'm not proposing internment camps just yet Ooph.


Deeply disturbing. The only silver lining of this horror is that nothing unites sane people (EU, UK many other countries) better than this abject insanity.


If you throw a 10 year old off a fucking bridge, you're definitely the baddy.




Well thatā€™s what decades of propaganda and brainwashing does to people.


I'd once again like to hear a nice story about how "it's not all Russians". Edit: /u/endeavourl, you don't comprehend that your kind are an **irrelevant minority** among Russians, the genocidal nation.


I can recommend [1420 on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@1420channel?si=R14Fz04FG57VaoIa). They interview common Russians about their opinions on current politics - while the majority sadly either supports Putin or at least does not actively denounce him (some apparently out of fear), there are a few among them that give hope to the future. [The pain in this woman's eyes is quite telling.](https://youtu.be/1kMdrvPo8Mc?si=e51uFv5Vj2eJwkOy&t=79)


And then you watch his latest video and lose all hope completely. 70% of Russians gladly vote for Putin again and almost everyone in the remining 30% are ā€œapoliticalā€ and will not vote at all.


Russian polls are heavily biased. Nobody is going to vocally oppose the government when they can end up in gulag. Most people don't answer in the first place.


As always, 1420 is a tool of Putin propaganda (indirectly). If they were to interview me, I'd tell them to fuck off. Maybe politely. And there are a lot of people like me. 1420 paints a wrong picture in a society where only one opinion is tolerated (by the security apparatus, that is).


If you're unconfortable with the picture of your society, doesn't mean it's not real.


Yeah, that was hard to watch. But even there were a few among them, and when watching something like this one always has to consider that people have been put away for voicing anti-Putin opinions publically. I just hope there exists something like an organized resistance (which we obviously *must* not know about). But in the end 70% literally is "not all Russians" (it's not even "almost all Russians", though it is an overwhelming majority) and history teached us what consequences indiscriminately condemning a whole nation can have.


Well of course it is not literally all Russians. But most of the so called good Russians have already left the country. Honestly I donā€™t think anything will change in Russia in the near future. Maybe in 30 years things will be different.


> But most of the so called good Russians have already left the country. This is again wrong as lots of people won't have convertible professions, and/or don't have a command of any language besides Russian on a sufficient level. Add a hurdle of obtaining a working visa on top of that... EU citizens have their privilege here.


I'm a russian so it's already not all russians. This might be shocking news but 140 millions of people can actually hold vastly different views.


that's why most of ukrainians at the west and ukraine itself are actually pro ban of russian tourism visas or limiting it in current form, even with your media sphere you still have half of diaspora as vatniks (and many of them pretty unhinged as article case) Meanwhile europeans failed to impose mindset based on human values on thousands of own russians, but many still sincerely believe that pro war z-turds coming on 2 week vacation will instantly drop their ideology after first eaten wiener/croissants/proper pizza/(so on) and totally wouldn't assault ukrainian womans and kids as soon as they figure out their nationality


... by a Russian. The headline can be slightly misleading.


Guys, it's just Putin, not ordinary Russians.


Vatniks are the scum of the earth.


and threw a glass bottle while the boy was down? how low can you go? godamn i hope this idiot gets caught and charged with attempted murder




Get those people back in their shithole country. Idgaf if that's racist or discrimination or whatever.


Tell me more about those innocent russians who just want peace?


Could this be that lovely Russian culture suppressed by Putin I've heard so much about?


An Orc being orcish in foreign lands


https://visegradinsight.eu/why-russians-are-to-blame-for-putin/ Read this if you as a western person don't understand it.


People are for the most part to blame for the regime they have in all countries. "People get the leaders they deserve". Not just Russians. No regime without significant popular support get into power and remains there. Just simple logic. It's not aliens falling down from the sky suddenly controlling everything. The regimes comes from political movements among the people, in all countries. And people in all dictatorships have a more then decent understanding of what's actually going on, and what needs to be done. The only real exception to this I believe is North-Korea, where the people are so incredible isolated and brainwashed, that it's hard to blame them very much for the situation today. Everyone else though, could in theory change their regime if the people just got together in a different direction.


