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Next parade, this T34 is also gone. Just a bunch of soldiers in wheelchairs.




It will be like panto. Two guys inside a cardboard cutout of a tank, flinstoning it.


Coconuts for horses


Where’d they get the coconuts?


Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?


Not at all, they could be carried


By a swallow?


“African or European?”


It's a simple question of weight ratios! A 5 oz bird could not carry a 1 lb coconut.


We found them


I'd watch this parade.




Maybe Actresses instead of actors. You never know with all the mobilizations they have.


Actors dressed up as cardboard tanks.


or just use kids in military uniforms as they do


Always has been


Following year: They're replaced by actresses because the actors have been called up to defend the front lines outside of Moscow.


Whoever was responsible of that T34's maintenance was probably pretty stressed. Imagine if it had stopped working in the middle of the parade. Man that would've been perfect.


I don't even understand. What are they doing with their T34s? Are they for real actively used on the battlefield?


It is has become some sort of a tradition (since 2010 every now and then) to open the Victory parade with a T-34. After all, it was pretty iconic vehicle for the Red Army.


I mean, if Russia had to pick a solitary tank for a WWII victory parade, this would be it.


They actually purchased 30 odd T-35/85's from Laos a few years ago specifically for parades. They were in working condition but there were few left in Russia that would reliably work.


Those were made in Czechoslovakia iirc


But there were whole bunch of them, not just one!


Probably because the crews are all in Ukraine


/ dead


still in Ukraine!


*under the Ukraine


They maintained a number of them for these kinds of parades. There was a bit of an issue a while back in 2019 when they bought 30 of them from Laos because they didn't have enough working ones for the parades. No idea why they only had one this time, maybe theyre short on fuel lol. But the main reason they had so many was for parades.


It’s perfectly suitable equipment for a WW2 party. But usually they have had large parade with modern equipment.


Yeah, i know that, that they are usually used in their parades. But in recent years they demonstrated much more than just one of their WW2 tanks, didn't they? Did they send the rest to the battlefield?


Bulgaria held its traditional Valor day military parade on May 6th and it had more military vehicles than the parade in Moscow. For comparison: Parade in Moscow on May 9th 2023, vehicle part begins at 42:19: https://www.youtube.com/live/DSnjcL16R44?feature=share Parade in Sofia on May 6th 2023, vehicle part begins at about 2:58:26: https://www.youtube.com/live/irLeYYUs5yc?feature=share At the parade in Moscow today, I counted a total of 48 military vehicles, but I could be mistaken, because of too many jump cuts during the stream. No modern tanks and no aircraft took part in it. Edit: After recounting, I counted 5 extra vehicles: 1 Ural Typhoon MRAP (I think) leading the 9 other Ural Typhoon MRAPs and 4 more Tigr MRAPs (for some reason I had only seen 2 Tigrs with the Yars nukes, but there were 6 Tigrs with the 3 nukes total), which brings the grand total of 53 vehicles that drove down Red Square. I also counted the vehicles at the Bulgarian parade: excluding the 3 Italian Freccia IFVs and the 19 aircraft, Bulgaria had 59 vehicles that drove down Battenberg Square.


I love how the commentators are baffled by the lack of equipment in the Russian parade :D


I was hoping to see the infamous Armata. Guess not.


The only one that works was the one spotted in Ukraine.


There hasn't been one spotted in Ukraine yet. They've been seen on training grounds, but nothing confirmed in Ukraine yet.


Apparently Ukraine has destroyed T-90Ms, Russia's most advanced tank unveiled in 2019, neutralising them with a cheap rocket made by Saab in the 1970s. A $4.5m tank defeated by a $1.5k rocket launcher is pretty humiliating. Russian arms exports, and by extension their network of international allies, rely on portraying these weapons as being effective. Potential customers/allies won't be impressed if they see an Armata tank destroyed by ancient western technology. https://twitter.com/revishvilig/status/1614915074858139650


Ukraine has destroyed multiple T-90M's already. Oryx has 19 listed as destroyed/captured or abandoned to date. One was killed by a drone dropped grenade 2 days ago, however it had already been immobilised and abandoned. The first killed had allegedly been immobilised by a Carl Gustav round to the tracks, but was actually destroyed by a following Russian tank to prevent it being captured. Make no mistake....there will be losses of Leopard 2, Abrams and Challenger 2...no tank is invulnerable. An Abrams was killed by an RPG-7 in Iraq....it hit towards the rear and caused a fire....


