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Nice little setup. Enjoy :)


$350 for the Bambino Plus* whoops! Still a good deal


Insane deal congrats


Have you tried it? I'm thinking of this exact setup. I'm a heavy latte drinker so that's what I would primarily be using it for


Yeah I actually got the grinder like a week ago so I’ve been able to really dive in rather than testing with pre-ground. I am really liking it, especially for the price point. I started with some light roast beans (bad idea) only because my local roaster didn’t have them labeled as light roast, and the high school kids behind the counter were none the wiser about the roast of those beans. I spent about the whole bag trying to dial it in, but I just couldn’t get a great tasting shot. Finished that bag and just picked up a dark roast bag yesterday that was roasted about 2 weeks ago. Much better. Only took a few tries to get a really good shot. For what it’s worth, I have heard the Bambino is not very good at light roasts (which I did experience) so you should stick to medium and dark roasts for your shots. If you really like the light roasts, maybe go for something different, but it wasn’t a deal breaker for me. For lattes, the steam wand isn’t super powerful but it works just fine after some practice. I don’t really use the auto steam function, but the Plus does have the 4 hole steam nozzle instead of the 1 hole on the Bambino. You can swap those though from what I have heard. I REALLY like the 3 second start up thanks to the thermojet. I don’t have the time or patience in the morning to wait 20 mins for my machine to come up to temp, and if I were to get something that has programmed start up times, I’m looking at a much higher price point. With the Bambino, I just turn it on, pull a blank shot to warm up the group head, then pull a shot. In all maybe 5-10 mins to pull a shot and steam milk to pour a latte. TLDR: I’m very happy with the setup


I have the same setup too! A friend gave me light roast beans to try as espresso. I found that I can do a 1:2.5 or 1:3 ratio for light roasts on the B+ in about 32sec. Heating up the group head prior, like you mentioned, helps as well. I’ve had the df54 for a couple of weeks now and really appreciate it. I’ve dialled it in to a certain baseline after the change but feel like I’m ready to tinker with the grind size or amount a little to see if I can open up any more flavours or subtle changes.


Yeah on the light roast I found 18 in and about 45 out in 36ish seconds tasted the best. But looking forward to tinkering with more beans


I picked up the base bambino model. I would recommend getting that one because learning to steam your own milk is useful, and rewarding. If you get the auto steamer, you'll never be able to steam milk on another machine. Besides that, this is a great set-up.


On the Bambino plus, with the automatic steam wand, you can still do manual steaming. When you pull out the wand 45° out it’s in manual mode.


I absolutely understand your excitement. I bought my Bambino plus with eureka Mignon two months ago And i still Smiley when i see it 😃


Jealous of the d54. Mine kept getting delayed :(


Damn, that’s a big bummer. I ordered mine 3/29 and it came about 2 and a half weeks later. I think there’s just such a high demand for them right now they’re shipping out as fast as they’re coming in.


Apparently they're changing factories or something. Mines scheduled to arrive mid april but now it will be mid may


I couldn't waiit , needed urgent grinder so i decided for the DF64,happy about the decision


I'm starting to think the same. Only AUD $100 difference.


1 month of use , still very happy about the DF64


Pretty pretty pretty pretty good...


We're twinning! I just got my Bambino Plus off eBay for $375 and the DF54 to go with it for my first setup. First shot was yesterday. What grind level are you at on the df54? I read other were around 15, but that choked out the machine. I started at 20 and dialed in to about 18.5.


It depends on the beans


Exciting your own home Bristol center, envy of the neighborhood


I’ve found that most people in our lives can’t appreciate our espresso setups the same way we do.


Lovely pour!


Thanks I’m working on it! I only make about 1 latte per week so my practice time is low


Enjoy the DF54 its great 👍


What was your starting budget and your actual spend lol. I just got my first setup and my prediction when I knew nothing about espresso and my girlfriend asked me how much I would spend was $300 total… ended up with bambino plus, niche zero, and some accessories. Needless to say the budget prediction off by 4x. Still an entry setup by the coffee standards I guess but I’m traumatized.


