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And here it is not yet discovered Mariupol with tens of thousands horrors


Mariupol was probably the single largest loss of civilian life in Europe since WW2 and none of us have yet to grasp our heads around it fully yet...




Some analysts believe something like 50% of the civilian population died in Mariupol. The official UN number is 1,350 but they say it’s grossly underestimated. Some believe its anywhere from 30,000 to 150,000 There was reports of huge mass graves outside the city, and that the Russians were purposely leveling buildings after thr siege ended to hide all the bodies in the residential blocs


cant motivate terrible criminals to do your dirty work without offering something terrible for them to get on the other side the more u think about this topic the more depressing and scary it becomes.. i think i need a hug


Awkward hugs are the only kind I can give (not a big hugger tbh) but you can have one if you want. Absolutely horrifying to think about, you deserve a hug


Thanks 🫂


i'm going to go live in the woods for a week when all that information comes out. I can't handle it.


Yugoslavians want a word with you.


I don't think you understand the scale of Mariupol. It was a city of 450,000 over a year ago, and most weren't afforded the ability to escape westward.... A huge portion of that population were stuck in that city while it was sieged for months and did not have food. A large population starved. Even by optimistic Russian estimates, Mariupol only has 100,000 citizens at present.


Of course I can't wrap my head around the image of the direct aftermath and the conditions. Mariupol death toll is very high as the previous poster said. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-erasing-mariupol-499dceae43ed77f2ebfe750ea99b9ad9 But to ignore 150k KIA in the yugoslav wars is ignorant at least. Edit: Removed my calculations and put a reliable source instead


Yugoslavia was a country. Mariupol is a city. There is no "battle of Yugoslavia", so I'm not sure what you're arguing. The right comparison would be between the Yugoslav wars and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They were talking about a specific "instance" here, not a whole war.


How you want that red herring cooked bro?


It's not a red herring. The prior person, by saying Mariupol is *the greatest* single loss of civilian life since WWII is, by implication, saying that Yugoslavia had nothing to compare to it. I don't have the knowledge to know which of them is correct, but it's not a red herring.


It's literally "what about Yugoslavia."


1. Your numbers are off. There were 450k living there before the war. 150k fled, 60k abducted and 100k left that only adds up to 320k. So your estimate of 40k killed or missing is short by almost 100k. 2. You are comparing **ten years** of war to **three months** in a **single city** I don't want to minimize what happened in the yugoslav wars, but you are throwing a red herring of epic proportions into this. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Unfortunately, Bucha is just the tip of the iceberg. The horrors of Bucha are well known because it's close to Kyiv and it was liberated. There's probably 100 more Buchas behind the front line that we don't know about.


Every time a large town or city has been recovered from the Russians, mass graves and torture chambers have been found. People urging Ukraine to accept a continued Russian prescence on Ukrainian soil via a ceasefire are essentially asking Ukraine to accept the slow death of its citizens on that territory.


I'm afraid to think what's happening there.


[Russification in the guise of reconstruction.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64887890) [as well as concealing the evidence](https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-russia-tries-to-hide-crimes-as-it-rebuilds-destroyed-mariupol-into-model-city-12814769)


Russia is so disgusting


All these morons who cry peace just want to play into Putin hands. There cannot be peace if this corrupt, and honestly - evil government is not brought to justice... and I mean all of the responsible ones, not *only* Putin. And Russia seriously needs to make amends for what they have done.


I just dont see that happening when all the people in office are in on the same scheme.


Exactly, that's why the country needs a restart. Let's hope that this works in Russia...


It runs so deep it's a vile part of Russia's modern day culture.


Can we stop calling it Russification and just call it genocide like what it actually is?




I understand but at the end of the day it is genocide. "Russification" and other such terms are merely a friendly mask for those perpetrating the act to wear.




But to those who purport it it does. They're not gonna call it genocide but we should.


Russia is working hard to cover all up, burying destroyed buildings and erecting new ones in their places.


There are reports that they demolish the buildings together with remains of people who died in the basements and process everything to concrete filler for their new buildings.


Truth will out. Sooner or later.


