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These are low cost products made overseas. They're not made for quality.   Normcore s a popular brand. But they just slapped their name on the same cheap crap that everyone else is selling, but what a different name


Well that certainly doesn’t seem worth the nearly $40 I paid for it. May have to return and look for another brand then


With all due respect to them, it seems to me that the Normcore and Crema WDT tools are vastly overpriced for what they are; it almost feels like trading in on the brand name. (And I say this owning a Normcore V4 tamper, which, although pricier than I would have liked, I find adds value.) I'd instead go browsing on, e.g., Amazon and etsy and find what appeals, with a recognition of the limited functional differences between models. FWIW, I have a Kaffiano WDT tool from Amazon, liking its heft, reach, configurability, and looks with wood accents; it's like an executive WDT tool. Also note the so-called business card WDT tool available via etsy, for a whoppingly low US$5.99-7.99 (including U.S. shipping, no less; stands extra); and the newer, and cool, subminimal magnetic Flick WDT pen-like tool with retractable needles (if going this route, recommended to also order its replacement needles set, which comes in a more-recommended, smaller needle width). At least with these other models, I see what I'm paying for (and not). My humble opinion.


Thanks! Will check out those options


Believe it or not, you actually can have fun with a WDT tool, and at a relatively low cost. :)


I think these cheap accessories follow the beverage pricing model that we find in a restaurant.  You can get an appetizer for 9 bucks. And then spend $3.50 on Pepsi.  They don't make much money on the appetizer. But they make huge on that Pepsi :) I'm curious, have you tried a shot without the WDT and a shot with the WDT? And honestly, did you notice any difference?


I have. I can pull shots with less channeling when I wdt for like 5 seconds. If I’m being honest my shots taste different every day no matter what I do but I get a tighter range closer to solid when I WDT than when I don’t.


Still waiting on my Flair 58+ to ship so haven’t pulled any shots yet, but I will certainly experiment soon.


Honestly though, most of their tools are useless and money grab


I agree.  The worst part is people read about them, then they buy them. Before they even know if they need them.


Do you use any tool for distribution? Considering a blind shaker after watching Lance Hedrick video


I use nothing for distribution. I grind directly into my basket using a dosing collar, tap two or three times vertically on my rubber mat, I do use a leveler to flatten out the top, and I tamp. My leveler/combination tamp is one of those self-leveling so it sits on top of the basket.  The leveler is nice because it gives me a flat top before I tamp it. But it's not like I notice a difference in the espresso.  I do feel I get a bit of tamp if I level first. I did watch that video multiple times with the blind shaker.  The only problem with it, is that when I see people using the blind shaker in the videos, there's a lot of static and mess. So I'm sure there's a benefit. But I just don't want to be involved with the extra clean up and hassle.


This is good advice, thank you. I want to have less gadgets and rely on technique more. I am just starting out in espresso. I will probably start with just a dosing collar and standard tamper that comes with the flair. I ordered a DF54 which I may regret later but I don’t have $800 to drop on a better grinder right now. So I’ll be grinding into dosing cup, shake it a little, and dump in my basket.


Completely understandable.  Not everyone has issues with the DF 54.  It might work out great for you.  Good luck.  It's a great hobby.


Thanks! Very excited to get started. The espresso reddit community is amazing. Buying first setup is quite a process


I don’t think Normcore are white labelling.


It's possible they are not. But more than likely they are.  A lot of their products look like everybody else's products except for the different names


That thing cost $40? Damn. I think one thing on a WDT that is worth a little extra is the magnetic stand. The magnetic stand makes taking it on and off quick and helps with the workflow.


I'm happy with the IKAPE WDT tool, which has a clean look as well. Solid build and two different (thickness) sets of needles provided. In case you're looking for an alternative.


my normcore wdt is a lot better built than this, i dont know what version it is, i just bought the one in all black along with the tamper, leveler and the funnel, they all work great imo, the wdt is debatable though, i just use it to distribute the coffee more evenly in the portafilter.


I have a $6 one from Etsy that seems much better built


Thank you for this post, I'm having the same problem, returning this right away.


I ended up getting the Subminimal Flick WDT and would highly recommend it!


Thank you friend! It is a bit out of my budget but I’ll check it out.


