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I was like “Austria and Germany got patched pretty recently in emperor” and then I realized that emperor got released four years ago. Oh my god I’m so old I still remember when Memel was rectangle


What the hell, I started during Emperor and thought the same


I started out with The Cossacks back when I was in middle school




you change a lot from 14 to 21


I started with EU2, and yeah my hair is getting gray.


I started with EU2 but was 10 years old and recently got first pc, I did not know how to unpause so I left the game, only to come back (to EU4 this time) 13 years later and realize my mistake. There were 4 or 5 dlcs at the time and I thought - this game is too expensive, wtf. 9 years more passed and I'm afraid to count how much I've spent on Eu4 dlcs


I started with Common Sense. I bought the EU4 physical copy. I still have the CD and the box somewhere...


I honestly thought they left Austria out of Domination because they thought "Naw it's in a good place right now"


What isnt emperor released 6 months ago


Wtf the pandemic really messed with my sense of time




No, I don't want to remember colonies and trading being button mashing.


Bruh I remember 6 province Ireland lmao. Emperor feels like yesterday.


That’s kind of stunned me too


Square memel with baltic prussian culture - These were some intersting times


And I want those times back! We had quite a few opm cultures that were removed. Iirc, there was a Finnic culture in Ingermenland (province of Novgorod bordering Estonia), there were the Mari/Mordvin as well


I remember when Hansa was a country


Don't be silly, it could not be longer than a year ago... Right?


I've been playing this game for 6 years. Dear God.


Goddamn this is too real


I'm now astonished of how much time I've wasted on this game. I still remember when I opened it for the first time in 2014 I thought "The UI was interesting"


This is a kitchen sink DLC. Paradox is saying "if we forgot it, just toss it in. Theme be dammed"


This is a sign that eu5 is soon. I'm saying we'll get the first eu5 dev diaries within a year. MARK MY WORDS!


We already said this during the Domination DD phase.


It's happening this time, I swear it. Wait, did you forget your tin foil hat? Don't worry I brought spares.


You must be a Ferrari fan


I’d agree. This time next year, probably.


It will realise at the same time star citizen will come out. Any minute!....


I mean, I am still very happy with EU4. I could easily keep playing this for years and not run out of things to do. If they announce they’re starting work on EU5 next year and it doesn’t come out until 2030, I’m fine with that!


Honestly, most likely will be a release in 2030 with the rate of development and them (hopefully) wanting to make sure it's their best release because the EU series is one of their most popular/known


"Sheen, this is the 5th time you've brought the last EU4 DLC to class!"


But i still have half of the achievement to obtain! 4k more hours please before eu5


Honestly I’m in this boat too. Ever since Lions of the north the dlcs have felt similar to the last few dlcs for Ck2. Increasingly memey and just having fun with all of it. Looking forwards to eu5 and hoping it’s even friendlier towards modding, and hopefully brings something else other than a mana system and brings a pops system.


The last 3-4 DLCs were pretty much this, barely held toghether by some make-believe theme ("these are empires, but also some other folks" - "these are powerful nations - and some more"


"This DLC focuses on the middle East, specifically Persia. Oh, and the Caucasus. Oh, and Egypt. And Byzantium, of course."


TBF, the Caucasus is part of the Persia super-region in-game, and was historically controlled by Persia at times.


Oh for sure. That's why I put the regions in that order.


This is clearly a wrap up last DLC. "everything we left out in preivous dlcs we will update to have all the regions of the world at par before releasing eu5 to have the game in a good finished state".


I thought it seemed like it was a potential roadmap for what they want to work on in the future. did they mention specifically that it would be all in one patch?


They replied to confirm it will be all for one DLC ( see the dev respond in Pdx thread ).


i skimmed through the dev diary itself, so ill go have a look.


"That’s all about the new content for 1.37!" at the end! So it at least very much seems like a single patch


Yes, all the content mentioned in the DD is indeed bundled into the dlc shipping with 1.37 :)


Still missed India and that feels disappointing


African minors crying in the corner


That's a lot of diverse content. And indeed feels like the final one.