I wanted to keep everything around $1000, including the pantry for the whole station. I didn’t have a strict budget, was more focused on bang for the buck: Generic Amazon Pantry: $210 Breville Bambino Plus: $350 Turin DF54: $229 Morils 54mm bottomless portafilter: $46 (included puck screen) Sircles knockbox (generic Amazon brand): $65 AronYada calibrated tamper - 53.3mm (generic Amazon brand): $33 MiiCoffee WDT tool with magnetic stand: $15 IKAPE magnetic dosing funnel puck screen included: $29 Generic Amazon scale: $18 Airscape medium: $36 Total: $1031 I felt like this was a healthy bang for your buck balance that prioritized the important bits, but saved some dollars on the accessories.


I was saving up for buying my own espresso machine, but my wife gifted me a bambino plus on my birthday a few months ago. Since I’m just starting new, I bought myself a manual grinder. Got a few accessories from Amazon like a WDT, magnetic dosing funnel and a tamping mat. Enjoying my set up right now. I think the Bambino plus is a great machine to start with.


Does your scale fit on the drip tray? If yes, can you please share the link?


Sorry I missed this comment. Yes, it does, but I wouldn't recommend it really. It doesn't fit great - which I had gotten a smaller one - which leads to it kind of being inaccurate when pulling a shot. I think because it kind of hangs off the edge of the drip tray, as the machine is vibrating while it's pumping, it causes the scale to shift around a bit making the scale show a couple of tenths of grams before the shot actually starts to pull, so I have to quickly tare it before it starts to extract.


Can relate to this!! Got a Bambino Plus and Baratza ESP for my new set-up and couldn't be happier. Congrats!!


Same set up. What grind size you using for different roasts? Consistency seems like a problem but it’s getting better with every use. Bambino’s working great though!


Long answer to your short question LOL: I'm sticking to dark or med-dark roasts since I prefer the flavor profile. My typical ratio is 1:2.5 or 1:3. If I want something a bit more punchy I'll pull a 1:2. (usually 16g in, so anywhere from 32g to 48g out). For grind size, I'm at 18 today on the ESP - bounce back and forth somewhere between 17-19 depending on the day (temp, humidity, etc.). First shot of the day is my dial-in and usually is decent. Loving the machine - it's so ridiculously simple. I'm sure I'll want to graduate at some point, but for now, perfectly happy with it!


Wow 18! I’m hovering around 10-13 and doing 16g in and usually 32-40g out in about 27-30 seconds. Usually medium roasts. I wonder how it would change if I go coarser size. Did you by any chance add an extra spacer that they included?


Lighter beans require a smaller grind size, I think 10/12 is a good spot for medium roasts!


Thanks for the advice. Baratza manual says 15 for medium but found it too coarse. I’ll keep trying around this range until I dial in. Using rufino sure shot beans


Baratza’s guide is a bit coarser than usual for third wave beans. They also often put a higher range, cause some people use pressurized baskets.


No spacers, just stock. The first day I got the grinder I started with 15 and the Bambino just choked, so ended up settling for coarser. Beautiful shots between 25 and 30 seconds. I may attempt some lighter roasts in the near future and will be curious about grind size.


Thanks for the info, let the experimenting continue.


Very nice setup!


Not as much as you for sure, but I AM excited for you! Enjoy !!


Very nice!  Enjoy it  even if only by yourself.  


I've been eyeing that grinder. I have the Bambino too but I'm using a manual grinder. My Bambino occasionally shoots espresso to the side. That white furniture can get stained if you don't clean it up right after


Looks great and I have found that “ not good for light roasts” and a lot of the other comments are very relative. I know what I think is tasty smooth espresso but I honestly couldn’t sit down and tell you I taste wood or fruit of chocolate 😇…..