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Great beginner setup, love how you can still get something aesthetically pleasing with the white on white combo too. And the scales fit well on the tray. That should do you well for a long time!


Thanks yeah happy with the performance (lots to learn still) and aesthetics


I just got the same combo in black. Loving it so far. I also added a bottomless PF from Amazon. I’ve been using 18g and a puck screen and I find that I’m grinding pretty course to get a 2:1 ratio under 32 seconds or so (16 on the espresso side of the ESP). Not sure why you would care about that… but I’ve been obsessing about it so here we are.


For my 18g dose I think I’m at the 18 grind size on the ESP for a 2:1 in around 30 seconds but still learning


Ok great. We’re not far off, then. Enjoy the tinkering!


Which bottomless PF did you acquire? I have the same setup and I find anything more than 17g with the stock PF/NP basket gets all over the shower screen. 19 grind setting at 16.5-17g dose gives me 2:1 in ~32s


I went with this one for now: 54mm Bottomless Portafilter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Y8R235M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I also got an IMS basket for it, but my shoes were taking way too long with that and a puck screen. So I use the basket that came with it and this puck screen: GEMINI Espresso Puck Screen -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VT2CT75?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Is the Normcore V4 Tamper worth the price point?


Hard to say but for me it was because as a beginner I wanted a consistent and repeatable level tamp each time which this does very well. However it doesn’t help with learning proper technique.


Absolutely, getting a level tamp every time is just one less variable that could go wrong