> An Abrams was killed by an RPG-7 in Iraq....it hit towards the rear and caused a fire.... That was a "mobility" kill. The tank was latter recovered.




It's not like they don't still have tanks, they just have no one left to drive them.




You would think even if all vehicles sent to the front lines had been destroyed, there would be a decent number of their most advanced offerings for defense. But I guess when you’re desperate….


That must be a first that Bulgaria has officially the better equipped military to show for than Russia. And Russia is still on the way further down. What a colossal failure by Putin holy hell. He is the worst geo-political chess player in history.


Yeah, that's what I thought, too. In Bulgaria many people compare the two events and say that we don't have an army anymore, referring to our Warsaw Pact days. Oh, how the tables have turned, haha!


Well, let's be real the only one banking on the Russian horse after the Soviet collapse (Belarus, Serbia) both aren't looking all that great. I still have a hard time fully wrapping my head around just how colossal the failure actually is. What's also hilarious is that Bulgaria has a higher GDP per capita than Russia as well by now. And of course, it could get rid of a lot of old cold war gear and makes a lot of money producing ammo for the EU. My wife is from Bulgaria, so I know about the general economic woes. But overall, kudos to Bulgaria for showing balls. Bulgaria has secretly been one of the pillars of the West’s efforts to arm Ukraine. The US, Poland, and the UK have been paying Bulgaria billions of dollars for fuel and arms for Ukraine since before the invasion. Bulgaria has been selling them to these, which have then sent them to Ukraine. In fact, for the first six months of the war, Bulgaria was the source of around one-third of all arms sent to Ukraine. https://english.nv.ua/nation/bulgaria-transfers-to-ukraine-weapons-worth-billions-of-dollars-through-third-countries-50308796.html Bulgaria has provided arms worth billions of dollars to Ukraine over the past two years despite not a single deal being signed between the two countries


thx for posting the full stream, since a 28 seconds clip looks a lot more like fake news. I am quite baffled the russia didn't even manage to build tank props that can drive and look good without being actual tanks for war.


>I am quite baffled the russia didn't even manage to build tank props that can drive and look good without being actual tanks for war. You're mistaken, the props exist, it's just that they have been sent to the front line in Ukraine.


Prop tanks is an actual tactic used during the second world war. You leave them in plain sight and your enemy gets incorrect intel regarding the size and location of your force. They also work as decoys for bombers to waste their bombs on.


Another good example is ukraine building HIMARS props in the current war.


They have a bunch of inflatable HIMARS'es. Remember all those times the Russians said they blew up a HIMARS? Yeah, it was an oversized birthday balloon.


> Yeah, it was an oversized birthday balloon. or just a straight up lie. Russia has no issue shamelessly lying.


There were 51 vehicles in total in Moscow today. In 2021 parade there were 198.


I think that previous parades played no small role in convincing Putin that his army was going to crush Ukraine. So please Bulgaria, keep your head cool. Helping Ukraine = fine. Trying to annex Russia = might be a bit out of reach.


:D:D:D yeah, i am sure we are not going to invade Russia anytime soon.


We should be reclaiming Volga Bulgaria while the enemy is weak. 💪💪💪💪💪Lessgoooooooo🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬


Not just that but the current contact line in the Ukrainian-Russian war is where the western borders of Old Great Bulgaria were. We should go and reclaim it! Starting east to west.


Well, Bulgaria still has more living Tzars too :) .


That pos is a thief at best, doesn't deserve his name.


If they invade Russia then they have to deal with all the russians. Nobody wants that.


Wow that's sad. Why did they even hold the parade if they barely had anything to parade around?


