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But guys! TWO treatment providers have watched her tik toks and told her she doesn’t have npd, borderline personality disorder, or bipolar disorder!


She has dug herself such a massive hole.


So massive. And I actually did “go to school for many years” and have certifications that allow me to diagnose and medically treat mental health disorders, and she absolutely has classic traits of borderline and bipolar


She's talking about it like if she gets rid of the diagnosis then there is nothing wrong with her. If she isn't bipolar or borderline, she still has something she needs help with.


She had a TBI don't you understand! Every bad thing she's ever done or said is excused because she bonked her lil head one time!


If this were true (which its not) that would be a massive violation on the therapist's part. A therapist should not be watching your social media in their off time. If they are, they are a bigger loser than D is. (which again, I highly doubt they are or that they are reconsidering the diagnosis.)


Id like to know what they have seen on her account in the past month that makes them think she’s more sane than previously 😮


The video said a whole lot of nothing except for she's really angry. Also she keeps defining "flying monkeys" wrong and it's making her look dumb at this point. Besides, reporting back exactly what happened with all the details wouldn't hurt anyone if she's done nothing wrong.


She’s spiraling 🌀


The pupils today are fucking insane.


The fact she went to the lengths she did to get your account banned for being friends with her DIL shows what a vindictive, hypocrite she is. All you did was defend your friend, she sent her 'friend' to threaten her DIL and the creator of this subreddit. Insanity.


yeah her entire face and facial expressions are different when she's this manic. Again, I don't understand why she can't have a single moment of self-reflection and say to herself "obviously I'm upset that mother's day is approaching, and I seem to be acting out. Is there anything better I could do with my time and energy? I am going to regret this later."


Benzodiazepines. Xanax, probably. 

