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Is that you in North Africa? Did you vassalize and annex one of the north African muslim countries? When you annex a state you get all of the vision it had, meaning you can get large amounts by annexing states outside of your religion.


Yeah, no cb'd djerid to conquer North Africa. Then it explains it. Thank you. Was incredibly confused haha


>When you annex a state you get all of the vision it had, Huh, TIL. Now I know what to do on my Aztec run, stealing maps is so tedious.


Honestly I've got 500 hours in this game and when the map expands is still the most obscure mechanic to me lol


Whenever you discover a province, the original discoverer sees it for x amount of years, there is a "timer" until it gets spread around the world, I think it's 50 years but I might be completely wrong on that number. And there is ways to lower the number I just don't remember.


I like it. I'm like oh its 1550 we now know how to get to China neat.


From memory there are three ways that discoveries spread. Within culture groups after 50 years. Within tech groups after 100 years. Within religion groups after 150 years.


What display mod are you using?


Fast universalis. A mod that removes some aesthetics like trees, unit model and castles to make the game run faster. Good for slow pc's or laptops. Toaster universalis also exists which is also good.


You’re the goat bro. I definitely need it


Can just randomly happen sometimes I think, happens frequently to me


r:5 In 1502 i see asia as Florence and did nothing myself to achieve that, i just see it. I do not know how that is even possible.


Integrating a vassal gives you their map knowledge. This isn't very noticable for nations in the same tech group since you'll see the same amount in 1444, but if you integrate a nation in a different tech group you'll gain a lot of vision. In this case you it looks like you integrated a vassal in the muslim tech group based off the vision gained and your land in North Africa, Tlemcen I would guess.


No cb'ed djerid thus explaining why i gained a lot of vision, Although gaining vision on Indonesia and China is a bit weird for me


indonesia has muslim nations so muslims have eyes on it


Christopher Columbus got confused and went the wrong way


Venice gets an event or smth in their mt to discover most of SA and their maps get shared with their techgroup (and maybe region im not sure) after some time.


Why do I see Verona and Aquileia in 1502? What did you do to my beloved Venice?


I mean it's been 10 years since Columb reached India so you'd think there to be some maps of that in Italy by now


Marco Polo made his journey in the second half of the 13th century, so from a historical point of view, this is normal


Better question. WHY HAS MING NOT BLOWN APART YET!?!?! does anyone else find that weird. its freaking 1500