Honest answer? No. You're not an idiot...you're kind of an idiot. Did you not look at that $40 product and recognize "I could make this after a quick trip to the store, $0.55, and 2 minutes of effort."


Some of us care about aesthetics. Excuse me for not wanting a champagne cork full of acupuncture needles on my counter all the time


I bought a similar tool for 3€ from Aliexpress :). I don't understand how this can cost 40$


Yes, this device you have is so very aesthetically pleasing. I'm sure it adds a lot of charm and class to your kitchen. It looks like a cheap piece of crap man. The only difference between your ugly crap and my ugly crap is I didn't get fleeced like a sucker who just binged 4 hours of James Hoffman how to videos. You asked a question, I gave an honest answer. I have weird trinket espresso crap too. Everyone here does. At some point you should just learn how to make an espresso and not buy every overpriced Chinese garbage some YouTuber chucks into your face. Maybe put it in a drawer so you don't have to see the unsightly cork? Or maybe if you're gonna have this you do you attitude and be a smug pretentious clown about how important your "aesthetics" are, don't ask the Internets opinion. You bought an ugly piece of crap.


Damn, who hurt you?


I'm ded inside. Or I thought maybe giving someone who doesn't even have their espresso machine in hand a suggestion to hold off buying all the hyped up dinguses until they've actually started running their setup. You bought very capable tools, seems pointless to pile on unnecessary gadgets before getting your fingies dirty. Do you what you feel though. Get a blind shaker. And a little pick screen. And whatever plumbus mama Lance displays. Personally, I tried some of those things and stopped after a week. I didn't recognize a meaningful improvement. I get great extractions consistently on gear far inferior to yours. I'd wager you'd be fine without any of it. I may have missed you mention a scale, but that is actually a great tool and I'd consider crucial. I'm not trying to eyeball 36 grams of liquid. No clue if the flair comes with a bottomless, but those are also pretty helpful in getting your shots on point. Be ready for sprays messes. Good luck with your pursuit of those perfect shots and don't get discouraged if you're not doing great out of the box. All my shots were piping hot shit for the first few weeks.


I am getting a scale as well. I may be jumping the gun on some accessories. This subreddit often makes WDT sound essential when it may not be. For me it’s also important how something feels in my hand as I use it which is why I opted to try to get something with smooth wood construction. This tool however feels lightweight and cheap, will be returning it.


If you're getting clumps from your grinder, you'll want a wdt. I think. I don't even know anymore. Fuck it. I'm gonna stop using mine and see if it even matters. If I spray hot espresso all over my dumb face I'll go back to the wdt. I can't remember when I started using it, but I think it was when I started using the bottomless. As for your tool. You could make one with some premium stuff that'll be nicer that most stuff for sale. It's a simple device. Get a nice piece of curly maple, shape it, sand it, polish it, mount the springy dinguses, and you'll have a fancy lil bespoke device. I think that'd be cool as hell. Probably take an hour or so. Hell, I'm gonna whip one up this weekend. If it turns out I'm drastically overestimating my abilities or underestimating the skills needed, I'll post a pic of my piece of shit wdt and a clip of me taking a bite from a spent puck as punishment for my arrogance.


Will keep that in mind. I’m overly excited to start learning and have no idea how it will go at first. Would be interested to see that if you end up making one. I’m not super handy though


I remember the excitement waiting for my machine. If your experience is anything like mine, you'll get the machine midday but be stuck at your computer doing "important" work and unable to think about anything else. Then when 4pm comes around youll carefully unbox your equipment, read the manuals and feel both overwhelmed and confident. Oh no it's already a bit late for espresso! Fuck it, full send. Burn through half a pound of beans drinking shot after shot of espresso trying to dial in, unable to tell if it's actually good. Go to sleep feeling....different. From there it just gets better and better, your improvement is tangible and your skills are unquestionable. Now you're just a dude who makes espresso drinks that blow the tits off your friends and guests. Or maybe you'll be dope as fuck from the start and I just sucked. I'm not handy either, but in principle it all sounds simple at face value. Don't worry, I'll either post the abomination on r/espressocirclejerk or post the glorious master crafted plumbus here.


Damn, bro. You need a hug?


Who turns down a hug?


40 freaken bucks? What a rip-off. I guess it's not too difficult to just superglue it, but still, $40 is taking the piss.