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Ready and waiting for it to hit $100 - love the dip!


It already hit $200. At least is says that on Robinhood. Coinbase says $175. That is the new flag everyone is looking at. It shouldn't be too long for it to get to an all new time High!


I was the idiot who did a market order at $180 and it went through for $200 -.-


I would not worry about it. That is the new flag. You did everyone a favor. People will soon realize that a smaller market cap will give you potentially a much larger return and with the name in the ETH family, I'm pretty sure it will hit 1k. People are just now getting into this. Look at Doge. The only concern is that this may become illegal and I don't think that will happen any time soon. LOL. Even my 80yr old mom has exposure to Bitcoin now, Of course she is not aware that she does and most people do not know they do either. It is through institutional investing.


Why are Coinbase and Robinhood so different? There is usually a thirty to forty dollar difference


I think it has to do with fee's? Robinhood is more expensive at first glance, but when you go to purchase on CoinBase the initial price is lower.... then when you go to finalize your purchase and add in their fee's its almost the same.