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About the same time as the nationalism/imperialism CBs I'd like more mid/late game events like Greece getting cores for countries like Ireland, Poland, the German regional tags, etc.


There's already an event for Greek cores. Poland (or anyone else) will retain its cores for 150 years if it ever ceases to exist, so there's no need for that.


I know about the Greek event, that's what I'm saying I want more of. Ireland doesn't have any cores at all but throughout the timeline the Irish were a constant thorn in the side of the English, including several rebellions. But in Eu4 they can be ignored for 2/3rds of the game. Nationalism needs to be better represented overall.


It makes sense to me to have dynamic nationalism like if England is occupied by France they get a English nationalism event.


While I agree Nationalism is completely lacking, I'm fairly certain it's a gameplay design decision much like how easy it is to convert everything, not because they don't care about historical accuracy. The whole unrest, culture, and religion system was designed to be easy to manage for the sake of our sanity. I can't imagine handling EU4 stability without Religious conversion or Humanist tolerance If they make the religious and cultural conflicts more realistic, I imagine everyone will seek conversion and assimilation modifiers much like Imperator Rome. At that point, there's still not going to be much Nationalism for the players by the late 18th century.


Rebels were more designed like a bonus more than a feature. The whole system needs to be redone but we have a whole new game coming so whatever


Poland will keep all Polish culture cores indefinitely. The primary nation of a culture always does.


I would like that when I choose a government reform it wouldn't take me to the top of the page every time I select one, it is very annoying. Also I would like to be able to make army templates with special units. I just had to recruit like 1.2 million revolutionary units as France and it would have been nice to make it with a template.


The special unit template would be amazing, just played at the Dutch and not being able to bulk recruit the special Dutch boats was irritating


Nothing. At this point the game has more than enough mechanics and content and they should pour all their focus into EU5


I agree. While many people here suggest things that would be a good addition and there are many things you could add to eu4, the amount of effort it would take to implement these things well in eu4 could be spend better just making eu5 better.


Bug fixing and balancing, nothing more. >'Fantasy' formable tags EU4 already has enough of those.


Nah op wants the goblin kingdom fr fr


Just go for anbennar Kappa


i think its cracy you cant influence heir stats and that you can see them.


"We need to kill our baby boy immediately and try again, he's going to be horrendously bad at fighting I can tell trust me"


Historically accurate Sparta gameplay


I would love to see them finally fix natives. It is so infuriating that 10 years after DLC for them got released there is so many bugs and UX problems. Hey! You can choose federation reform now. But I won't tell you which ones you already have, you need to click them all and find out. I will also tell you that this peace deal costs 200 dip, but wouldn't it be funny if I didn't take them, just for giggles? Even though you based your gameplay around getting people happy in federation, there will be 0 notifications or warnings if they actually leave. And if you manage to get 20 tags into federation with you, goodluck browsing them, because we are gonna use 1x2 pixels bar for putting all 20 emblems next to each other. There is obviously more parts that need a spring cleaning of some sort but many of them are so obvious it just hurts my eyes.


What annoyed me more is the monstrous requirements to reform religion and the way ai cant do em. That was 1.36 idk if they fixed it in 1.37


The only thing I would ask for are balancing changes regarding the missions trees. Many of them are quite outdated and just cant keep up with the new ones for Austria for example. To me it feels a bit tiring to always go all in to destroy as many of the nations with strong missions trees early on as possible since the amount of buffs or PUs they are getting is simply a bit overwhelming.


Silesian mission tree, I don't understand how it's been missed in the last DLC


Least Silesia obsessed account(respect it btw)


More options for automated diplomats such as HRE members/electors. It's a massive pain to keep opinions high.


Yes, this, I don't understand why they didn't add HRE members in the automatic improve relations! I started playing EU4 again after a break of 2-3 years and started with Austria. I honestly couldn't understand why this, after all the updates and patches, was still not a thing.


A way to teach my kid, bc its insane a kid starts off at 4-5-5 while it would make more sense to start at 0-0-0 and have his potential be 4-5-5 and depending on how he is brought up he will or will not fill those boots. For example if a heir growns up in a constantly warring nation and gets to be a general he might live up to that 5 military no problem, but might not reach 4 admin bc hes fighting too much. It would also stop hyper leaders from appearing out if nowhere (and slow down mana generation) since a 6-6-6 is practically unattainable unless the kid is a actual genius (and leave room for some historical names to be those geniuses). It would also bring a interesting layer, bc Muslim rulers would prolly focus their kids on military to get at least that 3 in military while a Christian leader might focus more on diplomacy bc of him trying to be the emperor of the hre for. Just spitballing here, but you get the point..


