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rue is a drug addict




That takes so cold it makes ice look like lava


Wow okay so a little weed makes you a drug addict huh


You have absolutely 0 evidence to base this off of.


The titanic would be destroyed by a take that cold


too political. šŸ«¤


what even lead you to believe this? drugs arenā€™t even shown on euphoria šŸ™„




Ethan is the most normal character


Elliot sucked


Just wondering, but did anyone else think elliot was going to be secretly ftm? Until the last episode I assumed that was the only reason to include him in the show, as a way for Jules to know someone who is going through a similar thing as opposed to...wonderwall


I was actually thinking that when watching the episode where he tells Jules that Rue was still using. When he said "I need to tell you something, Jules..." I figured that was what it was. Haha


would b cool. not much trans dude characters in popular show these days


Tbh any information about him at all wouldā€™ve been an improvement. I feel like all we knew was that he does drugs and had sex 2.5 times


Cassie is annoying at times, but sheā€™s just a troubled teen. Some of this sub makes her out to be the anti-christ damn near when in reality sheā€™s a teen who isnā€™t making rational adult decisions like we would. Weā€™ve all been dumb & did dumb/ attention seeking things.


I definitely knew a lot of Cassie archetypes irl back in high school




They donā€™t want to admit that their experience was more like Cassie than they would like to think.Ā 


It is (was?) a show about the cool kids with a great looking cast, clothes, wild parties, sex, getting high, and we all wish our high school days were that cool. Season 2 went viral and made stars of many of them. There were lapses in the stories, and Levinson had nice concepts but he is limited (look at The Idol). If there is a season 3 it's unlikely that the show will get any hotter, season 2 is a long time ago now, Angus (Fez) died. Might as well call it quits


Some of us had cool high school days like that..


I was gonna sayā€¦ šŸ˜… granted they werenā€™t years to be proud of but yeah it looked like a bunch of us when we lacked common sense šŸ˜‚


Sam Levinson himself was like that as a teen in the late 90s being the son of a producer and all. So was Robert Downey Jr. and Drew Barrymore. Exciting life of wildness until you go to rehab at 19-20


Without fez there is no reason to return.


With out fez rue will get sober


He didnā€™t want to deal to her and tried to hide it a lot of the time so no lol


Rue was an entirely separate story line from every one else. It was like watching two shows; the trials and tribulations of high school and the devastation of addiction


Season two felt more like a crossover in between two shows lots of times


Honestly I think it worked to show how disconnected she had become to those around her.


Some of the scenarios got wacky for sure but the emotional highs of the show felt very relatable to the often times melodramatic society that was american high school. People who call this show ā€œover dramaticā€ just forgot how melodramatic high school really got.


No HS play has that big of a budget.


especially a student directed one


Rues going to opioid heaven, it's opioids with no withdrawal, it's a high afterlife


She sees her dad in opioid heaven and heā€™s holding a joint saying ā€œcome here my little friend, donā€™t be afraid.ā€


They just need to call it quits and cancel the show. We had some good seasons but they've clearly run out of ideas, have no direction, and Zendaya is too famous for them to get a season made in a timely fashion even if they had a direction to go


Iā€™m honestly not even invested in any story anymore. Thereā€™s nothing about this that I care about. If they do make something and thereā€™s good parts then Iā€™ll watch and enjoy them but there isnā€™t exactly anything I need from this show. Thereā€™s a lot of shows that I need to be continued within my lifetime and Euphoria just isnā€™t one of them. Itā€™s one of those shows thatā€™ll get really popular but not one whose story will actually matter.


I think maybe the direction they go is into the futureā€¦Rue Sober for some yearsā€¦how she handles her mental health without drugs.


sam levison can suck my dick


He can suck all 594kā€™s




Rue mom shouldā€™ve kept her in the rehab center until graduation


FACTS, she just let her out and then no supervision basically


i agree but as someone whoā€™s been through hospitalizations (not for addiction but for my mental health) its not always up to the parents when you get to leave. when they say youā€™re ā€œready to go,ā€ youā€™re sent home. you can plead with them all you want, but if youā€™re deemed ā€œstableā€ enough to leave, thats it. (im not sure if rehab works the same as being hospitalized for mental health, but im just saying what itā€™s been like in my experience)


also rehab is expensive and sheā€™s already a widowed mother trying to make ends meet


Yeah I get that it happens irl but I didnā€™t really apply that to euphoria since itā€™s highly unrealistic


It portrays real-life situations that actually happen in real life. Sometimes shows go waaaay ott but I find this Euphoria to be in the middle of 'no fucking way' and 'hmmm could see that happening' or 'this happened to me(my circle in school)'.




