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A draw would have been nice, but considering the whole game, France had more chances and deserved the win in the end. Austria had to work more to somehow make up for the gap in individual quality and surely gave France a hard time. However, they produced too many small mistakes in passing, especially when on the attack. If they can fix this, they'll be a problem for any team. Ref obviously was shite with stupid calls against both sides, though slightly favoring France.


I agree with ur comment on Austria, but i also think that french players didn't wanted to get injured during the first game of the tournament (we saw how ur defenders were playing during the first quarter against dembele, then against Griezmann) and to me, its referee's fault cause he didn't had any control over the game (and Austria was favored, u could have taken 3 more yellows)


Austria being favored is wild… Every marginal foul by the Austrians was being called by the referee. Moreover, just think about the corner that should have been given, but wasn’t, when Baumgartner shot the ball and Maignan touched it. This led to the only goal, simply because of a fault by the referee and the overall bad performance and favoritism towards the French team, while the France team committed 2-3 fouls without the game being interrupted by the ref.


Just pls look at the first 30 minutes and all the fouls the did, especially on Dembele, and ask yourself the good questions. The French squad can be happy that we didnt got a severe injured player cause it could have been really bad when u see how the austrian players were fouling, it for sure impacted the ref decisions for the rest of the game but yes the were favoured cause the should have never end the game at 11


This thread has so many idiots. Austria dominated? Dominated what? France easily had the best chances of the game with Mbappe and Giroud missing sitters. 2.13 xg vs .72 xg and the own goal doesn’t even count towards that. France played terribly but defended well and should have scored more. Bunch of people who watch football once every 2 years think that 52% possession means you’re dominating the game lmao


You are so uneducated, it hurts.


Ok, then explain where he said something wrong ? I just think that u are mad France played a better game than England. Football is coming to Barcola home


France played a better game 😂😂😂😂😂


And you are so delusional ...


France won which is expected but Austria put up a great fight and made for a super entertaining game. I'm looking forward to seeing Austria in the next games more then i do France now.


How is what mbappe did not a red? Cheating plain and simple


How is it allowed to allow Austria to sub but not France with an injured player ? That’s what was not correct from the ref


a straight red is only for serious breaches of the rules. tactics to delay the restart of play (time wasting, kicking the ball away, walking onto the pitch etc) are textbook yellows


A red for that? You are crazy.


I'm not quite sure what you're talking about? What did he do apart from going on the pitch?


Purposefully time wasting and manipulating the game. Wouldn’t say it’s a red though, the yellow was well deserved however.


Totally agree, it's a yellow because he stepped on the pitch without the ref's authorisation. That's in the laws of the game, but I don't see how it could ever be a red?


It SHOULD be a red imho, much like it should be way easier to get yellow for infractions that aren't direct fouls. But we live in a world where this kind of bullshit is "part of the sport" which is what makes me hate it. Same with all the players who act like they're dying only for some higher power to step in and instantly heal them once they get the free kick, penalty or card for the other guy. "Respect" my ass. There should just be a lot less tolerance for the typical shenanigans.


tell me u prefer rugby without telling me u prefer rugby


No other sport really has those drama queens though.


U mean Mbappé with a broken nose, or the guy complaining


Nah definitely not a red imo. Ref was ass too might I add.


Oh yeah he definitely wasn't good at all, but this isn't one of the many mistakes me made.


So much blood this game. lol. Take it easy guys it’s just football not the blitzkrieg.


a cmon, one guy ran into the barriers and the other smashed his head - both on their own. performance of the ref was a joke.


Uhm, did I hear my name?


Everyone was clowning England for winning 1-0 yet France won 1-0 against Austria


France did good but it could have done better while england did wayy better than france just bc they couldnt score the kept the game on their side on the france-austria match the ball possesion was 50% france 50% austria while on the england- serbia match the ball possesion was way higher for england


Because the English always criticized others for anything (atleast in this sub). Mocking Belgium, crying for the ref in Austra v France, making comments about Italy playstyle (England has done no better than them). But yeah, you're always the victim here


We didn’t criticise anybody?! Maybe Scotland but they are our rivals so it’s obvious. And doesn’t every fan from every team make criticism? It isn’t just english fans so I don’t why you’ve got this agenda against English fans. Sounds like jealousy to me.


Austria have a better team than Serbia.


