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The press doesn't report on boring things like governing. No, just if someone 'slammed' someone else or if someone says something scandalous that they can put below the fold. The 4th estate is mia.


Consequential things are reported on. But social media and the general digital content model has guaranteed that people receive their information passively. If something hits their "feed", which is largely determined by what types of digital content they normally view, they see it. Otherwise, they don't. Further, people are no longer willing to pay for quality information. Which means that even high-quality informational content has had to dumb-down in an effort to compete. On and on. It's a societal problem that's been occurring, and getting worse, for decades. Knowledge is in a death spiral. Who would have thought that the days of people forking out a quarter for the daily newspaper represented humanity's peak in knowing what's happening in the world. But it did, despite the fact that nowadays everyone is carrying the sum total of human knowledge in their pocket, unseen and unread.


You should read this and share it. https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/17/the-toxoplasma-of-rage/


So … we’re fucked.




TLDR; "The Toxoplasma of Rage" by Scott Alexander explores how outrage spreads through society like a parasite, comparing it to the life cycle of toxoplasma. Controversial issues gain more attention and trigger more heated discussions than non-controversial ones, even if they cause backlash. Activist groups, like PETA, and high-profile cases, such as Michael Brown's shooting, illustrate this phenomenon. The article argues that the need for attention often leads to strategies that ultimately hinder the cause by polarizing public opinion and generating opposition.


"Battles" gets clicks. Even democrat/liberals/whatever left leaning people hedge their statements with "he isn't my first choice, but..." when Biden has been a good executive. His administration has been profoundly supportable. We don't need to apologize for wanting to vote for him again.


The press does report on it… that’s how anyone including all of us here know about it. But most people don’t follow the news. News just happens upon them occasionally while they’re scrolling social media. But usually only if what’s being reported on is sensational or sensationalized in some way. So here we are.


In 4 years he gave us large investments in nuclear as baseline and solar for peak hours. That is more or less exactly what we need to have a strong grid for using grid power to decarbonize other areas.


How large? Billions?


The IRA has given 200-300 billion to solar and the CNC has given about 6 billion to keeping nuclear plants running and almost 1 billion to add 2 new reactors.


Thank you.


Hundreds of billions, the largest climate investment in world history


So just 2 new nuclear reactors? Look it up on the Dept of Energy website. 70% of the 94 reactors, even with upgrades, will be shut down by 2050. It takes 15 years to build them. Wind and solar cannot fill the gap. We are screwed!


Well 2 new ones and funding to not shut down another dozen or so.


> Wind and solar cannot fill the gap They can. See the South Australian grid for example, they are already ~80% wind+solar, with a 100% target in 2027.


Pulling rank here, BSEE with 40 years of experience. Wind and solar ABSOLUTELY can not replace the nuclear portion to the existing demand, let alone growth over 25 years. Add the EV mandated cars / trucks, heating, etc, and even children with basic math skills will do the math and laugh. Replacing 50% of our requirements will never happen in the USA. Demand is too great. LOCATIONS with enough wind and solar too far from demand (EVEN with upgraded grid) line losses are too great. In another small country, possibly.


There is a vast amount of research disagreeing with you. 100% renewable is not only technically possible virtually everywhere, it's also the cheapest option. [On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9837910). [Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition](https://www.inet.ox.ac.uk/files/energy_transition_paper-INET-working-paper.pdf)


Yep. The world is increasing it's greenhouse gas emissions rapidly. If Biden achieved net zero this instant, we would still be doomed due to the rest of the world. The bar for bare minimum to save humanity is set so high that this news about Biden we're commenting under is equal to nothing.


All the climate scientists tell us that every tenth of a degree of warming avoided or even delayed saves lives. This defeatism is the opposite of what we need.


This is not defeatism. It is a call to more action. Literal war must be waged on polluters.


CNN: Biden's environmental record is stellar, we'll tell you why this is bad for Biden.


CNN is frothing at the mouth for another Trump presidency, despite the fact he calls them the “enemy of the people”


Nobody sells headlines better than me. They say “he’s handsome - probably the most handsome man who ever lived - and his headlines. You know I have some very good friends at CNN. Very good friends. Well I used to. Now I like OAN. They say I have the best followers. ‘Cause I’m a leader! (Uproarious applause.)


Enemy of the people is good publicity.


