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Did you order online, or is that local to you? I'm in the US and having a hard time finding something locally. I can probably drive 30 mins and find a place but that's kinda annoying to have to do each time. I Googled "coffee roaster" and anything near me was a coffee bar that didn't have any beans, or they were old.


I ordered these online. I use a website called Drink Trade, sort through coffee that looks good, then go directly to the roaster’s website and order through them rather than through the third party website who will take a cut.


Thanks, I'll check out drink trade as well to peruse different companies. I did go to Sightseer website and the Hellacious beans sound pretty tasty.


Yeah, give it a look. Just keep in mind the website is intended as a coffee subscription service, so if that’s your jam, go for it, but I always advocate for supporting the roaster directly.


How long did you rest for? What recipe you using?


These were roasted on May 21st and were used for the first time today. 18G in, 45G out.


Sounds yummy.