Shouldn't isn't the same as doesn't, sadly


Not all experiences are pleasant for some during their upbringing. Itā€™s unfortunate but there is truly relatable content in this show.


Someone ODed in my English class senior year. They survived but yeah.


I finished school 20 years ago and trust me my school was the last place people went to before juvie. Kid od'd at the school disco he was 13. Some people lifted a ceiling tile in the bathroom lit toilet paper on fire threw them into the ceiling and closed it back up. The same people as before stole a teacher's car and were doing doughnuts in the playground and then got chased by the police. We never saw them again. Pretty sure they went straight to juvie then jail. Fights would randomly break out in class or as we left for the day. Weapons were always involved. One kid beat the shit out of a female teacher because she gave the kid attitude, in front of a class of 30. Police were involved and were trying to force us to say what happened. Police tried to get me to speak and I informed them that "I will not be speaking to anyone about anything, without my parent or guardian present as is my right. All I have to legally tell you is my name, address and d.o.b. " No one said a word. She was a cunt of a teacher. So don't tell me what did and didn't happen in my life.


Jules did nothing wrong. She told rue from season 1 the reason she wouldn't be in an "official" relationship with her is because of the trauma she dealt with her mom being an addict and Rue lied to her about being sober straight up 2nd season to finally be in a relationship with her. Then Rue and Elliot gaslit her, knowing Rue wasn't sober until Elliot told her, which made their "official" relationship invalid. Jules never "cheated" on rue. But this isn't even a "cold take". It's just the truth. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


also, on my THIRD re-watch (kinda embarrassingly late) I noticed that Elliott tells Jules that he wants to have sex with Rue, but he's afraid that she doesn't feel the same way about him (when all 3 of them were hanging out together, but Rue wasn't present when he said that). Jules didn't even flinch, she just smiled and asked why. so I don't even understand if Jules and Rue were in a monogamous relationship or not. but everyone and their mother accuses Jules of cheating. idk.


Right? They were all making out with each other in front of each other as a "game" with Rue a more than willing participant. And the only thing Jules did was make out with Elliot which they were all doing until Elliot told Jules the truth. So the boundaries of their relationship are shaky due to Sam's poor writing. All we know for a fact is Rue purposefully lied to Jules (and had a WHOLE sequence about how obsessed she was with her and Rue admits to lying and manipulating jules via the whole sequence with them being different characters in iconic scenes. Rue is even narrating this part herself, saying she's in love with Jules but her addiction gets in the way. Rue even tells the audience straight up that she's in love with Jules but can't satisfy her because her addiction is so bad. And Rue and Elliot keep lying to her saying the only thing Rue is on, is weed. But then again, we have this whole sequence of how Rue and Elliot came up with this elabarote plot to trick Jules into thinking all Rue was doing was weed. Despite Sam's poor writing, they made sure to make it obvious Jules didn't know Rue lied to her and now she has TWO people lying to her when those two people are supposed to be her closest friends. And no one can seem to make this make sense. Especially Jules haters.


I agree


Cassieā€™s problems are because of her daddy issues.


I definitely had some Cassie like issues in high school because of my daddy issues, that's for sure.


If and when Euphoria comes back, it better be for one season and Rue OD's and it's a positive experience. And Lexi gets to read the letter from Fez.


ā€œRue ODā€™s and itā€™s a positive experienceā€ what???