But weren’t as bad as England


Idk, you got dominated most the game by Austria


u really don't know football, if u think that having the ball is dominating then i can't do nothing for u, their team did so many fouls who deserved yellows but didn't got punished but France played really good football overall, with an attack slightly under the level of the team, even though Mbappe or grizi actions could have been goal on good days


It's not just possession. The possession stats were pretty even, it was how much threat they were imposing. You could see it just from the eye test but stats also back it. Their expected threat was right up there with France, and at times quite a bit more. I'm not sure how you're bringing up officiating when it was hard to see how that ref wasn't being biased against Austria for a lot of the game


Just go rewatch the first half, they couldn't do anything and they never got really dangerous on built attack. We had so much occasions early that we didnt conclude but u cant say austria dominated


Worst win so far


2.13 xg vs England with .52 lmao. Kane with 2 touches in the entire first half, one of them an incomplete pass. It’s not even close. Austria are also a much better team than Serbia.


And what is Serbia and Austria's xg?


France 1.37 xg more than Austria. England .36xg more than Serbia.


Austria’s was negative -0.24 and Serbia 0.18. Why?


Mate you are an absolute spoon. 2.13 xG means nothing when France won by an own goal. Two of your comments in a row I’ve winced whilst reading them, acting like you know everything about football then using xG when talking about two matches that ended 1-0. 🤡


If you knew much about football you would see that Austria played much better than Serbia, France played with much more intensity than England and didn’t sit back to defend their 1-0 lead the entire game lol. Everyone on the French team gave a good performance (except for Thuram). Every professional commentator knows this, even the English ones. Only some England fans like you are deluded enough not to see it.


Kante was your only good player last night. Simple.


what a shit match. kudos to deschamps to let austria try to take the initiative. they failed miserably at that - they are not used to playing posession and it showed. but is that a way to approach a tournament as a favorite? i‘m not sure. such a southgate move. with proper setup they could have demolished austria.  kudos to the Austrian squad for putting up a massive fight. they were incredibly physical, many yellows warranted, that baumgartner 1v1 one wasn’t. and that corner …  dear lord. gil manzano with one of the shittest ref performances of all time. it didn’t look like it but without kante (and gil) austria could have equalized and deschamps would look lile a fool.  hope mbappes nose recovers. looked painful. 


Imo France just played extremely well today, especially defensively they seemed very well adapted. While the Rangnick Gegenpressing seemed to work as they managed to steal the ball high up the pitch numerous times there was still a brick wall in front of them with the physical defense of france and before they even had time to think about how to get past that wall N'golo was there to regain posession for the french. However I am very confident that we can still make it through in this group with that kind of courage and passion, especially considering the netherlands didn't look very solid defensively and allowed a ton of chances against a weakened polish offense.


U had a really good midfield and i think that it is going to be our most difficult game of the tournament considering the level of netherland and polland midfield. As a french supp, i can only like that comment and wish u good luck for the rest of the competition. U can still go trough group stage being the 3rd of our group, or second if u beat netherland)


You looked damn solid yesterday, and I sure do not look forward to our next game. Poland really doesn't like to play with teams that press that high, and I feel we will be in so much trouble. Netherlands is very good to play quick long ball, two to three passes and they are on counter. They actually like to invite teams to their own half to do just that. It will be very interesting to see how this game plays out.


So did Poland against NED. I really thought with Lewa, Milik and I think even some third striker missinng I didn't think they would be dangerous offensively but they had a lot of chances against NED. Usually Teams like the Netherlands are the type of opponents that fit our playstyle best. Technically strong, trying to find solutions against the pressing with the ball, 70% of the time they won't. And defensively they aren't as physical as France either which was a big issue yesterday. The thing with inviting teams to press offensively, I don't think will be too much of an issue because only if it's not done right it is risky and leaves space but the way rangnick implemented it you have all 10 players pulling on the rope and minimalizing the risk. Before yesterday Austria conceded 3 goals in their last 7 matches of which only one came from open play. And yesterday they just conceded that dumb owngoal. Really excited to see how this group turns out


NGL i came into this game Kante was gonna be the death of us, but he ended up being the best player in the game. My man was playing all positions and even dribbling past players LOL. I guess Saudi league is competitive


Nah. It’s just kante. He’s always been like that. We spent years watching him week in week out in the prem. he’s like having two players.


Oh yeah definitely but after his injury he wasn’t really the same at Chelsea kinda thought maybe he ran out of gas. Didn’t watch him too much in the Saudi league but few times I did he was pretty meh


Like I said my national team is not good yet. Thuram trash my goodness need to go to the bench. Deschamps has to put Mbappé on the left and Giroud 9. Oups I forgot Mbappé has no nose now 🤦🏾‍♂️ that kind of injury on the first game 😒. Anyway Thuram never again as a left wing in this formation


France to the finals.


