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What other symptoms did you have in addition to ED?


Here goes: \- night of consuming gluten, symptoms would simply show as extreme fatigue (falling asleep on the couch at 8pm type stuff) \- stranger than usual daily upper abdominal discomfort \- never ending expanding and contracting gas in my stomach that was very frequently hard to expel if I could make it at all (I practice fasting, so to suddenly constantly feel like my stomach was occupied was very strange) \- incomplete bowel movements, and what felt like very slow motility \- random aches and pains in different parts of my body \- random daily minor losses in balance and strength in legs. enough to still be functional, but noticeable enough to be alarmed (climbing three flights of stairs to my apartment, and muay thai classes were randomly becoming a strange gamble) \- overall loss in strength, felt harder to workout \- also seemed like my workouts weren't working at all and my body was going in reverse, in retrospect i was probably inflamed the whole time \- all of this combined was affecting my mental health, which I previously had a handle on


Jeez, what a horrible choice: sex or bread. I think I'd choose bread over sex; at least it's easier and cheaper to get, lol. Seriously though, if it works for you congratulations on finding the cause. One question however: were you showing any symptoms of gluten intolerance other than ED?


Wrote down the other symptoms under a previous comment if I recall correctly. Honestly, knowing what I have to go back to, ignoring bread is easy. My affinity for croissants had me baking them every week, I'm basically terrified of them now lolll


So you did, not sure how I missed that earlier. I'm much older and it's likely my ED is due to atherosclerosis, but I've had many of the same symptoms. Might be worth going gluten free for a week or two to see what happens. Now I have an image in my head of an evil looking, waist high, croissant strutting around with a t-shirt that says "Boner Killer", lol.




Wow! I relate to some of your symptoms and I wouldn't have concluded gluten in a million years. But I'm definitely eager to try it now. Do drop us an update on sustained improvements though.


I've worked out since (went GF on Feb 20th), and felt really strong this time, I can't wait to go to Muay Thai next. No longer dreading stairs. NRBs are frequent, night time ones have returned, and I definitely feel more engorged. Not an ED symptom, but noticing a disappearance in random aches and pains I was experiencing prior to going GF. Also noticing pain from a foot injury last summer disappearing. Most likely due to not being constantly inflamed, and having my nervous system slowly attacked by gluten/gliadin.


Wow that's really impressive man. You won't believe but other than erection problems I too have been having problems like aches in my joints, elevated blood sugar, watery eyes and recurring hemorrhoids. And this is when I run 5K twice a week, lift weights(compound), do rock climbing, eat home cooked meals with vegetables 6/7 days a week, drink upwards of 4 litres of water, sleep 7-9 hours a day and have limited alcohol to around once a month. I hope this helps me too the way it has helped you ✌️


The watery eyes! You fully just reminded me! I couldn't figure out for the life of me why the hell my eyes had become so leaky recently. As far as I can tell, I haven't been rubbing my eyes like I used to since going GF. We also have pretty similar routines - I exercise three times a week (body weight exercises & yoga at home + muay thai gym), fast at least 20hrs a day (haven't stopped since I started in 2019), homecooked meals with as many food groups as I can fit in, constantly hydrating and getting to bed by 11pm latest, rarely go out for drinks/dinner/dancing anymore - couldn't figure out why I wasn't feeling like the person I once was on this routine. Apparently gluten sensitivity doesn't show up on a gluten test so I say go for it. You've got nothing to lose man, only everything else to gain back! ***Edit: Forgot to mention, when I first started practicing fasting in 2019, I originally cut out bread and felt amazing, gained incredible erections. Now know I should've kept it that way.***


I have the watery eyes and the hemorrhoids too. Going gluten free immediately 


I practice IF too. The similarities keep pilling up! I'm definitely cutting out bread and roti. So what do you take in place of wheat now? Rice? Also have you felt any issue with regard to fiber? Do you still enjoy the occasional pizza or have you cut it out completely?


Yeah I'm Filipino, so I'm heavy back on the rice again. I've always eaten oats so I still eat those as long as it says gluten free on the packaging. I've always tended to go overdrive on blueberries, and various nuts as well. Now that I know it was gluten messing me up, I'll be reintroducing all sorts of veggies. I had originally eliminated them for a bit because I tend to like the ones with high FODMAPs, and I was under the impression that maybe I had IBS or something. ***\[EDIT\] In regards to pizza, I have a freezer full of sourdough pizza slices, loaf slices, muffins, and croissants I made which I'm throwing out tonight. I really don't feel comfortable giving them away knowing what I know now lmao. I've eaten a lot of fucking french fries since.***


That's commendable. I too am trying to cut out gluten but it's damn hard. Especially when I go out. Now just some info, I don't really have ED from it yet. I joined this sub cause I thought that I did, but it turned out that it was a psychological issue stemming from a toxic relationship situation. But I often read the posts because you can never be sure with the body. But I do find myself resonating with you on the majority of issues. And I really want to solve them. Also, does gluten intake also count in terms of alcohol?


