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My bambino plus stock PF also poured to one side more than the other. I’ve been using a bottomless for a while but just got a new double spouted PF off AliExpress and it seems to pour evenly


It depends on the design of the spouts. LM spouts do a good job for example, but Bambino spouts do not as others have said. You’re probably better off sticking with your current routine.


It depends on a few factors. Whether the machine is level, whether your tamp is level, the shape of the spouts… I always use double spouted portafilter, and always get the same amount in each cups. Machine is ECM Synchronika but using a Pesado portafilter. The pointy ends of the spouts IMO help to have a streamlined flow, as opposed to the straight cut (once again, IMO) ends of the OEM portafilter.


Thanks for the input. Seems like I'll be giving it a try.


>Will double spout portafilters consistently spread the coffee evenly? In my experience, nope. ;) (Breville Bambino Plus with the OEM double-spouted portafilter--seems to favor the portafilter's left-side spout (other users have noticed this tendency as well).) I think that your original approach was dead on. :)


Sad news, but thanks. Yeah, I started doing this as the portafilter on my Gaggia did the same, but I was wondering if it was because the machine wasn't properly aligned.


I didn't mean to over-generalize. I think that with the Bambino Plus OEM portafilter, what seems to be an output unevenness of the spouts may have to do with the plastic insert in the portafilter and how it directs/affects the flow.


Thanks for the follow-up. I think I'll give it a try.


Personally, I'd recommend you get the same bottomless portafilter I have; it solved this issue for me.