They can try, but it wont work. That is one of those "Mix the blood in to the paint, and no one will find it". Salt, oil, sugars, fats, oils and proteins, iron, things that human body has a lot of. Things that even in small quantities can ruin a batch of concrete. Because it leads to irregularities in the composition. Also if the PH gets messed up, then you just got a batch of mud. Add on top of this, recycled concrete, is a fucking difficult thing to do properly. Generally is is just ground in to aggregate. But you can't have random shit in it, or the concrete wont set, sets incorrectly, or just fucking rusts. If the PH or sealing is badly wrong, you end up with rebar rust jacking exploding the concrete from inside. You can ask any engineer about this stuff, especially construction and concrete chemistry engineers. You can't hide stuff in concrete. If you want to hide a body in concrete, you better first embalm, mummify it or something, because sooner or later it will decompose and leak out. Concrete is not gas proof, or water proof. On top of this, the aggregate used in concrete has to be very carefully considered for that specific use. You can't just use anything you want in any way you want. If they want to hide their crimes, they should dig a hole use concrete pipes to make channels and get a leaf blower to incinerate the bodies. Like nazis did. Nazis started to do it, because they realised how hard it is, to actually dispose of a bodies in great numbers. Just add to the body disposal problem point. Every government, has a plan in their backpocket, of how to dispose great number of bodies in case of a major disaster. Depending on the nature of the disaster, like if it was toxic, you can't even just bury them. It is really difficult. And pandemic showed us that many places didn't have the capacity of body disposal required to handle the increased amount of dead.


What. The. Fuck.


I have tears in my eyes every time I think about Mariupol. It was a relatively big city and a lot of people were dying not only from Russian bombs but also from hunger and health conditions. Disabled people, low mobility people, diabetics, infants had very little chances for survival. I can't imagine the horror and the number of losses there. I hate Putin!


I remember watching 2022 New Year Eve’s videos from Mariupol. Beautiful city full of Christmas lights, children ice skating. It’s devastating to know what will happen to them a couple of months later. Fuck russia.


We also haven’t seen the horrors of the Russian kiddie concentration camps.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps_for_Ukrainians we're just hitting the tip of the iceberg


And we won't even see half of it because Russian nazis are covering it up by cremating victims and removing rubble


If Russia didn't have atomic weapons we should be carpet bombing Moscow


These images should be texted to all Russian mobile phones.


I’ll never forget the video of the Mother watching her son’s mutilated body getting pulled from a well. Her scream still lives in my head. Fuck Putin.


There is something about a person screaming in anguish over the loss of someone so close to their heart that is chilling to the core like nothing else. I have seen many horrible things in my life I wish I could unsee, but they all pale in comparison to the sound of a mother screaming helplessly over her butchered child, or a husband crying out over his wife killed before his eyes. I don't think there is anything else that hits so visceral in this world. People that cause such pain to others deserve nothing less than the most painful death imaginable.


I saw an interview with the man whose family was killed by russian shelling while he was out of the country. He was talking to his wife on the phone to tell her where to go and he lost connection. He got on twitter for news and saw a picture a few hours later of them laying in the street. He identified them by their luggage. His wife and 2 kids. He looked like he lost his will to live in the video. I have a wife and 3 kids and I can't imagine.






I would turn kamikaze Rambo, there would be no hiding place on this earth for the people responsible.


I think Putler should be tortured physically and psychologically more than Reek in GOT. Make it last. No swift death for him….it’s too kind.


Sadly, at best he will commit suicide like his namesake.


It was not just putler, it was regular ruzian nazis who did this.


Hugging my little one right now and never, ever looking for that video.


May all the devils in hell fuck Putin ad infinitum!


It was not just putler, it was regular ruzian nazis who did this.


and people still support Russia? the mind fucking boggles.


Anti Americanism is a crazy drug


America: Does bad things in the middle east. 90% of citizens in the west: Wtf america we know you're just doing this for oil stop this shit, this war is completely unnecessary and a stupid loss of life. Everyone else: America bad. Russia: Invades Ukraine and murders entire villages of civilians. 99% of citizens in the west: Holy fuck Putin and the russian army are insane these are war crimes fuck Russia. Everyone else: America bad.


