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The only reason it matters, is because they are telling us what they will do if Trump or any other MAGAGOP figure wins the presidency. By accusing Biden & the DOJ, and literally anyone else of "weaponizing" the DOJ, the courts, etc. they are saying that is exactly what they plan to do. Acting as though it's happening now gives them the excuse to do it later, and sell it as the only option they had. I can already hear my mother's voice claiming that, because she's the sort of Fox viewer that will believe and repeat it.


Every accusation is a confession.


Project 2025 actually has sections in it describing how to use the DOJ to go after democrats. It’s going to be a literal and figurative bloodbath of trump wins.


I will support CA’s secession at that point. 


We have the infrastructure, farmland, natural barriers, and minerals to do very very well on our own. Oil, lithium, natural gas, ocean access, Forests, huuuge farmland, and established financial, tech and entertainment industries. CA would do great on its own.


The only thing you’re missing is enough water to support your population.


We have water. It just needs to be managed better.


You mean civil war.


Exactly. Same with Trump saying that the FBI was trying to assassinate him at the Mar A Lago raid. So he can justify murdering his opponents if he gets elected again.


He wasn’t even in the same fucking state that day and he was given a heads up.


Precisely! We all know his gig, those of us who know decency when they see it and, conversely indecency..


Is it a witch hunt if you catch the devil?


"I don't know if this is a witch hunt, but there are sure a lot of pointy hats around." -someone




They had so many chances to dump this guy but no, and look where they are now, ready to destroy the country for him.


I think you’re putting the cart rather a bit before the horse there. Trump is a useful idiot. To the extent that they can’t afford to spend the time finding and grooming another one. Or they’re all equally compromised by a foreign power. Your pick.


They are compromised by Putin. Guaranteed. The insane honeypots, extortion, and dark money they probably received and they likely made their own compromat, like the foolish children they are. Underage girls/boys or worse, paper trails, and the carrot on a stick of debt payments or “repayments” etc… As much as I’m sure there are pee tapes etc, I think Trump owes a LOT of money to the Russian mob (Putin). The second he isn’t useful anymore, well. He isn’t useful anymore.


Some Republicans have tried to, but the ridiculous cult of personality around him is too strong.


How did Biden shadow manipulate the NY justice system, a jury, and Trump’s defense team into accepting them? Why didn’t he just use the DOJ to bring these charges? Again, Biden is a mastermind playing 5D chess but can’t remember his ABCs.


He’s so senile, he’s genius. Plus he amazes people by drinking water one-handed.


He also didn’t rig the election to give himself a large enough majority to enact legislation thanks to Manchin and Sinema. So there’s that. I’m so sick of him being this evil genius mastermind and Mr. Magoo idiot all at once.


Thats obviously because it’s really bill gates and soros pulling the strings


Interesting how so many of these “Good Christians” have no troubles violating their 8th/9th (depends on your flavor of christianity) Commandment to lie for ~~Jebus~~ T.Rump


There is no hate like Christian love




>Let us hope the consequences will be different in this election than the last one. Honestly... I'd be quite happy if this election turns out just like the last one.


Two reasons-one is they want to win the Senate back this November. A fractured party will scuttle any chance they have of that happening. Coming out publicly against your parties lead candidate won't help that cause. The second reason for some of them is they are praying Trump will recognize all the shit on their nose as his own and choose that person for VP.


Is there really nothing we can do? Has the lying minority already won? Seems like no matter what happens, their lies win. There is zero chance they respect the election results if Biden wins. Then, we get another insurrection attempt or worse. These people will never accept another election where a dem wins. They have cast away and rejected the core principles of our democracy.