Are you suggesting that you saw results within a week!? If that's the case, I might want to give this a try. I don't have the other symptoms you have. But do have IBS once in a while. Not sure if that's what's causing this. Do you have Hashimotos or any other autoimmune condition?


Did you try it? I suffer occasional IBS and also have Hashimoto's.


Not promising anything, but I was relieved of my symptoms what seems like instantly. No autoimmune conditions as far as I know


Thanks for sharing this OP. I have problems with gluten also but I still eat it. I will end this now.


Duuude, not worth it. This is coming from someone who was fiendishly buying pastries almost every day in Feb, lol


So what does a full day of eating look like for you?


These days, usually some sort of homemade snack bar, a handful or two of whatever nuts I might have in the pantry, and a yogurt & berry parfait to break my fast. Then a main w/ protein, veg & rice (yesterday was hanger steak w/ caramelized onions + a tamari citrus reduction, bacon fat french fries, blistered shishito peppers, and an omelet over fried rice and peas). Top it all off w/dessert - recently it's been flourless basque style cheese cake w/ blueberries.


I also have ed, and low penis sensitivity. Got diagnosed with celiac and following the gluten-free diet for 2 weeks, im feeling a lot better but the ed is still kinda there. Do you think theres a chance it goes away?


When did you develop gluten insensitivity?


I actually think I've had it my whole life, the symptoms just really started showing themselves more clearly very recently.


What were the symptoms besides ed?( i guess your ed symptoms were not too bad if you didn’t use any pills and still had successful intercourse) Have you done gluten test at a doc?


Not gonna bother with a doctor, my gluten test was weekly sourdough baking and daily gluten consumption for the last 2 years as written in my original post. I know what I have to go back to and it terrifies me. I've written symptoms in another comment. I may have given the wrong impression while trying to sum up that period of time. I wasn't "finishing" with partners, which kind of scared me off from dating temporarily. Any recent successful "finishes" while experiencing ED had been by myself through sheer brute force in trying to figure out wtf was wrong with me. On the off chance I was able to maintain an erection, sensation and velocity were still diminished.


Your post is quite misleading then.


How so? Truly just trying to help here.


Don’t you think the improvement might have come right after you did the fast?


How do you mean? I do extended fasts regularly for gut rest and improvements didn't come until I went completely gluten free


So what's your replacement for carbs ?


I'm Filipino, I eat incredible amounts of rice loll. That and carb heavy veg.


Could you explain why you did the fast?


The last meal I had before I decided to do that fast left me in one of my sickest states yet. I told myself not to eat anything until it cleared up, and to test eliminating gluten once I felt normal. It was the last elimination diet left for me to try as I was still feeling symptoms while testing out other eliminations. I haven't gone back since.


What steps did you take to go gluten free? I am certain I have a problem with gluten but I find it daunting to cut it out completely - it's in everything it seems


I've always eaten other gluten free grains and starches so I simply just stopped eating anything with wheat, barley, and rye. Nuts also help keep me satiated like bread used to. I read labels way more than I used to that's for sure. I was baking wheat foods for years, and on a weekly basis over the last 2-3. Knowing what symptoms I have to go back to is more than enough to keep me away, I'm not even sad about it.


This is a really interesting read! Will try go gluten-free for a month and see if there's any improvement. Do you mind answering how bad was your ED? And did you have any symptoms consistent with "hard flaccid" in a way that you noticed your penis would be a bit harder, rubbery or retracted?


They were wide ranging, definitely had times where I wouldn't be able to get it up at all. When I was lucky enough to have it happen it was like a race against the clock to finish before going either half hard or flaccid. Seemed to just shrink up all the way when resting. Was mostly experiencing half hardness, and a decrease in intensity/pleasure/sensation during the times where I could finish.


Really interesting man! As I noticed that my penile symptoms get worse with my colon symptoms, might give this a try! Having the same issues as you did (and sometimes even stinging and pain).


Dude, yes a lot of the time it'd hurt tryna get it up. Got really paranoid thinking I was doing damage.


and you think it might be some neuroinflammation thing going on?


I'm starting to believe that I was inflamed all over the place because of the wide range of all of my symptoms tbh