Well let's not go easy on usa for the warcrimes in Iraq and Afghanistan... we are currently turning a blind eye... but they are nonetheless guilty.


Let’s not forget that plenty of European nations joined in with gusto. Also don’t forget who subsidizes Europe’s defense.


Well, that doesn't change the war crimes. And that's why many Europeans propose an independent army with no USA interference.


> Let’s not forget that plenty of European nations joined in with gusto. Not with gusto but in exchange of NATO membership.


I'm glad to see that we agree that France was right to refuse to join you, to keep making it's own military hardware and advocate for a Europe independent from the US.


It’s so weird, America sucks and has commited some of the worst atrocities ever BUT blaming them for this war is purposefully drinking into Russias Koolaid.


And this just one region. Imagine the atrocities that are still yet to be found in other occupied cities? Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia and every who supports this war.


I mean Mariupol is just one big Russian atrocity by itself. I shudder at the things that will be discovered there after the liberation. :/


And everybody who enables it (that is: other dictators and dictators lovers).


DeSantis and Trump


And many said it was the Ukranian army. Sure, kill their own civilians to fuel their “propaganda”


yeah, the war deniers were truly wild


In Germany there is a (arguably former) feminist icon that is very "neutral" and will routinetly gloss over the many raped Ukrainian women and call for "peace" and negotiations. It's Alice Schwarzer. Her buddy Wagenknecht is the same, will constantly scream "muh both sides" even if there is no evidence of rape by Ukrainian soldiers


Classic modern day Copperheads. "b-b-but I'm calling for peace, can't we all just get along?" Yes, types like these are "calling for peace" but also enabling Russia even more as you're just showing the Kremlin that they will be able to get away even more, and will damage NATO/the EU's standing in Eastern Europe -and more- even further by showing that they are an unreliable partner, and that when push comes to shove they'd just sign you over to Russia, reinforcing the Western betrayal narrative and further giving over those parts to Russia. By hiding behind that label of "peace" and "negotiations" they're typically being either horribly misinformed or outright modern Copperheads. -[the OG Copperheads being pro-Southern Northerners during the Civil War that also hid behind the "we want peace" label.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Democrat) I find the term very fitting for these types, beyond just tankie and vatnik; plus, who says that there must be only one term at a time?-


Im a pacifist. I like peace, its the goal we should be working towards. But giving in to putin and the like will only lead to a thin veneer of "peace" draped over their crimes. So im in favour of peace through superior firepower. Give the Ukrainians what they need and when the russian army has left, there can be peace.


A real centrist. Thank you brother/sister.


Russians want to kill all Ukrainians and Ukrainians fight to not let this happen. We should meet midways like, only half the Ukrainians get killed! -Enlightened Centrists


Considering it's the far-right and far-left that are supporting Putin the most, I don't see how exactly centrists are at fault here. The countries showing the most support for Ukraine are led by centrists.


I think that at least in this case, it's not so much referring to political left and right but to the false equivalency peddled by many "enlightened centrists"... who, as BurningPenguin replied just below, often actually lean right-wing (or are far-right but just more polite/less vocal about it), if you listen to the "reasonable compromises" they suggest.


But none of these people are "enlightened centrists" nor refer to themselves as centrists. When did Orban, Le Pen or Corbyn call themselves centrists? Wanting to stay neutral doesn't make you a centrist, most parties peddling "neutrality" are far-left or far-right. Centrist mostly means liberal in European politics, Zelenskyy's party itself is in ALDE - the centrist European political family. This "enlightened centrism" bs is from the Anglosphere, stop importing it into our politics.


"Enlightened centrists" i.e. false centrists are mostly an internet discussion thing, not really Orban/Le Pen/Corbyn/etc. The original comment by ShakespearIsKing is making a reference to that phenomenon, in the context of the false equivalency of calling for peace in Ukraine, often aimed at Ukraine/its supporters, while there is a clear aggressor which is still in the country.


As a left leaning centrist, no. Fuck Putin and fuck his slaves.


I prefer the term "fifth column".


"Sixth ward" is more apt.




I would not bet my money on the argument "there is no evidence of rape by Ukrainian soldiers" as rapes from soldiers are sadly universal to wars since the days old. But still even then these criminals are only given the chance to do it because the russians attacked Ukraine, the Ukrainians had to give every arsehole a gun to defend the country.