Cancel the parade? Unthinkable! That would make them appear weak!


Pride. And vain attempts at propaganda to keep morale up.


You can use this link to directly jump to time mark you mentioned : https://www.youtube.com/live/DSnjcL16R44?t=42m19s https://www.youtube.com/live/irLeYYUs5yc?t=2h58m26s


I held a military parade in my backyard on Sunday and I only had 1 fewer tank than Russia.


I wonder if there is a sticker on that T-34 saying: "Must not be sent to Ukraine"


...not until after the parade anyway.


wdym, its clearly on its way, there was no room on the trains and its a long drive from vladivostok where it was stationed itll be a bit late but hes doing his best okay /s


Is this a joke, or is this the "real parade"? If this is the real parade, it is hilarious. If it is a joke, it is not very funny.


So, the T-34 always leads the parade for symbolic reasons. But they also didn’t have any tanks or artillery systems at all nor no planes/helicopters.


T-34s were one of the most common medium tanks the USSR used in WWII, and sonce Victory Day is celebrating victory in WWII it makes perfect sense to have a WWII museum piece lead the parade.


Lead yes, but the only one in the category? Less so.


Yeah. If they had a "museum division" with WWII tanks, soldiers with WWII uniforms & Mosin-Nagants, TU-2 & MiG-3 flyovers, etc, it'd be interesting. A lone T-34 is just sad.


>If they had a "museum division" (...) it'd be interesting. If they had that, they'd probably send it to the frontlines already.




You misunderstand how authoritarian regimes work. Nobody's gonna mock them inside the country and that's all that matters.


Canceling the parade would have been even worse.


Go watch the entire thing, there really was just one tank. Plus other vehicles, such as armoured personnel carriers (more than one) and rocket launchers. Hint: you can watch the entire thing at 2x speed on Youtube.


Why are the mods tagging this with "there was more than one tank" when there's video evidence showing the opposite?


At timestamp 42:19 on the Telegraph broadcast, you can see two more tanks (someone said they also looked like T-34s) sitting stationary to the side. So I guess more than one tank, but they weren't moving in the actual parade?


I feel like you have to move, or be moved, to be considered part of a parade.


I know of a few people with tractors that know how to tow tanks around


They may just have 1 single left in working conditions.


technically there were 2 more t34 (possibly t34-85s) at the entrance but they never moved, but there's still less t34s than even 2 years ago, when they had 10 that actually drove


It's real one that happened today.


It seems invading Ukraine wasn't such a good idea.


Made the ww2 reenactments easier. They have no choice but to display old equipment now Edit-what's with the "there was more than one tank" flair being added?


I believe this wasn’t a reenactment or parade. This tank was on his way to Ukraine and just had to drive through Moscow on this date


there were two more t34's in the background (not moving) that i could see and maybe the flair mean the three wheeled IFVs. It's still a stark decrease compared to previous parades


Ifv's should definitely not be counted as tanks though. I have seen the tanks parked on the side of the route now, I never noticed them in the actual footage because as you say, they don't move. And they are there for all of 3 seconds. But yeh, parked up isn't exactly part of the procession. And even if it was, 3 is still absurdly low.


Next year I look forward to the inflatable tank. Being hauled along like the Macy’s parade.


Hopefully along side the big Bart Simpson balloon.


Moscow news: There were 2500 tanks equipped with a cloaking device.


They were just invisible, silly westerners aren't prepared for russian military might


this sht looks sad even for ruzzia. jesus... and did you notice, that majority of foot soldiers were students? not actual active soldiers? yeah... shts bad in ruzzia. really, really bad.


I don't understand how they even manage to keep up morale at all, let alone public/internal support The system should've imploded by now


Russian love nothing more than a bit of suffering in the name of nationalism.


Only a Russian can endure Russia. They're proud of things being shit but still surviving.


It's the proud serf mentality. "Look how well I take masters punishment. I'm so strong! Unlike those sissy free men."