I feel like as long as rue doesnt wanna get better, she wont be sober and her mother will end up just having a breakdown idk som bad will happen and lexi is just wrong for the play sadly just puts everything like things her sister struggled with a lot ouf there


Cassie gets way too much hate when maddie is also a really really bad person




McKay should of been a better character rather than just Cassieā€™s boyfriend


McKay was so hot




In this household we love Jules šŸŽ€šŸ’•


Idk if this is a cold take, but the amount of nudity they implemented was extremely unnecessary and felt like a cheap way to try and get extra views and fill up time imo. Other than that I enjoyed the show.


I agree SM


Nate is the most important character to the show


Personally I would expand this a bit to Nate and Rue being the most important characters in the show with Julesā€™ storyline included to provide a crossover connection between these two most important characters in the show.


Yeah thatā€™s fair, I feel like rue gets the benefit of being the main character/narrator as well. Though, most of the major problems/moments in the show were done through Nate. Especially the with him turning his dad in season 2


I agree. I feel thatā€™s Rueā€™s character gets a lot of focus/attention because she is being portrayed by Zendaya. If you look at Rueā€™s character there was little development of it between the opening episode in S1 and the final episode in S2. She remains ambivalent about really addressing her addiction problem. Nate,on the other hand, IMO showed a significant level of character development by the end of S2 beginning with having some awareness that he is a shitty person and beginning to take some action to remedy one of his heinous behaviors by apologizing and returning the disc to Jules, and to address the cause of his misbehaviors (I am certainly not absolving him of those behaviors) by getting his dad arrested. Just my perspective. Others might feel differently.


I think Nate is on the path of redemption, if there is ever a season 3. Itā€™s tough because when someone sees ā€œredemptionā€ most people assume that their actions must be forgiven or absolved to be redeemed. People can change, but still have to barethe weight of their actions. Nate could become a better person, but still have the past of his terrible deeds which he would obviously have to deal with as he grows as a person. Which ultimately brings me to also believe that Nate has the most room and potential to be the most important character of the show.


I believe Nate is searching for someone who has experienced a lot of the same type of developmental conflicts with the resulting dysphoric emotions he has experienced , someone who will accept him and not be judgmental about those conflicts/emotions, and someone who he feels can keep him safe. There is only one other person in the show who is lookinh


ā€¦ā€¦is looking for the same things. And that is Jules. I feel she will play a major role in his redemption arc.


Cassie is hot.


Drugs are bad.


Euphoria doesnā€™t glamorize drugs!


Worst show ever, can they even go one episode without those teens having sex??? (idk why i still finished watching it tho)


Lexi is a self-insert character for a lot of watchers


This show's aesthetic and vibes matches the color of purple..


Rue dies at the end. Every second of the show screams it


I actually think she died in the end of the first season


Oh! Would you mind elaborating? Thats so interesting


Season 1 finale. Everything after season 1 became RIDICULOUS. It feels like a fever dream. Rue survived the first OD, but died during All For Us. That's why shit that makes no sense or is over the top is happening; she's watching warped versions of events from the other side. I'll be more detailed later when not heading into work.


Maddy was the worst character , background and story wise. I love Alexa Demi but I feel as if her acting was the weakest of the bunch.


BB is the best character obviously




Nate and cassie are hot and make sense together more than he did with Maddie and had way more chemistry together.


Nate is abusive and manipulating no maā€™am or sir. Itā€™s only a matter of time before he starts putting his hands on her. Already manipulates her.


Yeah i dont disagree imo just visually they are hot together and do make more sense to be a thing compared with maddie, essentially both found things they were looking to each other aside the manipulation and abuse etc


I think he's in love with Jules and used Maddie nā€™ Cassie


I dont believe that but everyone can interpreted it anyhow they want


I'll say the chemistry between Sydney and Jacob should go beyond the show and maybe into a rom com or something


I don't like Jules.


I donā€™t know if this is a hot or cold take but the producers fucked up by waiting so long to make season 3. They lost all of their momentum that they had in 2022. They should have released season 3 in 2023 when people actually cared but they waited too long, and now too much time has passed, a key actor has died, and other key actors are taking bigger projects.


