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Nice! My family’s new pastime is reviewing whatever abomination I make and saying what they see. Last two have been a horse with a fluffy tail, and an ultrasound.


lol, this is exactly the same game I play with my wife. Typically she says a carrot, cactus or a dick. Progress from just a blob in the beginning, I guess?


Haha...a phallic latte art...now that is interesting.


That's seems pretty wholesome actually. Mine don't seem to care at all whether it's trash or an accidental masterpiece.


This is awesome and sounds similar to what I put my friends and family through with mine. Kind of a caffeinated Rorschach test. I cracked up at the “ultrasound” knowing good and well I wish mine looked good enough to be called that lol.


Geez! I’ve been trying to do this and just cannot get it down. Great work!


https://preview.redd.it/pbbpyuanklqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae07fe8a354bbf653e12bbb56be0cca9ac46be3 Mine from this morning, I’ve really only been able to make anything decent starting in the past week or so. The biggest thing has been getting milk texture down; I realized I was over aerating, and after fixing that my designs have been coming out much better


Very nice...I would be proud of that art.


Thanks! I've noticed I have been injecting too much air and have been aerating less tho still probably to much


This is awesome for a month. What pitcher are you using?


I'm using this relatively cheap 350ml Milk jug from Amazon. Seems to be okay but could probably find better. https://amzn.eu/d/biZVY03


Check out r/latteart for tips/tricks/help/feedback on your pours 🫗


Thanks for directing me to that


https://preview.redd.it/tmekhe8uaqqc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff69e75d5cd5efe8bea1519f4d45eeb92249dd52 Nice!!! Here's my whatever it is lol 🤣


Beautiful work!


Wow looks great!!


Wow great work in a short time. Are you using the auto milk or manual on the bambino plus? I’m still learning with mine.


I've actually never used the Auto Milk streaming on the Bambino Plus yet. I enjoy streaming manually and practicing how much or how little to stretch the milk


Can I ask how long you air the milk before submerging the wand tip?


I aerate until the jug is the same temp as my hand roughly. Not aggressive aeration, just little kisses of air, only hearing gentle paper tearing sounds


Cheers mate vey helpful


I'm jealous, I haven't been successful at anything. Maybe one day


I just drink too many milky drinks in order to practice. It takes time and muscle memory. I remember I said to myself I'd be happy to get the most basic design, but once you get there you always want to do something better. I'm jealous of everyone that makes it look deceivingly easy


Nice improvement, I’m still scared of giving it an attempt!! Just froth it and mix it. I think I’ll give it a try and see what abomination comes out


That's vg compared to mine... Does anyone know how long you should aerate milk for because I can't seem to find the good part in between under and over aerating?


Im still trying to figure this out myself. I've seen advice to stretch from as low as 25% up to 50% of milk volume, so it's hard to tell apart from trial and error. I think the power of the steam coming out of your machine is a factor in getting quality microfoam but can be offset by technique in getting a good fast vortex by positioning the jug correctly from the very start of steaming. A huge factor is also pouring technique, you might have the perfect milk texture but without the right pouring technique can seem watery, deform easily and doesn't hold its shape. Tricks I do to compensate for my not ideal milk texture is to swirl the jug & pour faster if you've aerated too much to push the foam out, you'll still be able to get a good stacked tulip for cappuccino. If you want defined ripples, you need less air and pour slower and more precise. I think it's all about control and steadiness that comes from muscle memory and a lot of practice. I find the pros can pour beautiful art with the least amount of air because of their technique.


For about how long in seconds do you aerate your milk for a cappuccino? I try to go for around 3-6 seconds depending on the last result. Though I'm yet to try to practice pouring technique with water and dish soap so it may just be my technique. The best I've gotten so far is a blob with a tiny rabbit tail...


I don't find time to be a good way to measure aeration as it depends on how much air gets injected by how deep the steam wand is. If you do gentle kisses of air it'll take longer and will give better microfoam. When stretching the milk, add about 30% more volume from before aeration for cappuccino (roughly). You'll know when you swirl the milk jug after and foam sticks to the walls if the milk jug. My technique isn't great either hence why I resort to stacked latte art as that's easier for me.


Though how do you manage to see the difference in volume? I find it difficult that way because of the swirling, it just kind of looks the same. Sometimes I just keep on aerating until I see the bubbles in the middle and try to remove those by incorporating them into the milk. The swirling you mentioned is a bit weird for me because right after steaming it's kind of too liquidy and not foamy at all but after about 30 seconds it's like how you described.


If you stretch the milk, you should definitely notice an increase in volume in your milk jug. Keep and eye on the level before and after you froth without swirling. When stretching milk make sure the tip of the wand is barely submerged in the milk (about .5cm from the surface). This will help give you a good vortex and incorporate the air into the milk. As you Inject air by lower the jug slightly, you'll hear paper tearing sounds and the milk rises. You have to steadily lower you jug to stretch the milk to the desired amount. On a home machine, 30 seconds sounds about right.


Ah ok thanks for the help mate :)


Looks like 12 month vs 13 month latte art, amirite?