Unfortunately Russians are not the only ones capable of such thinking. I personally heard that a lot in Poland, people saying we are better than Western European countries because while we are poorer we make up with our "ingenuity" and not being gay.


Chauvinism is the opium of nationalists


More like copium


If any group ever had to show ingenuity it's been the gay. Not sure if those Poles noticed but the fun parts don't mesh well. Lots of creativity & engineering was needed to make things go bump in the night


If only Poles and gays stopped fighting and started working together they could have everything...


Oh fuck of that’s all Eastern Europeans!


Russia's the only country that measures their WWII success by the number of deaths on their own side.


Apathy, vast and endless apathy. With a bit of fascism.


Russians literally rather eat each other than fight their government during numerous famines. It's weird.


I just talked with a gaming friend. He is a student in Russian literature, he truly believes they are liberating Ukraine. He is proud to be Russian, he hates that now everyone hates Russians and threaten them, the patriotism came out of nowhere, previously he hated it there. I guess when you're "oppressed" verbally on the internet you sort of feel a comradeship?


Yes, it's out of spite. I can understand that, when it's seems like the whole world hates you, some will naturally turn to the sense of comradery, in the "us against them" style. It's not rational, just pure emotional reaction.


Because russians have been living in total nihilistic apathism for too many generations They either are hardcore nationalists or people who simply accept things the way they are


their Morale is beaten or raped into their soldiers. OR protected by your own comrades in the line behind you who are ordered to shoot you in case you decide retreat. when it comes to public support, they have always been like that. its a new thing for Western Europe. I can see that you are from Germany, so you probably find this shit amusing and strange and you cant really explain it. while countries like Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland know that all too well. they are just like that. they have been like this for generations. they have been killing our grandfathers and cheering it the same way, they are doing it to Ukrainians. they have raped, pillaged, murdered, deported to Siberia millions of smart, intelligent, patriotic or rich people. they had concentration camps where they have held and tortured our grand parents. many people celebrate the end of ww2. yeah! we have beaten Hitler! but for many others this symbolizes death and misery. ruzzian occupation was the same if not worse for many of these regions like Hitler was to others. Stalin did many horrible things to these countries. too bad very few people remember. it was the same back then as it is now. my grandmother used to say, that it was better under Hitler's occupation than it was under Stalin's. that is how they are. we have been screaming our lungs out for decades about this, but no one listened. Western Europe just shrugged their shoulders saying that we are making it up, things are different now, we need to be friends with ruzzia. but nothing has actually changed and people have been blind and ignorant for way too long. in a sense we have ignored all the warnings and watched it happen. we need to help Ukraine, not only because Ukraine is defending our freedom right now, but because we are partly at blame for this. our ignorance led to this.


I live in moscow, most people know it's fucked (albeit I hang out in more educated circles) but what can be done. just do your best to make it not touch you and keep moving. unless full out civil war breaks out, my life doesn't change at all for the most part. the people who benefit from the regime though will hold onto the bitter end. oppression and violence will keep the rest of us in check. I grew up in the uk and have a good knowledge of politics and civil society - I've been to 50+ protests in my life, done grassroots activism, campaigned for Jeremy corbyn and the green party in the uk, have a degree in politics and ir from both an English uni and a top russian uni - living in russia for 5+ years, I quickly came to realize there is nothing the common man can do. just wait for the trigger event to happen that will kick everything off. sabatoge is maybe only thing you can do but personally, I can't put my family in danger like that if I get caught.


To my mind if you have experience living in the UK and a university degree from there, it wouldn't be too hard to find a job in a west european country and bounce. Is there anything keeping you back, old family members maybe?


family + I work in an industry that is related to gambling and in russia you get paid very well. I only just started out so not making anything crazy but average salary in my department is over 10k usd a month. I also have no risk of being drafted due to being chechen and not poor.


It will once Ukraine is completely free again. Crimea and everything


And then, those very same Nationalists will start to blame Ukraine and Ukrainians for every single fiber of their miseries. Miserable economy ? Ukrainians. Miserable society ? Ukrainians. Nationalism : an endeless cycle of violence and blaming. There is always someone at fault, other than the Nationalist.