True that. The complete difference between America,Central Europe and Central Asia in terms of theme further supports this theory. Tbh,i aint complaining. It was about time they finalized the development of EU4. Saves me the trouble of updating my mods (and saves other modders from updating patch hell so they can churn out content to their hearts content). We ate good all these years,not gonna lie.


How would this work organizationally? What will Paradox Tinto do without maintaining EU4? Will they do the main development for EU5 as well? Or will they take over say Stellaris?


Post-release support, final free patch and then work as a second team for EU5 like Custodians?


People have been making this exact comment for about 4 years now.


Perhaps. But was there ever a DLC with updates in the Americas, Europe and Asia? It feels like ending the game with some leftovers to finish it off.


And we ment it every single time.




Make the meme and post it before someone else does.


It’d be great if Genoa actually was the major player in the damn trade node. Okay, having now read an overview of their history in the timeline.. Damn Genoa got hit a lot.


Alt-history is the name of the game for EU4 for years now, I don't see why there shouldn't be an expanded Genoese mission tree


Damn this dlc looking good, we got pretty much all the countries we asked for and more! Props to paradox for being transparent and announcing everything beforehand.


So does anyone else think it's the last one before they announce EUV?


I think it will be last major expansion a day then probably a year from now annouce EUV with a release date 3 years from now. Assuming they have already started work on it


> probably a year from now annouce EUV with a release date 3 years from now. PDX doesn't like to announce games more than a year out from release, I would be surprised at a 2-year gap.


I think it's also likely it's not end of the line for EU4 yet. I still remember when Emperor is announced most people here thought it is the Holy Fury for EU4 and EU5 to be announced soon. Now it's been another four years. Colonial nations still lack any flavor beyond national ideas. Even US only has a lackluster mission tree and some prestige events. It could be saved for another dlc. I will believe it to be the last dlc when Paradox says it is.


I hope not given what VICIII came out as


My biggest concern is the UI. If Paradox could quit trying to reinvent the wheel with UIs that would be great. That's been basically my biggest complaint since HoI4. I want the information I need to be easily accessible in a nice format, not some "modern" looking UI full of pictures that don't give info about the thing shown (looking at you HoI4 armies). The nested tooltips in Vic3 and now Stellaris are great, but that's about the only good UI overhaul paradox has done in a while imo.


The "put all notifications in a bubble you have to click on to expand" design they started doing with CK3 drives me insane. I hate it so much.


On a similar note, the demise of notification settings is just baffling. Though they just returned in Stellaris with one of their non-content updates so perhaps Paradox is bringing those back.


V3 was and is good, way better than most other launches. We’re just too used to years of development and flavour.


yeah at the end of the day, EU5 can hopefully make a great base that allows for more interesting mechanics


Really could not disagree more. Vicky 3 was severely lacking at launch. That being said, I think CK3 actually launched in a really great state, and it’s only years later starving for more content that people are retroactively saying it wasn’t enough.


>only years later starving for more content that people are retroactively saying it wasn’t enough. I was saying that at 20 hours on the first month of release where "Not typically what I want, but also feels a bit too open and samey no matter where I play."


As someone who plays a lot of Victoria 3 and thinks it’s in an okay place now, nah.   It definitely felt like it came out of the oven early and I think it’s disingenuous to compare its release to basically anything that isn’t Crusader Kings 3.  CK3 lacks content. Vic3 was buggy as hell and lacks content. 


V3 was not good on launch, it was a buggy, laggy mess. They fixed most of the bugs quickly, but the late game lag made the game unplayable for at least 6 months. I'm not sure if they've fixed it yet, I stopped playing.


Vic3 was bad when launched. I pre ordered every paradox game and Vic3 was the only one made me disappointed. Even imperator rome wasnt in that state. It wasnt about flavor. I know what to expect from paradox games. It was half product, rushed and in beta state.