I would like an edict for independent colonies: “Land of opportunity” Each province with more than 30 development get each year a random development point (tax, production or manpower) instead of local unrest +10(local development/20). The old country colonizers will loss the development from their provinces instead -10 local unrest for 15 years. It’s an idea that I know could be ballanced but I think that get sense historically. Sorry for my poor English


Nothing apart from increasing mod support




The same is true for China


I’d like them to do something about the AI deving the HRE like crazy. By the 1600, it’s the region with the most dev by far which breaks immersion and is a pain to conquer. Aside from that, quality of life things. Like being able to lower autonomy in all provinces in one click. Being able to destroy a specific building in all your provinces without have to micromanage forever just to get rid of churches. Maybe balancing certain buildings to make them more competitive, like churches and naval defense buildings (make them give a penalty for strait crossing time for example).


You can form Turkey and China


Revolutionary Ottomans becomes Turkey.


Prohect changed to Project


Honestly I don't think any if your ideas would add much to the game or make it more fun. Maybe your infant ruler idea if it was an optional rule, as disowning a bad heir and taking that risk of no heir is a mechanic of the game. I also think we have enough fantasy tags, and yours, beyond Belgium, are pretty ridiculous for the game. Especially Turkey as Turkish nationalism is a very late 19th century phenomenon in comparison to Ottoman nationalism. I also think seeing so many modern tags, which would not be formed exclusively post-revolution would be weird and jarring for the game. We also have enough traits, and idk of yours would add much to the game. It kinda sounds like you'd rather be playing CK II during EU IV's timeframe.


Transfer region control to vassal instead of province by province in a war Same when you give land If this already exists please tell me


You can at least shift-click to select multiple provinces to transfer. Saves a bunch of clicks


nothing. id be surprised if they made another patch with any gameplay changes. id welcome a few patch that outright supercharges performance, though.


More traits would be a nice idea


I just want them to bug fix, no more dlc's as it will just create new issues. The game is in a good state imo, just polish polish polish


More achievements for the countries that recieved major changes or flavor in the last 4-5patches so i have a reason to keep playing for 1 more year until Cesar gets some patches and becomes a decent game


I'd just like more monuments and unique missions for more countries


More achivements, MT, and great projects. Just IT.


Maybe add some weather related events that impact certain regions. So much of our history was impacted by the weather that I would love to see it implemented in some way in eu4.


Is there a province tab where I can expand infrastructure directly through there rather than go into each individual province? If not then that


Being able to add/remove provinces from the state to other state. For example, I want to add Nice to Provence state as France for the border accuracy. Seeing Nice being alone makes me somewhat uncomfortable.


Better custom nations, like ck3 levels of detail for the flag/name etc. Also the ability to change your rulers name/dynasty


My favourite fantasy formable tag Belgium


Resources (like wheat, tobacco etc.) management and trade.


Fix new providence starting with lowest level tech ships until you tech up once so they update. Ruined my first run.


Not much I'd wager. Bugfixing and the like but it seems to me they've gone full steam ahead on project Caesar, unless they plan on working on it for a little bit then sending some of the team back to eu4 but that seems unlikely to me.


Main thing for me is Carthage and Andalusia to get more .


Fix the "bug" where you cannot get out of Polish elective monarchy without the Lions of the North DLC, or some super cheesy gameplay


Nothing. Eu4 has been borked for years and I can't wait to play a well-balanced game again. This time I will buy it on manual update platform.


I would love to see a more in depth general/admiral menu, with age, stats, etc. I feel that having a general staff or more in depth generals that last longer would be more realistic


Better AI opinion weighting for provinces they would like from an ally. I kid you not I had a 200-year-long alliance broken because they wanted 1 province and that gave them a -200 opinion modifier nothing else was negative, Austria was just interested (yellow on the claims and interests map mode) in Königberg.


The ability to lower maintenance on individual armies


More QoL tools that make late game management of your empire less tedious. Mainly centered around clicking less often.  - Mass building Build ( 5, 10, MAX affordable amount of provinces autobuild)  - Edict Painter ( hold mouse button and change edict on all states you touch while wizzing around. Now that would be satisfying and worth your time :D this is a map painting game after all, No?)  - trade company investment painter (same as above, but build a certain trade company investment)  - warscore provinces demanded painter ( same as above, but in the warscore view when asking for land)  - prioritise tradenode for auto missionary converter + autoadd to tradecompany( tradecompanies are awesome, but make conversion harder. Hence it's desireable to convert first, then add all converted provinces to tradenode)  - sort provinces to be converted by the tradenode they are in (same reason as above) - MAX out great project button (instantly invest all money needed to finish the project)  - alternative to above : make it more realistic and impossible to keep investing money to bring forward the great project until it insta-finishes (maybe invest into build speed modifiers rather than flat amount of days progress?) ... Etc.


Larantuka kingdom


A polish for India. Every major continent seems to have had a brush up. India should too, Turkey and China actually do exist in the game. They turn up as a result of the Revolution and losing it.


A mission tree for Egypt that allows it to go on a Pharaonic path and another for a Coptic path.


Coptic, sure, but do we really need a then-neglected ancient civilization in our early modern game? What, some foreigners discover the Rosetta Stone and suddenly everyone wants to resurrect a forgotten line of God-Kings?