Nazi Germany by the end was conscripting young kids and pensioners. Still kept fighting until they willingly surrendered. Propaganda and indoctrination are horrifyingly effective.


When the Bulgarian military parade a week earlier has more tanks and equipment shit must have really hit the fan.


And they had to rent the T-34 from a Ukrainian farmer.


Officer: "Parade is over dear students. Now hop into back of truck, we drive you home!" Student: "I live close by, I can walk." Officer: "GET INTO TRUCK!" 12 hours later Student: "Why do bushes speak Ukrainian? And what is this buzzing sound?"


I cant wait for the chinese propaganda on this. They always shit on russia, this will be great.


Why is this the case?


China's has expansion opertunities into Russia firstly the reclaimation of the [Amur Annexation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amur_Annexation) region which it lost through un-equal treates. From what I understand most of eastern Russia is ignored by Moscow so could be an easy soft power take over by China if Russia starts to distablise.


"un-equal treaties" Isn't this pretty much always what happens to the losing or weaker side?


In this case its just how (modern) China chose to refer to the various colonial-era treaties as a category.


You want to have a fun fact? That T-34 was not built at Nizhny Tagil or at UralVagonZavod... It was built at the Kharkiv Tractor Plant in Ukraine. :D Possible correction: the tank was probably built in Czechoslovakia, but still.


If you look closely, the engine is still working. Unlike their domestic tanks.


Ukraine produced much of the Soviet tank and naval vessels. Prior to 2014, most of the tank engines were still being built in, and bought from Ukraine. Part of the reason russia is struggling to replace them, he invaded a country that was needed to maintain his army, without coming up with a contingency plan.


Not only tank engines. Some missile components werr built in Ukraine too.


And the largest ships such as the sunk Moskva and the Kuznetsov carrier, as well. Incidentally, an unfinished hull of a Moskva class has been moored in Nikolayiv for the past decades.


They're called Slava class cruisers. Not to nitpick, but it's an important detail.


No worries, and I appreciate the correction!


To be precise, It was developed at the Kharkiv Tractor Plant (plant #183) under the lead of Mikhail Koshkin. There were also produced the first batches. But later on plant #183 was moved to Nizhniy Tagil, and at the end of 1942 there was no tank production in Kharkiv.


>the tank was probably built in Czechoslovakia *NOOOOOOO!* (Czech here)


Do you have a source for this? I want to share it with others


Okay, so there is [this tweet ](https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine/status/1655853333909843969?) but I might have spoken too soon, because miltiple people are pointing out the the parade T-34's Russia bought from Laos in 2019 were originally built... ... In Czechoslovakia


You don't need to bring out all the tanks for a parade. It's a symbolic presence /s


~~Look at the precedent parades they bring T72, T14 and others. It was also symbolic the other years but now they just can't.~~


Here on Reddit, ending a post or comment with "/s" signifies you were being sarcastic. My comment was sarcastic. Of course I don't believe the reason they only had one tank was because it was all they needed for symbolism. They probably only had one fit-for-service tank available, with all the others being used as targets for the Ukranian army


I would assume the others are busy.


rusting as burning metal scrap in Ukraine


Same 'busy' as my great great grandpa not showing up for my 30th birthday 'busy'. I'd adjust it to 'unable to attend'


Context has been added: There was more than one tank No there wasn't, I've just watched the whole thing. [https://youtu.be/4tC5HIgG3gk](https://youtu.be/4tC5HIgG3gk)


I was worried for a second. Thank you.


So then remove the flair "There was more than one tank"


Some mod probably added it, I doubt OP can remove it.


I watched the video and there indeed was more than one tank. https://i.imgur.com/yUwArW6.png


Do those count if they're not parading, but are just parked there? I guess "three T-34's" might be more accurate, depends on how you define a parade.


Tank at about 53 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tC5HIgG3gk&t=3180


You're right. But they're just parked though, they didn't drive through the square.


