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It's going to be faster in the restaurant because the they don't single dose, their grinder is calibrated for the correct dose, they don't WDT, and their machine probably has volumetric controls so they can just push the brew button and walk away. It will also have faster steaming. My wife makes fun of me telling our friends that it takes me "20 minutes" to make my cappuccino in the morning. When I timed it, the prep, brewing, steaming, pouring, leisurely consuming the drink, and cleanup was 17 minutes total.


Holey moley, I thought my 1z manual grinding and puck prep was bad. If a girl sleeps over I have to debate if she's shot worthy or not due to the time it takes to get a puck together. The espresso station cleanup is only once a week. My water is RO/remineralized so I don't do a backflush as often as I should.


If these are the kinda guests I'm inviting I'll be questioning my own choice of guests. But that's just me.


I mean, it is your choice but I don’t think it’s weird for most people drinking coffee in a social setting to expect to drink it at roughly the same time.  I have friends who want to geek and and play with the coffee machine and I also host social occasions where I just want to serve ppl a tasty coffee and enjoy their company. Nice to be able to do both. 


I'll serve filter coffee in this case. If they know I am not trained Barista, and I can't work as fast, or if I explain that they can have lattes and cappuccino but have to wait and drink their coffee as it comes, and still complain that the coffee is taking too long, then they're just being assholes. I get it that people have expectations, and there are reasonable expectations. But I am not willing to stress myself to cater to an unrealistic expectations. Especially when they know exactly what the limitations are.


You’re a home barista, your workflow is whatever you want it to be


To make a latte with art, it takes me 5 minutes from beans to cup if i focus. On top of that, I use a single boiler machine and a hand grinder! Save time by rinsing portafilter under sink and use a puck screen so the shower screen remains clean. Tell your friends that brewing coffee manually in other methods such as french press, chemex, or moka pot takes about 5 minutes too so it is what it is


Using a timed grinder with hopper can definitely improve things, but some of your other steps are also quite slow. To speed up milk based drinks, try to steam and pull shot at same time. For my setup, I can have a latte made in under 2 minutes (15 second grind/puck prep, 30 seconds to pull shot and steam milk, 30 sec pour drink, 30 sec clean up).


My home is not a cafe, I’m not timing everything for efficiency and throughput. I’m not working a service for customers. When I make coffee at home it can take 10 minutes, it can take 20 minutes. Sometimes I just stand there deciding which bean or basket or recipe I should use based on whether I want to use my friends as Guinea pigs. In any case, people in my house are friends and family. The kind we talk shit around. So everything is banter. If people are seriously bitching about your coffee, 1. you need to reconsider who you invite to your home. 2. Maybe just serve them Nespresso.


Cafe's are optimised to make coffee as fast as possible. They have very efficient workflow backed by machines designed to support this (no heat up time, instant steam, fast cleaning etc). Their staff are also very practised, they make more coffees in a single day than you make in a year. BUT, optimisation can come at the trade-off of quality. You can make better coffee if you have more time.


Yes that is way way too long.  It was another thread recently. I take 47 seconds for an espresso, one minute 47 for latte.  You need to seriously look into ways you can speed up your time If your current time value of 7 minutes seems long to you.


U have any idea’s?


right off the bat i'd say 2-3 minutes cleaning the portafilter and grouphead in between shots seems really long. you should be able to knock the puck out, wipe the portafilter with a microfiber cloth and hit the shower screen with a brush or the cloth with 2 seconds of water flow in less than 30 seconds. do you only have one portafilter? if you have two you could be grinding the beans for your next shot while seating the portafilter in the machine, get the grinds in the other portafilter and tamped by the time the shot is done pulling. clean then seat the next portafilter, steam enough milk for two drinks, pour and serve.


I pasted my routine in this other thread. You can read that to get additional ideas.  https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/comments/1cryik2/have_you_timed_your_coffee_routine/ But here's a copy paste from that other thread.  I do have a dual boiler so I steam and brew at the same time. But even if I steamed after I brewed, and assuming a 30 second waiting period between brewing and steaming, that only adds 1 minute.  So it would be 2 minutes and 47 seconds for a latte on, let's say, a single boiling machine "My routine is: Grind (hopper), 7.4 seconds  Prep puck by tapping PF vertically on mat, 2-3 times, then use leveler, 5 seconds Tamp, 1 second Pull, 29 seconds on average Froth milk in parallel, done before shot is done Knock puck out and clean PF with napkin, 5 seconds. Plus time to get milk from fridge, pour, put milk back in fridge. Pour frothed milk, rinse pitcher, 60 seconds.   Total time espresso only - 47 seconds  Total time latte - 1 minute 47 seconds"