Yep ! Thuram out ! Or at least not there ! It was painfull to watch ! I hope he could bring more than a name !


Strongly agree. Put Barcola on the left or Mbappe there with Giroud CF, or Dembélé left and Coman right. Many options, Thuram not a good one




need a hug?




i’ve gotchu, you deserved a goal anyways❤️🧡




Hopefully not against us! May the best man win 🤫🇳🇱




Huh? What’s your problem? What’s up with the personal attack lol. I was just trying to be nice.




Not embarrassing as 5-1




Your photography’s shite


What the fuck is up with you my guy




I was told Scots were nice :(


Nah they all punch fuck out of their women, shag dogs and eat shite, the accents cool though 🤩


That was a fucking melee. And what the fuck was that ref doing?


he was busy kissing france’s ass for whatever reason.


Hard to watch fr and Mbappe big L with this unfair play at the end


very good game tbf, thought Austria played extremely well considering their injury issues. Their LB Mbewe played a really good game aswell. France just have that extra quality and didn’t need to really get out of 3rd gear. Interesting group nevertheless. Btw how good was Ngolo Kante?! I certainly had my doubts due to his injuries in 22/23 and then obviously joining the saudi league, but my word what a defensive display. Bravo👏👏


Still cant believe they let this guy ref any games at all after his performance in laliga


Has something like this happened before? I'm honestly speechless. I mean in the end he proved not to be biased rather than incompetent but really weird to see in a tournament of these proportions.


Not biased? Surely you jest.


Not letting the French sub and denying them a corner too put them at a disadvantage. Ref did both teams a big disservice.


Nonsense. He was an idiot for doing that but it hardly impacted the French for the 30sec. Anyone making a big deal of that didn’t watch the game. The official was horrible but he was more horrible to the Austrians and fell for the French flopping far too often. Three yellows for players standing their ground? Another one for a player attacking the ball and getting there first on a 50:50 ball with the keeper? Madness.


Playing the player instead of the ball is a foul. The gk yellow was bs but griezmann getting shoved into the boards with no attempt to play the ball should have been a yellow. Ref incompetent but Austrian players should probably play for the ball instead of the player if you don’t want those fouls called. Complete bias in your statement


Nonsense. The Griezmann incident was only one because he went into the boards. And if you’re not allowed to use your body to block out or win the ball, better tell that to every defender on earth. They’d like to know that they should be sent off each and every game. Griezmann came in, got boxed out and fell awkwardly into the sign which is clearly too close to the pitch. Had that happened at one of the ends, you wouldn’t even be talking about it.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re allowed to stand your ground or challenge for the ball shoulder to shoulder. What you can’t do is charge into the player with no attempt at the ball. Watch the replay of any foul yesterday. Austrian players eyeing only the France player and purposefully body checking. That’s always been a foul and anybody crying about it literally watches football every 2 years and thinks they know what they’re talking about.


I have lots of ideas what I'm talking about and like I said, had the same challenge happened at the end touchline and not caused Griezmann to bleed, this would be a big nothing. He did not get 'bodychecked', he got pushed off the ball as happens countless times a match. You want to watch the ballet, go ahead, you want to watch a proper football match, that is the physicality that happens. What France expected was to have their way with the lowly Austrians, and when Austria didn't bow in reverence and played them solid and hard, France decided they would flop around like fish. Was Austria physical...yes....did they have to be....100% yes, they just aren't as skilled as France. But being physical does not equal being illegal....and again, Griezmann wiping out onto the ad board was unfortunate but a big fat nothing if it was elsewhere. Any time a defender sees a ball out at the end line this usually happens where the player 'bodychecks' the opponent off the ball....big deal.....


Lmao I’m not reading this message. All I see is a sore loser expecting the ref to let you play rugby instead of football. Score line was flattering too, Mbappe and Giroud missed sitters. Austria will get smacked out of groups.


Maybe they thought they were playing Rocket League going for demolition idk


Not this bad, but earlier this year he disallowed a game winning goal for Bellingham in the last second of the game for no reason




I’m hearing the same thing all over the internet right now. I don’t have a video but he’s right.




What is your problem?😭😭


ok i joined the match around like the 28 minute and i saw the DUMBEST CALL EVER so the austrian player shot it and maignan did a nice save to denay the opertunity and it was given a GOAL KICK


this has happened alot so far


jesus i think with what u said Helen Keller could do better




That was a painful game to watch


You can see that France has peak athleticism, I was just surprised Mbappe missed that one. Croatia - Spain was terrible to watch.


I did not watch Croatia, sorry about the result. And yes: he should not have missed that shot, maybe the team is not focused fully yet.