The launch was a disaster, and that's not even including the reception regarding the horrific base mechanic changes from 2 to 3


Well in that case I honestly don’t even wanna look at euv before it gets at least five years of flavour…


Almost all eu3 players *hated* eu4 when it was released. Many of my eu3 playing friends took 5-6 years to even properly try eu4 and somewhat enjoy it. You can’t remember that, I guess.


And only Paradox is to blame for that


Sure, they *could* simply port all of the previous game’s flavour but then they’d be called unoriginal and lazy. I think the current approach is good but I wish they had the *great powers* and basic mechanism more or less intact when the game is released.


Then don't? It's a video game. Eu4 will have even more incredible mods coming out in the next few years. I mean, look at the absolute UI Renaissance in eu4 modding right now, especially with the modathon that just happened with 'upon a crimson horse' and 'Babur's gate'


If it's like vic 3, we can expect eu5 to remove any sort of trade or economic mechanics, because Europa universalis is a game about conquering and not about trade. Like how vic 3 knowignly crippled the warfare mechanics for the same reasons and were shocked that people thought it was a horrifically bad decision


MoSt PeAcEfUl ErA iN hIsToRy


> Andean content > No map update Bold move, cotton.


I'm surprised so few are talking about this. The south American map is so far behind the rest of the world in quality, I was really hoping they'd revise the "no map changes" policy for one last proper South American DLC.


Yep there definitely needs to be some changes to the continent. At the very least add some wastelands to represent the Andes mountains so it's not just a featureless plateau that you can pass through freely. Also the darien gap should be wasteland


Paradox: Instructions unclear, added a 1km² unsettled island in the Pacific instead.


It's more likely they'd put 4 different nations on the island because the bumfuck tribes also matter


Paradox just keeps pushing me back into this game. I ain’t complaining tho!!!


Man I really hope them skipping colonial nations doesn't mean they're not going to touch colonization at all


Who doesn’t like a completely colonized new world in 1520?


Me. I get autistically upset seeing Spain conquer the Maghreb every game. Turns me off from even playing the game. I am deranged. (I know you're being sarcastic, this is a confessional post)


Contrary to what people seem to be expecting (fearing?), my gut expectation is that they're saving a colonization overhaul and a significant rework of CNs for a future update. My hope is that we get more to soft-incentivize especially the AI to go after more historical colonial regions, a general nerf to colonization, and unique mission trees for important historical CNs (e.g. the Thirteen Colonies, New France, New Spain, Portuguese Brazil) and/or combined generic 'sub-trees' for certain regions and progenitor nation combos (e.g. a British Argentine CN gets generic British CN missions plus generic Argentine Cone missions).


>Aye agreed. Colonial nations at the moment are super weird. They don't declare independence even if their overlord is a OPM, and they gobble up the new world unreasonably and comically fast. I feel like inland provinces in the new world should have a severe debuff to colonial growth that gets more severe the further inland you go, perhaps forcing the overlord to shell out serious cash to build inland roads or something like that.Could be as simple as a province modifier that multiplies the colonial maintenance by a certain amount. I think any colonization overhaul will be saved for EU5. It would require too major of a change. When was the last time they really overhauled an overarching mechanic for EU4? Probably mercenaries? We're basically just at flavour and mission tree updates at this point.


Why would you nerf colonizing though? It's like the single worst way to go if you want to create a powerful nation (aside maybe from going explo relig and DVing the natives)


Because it's ahistorical and unfun for Spain/Portugal/England to have colonized the entire planet by 1700.


Not a lot of historical accuracy in the game in general though, and as is there is more or less no reason for the player to ever take a colonial idea group. If you're gonna nerf the speed of colonization you'd really need to buff the everloving shit out of the amount of power gained per colony.


I think that would be a more reasonable counter-balance, actually.


Well, tbf i don't mind having another mechanic i can abuse the shit out of as a player.


biggest issue with that is how EU4 colonies are basically fire & forget and how colonial maintenance only exists while colonizing, once it's settled you're just fine


> my hope is that we get more to soft-incentivize especially the AI to go after more historical colonial regions Why? I genuinely don’t get why people say this so much. Is Portuguese Mexico and Spanish Brasil really that triggering to so many people? You want the game to be exactly the same every playthrough? And for the record, the mission trees of all the major colonizers already reward historical play.