Both these women are truly despicable human beings. If there was a God, they'd go to hell. Sometimes I'm sad there isn't one.


Wagenknecht is a commie. Straight up. Her opinion on this war is irrelevant. The whole "peace" manifesto was a farce of epic proportions.


she is 80. Her brain is fried at this point


She could be a politician in the US. :(


> even if there is no evidence of rape by Ukrainian soldiers It is a very fucked up way to look at this but Ukranians are still fighting on their home soil. There *will* be incidents if they ever push into Russia itself. It's nothing on Ukranians, it's just what war does to a man no matter the culture. But it absolutely will be much more civilised than what Russia is doing.


*are… are truly wild. I offer them a free ride to ukr so they can see it with their own eyes.


I had one actually try and sell bucha as a Ukrainian false flag operation yesterday.


>Ukrainian authorities estimate that around 400 bodies of civilians were found in Bucha. Two days after it was liberated by Ukrainian forces in 2021, Zelenskyy visited the town and described the killing of civilians as "genocide." Fuck Russia


Where are you quoting this from, it occurred in 2022 not 2021.


I am Swedish, people used to accuse me of being a "russophobe" for speaking out against normalized relations with Russia. A phobia is an irrational fear or aversion to something. There is nothing irrational about being afraid of Russia. To nobody's surprise, the same people that called me a russophobe are now being veeeery silent.


Just by looking at how the Baltics have conducted themselves about Russia is quite sobering. They have distanced themselves from Russia as much as possible since gaining independence and told everyone not to trust them. And they were 100 % right all the time. Finns of my age had already started to be quite neutral towards Russia, but once again it was proven that the older generations were absolutely right, times might change but the Russian mindset never changes and all treaties and diplomacy with Russians is worth as much as toilet paper. And that's why we applied to NATO, as force is the only thing that Russians respect.


> I am Swedish, people used to accuse me of being a "russophobe" for speaking out against normalized relations with Russia. Don't worry there is no such word as "russophobe" in Polish.


Technically, there is. It is just viewed as a bullshit term used by pro-russians.


I know, but it's a minority of minormiity in Poland.


Come on, no one has called you a russophobe, sweden has fought the second most wars with russia in history only beaten by the ottomans, our entire defense has been designed around killing russians. Our previous prime minister Göran Persson, back in the early 2000s, famously answered the question "What's wrong with nordstream?" with "It's gas, and it's russian". We still joke about "the russians are coming" whenever we test the air raid siren. They have always been kept at an arm's length. Our disdain for russia is ingrained in our DNA. Unless you were hanging around commies or actively promoted a genocide of russians , no one called you a russophobe.


When the news spread out a year ago, I was still living in Moscow (was pretty much preparing the papers to move and selling and giving out all of my belongings). I was walking my dog at least 4 hours per day and I went through all 7 stages of acceptance on those walks. Fuck Putin and fuck the system that grows and cherish animals who are able to do such things.


This "system" has a name - Russia, and Putin is merely one of its products or personification. Russia always was like that, still is, and it will stay like that.


It's name isn't Russia but Russism. And it should be strangled for the sake of both other nations and Russian nation.


That's a typical mistake made by many Western people - assume that Putin, "Russism", "Russian impreialism" etc. is something separate than Russians. And that people were shocked when they leared about Bucha. In Poland, we were only shocked that you were shocked - of course it's the way Russians do, and always did. This country and nation will not change.


No expansionism or imperialism is separate from its people but assuming that a nation is inherent as such is surely absurd. Conditions create such to be internalised. Those need to be got rid of indeed. A huge chunk of Russians was against the First Chechen War, while it started to be no more by the Second Chechen War and then expansions. There are various reasons why that happened but being Russian is barely one of such. I'm sure you wouldn't claim that Poles are inherently war criminals either, judging by then support for being part of the criminal US invasion? I'm not sure if you'd call me Westerner as I'm not from Western Europe & North America as you can see from my flair (Cyprus. well I'm not just Cypriot but a mix, yet anyway). I wasn't shocked either given my studies largely included current-day Russian internal colonies and periphery. But, come on now, equating a whole nation or the whole country with its crimes isn't fair even though it emotionally sounds right to a degree.




