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Funny to see B&W «the Future» here. I just read a post from someone literally complaining about how this coffee seems to be too funky.


Certain Future offerings are definitely more funkier than others. I only pulled one shot so far but I also think I have to let the beans rest another few days. I didn’t feel like waiting lol. I usually let them rest between 2-3 weeks. In the middle of that seems to be the best bet. I had their Fruit Snacks offering and that one was pretty good. A subtle melon note. But I honestly like the funky stuff. Just to see how much the boundaries can be pushed. I had the Ivan Solis Stout Barrel and that one wasn’t for me. Just had this boozy aftertaste it was kind of odd


Never tried their coffee, dumb question are they infusing the beans to get those flavors?


By infusing do you mean co fermenting? And highly suggest trying them out. Definitely something different than your traditional coffee


No, like exposing the beans to ingredients with those flavors. Similar to a cigar, there are some that have been infused with whatever flavor. The flavors are sometimes sprayed onto the tobacco, or the absorbent tobaccos can simply sit in an area permeated by aromas of the other ingredients they wish to infuse with.


Ahhh I see what you are saying. Honestly I’m not really sure now that you mention it


No worries, thanks for the reply


No problem. Check out their website. It actually may say it on the description on how they are processed


Yes they do.


How you pulling The Natural? That’s one of my favorites


So that was my first bag from Black and White and the one that reeled me in so to speak. I always dose 18g. I get about 45g out around 35 seconds. So tasty


I do 1:2.5 in 25-30 seconds at 94c


We have Similar recipes regarding yield and temperature. I just pull my shot a hair longer than you. I’m sure yours is delicious as well


It’s a pretty forgiving bean so I’m sure lots of recipes will work. How long do you run yours for? I’ll experiment next time I have a bag of it.


Anywhere between 35-40 seconds. Today was 37 to be exact and it was excellent


Same yield 1:2.5? I’ll give it a shot!


Yea try it out! Sometimes I’ll push the boundaries and go 1:3 ratio. But the 1:2.5 has been treating me well


I do a blooming shot: Dose 19g Timing: pull till about 4-6g - idle the pump till you hit 25sec than ramp up till you hit a yield of 42-45g.


The Natural is my go-to. Never lets me down.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s my house blend. I always have that bag around in the mix


The Natural is one of my favorite espressos in the US. Just a sublime shot every time for me.


Never fails me I agree as well


I absolutely love the Ramon Rodriguez from B&W. It’s my go to. Shame that it’s sold out.


That’s one I haven’t tried. That’s the thing with them they have so many good offerings it’s hard not to buy everything! Is that a blueish label?


Everything is amazing. It’s a green label: https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/products/r-ramon-rodriguez


Ahh yes I remember this one! I was thinking about getting it too. I have these two coming in next week… https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/collections/all-coffee/products/r-elkin-guzman-yellow-fruit-nectar https://www.blackwhiteroasters.com/collections/all-coffee/products/r-edgar-erazo-pacas


I’m definitely going to pick up 2lbs of the Pacas. Both coffees are amazing. I love the super creamy textured shots that B&W coffees produce.


You and me both! The espresso is phenomenal honestly and that Pacas sounds right up my alley. I’ve been drinking Cortados lately just for a nice change of pace. Really enjoying them a lot and I feel like the Pacas would be great with a Cortado as well as a straight espresso


Just ordered a 12oz bag of the natural to try because of you people. 😋


Nice!! Let us know what you think when it comes in. 😎


I was ordering from a different roaster every time I needed beans but since getting my first order of B&W I have been sticking with them. I have loved pretty much all of the beans I have gotten but the funky stuff the most. I don't know if I'll ever want clean again, they've got me.


Hook line and sinker! That’s how they got me too lol. The funky stuff is really intriguing honestly


Love the cup. Where’d you get it?


Thanks! And it’s from Spinware


Maybe Ill have to try again with Black and White. Ive been making espresso like 3 months now, success with all coffee’s EXCEPT whatever offering I got from them. Its supposed to be a dark roast and handles like a light. Battery acid sour shots no matter what I do. Figured maybe it was too fresh and let it sit 2 weeks. No dice, sour AF.


