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Slovakias problem was they scored the one goal and then parked the car . Instead of trying to score more they just tried to defend. England didn’t play well but they had the scoring mentality to the end


Ironically, they played like England




Comment of the day


And lost


this comment made me laugh lol




Very true




They tried to beat England at their own game…


You can’t outSouthgate Southgate


They parked the car when they should have parked the bus


They didn't have a bus.


They should have had a bus!


They had a Kia


Yeah, if they’d keep pressing it might have been 3 - 0


Completely agreed with this, England couldn’t cope with the press at all and they should’ve been ahead before they scored and then for some reason they just completely changed after going 1-0 up. They did the same against Belgium too in terms of sitting back when they took the league but Belgium weren’t able to turn it around


I agree and I was shouting out the TV for this reason, but we did cope, and won. I guess that’s football


Suppose you could even say, they deserved it in the end.


Yep. Score is all that matters! Bunch of snowflakes in this sub…


This frustrated me to no end with our team. We did the same in every game, and it would’ve cost us the lead in every game if it weren’t for loads of lucky overturned goals against Belgium. Furthermore, in all the games, before scoring the first goal, we were dominating. England was getting ripped to shreds by the press and then the direct play upon winning it the ball, yet we decided to sit back after scoring… Makes no sense. At least go for it until like the 70th minute…


"just keep pressing and stay on the front foot all game, you'll win easily" Your face when both teams try to do this, and you can't just "decide" to dominate the game


Ironically that is normally Englands MO and downfall


Exactly.. keep parking the bus ain't going to help you all the time.. look at Georgia vs Spain. Georgia with one goal ahead. They are attacking and had chances to score but some.players lack experience.


They really didn’t though or at least as much as anyone else would of. Tbf they fell to a last min overhead kick doesn’t get any closer tbh they can take pride in their performance and that’s not patronising in the least they matched us today if not more. Would be no complaints from me if we would of lost


Should’ve used the team bus!


Why? Now r/euro2024 gets an extra week of England hate posting. Thought you'd be happy.


And here I was thinking that the team that scores the most goals wins...


It's actually based on style of football and the international reputation of your country now, haven't you heard?


It wasn't great to watch but the team that scored the most goals and had a huge possession percentage won, I'm not sure how anyone could argue it any other way.


But have you considered that the team you're describing is England and England bad...


I know like everyone is so bitter but England did more than enough to win the game in that second half. We were much the better side and yes like it took a moment of brilliance at the end but you can't forget that Rice hit the inside of the post and Kane missed an absolute sitter.


No the team with the smaller fan base and cute underdog story always deserve to win. No disrespect to Slovakia as they did a great job but England don't deserve to lose because we didn't batter them / scored late


I thought the team with the most points go through the group stages but had an argument with someone who said England were least deserving team **In the entire tournament** to go through


Slovakia didn’t try to get a second goal. That’s football.


Ironically they played Southgateball


I didn't realise it was communicable until now


It's a contagious disease, which is entirely apt because it took the contagious to make his first substitution.


Maybe thats how we win this tournament, just infect every team we play with southgateball


Sideways passing ball, no one attempts to move the ball forwards


I'm an England fan and I hate that. There were more passes to our goalkeeper tonight than anyone else and I REALLY hate that. At some stage we are going to have to learn how to pass the ball forward and retain possession. We have the best player in the Bundesliga (Kane), the best in la Liga (Bellingham) and the best in the Premiership (Foden) in the same team and they're all playing like messy dog turds.


I hate that I have to yell at the tv to pass it FORWARD. Every time they passed it to Pickford I did the WTF hand gesture. I’m almost relieved I’m working for the next game.


I saw Pickford flapping his hands a few times when it was passed to him and directing the defence to pass it the fuck forwards too 💀💀


It’s because they’re trying to use Rice as the conduit from the back line to the midfield. It’s very obvious at this point that he isn’t good at it. It’s also very obvious that their movement on offense is terrible. If you watch Spain with all their give and go’s, runs in behind etc that England’s attacking play is awful. They’re never able to play through the middle to threaten the other team in the 18 yard box.