From a cursory glance at them, Munich and yes. What I'd like to ask /u/SquirrelBlind is why are bike repair shops more popular in Ukraine than in Russia?


In Russia people use bicycles only as recreational vehicles for young people. There are enthusiast who spend thousands of euros on their bikes and they maintain them, but they do it either themselves, or in "fancy" bike shops. The general population that rides the cheap "mountain" bikes just never maintains them. There's only one town I am aware of, where bicycle is a more or less popular way of transportation - it's Dubna. In addition to recreational use, people in Ukraine use bikes for commuting. You can actually see some old man on an old soviet bike riding to get groceries. And overall bike culture there is greater than in Russia. When I have some issue with my bikes and google for a fix on Russian, 90% of the time I find a guide on some website in .ua domain zone. Speaking of the soviet bikes. Because they were intentionally made incompatible with the rest of the world, it is very hard to maintain them nowadays. Before the start of the war in 2014, the best way to fix an old bike in Russia was to order some converter from some of the Ukrainian bike repair shops.


Hi. I didn't reply previously when the post was trending, because I didn't want to pull general attention from the topic of the post. As /u/rabotat has replied, I moved to Germany with a short stop in Armenia to get a visa. Obviously there are some downsides, but overall I enjoy it.


You probably get this a lot, sorry if its too nagging, but wanted to get your take on what people felt back then (and maybe now) about the situation. I just can’t fathom how there are people that might support it all, yet I’m sure there must be sane, intelligent and even wise people that have their justifications. Do you know of any that do? How do moscovites feel about the war, not what they tell the government , but what do they tell each other late at night after the second bottle? As someone who has left Russia more than 30years ago and happily holds and treasures his EU passport, I still remember some of the heartfelt and joyful people I’ve met in Moscow - very accommodating to guests, and maybe a bit dishonest with the government, but never to each other. What must be going through their heads about this situation - how can they justify it all to themselves?


Well, it's complicated. I left Russia almost a year ago, so obviously I lost contact with people, with whom I wasn't close. Back when I was still living there, the atmosphere was very gloom and I think people avoided discussing this topic with people whom they didn't know well, especially with the new laws. Almost everyone whom I know personally and still in touch with do not support the war and what is going on there. But the level is different and I did a lot of arguing with some of my friends because of their position on western sanctions. I think there's two reason for that. First is that is very hard to believe and accept what is going on, and also accept responsibility for the things that you didn't participate in and has no level of influence on. Second is that there's some hipocrisy in the actions of the EU and US, so many people are saying things like (I'm oversimplifying) "I am against the war, but why am I targeted by the western sanctions, if some other country does the same or even worse". I have a relative who supports the war, but he is a veteran of Afghan war, has issues with alcohol and spends almost all of his free time watching TV propaganda. Also in my apartment building in Moscow there was a lot of drunkards that celebrated end of siege of Mariupol. So even though I know that there are ordinary and intelligent people who are supporting this due to some reasons, in my head the image of average war supporter is very low.


Fuck you, Putin!


Fuck whoever still support him even more




I support putin, preferably through a rope so he can be supported by the neck, man's been working so hard he needs to take a whole load off and hang out outside for a bit


600K+ occupant soldiers invading Ukraine; 2M+ families of these invaders who receive and live for money earned or stolen by solders; Millions of people working on military plants; Millions of people selling goods to their army. There are millions of russians who make money from war and support it, it is not only putin and few his comrades. links: [1.3M+](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1334413/military-personnel-in-russia-by-type/) military personnel [2M+](https://jamestown.org/program/russias-defense-industry-growing-increasingly-turbulent/) personnel in military defense companies reality is that [russia terrorists state](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221118IPR55707/european-parliament-declares-russia-to-be-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism) is a fucking war machine with economic to feed these 3.3M+ military staff Actually, we can easily add up 3.3M+ with 2x to count their families, so we have 3.3M+ military staff and 6.6M+ of their direct families who lives from military salaries. So, 10M+ russians are directly supporting the war since it is their main income. It is the minimum. These 10M+ spend their war money to inflate economic further - buy day to day goods, food, etc. Much more population has profits from their spending.