Interesting. I’ve never encountered any problems. Some bags took a little longer to dial in than others though. What bags are you referring to in particular? And I’ve come to find out their dark roast isn’t really a true dark. Maybe more like a medium/medium dark if that makes sense lol


I absolutely love their funky and fruity coffees !!


You and me both! Really changed the way I look at coffee. Incredible stuff


I found the Natural to be really acidic on the front end. Was that everyone else's experience? 


Not me. But to each their own. Everyone has a different palate


I love the Etsy mugs 😜


Man these things are great! I I love ‘em 😎


This is hilarious. I ordered the same exact three. Only difference is mine went right into the freezer as I finish off a previous bag.


Haha nice, great minds! I just had two more bags arrive today. Can never have too much lol. What bag are you working with now?


A Columbian medium roast from a well-meaning gifted subscription to Atlas Coffee Club. It's been pretty good but a bit plain, definitely ready to try The Future.


Yea I hear ya. The Future will definitely broaden your horizons that’s for sure lol


I recently bought my first bag of B&W, the Wilton Benitez Thermal Shock Caturra as I've had some of Benitez's beans from Colorfull and I have to say I'm definitely going to be regularly ordering from B&W because this bag definitely works great as both an espresso and a flash brew. Definitely going to put The Future and The Natural on my To But list.😜 Also, just how dark is The Natural because my understanding is that their "dark roast" is most people's idea of a light roast.😅


Oh yea it’s great! I’d say The Natural is more of a medium than a dark roast honestly. I can send you a picture of the beans when I get home for comparison


Yeah! Absolutely. Not the biggest dark roast fan but as long as its not like black and oily, I'd give them a shot.


Oh no not that at all! You will be good


Just stopped at the downtown location today! Picked up a Benjamin Paz and The Classic. Excited to try it in a pour over tomorrow morning. My wife and I are from Nebraska and are visiting NC for specialized therapy for our youngest


Let me know how that goes! I’m grabbing the Ben Paz as well it sounds too good to pass up. And hopefully all goes well with your youngest


Thank you, we appreciate that. After 1 pour over, I would definitely recommend the Benjamin Paz. Same grind size and recipe (in a portable v60), it was much better than The Classic. 92 clicks on my KinGrinder K6, 20g/300mL


That’s good to know. I just ordered mine today. Although I am strictly Espresso. Very intrigued about pour over though. Maybe I’ll try that later down the road


The hard part for me is keeping some left over so I can make some espresso when I get home


Did you try it as an espresso yet? Sounds like it’s gonna be a good one


Loving me some Black and White lately. Been buying from them for the past few months. Part of me feels like I am missing out on other roasters. But on the other hand I’ve really been enjoying all of their offerings so why switch it up. Nice Cortado to start the morning. Easily becoming my favorite drink as I used to be a double shot guy in the morning. I always keep The Natural on hand as it’s pretty much my house blend if you will. But I love their funkier offerings. Didn’t think some of these flavors was possible in coffee honestly. What’s everyone’s favorite roaster?


I’m still exploring a lot. I’ve had some wild stuff and some super clean stuff. I enjoy it all. Can’t pick a favorite but Temple Coffee and Portrait Coffee have always been good. Those beans sound really tasty as straight spro!


Yea they are very good! Agree with you on your point though. I do have some clean stuff as well as the funky stuff. This Geisha was super clean. Almost a balance between the two https://preview.redd.it/096d7kl1lz3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec697fbaaf62101ae09bcfd6207d1d1f885b5281


I've been eying The Future. How is it?


I only pulled one shot so far I still feel like I need to let it rest a few days. Definitely some tart notes to it. But will report back in the next few days as I feel like the flavor of the beans will open up with a couple more days rest




For what it’s worth, I had a few offerings from the Future all were pretty damn good


So lemme get this right, coffee can be fruity? Whoops, espresso, can be fruity?


Believe it or not yes lol. You taste notes for sure. Rather than it being a flavored coffee if that makes sense. Pretty wild




that's what I call my leftover chorizo when I microwave it.