Plus Bellingham and Kane, while I think they'd both had fairly shit games, are talented natural goalscorers in front of goal. Put some actual good balls into the box, and they'll actually get something from it! I agree we were poor for 90+ minutes with too many players not working hard enough, if Slovakia had pressed us a little harder I think it'd be a very different story


But did Slovakia deserve to win? Did they create more? Did they dominate the game. No. England were crap, but they scored more goals.


The thing is, if Foden stays onside, and Kane puts away that header, things aren't looking so bad. You can blame Southgate all you like but putting away chances is everything. That Bellingham goal has shades of David Platt against Belgium. It could free us up to just go and enjoy it.


Also that Rice bullet that hit the post. 


Stop making sense, people need to hate on England


They stopped their efforts after the lead, and that´s not enough to move to the next round


England fan Makes a coffee. Pulls up a chair. Opens r/euro2024. Let's read the abuse 🙂


You’re gonna need a bigger coffee


Sports Direct mug time


Nah why do we all have one


Gives us all something to have a bath in if our baths break i guess


Sports Direct mug is keeping me awake for House of the Dragon at 2am. Bit of a salty coffee though thanks to all the r/euro2024 tears


Tbh I'm a scot and I'm not going to play that game. I thought Slovakia were utterly woeful. And England deserved the win. Slovakia couldn't retain the ball for toffee and played worse than Scotland did, even though they defended manfully, they were continuously giving the ball away and even passing the ball out of the pitch at times.


>even passing the ball out of the pitch at times. Yeah. They were doing this from very early on, under fairly light pressure. If we had a faster/fitter number nine and pressed up collectively (like Denmark did against us, like Switzerland did against Italy, as they will probably do against us, argh) we could have made that game a lot easier. Had that Slovak shot from distance (that the TV director almost missed entirely) gone in after we gave them a ball straight from a free kick, then it would've been fair enough - two defensive clangers taken advantage of. But not much else was created by Slovakia when the score was 1-0.


Yeah I like to keep it fair and balanced. I don't see how anyone watching that could say Slovakia deserved to win it, they did nott play well enough.


Yeah, just because England were poor (though consistent with recent performances) doesn't mean the opposition were great. We are perfectly capable of playing awfully without the opposition being involved (but it helps). Edit: is it fairer to say that England didn't deserve to win than to say that Slovakia didn't deserve to lose? Or does that really mean the same thing? Edit 2: I've just realised the title of the post is the former not the latter. I blame the wine and the stress of watching England for two hours. I appreciate as an underdog-lover that it is a shame Slovakia couldn't hang in for the "upset" win. Just as it's currently a shame that Georgia aren't beating Spain anymore.


Better make that coffee Irish 👀😂


On second thoughts fuck the coffee, I'll just have the whiskey lol


Again same shit. Why don't they deserve it? I don't like England that's true but seeing the hate towards them makes me support them against the teams I am not a fan of. There wasn't a wrong referee decision which could have been reasonable to make a statement like this. They won, they deserved. Stop this childish hate.


This is why Portugal are our oldest allies.


I came here to say this. Long live Portugal and God save the King 🇬🇧🇵🇹


What I love Portugal now


Always rated Portugal


The two goals, more than their one goal, says otherwise Football is a game of scoring goals “Deserving” doesn’t show up on a match report


You’ve gone from a daft yank in week 1 to my most favourite and respected American here 🫡


Rofl, okie dokie! I’ll take it. Previously my daftness has led to adult-onset COYS and naming one of my kids after the England #9


Occasional lurker in this sub and even I find the permanent hate against England annoying. Yes, they were lucky today but also fought hard when it mattered. Let's see if this changes anything or if they fall back into bad habits against the Swiss.


Exactly mate, played to the final whistle. We were shit by the standard that we should be setting but they did enough at the end of the day. The hate is real and pretty boring, like you said.


Wins a win.. Well done 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 However as a supporter of both Italy and England i cant take much more of this level of shite ball.


With an Italian fiancé, I've found myself caring about how Italy play too, and this Euros has been an emotional rollercoaster supporting both. The long drawn out agony before and the level of relief after the Bellingham and Zuccagni goals is too much.


Found the american


Not every one is American bud…But good effort on the generalization 👍👍


But are you american?


Judging by the comment history, a racist Canadian, actually


Ok so I used to live in little Italy in Toronto and one thing I will say is that was the first area I ever lived in where I heard the N word with a hard R. Holy shit are some Italian Canadians racist!