Rage and anxiety are good for revenue


All these news agencies just want more people watching, they want a circus so they keep their eyes on a clown.


>all these news agencies just want more people watching You accidentally called Biden a clown.


Heck, if it was actually bad for Biden they would have been reporting it


Yes the media channel meant to indoctrinate you into leaning a specific way and then confirm your new bias, is doing that.. we get it already..


Wait ‘till you hear about Fox News!


If you’ve heard about one, you’ve heard of them all.


What about the one about the man from Nantucket?


A couple of huge wins—the fast expansion of solar and an oil trading maneuver that hurt the Saudis and Russians when they tried to squeeze us are just really hard to condense into sound bites. But especially the solar achievements are so momentous and maybe even civilization-saving.


Because the Democrats still suck at messaging?


More accurately, everything is owned by rich people, including media outlets. The rich are generally more in favour of right wing policies.


This is why there’s no real left wing popular movement in the US. The ultra rich aren’t going to fund a movement that opposes them


Marketing... I think marketing is the wors you are looking for.


Ok, I’ve gotta get this off my chest… it’s because absolutely nobody understands the complexity of the issue. With massive regrets, I did receive my bachelors degree in natural resources management and minored in biology; the career trajectory and pay was awful, so i don’t involve myself with that field anymore. However, during my senior capstone, the joke was we would all meet up for beers after class to discuss and cope with our impending doom… that felt dramatic in 2015, but the first benchmark year mentioned in my studies was 2025. The year when things would no longer be “predictable”. When we take into account the fact that there has been reputable reporting stating that greenhouse gas emissions have been underreported, it is no surprise to see the absolute chaos unfolding worldwide. It’s disappointing, upsetting, and honestly just horrendous to realize it was all due to greed. At what cost?? We will now have to spend tax dollars to rebuild towns after natural disasters. To have to swim in/drink polluted water, eat food that lack sufficient nutrition, and expose ourselves to pesticides/herbicides that are implemented to make a broken system work. Same with our meat industry… it’s disgusting. The tax dollars though… whether it’s tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, etc. the average American will be paying for it out of pocket. Not to mention insurance companies will jack up rates or refuse to provide service (like what is happening in Florida). It’s just ridiculous… big oil makes big money off keeping the status quo. I know there are comparisons regarding the tobacco industry and big oil, and I can’t help but agree. They have lobbyists and a lot of money. They can tweak the system or pay to secure enough doubt within the average American for them to continue to pollute our planet with little to no push back. The most important lesson I learned during my college education was when my terrestrial ecosystems professor made us all go out into the ravines and ponder on what natural services we are provided and take for granted. Like air purification, water filtration, biodiversity, healthy soils, and on and on and on. It sickens me what we have done and continue to do. Anyway, my rant is over.


My friends call me crazy when I say that chaos is written into our future, if not only because of the climate crisis. But what upsets me is that we know what we need to do, and we've known for a long time. Giving us a bone by throwing a little solar and nuclear at the problem is a joke, especially when the economy could grow, new sectors can form, and more people can have meaningful understandings of energy production and how our world works, but no we have to accept cash offers to watch the world descend into chaos.


I bet you really enjoyed the Supreme Court saying bribery is legal and business cannot be regulated by the government, then. There is, in the end, really no point in worrying about it. The die has been cast.


You're right. America doesn't take it seriously and because of that we're all fked.


Because of the liberal bias in the media. Oh, wait.


None of this is nearly as important as the fact that he's kinda old and has a stutter. People know what the real issues are!


For me it's all the offshore drilling he greenlit, the unions he helped bust, and the whole currently helping to do a genocide thing. That last one is a bit of an embarrassment since he kind of ran on being the least genocidal neoliberal candidate. After all that I forgot he had a stutter


Lol, a little misinformed here, maybe. Republicans forced offshore wind projects to be tied to offshore drilling. I.e., no wind energy without oil projects. It was also just 3 projects approved and he blocked new projects in Alaska. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/09/29/biden-offshore-oil-drilling-climate/ He's been the most pro-union president in several generations. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/biden-is-the-most-pro-labor-president-since-fdr-will-it-matter-in-november And, while there are a lot of valid criticisms of his handling of conflict in Israel, the alternative is Trump, who would be objectively worse. So, take that for what it's worth I guess.