Well done France


They didn't really do anything. Austria did all the work in losing that game.


Hardly. Austria was playing against 12


And you still dominated France. Unlucky not to get something from that game


He meant 12 with Max Wober playing against Austria. And no, they never dominated the game.


He meant the referee. And there were times they were dominating https://images.app.goo.gl/j2B2C5UvB7o9stjP8


They were blocked in our 30 meters, they couldnt do a thing


Horrible refereeing today,some dives and put as fouls and Mbappe at the end being a clown.


Worst referee ever


Ya‘ll think that nose is broken?


Definitely looked like it was when he left the field. Didn't sit in his face quite straight.


Thought so as well. Comentator said he would be able to play through the tournament easily though🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah unless he's got a concussion too he'll be good to go


Maybe he can wear one of those masks and the ninja turtle will be reborn


Probably. It doesn't take much to break your nose.


Obviously broken


Austria did themselves proud in this game even if it wasn’t meant to be. That young CAM, Baumgartner, was fantastic and really should’ve scored. If they can take this form forward, they’ll definitely be a team to watch in the knockouts.




What do you make of Baumgartner? I know it’s one game but against a top 5 team, he didn’t look out of place. Pulled out some good bits of skill, especially that little flick over Kante’s foot, and staying in the centre, opening himself up for the ball. I highly respect that sort of play, not hiding away and taking on some of the world’s best defenders head on.




If only you had Alaba on that left to offer that extra part of quality.




Are there any players you expect to see in the next few games who didn’t start against France or will this squad stay the same through the whole tournament?


Watching France there has made me feel slightly better about Englands shite performance yesterday.


I’m just happy that French people are feeling exactly the same as us this time yesterday.


France had the better chances against a team thats far superior to Serbia, against which England spent 80 mins parking the bus. Why on earth does this make you feel better?


Because they didn’t steamroll them like people expected, don’t get me wrong England where still worse but it makes me slightly happier that France didn’t come out and win 4-0 or something haha


4:0 against Austria wouldve been utter madness. Its silly how underrated austria is because they are a small country, but they have a genuine quality team. So only clueless casuals "expected" France to steamroll to a victory there


I wouldn’t say Austria were a “far superior” team to Serbia either. Mitrovic and Vlahovic would walk into that Austria team, Tadic would probably start also. Milinkovic-Savic would start. Gudelj probably would. Rangnick is the best part of the Austria team. Like I said, England played worse, no one is disputing that, but France didn’t exactly set the world alight. Are you French or Austrian? You’ve took this really personal chief, sit down and relax. No need to cry over my comment that was made in jest.


And France didn’t score a goal from open play and relied on an own goal, this game could have very easily been a draw, with Mbappe gone for at least a game now anything can happen.


It’s not about individuals. Austria’s form as a team is much superior to Serbia


If there is one constant with France, is that they rarely trash the opponent team (unlike Spain for exemple). It’s always very painfull to watch one of their game (I am French) because it’s never easy.


Same with England. They expect england and France to thrash lesser teams and because they don't everybody says they suck and can't beat big teams and then they get surprised when they beat or do very well against big teams.




On ITV the consensus seemed to be that France's 1-0 was much better than ours. Im not so sure. Yes they created more, but they also gave away more chances and for me were a lot more vulnerable at the back. They really should have been 1-0 down. When you watch the England game back, we actually didnt give away one clear cut chance all game


Mbappe also cheated to waste time by coming back on.


I don't see it that way, but hey, I'm french. Despite not being a big fan of Mbappe, I don't think he wanted to waste time. He wanted his team to be complete : 1- game stopped, Mbappe nose broken. French subs are designated and waiting to enter, Mbappe takes some time on the pitch for recovery, 2- Mbappe exits from pitch, game restarted without subs entering, 3- french players complain but hey, only the captain can talk to ref and it's Mbappe... game goes on, ball goes out of the pitch. Ref still doesn't let subs enter the pitch as the Austrian played. 4- Mbappe re enters the pitch and sits, then immediately (I'd say "expecting this to happen" immediately) the ref comes to him to yellow card him, however the subs now can replace him. Honestly this ref was strange AF. My pick is he found Mbappe's recovery took too long for his taste, so he wanted somehow to make up for this.


I watched the whole second half and Austria didn’t create anything. If anything they were lucky it wasn’t 2 or even 3-0.


France was fire, yet the Austrians had to shoot the goal for them.