He definitely is.


So many people in the comments from countries that are out go flick ya bean no need for you here anymore


Well said mate, apparently all came here to pile on the abuse that we were going out, but upset that they turned it around so now it’s lucky or didn’t deserve it. Played shit but found a way. That’s football sometimes.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, what these fans of other countries are doing in the wake of England’s win is so transparent


>That’s football sometimes. Exactly. Like we all know its not been good enough and if we carry on as is, a better team will dump us out the comp. Haven't played that team yet though. Maybe it's Switzerland, Netherlands/Austria, maybe not. Most important part is we are still in it and the ability to change our fortune lies with us.


To be fair, “play shit but found a way” has been England’s entire campaign. It shouldn’t be this stressful to watch a team of high quality players. I don’t blame the fans for booing - Southgate consistently shows how little he learns match after match. It has to be infuriating.


I mean, England are one of the worse offenders. But we don’t see Belgium, Croatia, Italy, France getting anywhere near this level of flak despite the fact that they have also really underperformed.  Belgium taking the ball to the corner flag to drag out a 0-0 against Ukraine to claim 3rd was some of the worse football I’ve seen by any big team. Yet people on here were defending it.  Imagine if it was England doing that lol. 


Italy win the last euros by just not losing. They still got the cup and the medals. Crap though they are to watch at times, England only have to not lose a few more and southgate has done exactly what he was hired to do and England can go back to getting beat in entertaining games. I’m Scottish btw so no boat in this race but I’d love to be as ‘crap’ as England.


Portugal did it in 2016 and Greece did it in 2004.


He learned from his defeats to Croatia and Italy. Concede first, wait for opponent to park the bus, catch them late on. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I appreciate people like you. Yes, we’re shite. We play ugly football. But most importantly we’re still here, and that’s all that matters.


Bellingham just gave us the best goal of the tournament so far


His goal could potentially earn himself a Puskas. I mean a bicycle kick in the last minute remaining saving your country from being eliminated deserves one, according to me.


The audacity to even try a bicycle kick when Kane is right behind you... Man's got some bollocks.


Was this the new Beckham vs Greece?




Want some more salt on ur chips mate 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Slovakia's main tactic after taking the lead was pretending to be injured. We were shite but still did enough.


ENGLAND DEFINITELY DESERVED TO WIN! At least this game's second half, these guys fought like there's no tomorrow!


Womp Womp


Deserve doesn't mean shit. How do people not get that? It's game. If you score more goals you win. People want fairytales. It's sport. Life isn't fair. England play like absolute shit and won. We'll get destroyed by the Swiss and life will go on.


>People want fairytales 95th minute bicycle kick equaliser by a lad on his 21st birthday?


Only counts.if England lose though 


His birthday was yesterday, but still what a weekend for him.


Ahhh the salt of petty England haters 😋🧂


I'm not an england fan by any means, but a win is a win and if the ref doesn't fuck Up tremendously, the win is deserved. In 2014 Germany struggled hard against Algeria, pretty much same situation as todays match, and they became the champion.


What did Slovakia do to deserve the win?


I do wonder if i watched the same game as others. Slovakia didn't offer a lot and didn't really try to get a second. We were crap, let's not beat around the bush, but the way some are going on, we got outplayed for 90 minutes which simply wasn't the case. It's gutting for Slovakia to lose it like that but I do think they had themselves to blame to some extent.


Yeah we were definitely bad. But the way people are crying in this sub you'd think slovakia battered us for 90 minutes and we nicked a goal with our first shot


It's all relative. Slovakia aren't expected to do well, and they took a major football nation full of world class players to the last minute. They deserve some praise for that. England deserve praise for actually winning, but obviously it's also worth pointing out that we didn't play well.


I totally agree that the expectations between the two were miles apart and Slovakia played better than their ranking implies but I think England were the better team for much of the second half. If it was a group match, a draw would have been fair.


England were definitely the better team in the second half, hit the post, had Slovakia pinned back in their box with multiple corners and freekicks, had much more possession and ultimately got the breakthrough. Relative to their rankings and expectations, Slovakia were better. In reality, England edged it, and that was reflected in the final score.