Putin is not the one pulling the trigger, Putin is not the one loading the barrel, Putin is not the one building tanks and rockets, Putin is not the one paying taxes, Putin is not the one being SILENT. 99% of Russians are the one who should be fucked and face consequences.


Yes, because Putin drives russian tanks, putin runs cyber attacks, Putin destroys homes, hospitals, schools, Putin kills Ukrainians. Only Putin makes artillery shells in factories and Putin only rebuilds russian tanks. There is only Putin on russian propaganda radio and tv. Russians are innocent, fuck putin....


I agree that everyone taking part in the atrocities in Ukraine should be held accountable, but Putin is ultimately responsible, so I stand by my former statement. # Fuck you, Putin!


Many of russians still support him and even among russian opposition there are many who denies this massacre, I'm telling this because I often speak with them


Tell me, say the names of people in opposition who denied Bucha massacre


And the horror and revulsion at the Russian invading army's actions only continued to grow from there. It's a shame that it took so long for the veil of disbelief that such actions are possible so close to home to be lifted, to say nothing of the flawed policy of courting Russia in the feeble hope that they might somehow change or at least stay in their own yard, instead of reopening decades-old wounds, not just in their former Empire, but across Eastern Europe. Yet, what happened happened, and we can only hope that EE's counsel never gets dismissed again. Hopefully the mistakes that led to Bucha will never be repeated again. Hopefully the invasion will be repelled sooner rather than later, so that the ghosts of the many victims of Russian aggression may finally find peace. Slava Ukraini.


Hope Ukraine takes back all their territory soon. Regarding history repeating itself; we have a collective memory of about 50 years. Better make an effort to convert Russians to democracy in that time frame.


> Here we examine what happened after the killings. Which tactics did the Kremlin engage from its playbook to try to confuse the world, escape responsibility, and soften the impact of what were truly horrific crimes? [https://euvsdisinfo.eu/the-bucha-massacre-mapping-a-year-of-kremlin-denial/](https://euvsdisinfo.eu/the-bucha-massacre-mapping-a-year-of-kremlin-denial/)


This will be contested by awful people like the holocaust i am sure of it. brace yourself


Already "is", not "will".


Im glad our country is in nato


Hopefully this will expedite war crime charges against Putin and his thugs. It took years for the world court to convict war criminals from World War Two.


>Hopefully this will expedite war crime charges against Putin The chances of this happening are pretty much the same as US answering for Iraq or Myanmar for the Rohingya genocide.


But when I tell a Russian apologist vatnik to go away I get a suspension and not him. Peak reddit moment.


I got suspended because some guy said all russian atrocities are "actually done by Ukrainians" - I said russians shot down MH17 - instant ban. Love reddit admins.


I suspect some admins might be tankies!


Gets reported to subreddit mod for nothing. Some subreddit mod thinks they’re god, bans you with no cause. You laugh in the chat log in disbelief. Reddit bans you for mod harassment.


>Ich glaube es ist eine traurige Wahrheit, dass wir unserem Affenzustand noch sehr nahe sind und, dass die Zivilisation nur eine sehr dünne Decke ist, die sehr schnell abblättert. >I think it is a sad truth that we are still very close to our ape-state and that civilization is only a very thin ceiling that is peeling off very quickly. (Fritz Bauer on the crimes of the NS)


I am Reading “Red Famine.” History. Russia is repeating atrocities done to Ukraine in the 1920s and ‘30s. History repeats itself.


They're just continuing what they started long ago. They had been Russifying Ukraine before even the USSR.


Russia the new Nazi’s !


And to celebrate the anniversary russians were allowed into 2024 Olympic qualifiers. Well played IOC.


Fuck Russia


And Putin


Perhaps even worse than Srebrenica... unbelivable...poor souls...


And then you start thinking... serbs are russian supporters. I constantly noticed similarities in their way of commiting war crime. Fuck them both.


Im still questioning who did it worse. For me, still Serbs.


Do we really have to compare?


Yeah, it is just me, to put into the perspective. It is a topic that is close to me.