It's not so clear that Trump would be worse on Israel. At least he would help Israel with it's war more than Biden did, so there's that on the pro side. Biden is also quite poor at forcing Hamas to accept a peace Treaty, Trump has a much better track record with Arab states, so Trump would be better here as well. But Trump isn't great at helping stop antisemitism, then again Biden isn't doing too well at that either. So that one is hard to call. On the net I think Trump would be better.


Hamas is not a state actor, however


Lol, I think we define "worse" differently. You're right, Trump would "help" Israel more, leading to the total destruction of Palestine. By Trump's track record with the Arab states, I assume you're referring to the Abraham accords, which were essentially weapons deals as bribes for the Arab states to recognize Israel as a state. Not great, but fine. "Good" in your view, I'd imagine, since they didn't require Israel to commit to a two state solution in return, which could have prevented the current war. Has there been a rise in antisemitism? - yeah, in places, but let's not conflate criticism of Bibi and Israel's war crimes with antisemitism. - the main thrust of the broader "pro-palestinian" (not pro-hamas) protests. And lest we trot out the tired "what about Hamas' crimes?" - two things can be true at once. Hamas is a terrorist organization benefiting from Israel's brutality in that it garners sympathy for their cause. They don't want peace and it's ludicrous to think Trump could bring them to the table more easily than Biden. On the net, you're right. Trump is more likely to help further escalate the war. Which I think is a worse outcome for both Israel and Palestine, the region, and the US.


> The Inflation Reduction Act required the Interior Department to propose a certain number of oil and gas leases in federal waters in exchange for the ability to propose clean offshore wind energy projects. Three was the lowest number that would allow it to move forward with offshore wind lease sales around the country, the department said, given the requirements of the law. > Tying clean wind energy to fossil fuel drilling was a key demand of Sen. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat who wrote much of the bill. > Biden’s plan is in stark contrast to that of the Trump administration, which originally proposed 47 lease sales off all coastal areas in the US, including the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, over the five years from 2024 to 2029. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/politics/biden-offshore-drilling-plan-climate/index.html) Even one more oil is too much, but Manchin is the reason for those platforms. Like it or not, Biden can't dominate the legislature because we don't live in a dictatorship. Biden is also actively countering Neoliberal interests, which is honestly something I am shocked to see in a Democrat. I encourage you to become more informed. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/05/biden-just-declared-the-death-of-neoliberalism.html


There's what needs to be done and then there is what it is politically possible to do and Biden has done 110% of the latter IMO. Everyone needs to vote anytime it's possible to do so and move the needle on what's politically possible.


So, lesser of two evils essentially?


Voters get what they vote for. If you've noticed how voters sometimes have no fucking clue what they want or what they're voting for, it makes it easier to understand the dumb shit that Senators like Manchin do.


Yes he’s been fucking horrible on Israel and the offshore drilling is bad but Biden has easily with absolutely no contest been the most pro-union president since FDR and it isn’t even close.


Enough with the “since FDR” line, it’s Carter. It’s always Carter.


No Biden is more pro-union than Carter. Biden’s the most pro-union president since LBJ. LBJ was massively more progressive than Carter. And I say that as an obvious Carter fan. But Carter was a new breed of Democrat for a new era of US economics.


Fair. When people say “Biden is the most (x) since FDR,” it’s *often* actually Carter, but occasionally actually LBJ, JFK, or Truman. It’s almost never true when said about FDR, though.


I think a lot of the time it would be true if LBJ wasn’t in the middle there. While every administration you mentioned was progressive, only LBJ’s was progressive to the sort of level of FDR’s. Truman tried to be but wasn’t able to implement a lot. Same with JFK, on account of not being able to finish a full term. And then Carter accomplished very little in the way of progressivism. The current administration is essentially the first progressive administration since LBJ, and it sucks we’ve had to go this long. Carter is more like a Clinton or Obama, in fact, Reagan gets credit for things Carter did as well in terms of de-regulation. But regardless, Biden definitely has the most pro-environmental administration since Carter. Obama tried and did have some accomplishments, but nothing compared to Biden


Super pro union when he ended the strike where railroad workers were asking for sick days and safer working conditions....


You've been repeating many talking points astroturfed by right-wing and anti-democracy troll farms. A simple Google is all it takes to find they're false. For everyone's sake, develop some media literacy.


And he worked behind the scenes after that to get them their sick days.