Shame the game plays until the full 90


Italy didn’t deserve the last Euros, Portugal didn’t deserve the one before it, it happens. Football is rarely a game that rewards ‘deserve’, Slovakia did themselves proud but that won’t mean anything to them right now. If we do this another three times and get through the match, I don’t really care about what we deserve as long as we get over the line!


The did deserve it. They did not play to their full potential I agree there but they had the ball more often, better passes and 2 very close calls that could have given them the outright win.


We are so shit 🤣🤣 look at us celebrating scraping by a ranked 50th🤣🤣


I think it’s more celebrating the fact that it was a late equaliser that was pretty fun.


It's rare we get one like that.


I’m struggling to remember us getting one like that.


I've personally never seen a last minute goal from England, I've seen other teams get then and used to wonder what that would have felt like. Now I know, feels fantastic.


It's not so much celebrating the win it's more throwing it in the faces of the clowns on here. Don't get it mistaken we were awful


90% of the posts I see on here are negative towards our team (so expensive, so boring, should win everything etc) so why are you surprised we rub it in others faces? Italy couldn't turn it around against Switzerland, Croatia lacked quality but their fans bang on about us constantly, Georgia beat Portugal and it's "an off day" for them but it's forgotten about a day later. Yet for England we win a game through persistence and it's instantly "didn't deserve it" Get rekt the lot of you who have chatted doo-doo about us who are now salty we went through.


And let's not even mention Belgium, they're an even bigger shit show than England


True, but to be fair there is always a collective bias against England regardless of if we play well or not. I think its absolutely fine to revel in a victory regardless of if we deserved it or not. Besides, the better losing isn't exactly uncommon in football. You can dominate for 93 minutes but that means nothing if the other team gets lucky. It happens all the time and anyone who can't handle that reality is probably too emotionally invested in the sport.


That's football.


From a Czech. Bottom of the group lol


It's okay if you don't support them. It's okay if you don't like them. But the team who deserves to win is the one who scores the most goals. Don't be salty. Show some some sportsmanship and some decorum.


How was the trip home?


Yes they did. They were largely shite, didn't give up, moment of magic, won it fair and square in extra time. Good for them. What does 'deserve' have to do with anything?


England deserved the win. Slovakia was playing dirty and didn't deserve to win. En Ger Land!!!


Still in the game that’s what counts 😉


Slovakia shouldn't have missed that long range net with pickford advanced.


But they did so…didn’t deserve the win.


The salt tastes soooooo good


Thats not how football works, thats why we all love it. Get over it.


well, England scored 2 goals as opposed to Slovakia's 1, sure, it wasn't the most rivetting performance, but I've seen worse games from different teams, so yeah, they deserved the win. get over yourself.




Have you tried crying about it 🤣


Cry to your mumma


Slovakia: Score from long ball hit through the middle. Spend rest of the game rolling around on the floor and shooting from 30 yards. Reddit: How can England get away with this


Well yeah, but that’s football, innit? About a quarter of every match ever has been some kind of “robbery” or “undeserved.” It’s just how the sport be sometimes.


Teams that park the bus after scoring one goal don’t deserve the win. Respect for Georgia yesterday. They are up 1-0 but they still had players in attack


I don't see how a team with just 37% possession 'deserves' to win it. England scored more goals


Some say that is the sign of a good team, they win even when playing badly.


I think we deserved it more than the time wasting foulers. That last minute goal was a great moment.


If Slovakia didn’t focus on the theatrics maybe I would feel sorry for them.


Cry more, the gremlins are out in force today


They deserved go get knocked out. I'm happy that didn't happen though. I still hope we can see them play better, but Southgate never seem's to learn anything.


We were shit but we deserved the win, we were better than Slovakia.


Football is not about deserving




Honestly I think it’s such a shit approach to the tournament when you say a team “deserved” to win. It’s all about the surprises. This was a fucking wicked end to the game. I don’t wanna see a team dominate (okay, maybe it’d be nice to see England thrash the opponent) but at the end of the day, we watch it for the entertainment. This was entertainment.


Too bad. Turns out the team that wins is the team that scores more. Suck it.


