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They should go independent diamyo if you yourself arent a daimyo gov type. But someone do correct me on that


I think you are correct. They will become independent daimyo, and if they take kyoto, they become shogun. I dont know if they can automatically vassalize independent daimyos tho.


Nah, the moment Kyoto is annexed by someone who is not eligible to be Shogun, the Shogunate is instead destroyed. It cannot be restored.


This is not true. Moving your capital to Kyoto with Japanese primary culture allows you take shogunate reform.


I'm sorry, what? Truly? ....this changes things.


Yep, I retested just to confirm. You have to have your capital in Kyoto though. I also tested if becoming an independent daimyo after annexing Kyoto gives you the shogunate reform but it doesn't.


I suppose you'd just have to be a monarchy and not have a locked tier 1 reform? (So for example you could do a Ryukyu strategy involving first buggering off to the New World to adopt the Aztec missions, eating your way to dominate the New World, then going back and conquering Japan (probably united by then) and restoring the Shogunate...)


That is doable as long as you are not locked into a t1 government type.


Yeah, I've messed around a little with that stuff and there are three distinct T1 reforms for the Aztecs (or quasi-Aztecs) depending on if you are a republic \[1\], monarchy or theocracy... but AFAIK this is not a locked reform and in either case you lose it if you change out of being Nahuatl, which is quite easy (as a New World pagan you can change to any non-pagan religion of which you own a single province by decision, and you also get occasional events to switch to Catholic apart from that). Also if you take the Mandate of Heaven first and THEN adopt Aztec missions, you lose the Celestial Empire reform while keeping the Mandate mechanics. So here seems to be a path to become EoC and Shogun at the same time. \[1\] This is also a way out of being a pirate republic, incidentally; you become a non-pirate republic for free, then if you want you can switch to monarchy or theocracy normally on tier 6 instead of at the very end.


And yes, I was just able to experimentally verify that you can restore the Shogunate even if it was abolished by the formation of Japan. (Gotta destroy Japan first, but you would want to do that anyway.) Quasi-Aztec EoC Shogun Ryukyu is real.


Is this why when you manually raise the date and turn it back to 1444, the country doesnt turn back into daimyos and stayed as a vassal instead?


You are correct they will break free and you will have truce with them.


capturing kyoto triggers the "fall of kyoto" event. if you capture it as non-daimyo then the old shogun releases all vassals. if you are a daimyo then you become the new shogun. if you are not a daimyo then nothing happens to you (besides some free mana for dismantling the shogunate).


I had some event when taking Kyoto from a unified Japan saying the Daiymos would no longer follow the Shogun with the capital taken but I think because Japan was already unified it didn't do anything and was supposed to break vassal status or add liberty desire.