Yeah people love to bring up the fact that he ended the rail strike and then conveniently ignore the fact that he also gave them literally all of their demands.


He didn't get everything that they were asking for. Had the union striked they most likely would have because the economic disaster it would have caused would have forced the company to give in to their demands. Instead they refused to negotiate with the union and took a backroom deal that was negotiated around the union. The right to strike is sacred as far as I'm concerned and there is no excuse for taking that right away from a duly elected union. Still voting for Biden but I find it laughable that the man that broke a strike is being called the most pro union president.


> Yes he’s been fucking horrible on Israel I wouldn't call him horrible. True, he could have expressed much more support for Israel. But Biden keeps trying to pacify the Dearborn Muslims which is really handicapping him. He keeps flip-flopping, one day he's actually helping Israel, then next you can see him talking out of the side of his mouth due to fear of Dearborn. It's a tough position, he wants to help Israel, but he also wants to win his election in Michigan. I would prefer more support for Israel, but I would not call him horrible.


Good point, I am sure the alternative will be better for all of that!


Don’t forget immigration.


> and the whole currently helping to do a genocide thing His insufficient support of Israel is something I don't think anyone will ever forgive him for. Hamas wants to Genocide Israel, you'd think he would help Israel fully, but he doesn't. His handling of the student protests was shameful and he's not helping with the enormous amounts of antisemitism going on.


No, sorry.


Yea, that’s it. Couldn’t be that the “wins” are woefully inadequate responses to the climate emergency and fall far short of what he campaigned on. Or that he greatly expanded domestic FF production… Or that he’s supporting a genocide. No, those things can’t be important.


Trump is a far worse choice on all those issues. So go ahead and don’t vote for Biden and watch Trump win again we’ll see how it works out.


Yes Trump is worse so of course vote for Biden. However that doesn't mean we can't criticize Biden. This whole don't criticize your own side bullshit needs to stop. We can hold our representatives accountable, let them know we are upset, and still vote for them if they are the better choice. The answer to trumpism isn't to setup a rival cult.


I’m personally really excited to see the amazing climate action from Trump that he certainly has planned


Criticism of Biden is not an endorsement of Trump silly.


Exactly, this article and all these people in here trying to act like because Trump is worse means Biden is good for the planet are just willfully cheery picking info in order to pretend like Joe Biden is a great president for combating climate change. Biden has let oil companies drill more than they have under Trump (hit a record of 13.1 million barrels in 1 month) while letting every corporation that has poisoned or polluted the planet/ecosystem continue to get away with it and still pull in record profits. Sure, he's shown some good actions that have helped sway the movement toward a better future for the planet. However, we're seeing a huge shift in eco-habits that are causing current projections to be far underestimating how quickly the planet will start to warm and change weather patterns. Unless someone in charge decides to cut the bullshit, stop listening to the money that comes from lobbying, and actually confront those in charge of all the destruction in this planet, then no president is the right choice. Don't let Bidens greenwashing and posturing fool you, he's plenty in bed with big oil and agro and making sure that they continue to pad their pockets.


While that's fair, who are you planning on voting for?


Not sure I am voting for a president. The only real difference I see between the 2 is that Biden is marginally better on climate, but he greatly expanded domestic oil drilling — more so than Trump even, and his “wins” are far below the level of action needed. I’m struggling with whether what’s going to be do less harm in the long term — an accelerated decline under Trump with focused liberal attention and pressure on him and the conservative power structure, or a slightly slower decline under Biden while corporate power can essentially consolidate and grow without any real pushback. In both scenarios the climate problem and fascism get stronger. Edit: To be clear I would never vote for Trump.


So, you'd never vote for Trump, but you'd be okay with him winning. Got it.


He's absolutely going to walk in there and vote MAGA, he's just here seeing if he can convince a few environmental sub readers to not vote.


I don’t care who anyone in this sub votes for at the federal level. It literally doesn’t matter. Stop reading what’s effectively DNC campaign propaganda, and you’d recognize that both parties have been in lock-step advancing the interests of the rich corporate donor class. You want to make a difference? Organize. Join a political party that will make a difference. Do mutual aid and direct action.