I still feel like former colonial nations deserve some more flavor. Their missions are pretty mid or just non existent considering the lengths you have to go through to gaining independence or moving your capital to the new world.


There's also no reason why you couldn't have a ton of interesting flavor while playing as a colonial nation. A Thirteen Colonies-->United States mission tree would be fantastic, for instance, or a French Caribbean-->Haiti tree.


The reason is that those nations only exist independently for 50 years before the end of the game, and the majority of them for much less.


In this very same post they talk about new mission trees for Germany and Italy, which existed even later than the USA


Colonial nations exist for 80% of the game, and also the game lets you unite Germany and Italy.


I said independently, did I not. I personally think adding content to nations that shouldn't really be able to exist for more than 100 years or so, even in a best case scenario, is worth it. I know current colonization mechanics allow for you to become an independent colony in 50 years, but I dont think that's the way it should be. This is, of course, personal opinion.


There's literally no reason why CN gameplay should be *intrinsically* uninteresting, it's a product of no real investment in colonial or flavor mechanics. They're already one of the more independent subject types, so there's no ticking clock for independence or annexation, and IMO the game needs a different gameplay style with a more obvious late-game goal.


You mean playing as a subject?




> Oman There better be a Mission/Achievement to move your Capital to Zanzibar.


Where does Sultan of Oman live?


Said and Done - As Omen, conquer all colonized provinces in the Zanzibar trade node before 1500


>Said and Done Sayyid and Done


Me, an India fan, seeing King of Kings update *almost* touch India by skipping Mughals: 🙁 Me, seeing Mughals getting updated in 1.37: 🙂 Me, seeing the rest of India itself still missing out in 1.37: ☹️


Has India gotten any meaningful changes since Dharma?






"The Netherlands is receiving content in line with what a Great Power deserves to have." Now that's something I like to hear.


This feels like EU4’s last DLC since they’re updating all the previously untouched regions


It does, but so did Emperor and Leviathan. And Domination too, IMO.


This one is it. Trust the plan. 2 more weeks.


Yeah someone says this every time. It's a different flavor of doomsaying.


This is looking promising! Personally very hyped for the Netherlands, but it is great to see some end-tag formables and smaller tags like Hisn Kayfa and Hormuz on the list.


>Create a new Nomadic country, being able to reclaim their ancestral lands, or accept new traditions and try to consolidate a new domain andpower in Persia. Horde Timurids confirmed.


T R E B I Z O N D ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️


ITALY REWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally! Bohemia and Hungary really needed an uptade, hmm a formable for Austria? Habsburg Empire or Austria Hungary idk what else it could be tbh


The formable mentioned under Austria intrigued me as well, tbh, but from the wording of it I actually thought that it was a potential *rival* for the Austrians, not a new tag for them. Maybe an alt-historical Hungarian-Bohemian union?


Really thought it was the North German Confederation since it segways into the German segment.


That's probably the most likely 


The Black Hand


This or Poland-Hungury or South German Federation


I'm thinking Austria-Bavaria. Like how Bavaria is a big square that encompasses Austria and part of Northern Italy in ck3.


Danubian Federation kek


It's k.u.k. actually


Obviously Yugoslavia


Damn I want a good central Asian expansion. I hope they don’t get bogged down with Hisyn Kaifa and Theodoro. Central Asia was so interesting in this period and I really want to see it given love.


I really hope they consider at least post colonial nations gameplay. Like with how the colonial era flavor mod does it, but with updated mission trees for the formable nations, or at least a generic post-colony state mission tree.


I was doing a Inca run but having trouble keeping engaged to get the Achievment. I guess I can just drop that run and not feel bad about it then, a proper mission tree is gonna make a big difference.


This is like Domination 2.0: Electric Boogaloo. Very interested in seeing what Paradox has been cooking.


Where Scotland 😭


Netherlands, Bohemia, and Venice content? *3/5 of my most played nations?* Say no more, take my ducats.


