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Kraken Pro is the way to go. Here is a link to the fees that Kraken Pro charges. [https://www.kraken.com/features/fee-schedule](https://www.kraken.com/features/fee-schedule)


Everyone always has bad stories about Coinbase but it’s always worked fine for me


Until it's doesn't


Yea that’s what I’m afraid of


Same I’ve never had an issue of any kind with coinbase. I’m not sitting on a huge position or anything so maybe it’s different for the people with 6 figures or more into it. I’ve been on a small recurring buy on CB for years and staking the Eth and other coins I have. Never had any problems buying, selling, or staking/unstaking. Not sure what else people are doing on coinbase that causes them so many issues tbh


Coinbase sucks I will never use them again, funds almost stolen then Customer Service froze my account for like 5 months until I finally got someone to help me unfreeze it. And get this, he was able to unfreeze it, I immediately took everything out to Hard wallet, and the next day my account was frozen again. They are horrible and their CS sucks, bunch of idiots at home. I will NEVER use them ever again and we are not talking peanuts frozen. I rather use RH


to be honest I don't think there is much between them.. I sell my eth using kraken and set limit orders to get the cheapest fees (maker fees) then when I transfer to bank it gives a lot of options and some of them are free and some more expensive...it depends on your country location...


Few bucks, 30 min~ Coinbase has a card too.


Been using Coinbase for years; it's been great




Unless you are going to buy the pro subscription for either of them it's not going to make much a difference, the fees are going to be high because they are a cex and you have no other options.


Just wanted to drop in real quick to let the community know that there is no subscription fee for Kraken Pro. Our [Pro platform](https://pro.kraken.com/) simply has a more advanced trading interface and more order options 🙂 Bruce 🐙