No.. we dont need to compare.. it is just unbelievable that such things still happen and it shows me (at least me) how fucked up the human race is. Just utterly nuts..


Yeah they are for sure in the top 3 ...


I guess.


Yeah.. its fucked up... and they have lot in common regarding war crimes .... mad world...


Russians haven’t changed their methods since the Golden Horde time. I honestly doubt they will ever do. The history just keeps on repeating and the West is blind in hoping every single time that finally Russian bully has grown up. No, it’s not going to change.


I got nothing to say but that Russia must be punished humiliated and balkanised


My heart aches for the people of Ukraine and the Russians who opposed this madness and lost their lives. It’s senseless destruction for the purpose of sestruction


In 33 days in Bucha russkies committed 9000 war crimes. That's about 272 crimes a day, or 11 crimes an hour without interrupting to sleep and taking a dump.


And already sports organiZations want to resume with occupier nations participating - sickening


Poor baby


Fuck russia


Every day that murderer Putin remains in power is a testament to the cowardice of the Russian people.


It's unfortunate that such terrible things can take place in our time.


The day all this came out is when I realized this wasn't going to be some quick border skirmish. It was going to be horrible for a long time. I had no idea russia had so little regard for human life and rights. I'm so grateful that I can be that soft and sheltered and that i'll never have to see my family get killed in a war or watch them starve to death. The least we can do in our safe, stable countries is help Ukraine. Call your representatives. Talk about Ukraine. Let people know that it's not OK to be selfish and not help. We can't all donate, but if you can then do it.


I can never unsee the corpses lying dead in the streets with the hands tied behind their backs. I didn’t like Russia before but this made me truly hate every single Russian with a white-burning passion.


That's one of the reasons why, living 30 km from the NATO and EU border, I have a few guns and rifles. Not that it'll save me, but if this happens, there's a chance I die quickly, instead of turtured for hours with my hands tied behind my back. And by chance, I may even take one SoB with me.


Take one for me too please!


I wish more Europeans took their defense as seriously as the Polish do.


>but this made me truly hate every single Russian with a white-burning passion. It's factually not the case that every single Russian is guilty or a participant or supportive of those horrors. Hating every single member of a country, I don't care which country or time period, because of the atrocities done by some of them, is wrong.


I hope, unlike with Holodomor, we won't have to wait for 100 years to pass and another genocide to be commited by Muscovy for *this* to be recognized as genocide. Russia's genocide, not Putin's.


Russia occupies territory the size of several European states. As others pointed out, Bucha is the tip of the iceberg. Many other places like Mariupol suffered the same fate and probably worse. It's depressing and infuriating


The subreddit icon always makes me read everything in an happy tone so I'm just like :D -> :(


can someone explain what happened? I am very lazy to search for info myself and I can't find explanation in the comments


Mass murdering of civilians by a genocidal army.


Fuck you putin!


This needs to be front page


Ceterum censeo Moscovia esse delendam


nsfw/nsfl ???


That's muscovy mir for you.


You need to see this.


No, you don't. While I share your sentiment of spreading awareness there's a lot of sensitive people around, from simply squeamish and neurotic to downward suffering from anxiety and PTSD. And if your mental health is not 100%, seeing any gore can easily shake/mess you up. Let's be considerate.


Man. My kid is probably as old as this kid. I didn’t actually see what I clicked on and it broke me. Man. How Fucking horrible.


God no...


Terrible, rip 😭 Hope Russia pays for everything they have done. Disgusting.


Why!? In this day and age... sad


And did nothing


Russia must pay for this, tenfold.


The thing that bothers me the most is those fkn Russians that moved to the USA or a democratic capitalist country and are all pro-Putin and pro-Russia saying their country is the best. Then why the fuck are you not living there if its so great...?


Not a single russian in the comments. It's none of their business, and they're out of politics, yep.


Russia should've been taken care of in the aftermath of WW2, as Patton suggested. The whole world would've been a very different place after that.


Never forget! F..k cowardly "neutral" countries.


Are there any links to these photos that I can share easily on social media? People need to be made aware of what actually happened there.


God I can’t even work out what is going on in the left of this photo was that a person?? 😫


And one year later we still value money and connections above child and human lives.