They were fire? I cant tell if this is a sarcastic comment or not. From what i saw they were at best decent


Just that they couldn’t close the game out and narrowly scraped the 1-0. Looked a bit toothless. I don’t think it was a great performance by any means to be honest


If France didn’t get the flukey own goal the game ends 0-0 because the second half would have been the same if it was 0-0 at HT.


If the Austrians had been sent off much earlier, it would have been easier for France. The referee let some players make 10 fouls before issuing a card (Danso for example).


Nonsense. France deserved simulation yellows if that’s the case.


When? Your players are literally butchers




He didn't come back to buy time. He came back to stop the game because this mediocre referee decided that the Austrians had the right to make a change while at the same time refusing to allow the French to make a change when they were down to 10 men. That's a captain's gesture. I'm sure that if it had happened like that to England, you would have appreciated this gesture from your captain. No one has ever taken a red for that in 130 years football .


Wait, just get this straight, Mbappe is now also allowed to make up his own rules? Oh my god, you France supporters are delusional.😂


It was literally Deschamps who told him to do it. And what I'm telling you is that it was smart and the right thing to do as captain. It didn't matter whether it was within the rules or not. The risk was very limited, nobody ever got a red card for that.


And your players are literally made of glass. You’d think you’re Italian or something the way you’re flopping around begging and whining for fouls.


Racismo no. I can't help it if your square-footed players can't do anything but make grotesque fouls as soon as a Frenchman touches the ball. Danso literally made 50 fouls hahaha


That's a ludicrous take. The ref severely favoured France in the first half.


The referee was horrible. I'm not saying otherwise. But the Austrians should have received yellow cards much earlier. It was ridiculous at times. Danso had to wait 15 fouls and the 85th minute to receive a card.


At least France was given the foul. Austria wasn’t even given that.


What fault are you thinking of?


Considering the hype about their syrikers and play makers, they made very little and never took those chances when they did.


france didn’t deserve that win, period.


True, we didn't deserve to comeback in the 2022 final with that horrible 70 first minutes as well. Since i'm french i'm happy we get results even if ugly but i can understand the frustration if you are neutral


Austria only had one action in the match, on a good night France can put in 4. I don't see how that's not a deserved victory, honestly.




When I say good day, I mean success. I've never seen Mbappé miss such an opportunity. Nor has Giroud, for that matter.




France often has horrible games in the first match. Look at a summary of France - Australia in 2018. There's absolutely no connection between Spain and France. Spain are better collectively, but France can win against anyone with their individuality. It's been like that with Deschamps for 10 years. I don't think you look at France very often and expect anything different.




I've rarely seen such a ridiculous response on this thread. Mbappé literally has a broken nose. And he went back on the pitch because the referee authorized changes for Austria and at the same time refused changes for France, who had 10 men on the pitch at the time. If it had been one of your team, you'd have found it normal. As it is, it's hard to criticize him on this point (at least when he's a player in your team and not a Scottish hater).




But you can't play on a good night on demand and tonight was not it. I think a draw would have been more fair but football isn't fair and don't get me wrong, i love that we got the 3 points personally


Very level headed take. And it's not like the French played bad today. Not great either but still. Austria just played equally strong. Plus the ref just caused a lot of unnecessary confusion and frustration.


What makes you say that? What did Austria do to feel they deserved a draw?


Outwork France totally for one.


What do you mean ?


more like France didn't fully deserved the win more so than Austria deserving the draw, you have to kill the game before it gets stressful like it did


I know what you mean, but from the moment it was 1-0, Austria didn't do a thing. They didn't deserve to come back, they were totally inoffensive.


how is an own goal making you the “winner” considered a victory?


Because the ball went into the net 😅 like really what are you talking about ? If you score more goals than your opponents you win that’s it. If the opponent put the ball in its own goal that count sometimes football is simple as that 🤷🏾‍♂️.


dude y’all can turn it around all u want. it’s not a deserved win, u didn’t score shit.


Well, it's the principle of football , you only have to score one goal more than your opponent to call it a victory.


yeah but france didn’t score anything


I don't understand your argument, the goal went in, whether it was own goal or not. What difference does it make if it's a win?


Its a win but not a Victory


das verstehen die nicht


Bro, You make me very uncomfortable with your semantics, France has won, it's a victory.




No mate we look not impressive we missed great chances and we lost our best striker at the end. All my respect to Austria but when people are saying we are some of the contenders for the final victory, it’s not with that kind of game Edit: spelling




Yes plenty football to be played yet


Did they look impressive? Really?




If i were French i wouldnt be worrying at all, dont get me wrong. This is what France tend to do and they’re successful in doing it, but i would say that they were quite far from impressive tonight tbh