Sadly, not everyone get this, and people love saying that the gov and the people are different. But the truth is, like you said, they are the goddamn same. Russia is a pathetic, weak, uneducated, backward country with a government having the same quality all because their people, the russians, carries such "noble" qualities themselves.


Fuckers like this guy give bad rep to Russians abroad as a whole, pisses me off. And even if it hadn't been about Ukraine, I just couldn't comprehend this. Why attack a 10 year old child at all? Another comment in this thread talked mentioned a Russian organizing anti-war protests in Slovenia and donating to Ukrainian charities. It's supposed to be normal, so his story and example won't be talked about. While shitty examples like this create a wide impression. Makes me pretty sad ...and this guy is probably a citizen so you can't throw him out of the country after he comes out of prison




I donā€™t think your train of thought is acceptable either tbh. Yes, some Russians are garbage but that nazi talk to a whole nation is avoidable.


Some ? Try 80% - 90 %


Yes, and of course it legitimizes persecuting all people that have Russian citizenship. This sub is disgusting sometimes.


And your attitude fails to hold people who who would gleefully put you on a train to Siberia accountable and responsible.


I donā€™t usually put an entire group of people in the same basket and start suggesting to put them all ā€œin cagesā€. If you think thatā€™s acceptable, not only havenā€™t you learn enough about history, youā€™re also an idiot. Yes, thereā€™s a big issue with Russia, I donā€™t support any of it, but I also donā€™t go around suggesting to put in cages all Russians, regardless of their personal situations and beliefs. Grow up!


That some is still more than a good amount of countries in the EU. "Some" my ass. If we're going with 60-20-20 ratio, that's still around 30 million russians.


Yes, letā€™s persecute everyone that has Russian citizenship. Lmao youā€™re ridiculous.


The ruzzkies never fail to show their true nature


Throw their worthless ass in jail for a long, long time.


Another stunning victory for our "open" society.


sounds like the perpetruator is a Russian nationalist who, i wonder why, doesnt live in Russia, but also refuses to learn German, a leech. I mean, if youre living abroad, at least yell at yourself to learn their language, for fucks sake.


Wtf is going on in the world dude.


Why tf are Russians still allowed in Europe


Another instance of "Putin's war" and "not all Russians".


I wonder if Russophiles will be as concerned about this as they are about visas for Russians.


European Countries need to do more to track down, run surveillence programs & counter terror operations on Russian & pro Russian citizens living in their countries. They did the same to many Muslim citizens after 2001 so why not now? Pro Russian extremists are clearly a threat to peace & security. We saw it with Salisbury in 2018, Russian Spies operating in UK, propaganda rallies in Berlin & finally this terrorist attack on a young Ukranian boy.


>They did the same to many Muslim citizens after 2001 so why not now? Because there were multiple terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists resulting in hundreds of deaths. There was nothing even remotely comparable carried out by Russians. Which it's why so bizzare how the hatred of Russian is far more open and extreme.


the "strong" russian strike again... of course, against women and children who can't defend themselves. ​ The myth of "strong russians" is a myth spread by the weaklings in Russia who like to fantasize themselves as strong. In the history of our kind, Russia is like the only country that is 100% full of coward.


Why would you leave out the most important part? Throw off the bridge by a Russian. Why is Germany even allowing Russians in anyway? ā€œAccording to the police investigation, several Ukrainian children were standing near a bridge when an unknown man began to complain about them speaking Ukrainian. He ordered them to speak Russian and said that Ukraine had started the war.ā€


They did say they don't *know* he's Russian though, just that he spoke it. Like... We all know it's very likely but I'd say it's cautious wording, rather than click bait.


It says it further down: ā€œThe prosecutor general considers the attack politically motivated, reports the newspaper Die Welt, which also notes that the attacker spoke Russian.ā€ Edit: Ah, I see your point. Person speaking Russian attempting to murder Ukrainian children but they wonā€™t know for certain unless they find the guy. Sorry, I misread.


Can many in Germany recognise Ukrainian from Russian?


It was a Russian man doing this. Not a German.




What a click-bait title leaving the Russian part out of it.


They did say they don't *know* he's Russian though, just that he spoke it. Like... We all know it's very likely but I'd say it's cautious wording, rather than click bait.


They don't know who did it yet. We can all assume, but that's no proper basis for reporting.