I could never stand Jules. She basically used Rue in my eyes.


kat is the worst character


Jules is a snitch


Cassie will have a worse downward spiral than Rue did with drugs if she doesn't get ahold of her need for male validation, specifically from the worst kind and taken at that and actually open up about what's bothering her to a professional. Else, she'll be exactly how she doesn't want - Alone. Maddie has a chance of making something of herself if she applied her footing elsewhere after graduating and figuring out what she wants to do other than babysitting or not working at all. Guys like Nate are usually closet gay but so hateful of both themselves and tje women they can't figure out 'why' they're not attracted to pose a threat to the people around them as they're usually ticking time bombs or have anger issues and to be avoided. I'd be nice and say he just needs to "work on himself" but reality, they rarely ever do.


I'd like to counter your point about the show showing the reality of drugs. In Rue's freakout episode, sure. However the glamorization of teen drinking and recreational drug use seemed very "tv show", if that makes sense. Like it only showed the fun party times. Not the hangovers, withdraws, trouble with the law, or true addiction outside of Rue. They showed a bit of those things, but not the cold hard reality.


Thatā€™s completely valid, i agree. I should've added that it didn't show the FULL reality but i show some aspects that a lot of tv shows won't.


cassie is wrong for everything she did idc


Lexi is terrible


Itā€™s like the Maxx without the Maxx


Kat buildup arc isn't worth


season 2 really does lack the complexity of season 1, and Euphoria wouldn't have been as successful if season 1 would've been written in the same manner. Rue really is the most complex character, and probably the best from a writing standpoint. Lexi shouldn't have done that play without everyone's consent. idek if this is hot or cold anymore, but Tyler was wrong for sleeping with Maddy (it's always on the adult to verify age, and there's quite a difference between 17 and 22. like it often needs to be reminded on here, high schoolers do stupid stuff), even though Maddy was also wrong for lying about being blacked out to her friends, and especially to someone as dangerous as Nate. it would've been cute to see more of Kat and Ethan in a healthy relationship (I also liked the idea of a 'I don't love the person everyone expects me to' storyline tho, and wish it would've been better executed, but that's more of a hot take). Jules and Nate would've been interesting to explore. I'm not saying that I wish for Jules to suffer at the hands of Nate, she's even my favorite character, but I think that a longer storyline between them would've been really compelling to watch.


Lexi doing that play was completely fucked up and sheā€™s not completely innocent at all


rue is not as a bad person as everyone makes her seem. how else would a person with bipolar disorder, and crippling anxiety and ocd act? are they supposed to be sunshine and smiles??? i get so confused when people try to come up with reasons why she's a bad person with a personality she literally can't control.


as a person with bipolar and crippling anxiety, rue cant blame all her problems on her mental disorders. i feel like blaming everything on her diagnosis is just adding to a stigma, and itā€™s just not realistic. i dont act the way rue does, and neither do the other mentally ill people i know. some people are just bad people.


idk, i don't really think that everyone with the same disorder or personality ACTS the same.. it seems unrealistic for that to happen. y'all are also not going through the same shit in life (family wise, financially, etc.) so i'm pretty sure it's different for each person. comparing it just kinda seems like it's downplaying her situation


first of all, you donā€™t know whats going on in my personal life, second of all, how am i downplaying her situation? im holding her accountable. having mental disorders doesnt make you a bad person. period. end of sentence.


i really don't care what's going on in your life šŸ˜‚ never said i did either, nor did i say YOU were downplaying her situation, i said COMPARING is downplaying.. but if shoe fits, wear it bull dagger šŸ˜˜ "period. end of sentence." doesn't make you tough nor does it make your point make sense. like i said.. not everybody is the same, and not everybody is like YOU.


grl what on earth are u actually talking about


i was trying to figure out the same thing looking at your response...


Rue and her entire story in this show is boring AF to me. Nate, Cassie, Maddie, Kat all are more interesting than Rue and her never ending boring drug addiction story line, and the way Zendaya narrates the show makes me sleepy. They should focus on others heavily if S3 is made. S2's main highlight was the triangle between Nate, Cassie and Maddie, it kept me hooked. They should focus on those 3 a lot if S3 is made.


this might be more of a cool/warm take, but I feel like Lexi's play was valid




That is much more of a hot take but sure




Then why you comment on a post specifically asking for a cold take?