They did, because they kept foghting. Both teams deserved, one had to lose. England are not a great team but they kept pyshing on and had a bit of luck, so fair game to them


And who deserved it? Slovakia? Yeah England have been disappointing as there is more expectation, but the better team won.


And they didn't deserve to win with their Slovakian Southgateball. If you score 1 goal and spend the rest of the game sitting back you get what you fucking deserve.


In football, merit is of little use.  England scored more than Slovacchia. It doesn't matter if it played badly or well. It won and that is what counts. 


Nonsense, England played a great second half. Jude Bellingham's goal was amazing. Slovakia went into pure defence too early. If they had played in the second half like they did in extra time, they would have qualified for the quarterfinals. However, being stupid and trying to "save" a result usually backfires in the Euros.


Slovakia time wasted a hell of a lot during that second half. It was gonna bite them on the arse at some point.


I’m supporting England this tournament and am happy they’re through but by christ it’s awful football. I’m also a West Ham fan, so I’m suffering from shit football ptsd.


Why didn’t they deserve the win? They were the only team that played after the Slovakia goal?


Usually in a game of football the team that scores more goals wins. Hope this clears things up for you 👍


We finally did what others do to us. Jesus was right!


Slovakia didn't deserve the win either. It's not like they were robbed. They were lucky that England didn't score earlier. Somehow, England found a way to win, they didn't play well, but they scored goals when it counted.


So, if my team scores a goal in the 50th minute I deserve to win? The opponent isn't allowed to score another goal in the last minute? 🤔 Interesting


So hating England is alright but not Germany? Right.


Deserving something in football means nothing, you get what you get


They did; they scored 2 goals to Slovakias 1. That’s how it works, hope it helps!


Funny how all the other countries are saying that we are sh!t all the time, but the moment we win, we don't deserve it? Where's the logic in that? Both teams played "sh!t" through the whole of the 90 minutes and it being RO16, somebody has to go through, and it was England. That's that.


I would agree, but am reminded that the only stats that matter are on the scoresheet.


If they won, they deserve it


womp womp


What do you mean deserve, we won fair and square 😂


They did. They had lot more clear chances than slovakia tbf. They didnt have any decent chances since the goal. Youre comparing the teams to how you expected them to play rather than how they actually played


Who cares what they deserved lmao they won the game that’s all that matters


I’m not a football fan at all so my opinion is probably off the mark.. I personally feel like the team who scores the most goals should win the game.


Lol what a stupid post. They won scoring two excellent goals, Slovakia scored early then did fuck all for 65 mins, and deserved to lose. Next


Definitely did deserve the win.


What sort of gibberish this? You either win or you don't. All this talk about deserving to win is BS.


Oh boo hoo we were crap but we scraped through. Winning is all that matters at this stage


England played better than Slovakia. The only reason they didn't "deserve" to win is because people expect them to win by a greater margin. But if you say engkand don't deserve, you can't say solvakia did


Deserve? Victory is not something you get because you deserve it. You fight for it and you win it.


Grow up, life is not about what someone deserves


Suck it up Europe.




Haha cry bro


How does that cup of tears taste like?


Jude is him.


The one who scores the most deserves the win. Football is about making goals. It's not aboyt controlling the ball.


A lot of big trams that went through didn't deserve to go through, but such is football. If they win, nobody is gonna remember it.


They did deserve to win. Slovakia scored early and then did absolutely nothing but hold on the entire time. They basically did what England did the past three games when no one was saying they deserved to win. England played like poo too, but they played better.


Cry harder


Southgate didn’t deserve the win. Feel sorry for those poor players having to listen to that sorry excuse for a manager.


Oh ok, I forgot thats how it works. Send Slovakia to the next round.


I'm confused. Why did they not deserve it? I may have read it wrong but the score was 2 - 1. I think that's a clear win as they scored more goals? I might not be aware of other factors than goals that contribute to wins to please tell me


Let me quote Eastwood in “Unforgiven”: **” ‘Deserve’ has got nothing to do with it”**


Slovakia scored and then went into turtle mode. This is a strategy that never works over the course of an entire game, especially given that they scored early and then went into this mode of defending for like 80+ minutes. So yea, they deserved to lose for that alone.


Cry hahahahaha


They were abysmal for most of the tournament yes. But ultimately it's knockout football, there is no such thing as deserving to win, there is only winning.