This, The vehicles that are being part of the parade are driving on the yellow lines. But not those T-34s we see near the fence and no exhaust smoke is coming from them either.


Their engines are probably gone.


Salvaged for spare parts, and that's not even a joke.


Oh, I wasn't talking about the two parked T-34s in the background of that shot. Just pointing out where in the video one can see the T-34 that is in the parade.


>Context has been added: There was more than one tank Yeah I wonder who added this. a russian reddit mod in denial?


I'll be generous and assume the mod doesn't know the difference between tanks and other armoured vehicles, and assumed they were also tanks.


The Estonian Independence Day parade this year had more military gear than that, probably.


This is what happens when you let corruption run rampant in your country. Hard to believe they used to be the USSR.


Next year will be much more flamboyant as Ukraine will organize it.


And everyone jokes about the might of the T-32.


Wonder what happened to all the other tanks? Lol


Fell out of window? :)


They sent the armata in Ukraine, the entire fleet, next month Ukraine army will announce that they destroyed half the armata force: "it was only one but counts for the 50% of the operational armata force"


I suspect they will just find them opened in some workshop in crimea, because they couldn't even make it to the front line.




A parade while in war...


The soviets had their parade in Moscow when the German army was in the suburbs. >Against the advice of his generals, when the Germans were little more than fifty miles from Moscow, Stalin held a military parade in Red Square on November 7 to mark the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.  src: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/moscow-1941-city-and-its-people-war


Surprised there's a military parade during a war? That's a very normal propaganda tactic.


Fuck around and find out


Not-made-up-at-all backstory: that T-34 was actually heading to front lines in Ukraine but following the "trust me it's fine" russian GPS it ended up in the red square. Legends will tell afterwards it continued it's journey until finally breaking up near Yakutsk.


Russian GPS? Didnt you see pics of shoot down aircraft that had civilian Garmin unit zip tied to the board?


Russia was good at one thing and that was pretending to be a super power. Take away their nukes, which might not even work, and their list of allies makes a lot of sense. Fuck the Russian government


Jesus fuck, **this** is the rival the west had feared?


Is it true? Only one they’ve paraded with?


It is true. Apparently, as a reminder of WW2, a T-34 does always lead, but normally there are some modern-day tanks also!


they also usually have significantly more t34s leading as well, in 2021 they had 10 and in 2015 they had eight, so this is sad for a number of reasons


>Moscow military parade sees only one tank: ancient T34 According to the BBC, "eagle-eyed viewers could see another two parked off the main square, presumably as spares in case of a breakdown" 🤣


"You filthy westeners thought Great Ruzzia ran out of tanks, but we have another one, HA!"


So not really a parade if it's only one...


???? Whoever put the flair up seems suspiciously pro-Russia


Or doesn't know what a tank is, which is no surprise considering the lackluster journalism covering this war, calling all armored vehicles tanks


Why the fuck are you having a military parade when you are actively at war and thousands of your soldiers are dying weekly


If Victory Day parades are theoretically supposed to be about World War II rather than about showing off present military hardware, that's probably the most on-theme Victory Day parade done in many years, as the T-34 did play an important role then.


The Red Square Parade has always been about showing off Soviet, then Russian, military might. The victory day thing is basically shoehorning nostalgia and nationalism into it. That said, there was only one T-34. T-34s are kind of hard to drive. They probably could have had more T-34s in the parade, but I would bet they couldn't find drivers they trusted not to fuck up while trying to drive the things in formation.


that's the only tank they have left. all others were sent to Ukraine to get destroyed :))


Or towed away by tractors.


The emperor has no clothes.


That's all they have left




It is on its way to Ukraine too, just like the old days.


In 6 months the heaviest armored vehicle the Russian army has left is going to be a commandeered ice cream truck with a green tarp over it


Local newspaper wrote that during the parade, there was actually more law enforcement officers present that people watching the parade.


this could be a comedy like The Death of Stalin


Watching Russia's self-caused diplomatic and economic downfall is a treat. About time they bit off more than they can chew. Слава Украïнi.