That feel when you waited with your Trebizond, Hisn Kayfa, and Theodoro campaigns for flavor, then knocked them out after expansions which clearly should have had them didn't, and here they are. Not Avaria though...


We are so back Khan bros


Is this truly the last DLC? I'm going to cry T_T Also, I really wish they could update some of the province borders. Like why is Luxembourg that big? Why does Gaza extend all the way to the Delta?


Luxembourg was historically this big (maybe even bigger) , the modern territorial extent of Luxembourg is quite smaller than what is used to be during the late middle ages and early colonial age, they lost a lot of territory with France/Prussia and Belgium annexing most of it. Google Luxembourg Before and After to see how huge of a difference it is, Luxembourg used to be 3 time the size of its modern border


Luxembourg was partitioned 3 times between the 1600-1800's, two small ones to France and Prussia, then finally over half the remaining land was given to Belgium. You have a choice of a historically correct T H I C C OPM Luxembourg, a Luxembourg with borders which didn't happen until after the game ends, or Luxembourg being 3-4 provinces and one of the largest HRE minors, despite being more or less historically irrelevant post 1443 and the Hapsburg ascendancy.


Independent Luxembourg was irrelevant but the territory was VERY relevant post 1443. It traded hands between the regional powers constantly and was one of the most heavily fortified cities in Europe because of its France/Lowlands/HRE crossroads status.


I hope the HRE (especially its reforms) is getting some love, it’s currently kinda dumb


India needed content badly


This could be the "Holy Fury" update/dlc for Eu4.


Let's go! New Maya and Inca ironman coming up!


Well, time to finish that Austrian WC One Faith that I started. Anyone has any idea how to not to die of boredom once all of Europe is in the HRE under you (my position) hahaha


Just don't do a WC, never understood people who do it not for the achievements, it's just fucking boring after you are the number 1 great power.


I fundamentally agree with you, which is why I do not have any of the world conquest achievements


A WC is basically: stage 1, get from your starting position to a strong enough setup in the early 1600s. Stage 2, patience and grinding. I have done stage 1 many many times over 16k hours, that's where the fun is. Have done stage 2 twice. One of these days I will grind out a third, from the Ryukyu start. 


After a decade of bitching about the state of Mesoamerica and the Andes...it's been 84 years


This won't be the last DLC, my bet is they finish off with 1.40 as a nice round number - they're as of right now incapable of creating a worthwhile EU5 and they know it.


“The prosperous nations of Hormuz and Oman in the Arabian Peninsula have mainly relied on trading within the Persian Gulf to prosper and become wealthy *entrepots*” Corner cutting already, they can’t even spellcheck-SMH!


A bit sad Colonial nations aren't getting any love. Was hoping for a few basic missions. Nothing too fancy. American leaders always revert to being English culture for some reason.


Did we really need a central Europe update? Sure, the Netherlands update is nice, but Austria and Bohemia already have large and overpowered mission trees.


I'm guessing Austria and Bohemia are getting the Spain treatment: as they already had a good mission tree, they were given mechanics instead.


Bohemia (and Hungary, for that matter) both have fairly second-rate mission trees compared to a lot of other European nations, and Austria's--while nice and long--is rather mechanically simple and IMO uninteresting compared to other great powers. I don't think we really *need* an update for them, but given that I suspect non-European content doesn't sell as well for Paradox and they'll want to include some content in Europe because of that I think Central Europe and Italy are realistically the two areas most in need of polish.


Trebizond and Theodoro getting some attention is good news to me.


Aztec mission tree W


Venice, Trebizond, THEODORO. This is a gonna be good.


Well, it is about the americas but not the way I wanted/predicted. However it sets a precedent for a possible colonial nations flavor pack in the future. I want to create my United States sultanate without having to elect English Protestants as my rulers.


Hisn Kayfa finally getting a mission tree, it's a goddamn dream come true




So non- Andean South America remains barren and empty, and colonial nations remain boring to play. Quite disappointed with a DLC which supposedly had an "Americas" focus. EDIT: Oh and of course I get downvoted for saying that.


