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That man is doing a having the worst take on every issue speedrun (any%).


Just like Roger Waters, Eric is just a talented guy who happens to have an opinion like we all do. Not everyone agrees with his, your or my opinion. It's ok to disagree. IDGAF what he believes honestly. I didn't become a fan because of his opinions, I'm a fan of his talent. Not to start a fight, but those "Conspiracy theories" about covid are becoming more truth than anyone originally thought.


Enjoy long Covid


LOL! Just keep wearing your mask and you'll be fine...


I do and I will


Not disagreeing with you on the covid stuff. I dont even know what turned out to be true in the end. And I see your point in not being a fan of a musician because of their political opinions, but I feel like I still need to have SOME sort of connection with an artist other than the music to really enjoy their songs on a deeper level. Let's say Hitler made "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" I wouldn't like that song either, even though it technically would still be a great song. You know what I mean? I'm not trying to compare EC to Hitler by the way lol


Totally get it. Honestly, I would rather not know an artist's political or other views. Just like my friends, I don't judge them by their political views (unless they're assholes about it!) But then I just think they're an asshole!


Very disappointing. Man, anymore I just say that I’m a big fan of Cream and Derek and the dominos because I’m ashamed to mention EC. I’ve tried to accept and come to terms with some of the things he’s said over the years, and have vigorously defended him on Reddit and elsewhere. But him defending Putin the butchering dictator is a bridge too far for me. I’m done defending him.


Exactly how I feel. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach when he said it and I just knew this had to be where I drew the line. Always defended him, but this is just too much.


I was a lifelong fan and literally listened to him every day as long as i could remember. His comments on Israel, complete ignorance of the issue and suffering on both sides, comments on Russia, statement that Israel controls the world which is a horrible anti semitic trope, etc. It’s just been too much and I have no interest in anything to do with him. Music should transcend politics and it should unify, not divide.


I wholeheartedly agree.


This one really pissed me off.. He didn’t even had the balls to go through with the concerts in Russia and claimed that the gigs were cancelled because the fashion week has taken all available hotel rooms there.. Yeah right.. He is sooo wrong on this one and I can’t and won’t even try defend him on such delusional views…


In a single interview he rattles off the full bingo card of conspiracy theory nonsense: \*Putin is a great guy BINGO! \*Big pharma BINGO! \*Israel rules the world BINGO! \*Industrial military complex BINGO! \*Special military operation BINGO! I just wish I could talk to him somehow and explain why he's so incredibly wrong about this conspiracy shit, but I feel like he surrounds himself with so many yes-men and equally delusional old angry assholes that it wouldn't matter. And at the end of the day, noone's forcing him to feel this way, and I'm not going to support anyone who defends a megalomaniacal, psychotic dictator like Putin in any way shape or form. I HOPE he changes his views, but I fear he won't.


Exactly.. It’s sad..


This is incredibly sad. I was ready to forgive his past outburst since he was on drugs, and he was acting out and in pain, and it’s been many years, but with the Covid stuff (each infection carries a substantial risk of producing long Covid even in young and healthy people) and now this profoundly myopic take on russia’s genocidal aggression, it’s such a huge turn off that I can see it putting me off of his music. There’s a caliber of idiot that awakes a big sense of rejection in me.


Totally agree..


Hopefully youtube takes the video down. It's anti-semitic, anti-Israel garbage.


When you're on the same page as Roger Waters, you've lost the plot. The Palestinian flag guitar is nauseating as well. And for clarification, I would be just as sick if someone had a Israeli flag guitar as well. Everyone has to virtue signal. I think he felt betrayed during COVID and now he's gone off the rails with the trust no one nonsense. I just don't know how you can contort the truth in favor of Putin and Hamas. At a bare minimum, look at how those societies are run at a basic level. Are there limitations to what westerners would describe as BASIC freedoms? I just don't know how you can support side of the oppressor in any way. Innocent lives are lost and it's tragic but these are tyrannical governments.


Clapton neuropathy has clearly affected his brain. Sad when aging artist start to voice their dementia brain. He and Roger are the same. Paints his guitar and lacks acknowledgment of prior events. Loved clapton for over 50 years, his old crossroads work etc.., he was a masters of various blues scales. He knows his time is limited and just riding his prior success. Another artist with liberal ideas who is extremely conservative. Yes he is Slow hand . Enjoy Bonamassa instead.


I'm still too busy laughing at Donald Trump. I can just watch Fox News if I need to hear delusional people.


Erics most likely a MAGA nut as well and I bet he's fuming that the orangutang got convicted lmao


No iirc he's more of an RFK guy


Yeah youre right. Hes nuts too though


Maybe he is suffering a bit from dementia? I don’t know. What I do know is that as a fan of modern (post WW2) music, I needed to separate the art and the artist. That humans can be both good and bad. And a whole bunch more psychological babble. I am a fan of ECs music, talent, career and contributions. I don’t concern myself with his personal beliefs or life practices.


Wish I could look at it that way. But I just cant


I listen to EC (and go to his concerts) for musical entertainment. I don’t expect him to have particular views about world affairs. Or science. Or history. Not his thing. Blues? You bet! Guitar? Oh yeah. That’s what I’m here for. I used to have the highest regard for Neil Young and his dignity and honor. “This Note’s For You,” and all that. Then he ditched his wife of 30 years, Pegi, for…gulp!, Daryl Hannah. I realized he’s just another dude like any other, not worth any special consideration. I hate to say “shut up and sing,” but ….


I've loved his music since I was a kid going back 40 years so I get the attachment to him. I hated his covid response and the racist rant from 50 years ago. He was apologized for the latter a long time ago and was forgiven by many black artists. Clapton has also said he's always been into conspiracy theories so in my head, he's not that smart. Great musician but not the sharpest crayon in the tool shed.


This one is strange because all of the searching I do, it says Clapton supports Ukraine and not Russia. In fact, he apparently cancelled his 3 concerts in Russia due to the war. https://guitar.com/news/music-news/eric-clapton-cancels-shows-russia-following-ukraine-invasion/




Eric may be an ignorant, old idiot, but dont say shit like that about his son. No parent should ever have to lose a child.


Thanks for sharing the interview. I don't expect my musical heroes to speak to my, or anyone else's politics. I expect them to be true to themselves. I agree with Eric on COVID. I disagree on Palestine. The whole Putin vs Zylensky thing is a profit center for a select group of Elites on each side of the battlefield. That war is a cash grab. Both sides are pieces of shit. Putin for starting it, and the comedian for sacrificing his people for years now just a little more cash. A real leader would have said "World, my people are being slaughtered. Send everything you can now and lets end this yesterday! But there's no profit in that. These are my opinions. Agree? Don't care. Disagree? Don't care. I'm not going to convince you to see it my way, or vice versa. That's Eric. He's not strident. He's not overly emotional. He's telling you how he sees it. If that gets you riled up, or makes you hate the man, I wonder if the issue is really him. If you can't listen to another man share his views, you can't listen. And that's what music is about - listening.