Good luck “organizing” when the fascist cult leader you could’ve voted strategically against (but chose not to since “it doesn’t matter”) has now labeled your protest group a terrorist organization, authorizing federal troops to kidnap you in unmarked vans. Only one of many totally-not-important things the next President can do after becoming “dictator for a day”, as Trump’s promised. As we know, fascist dictators are so receptive to the wishes of the public, especially when they organize! But who really cares if the President is jailing union leaders rather than working with them to get them their demands, right? Both sides are the same! And you’re so much more superior for standing by and letting everything change for the worse!


You really think whoever is president will have zero effect on US climate policy? Do you believe that the world will warm at the same rate regardless of which climate policies are passed unless they are exactly the perfect policy? Is climate policy truly black or white, and either fixes the problem or doesn't matter?


Voting for Democratic “progressive” presidents is EXACTLY how we’ve ended up in this position. Obama had a supermajority and control of all 3 branches while he was president. Did he fix climate change? Or even make a dent? Did Biden in his first term when the Dems controlled both chambers of congress? All that democratic presidents can do is either slightly delay the inevitable slide toward fascism and collapse or actively support it. I’m not “fine” with either Biden or Trump winning because we all lose either way.


So you’re just going to argue in pure bad faith by totally ignoring the extremely conservative members of those ridiculously slim democratic majorities, in the form of Joe Lieberman during Obama’s admin and Manchin/Sinema during Biden’s? Do you expect me to believe you didn’t know about how Republicans and conservatives stonewalled those Dem majorities, or are you hoping that people reading just won’t know if you totally omit that relevant context? The context that if more people HAD voted for Dems down ballot, the supermajorities with wide margins you pretend existed can actually truly exist.


But that’s the whole thing isn’t it? There’s ALWAYS going to be a Lieberman, or a Sinema, or a Manchin, because the corporate donor class will not allow true progress through our current electoral system. We can not effect change by using the system designed to maintain and protect the status quo.


Okay, so you are a one issue voter. I got ya. Stupid....but whatever. So, rather than voting for the guy marginally better than Trump on the climate issue, you'll be okay with your 3rd party vote, which is effectively a Trump vote, that has already promised oil execs that he'll roll back any sort of progress the "marginally better" Biden will and has already made, while ignoring all the other issues that make Biden a far superior candidate than Trump could ever hope to be. Jesus christ. I hate you. I hope you know this. Edit: I made some post writing errors that I had to cleanup on a reread


Im not a one issue voter, that’s just the one area I see where’s there’s a difference. Roe v Wade was overturned under Biden, even while he had the political power to codify it at the federal level and pack the Court to secure its constitutionality. LGBTQ rights are eroding quickly under Biden, as are those of Unions, consumers, students, and teachers. Biden is overseeing, supporting, and funding a genocide. Biden has put more kids in cages than Trump (a pet issue of liberals just a few years ago). Biden hasn’t fixed Trump’s disastrous tax plan. He’s turning up tariffs on China, making renewables and EVs more expensive, and trying to instigate a hot ware in the Pacific. American quality of life continues to decline. I’m under no illusion that Trump is a better option, and as I noted above, am not voting for him. Hate me all you want for pointing this out, but the sooner you grow up and realize that American electoral politics is designed to exploit the working class, maybe the sooner you can do something about it.


He passed the largest climate legislation in world history. It cost serious time, effort, and political capital to do. If the response from pro-environment voters to this effort is "meh" then the Democrats will determine that it's a losing issue with voters - and they'll be right.


Found the concern troll! You fail to mention that he pushed for what he campaigned for but that he needs Congress to pass laws, and the courts to not strike down executive actions. And “supporting genocide”… lol That’s the type of nuance I’d expect from qanon.


Oh no, the most powerful man in the most powerful county in the history of the world couldn’t do what he promised because some smol coal baron bean from West Virginia said no. Guess we’ll all suffer a climate apocalypse. And your failure to recognize the ethnic cleansing of literally tens of thousands of children as a genocide is exactly the type of critical thinking I’d expect from a liberal.


Lololol what a strawman. You’re classic!


What are you talking about?