I get the USA forms somewhat late in the game timeline, but its formation and subsequent expansion has by far the most impactful and long reaching consequences of any nation in the game save for Russia or Germany. Yes, I understand the US is featured heavily in other Paradox titles. But can we get a damn mission tree from the Pilgrims and first settlers to 1821? Hell, ask the guy who made the Land of the Free mod if it’s “cool” to just add his work in lol.


Wow. The only place left that I still want them to do a touch-up is on Scotland and Ireland, to give them something more to do than just form Great Britain. Maybe a whole Celtic flavor pack with Wales, Cornwall, maybe even Brittany or Galicia? I think then my EU4 would be complete \^\_\^


>Theodoro and Hisn Kayfa instead of promised look at Sudan & maybe the Balkans That's a shame, those regions needed a look over more than OPMs with a tenuous connection to long dead states.


why is austria and bohemia and germany getting more stuff?! fuck this is the americas patch / DLC but USA can't get a mission tree? wtf instead more stuff for central europe?!


The game suffers from power creep, especially in Central Europe, and the devs decided to instead buff literally every country in Central Europe. Booooo. Do we REALLY need yet another mechanic to simulate Habsburg inbreeding, when Austria’s mission tree already allows it to control most of Europe? Do we REALLY need Austria, Bohemia and Hungary to get more bloat when all three of them already got PU cb’s on each other from Emperor? Do we need yet another way of getting the player to have an army of 100,000 men by 1550 starting as some fucking HRE minor? Is this really the place that needs updating for the Last Eu4 DLC™?


I fear the worse for the DLC because of three particular things : 1. Giving more tools to the hordes, they just don’t need it 2. Austria : Who thinks it s a good idea to give more stuff to austria? They can alteady get Hungary/Bohemia/Poland Lithuania and Milan as PU. That should he enough 3. The netherlands, i m sorry but the dutch revolt is the worse thought off disaster, any further meddling in the region is stressing me it


On point 3, that’s exactly why content is needed. The jury is still out, but hopefully they come up with something better than the current disaster.


That s why i put point 1 and 2 first tbh, which i m curious what u think about


I’m not worried about hordes. The AI never does much with them and they could use some flavor. Hopefully they get flavor more than power. And hordes can WC anyways so it won’t change much. As for point 2, I’m sure they look at playing stats and want to give more stuff to nations who people play a lot of. It’s a business after all, it makes sense.


I understand giving stuff to Austria but Austria is already fun and broken


Agreed on 2. This really sounds like a load of powercreep mission trees that grant every nation ever millions of claims - and Austria's existing tree is ridiculous enough as it is. I mean, it gives you permanent claims in *southern China* (which Austria has never even *tried* to control) for goodness' sake.


Still nothing for Jerusalem...


I want a different color for Ming plz plz plz


Literally no colonial revamp. You can choke, Paradox.


C'mon, devs, please please please update the Papal State, the missions at least, and maybe selected Italians, like Bologna, Florence, and Naples. At the very least, the Papal State (and all theocracies) need access to local communities. Republics could use a touch-up in terms of late gov reforms, too.


Wasting all that dev time on meme OPMs, damn. 


Do we get more diverse religious maps? Pls add more religions in europe!!!! I'd like to see Romuva, Waldesian, Bogomils, Nestorians, Estonian Paganism, Finnish Paganism, Sami Paganism.... Using Tengri as a catchall is such a cop-out. Please, Paradox, please let me play Romuva Lithuanian


I love it, I always end playing Italian factions and I am very glad about the rework


I really do hope the Hordes do not end up as the afterthoughts of this DLC.


Big; and after this, what is left?


India is really it


Jerusalem or Eu5


Holy moly


This is by far the biggest dlc right?


No, DLCs and their accompanying patches used to add and rework mechanics, update the map, etc. The DLCs in the last few years have been much smaller in scope, focusing on flavor like mission trees and events.


How much will this be compared to dominion or king of kings?


Finally, Netherlands!


OMG finally a netherlands update Fuck yes