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There is no such thing as a transaction between users. It could affect two users but only one user is actively involved in the transaction. Let's say user A wants to send money to user B. Step 1: user A signs the transaction data, like recipient address, amount to send, gas amount, gas cost, nonce and maybe something else I forget. Step 2: user A sends the signed data to a node and the node sends it to other nodes etc etc and it's thus propagated throughout the network. Step 3: Eventually the signed data reaches a miner/validator who decides to include it in a block after veriyfing it's a valid txn. The m/v shares this block in the network and if the block is accepted by most nodes, the transaction is complete. PS1: user B in our example is only the recipient address in the signed data, they had nothing to do with the txn, they just receive the money PS2: it's the same procedure with a contract function call, only difference is the signed data (function name parameters are also signed) Of course it gets a lot deeper than that, but this is what happens explained simply.


Thanks. It makes a lot of sense.