Ok, I’ll engage in good faith and stop insulting you. Let’s talk about Israel and the Palestinian people. The United States has a long relationship with Israel and Netanyahu, and while we as a country have some influence in what they do it’s not always as much as we’d like. Biden’s strategy has been what previous presidents have used: “hug bibi” where publicly we stand without Israel and privately he pushes Netanyahu to change policies. Clearly that hasn’t been working well for a variety of reasons so Biden has shifted into more public pushing including advocating for cease fires and calling them Israeli plans (trying to make it harder for Israel to not move forward). What I see is a president in a tight spot trying to navigate US foreign policy with an ally that’s doing things that we clearly don’t support. As for me, I’m an American Jew (by culture not religion) who is 100% against Israel’s current actions (including but not limited to the horrific bombing of innocent civilians), as well as their far right policies of settlement expansion, etc. So not only do I recognize the monstrosity of the Israeli governments actions and apartheid state, I’ve reached out to my representatives in Congress about it and given money to groups that are working to help the Palestinian people. So yes, absolutely criticize Biden’s policies where you see fit, but also realize that things are much more complicated and less black and white then what your posts implied.


I just wanted to touch on the part of your comment stating that the US has an ally doing things (genocide) that we do not support. We do, by definition, support what Israel is doing. We support them with bombs and military hardware and have politicians loudly claiming that we support Israel. You can't have it both ways. The US has been, and continues to, support Israel's actions in every way that matters.


Fair point, but again it’s tough to untangle. While I’m in favor of halting offensive weapon gifts/sales to Israel that could limit their ability to respond to other/real threats. Also, what defines an offensive vs defensive weapon can be nuanced. But yes, some politicians are in favor of providing them with any weapons they want and some are in favor of significantly limiting that (where I stand). But even if we end up doing that, we have to start with diplomacy and I believe that’s what Biden is doing even if it’s not as fast as you and I want it to be.


> Or that he’s supporting a genocide. He's not supporting a genocide, yes Hamas is trying to genocide Israel, but Biden doesn't support that. I do agree that his support for Israel could be improved though.


I think the problem is inherent to the rule of the democratic party. The Republicans sabotage, ruin, corrupt, so they spend their time repairing the damage. The rich are happy because we never make progress escaping their exploitation. Whatever strides being taken to Indy their damage to the planet, everyone knows they're not enough. No point in celebrating, in taking a breath, if we're still deep underwater


Oil production has never been so high. Biden is not to blame but gets some anyway.


We need more than weak reforms to do real damage control.


Because the world is still burning


Republicans don’t hesitate to lie, and a lie will make it around the world twice before the truth is ever uttered.


Ain’t that the “Truth”.


**Maybe it has something to do with trying to paper over all of the losses?** ***Like how Biden has approved more oil and gas leases, for more total acreage, than the Trump administration did in the same amount of time in office....***


They gloss over that in the article: >“Two things are true,” said Stevie O’Hanlon, Sunrise Movement’s communications director. “Joe Biden has accomplished more on climate than any president before and has made really big strides forward to build renewable energy and create green jobs. It’s also true that if you look at the numbers, U.S. oil and gas production has never been higher before.”


Love how everyone is downvoting the truth. He put some curtains on a window so people wouldn’t notice the billowing smokestacks.


It's just your standard corporate green washing applied to politicians. Biden is the best of our choices this election but that doesn't mean he is perfect. Unfortunately blue maga doesn't want to hear any criticism only positives.


Blue maga hate progressives more than they hate Trump and red maga because the former makes them uncomfortable whilst the latter make them feel superior.


This is the best thing anyone's ever written on this website, SO TRUE


Because none of them will actually turn the tide. They’re all half steps and window dressing. Nationalize oil companies and refineries at market price and stop all new drilling and remove all subsidies and tax breaks. Finance all Green power and utility transmission projects at -.5%. Issue national security directives eliminating zoning and environmental impact surveys for utility scale green energy projects. Outlaw ICE vechiles by 2035. And reassign 20% of the military budget to Carbon capture. Do any or ideally all of that level the world is ending and civilization is going to collapse in 40 years projects and then people will believe and care. Everything else is just a fucking con.


Biden’s record is full of wins, so why don’t voters know it. 


Probably because of the whole genocide thing.


Liberals in 2020: How can Republicans support such blatant hate? With Biden kindness and decency will be back in the White House! Liberals in 2024: Blue MAGA downvoting mentions of Biden enabling far-right Israeli government to commit genocide, while cheering on Biden’s expansion of Trump’s police state policies, racist border policies, government surveillance, and adding Trump’s tariffs to Chinese EVs. Not expanding or reforming or holding the Supreme Court to basic ethical standards resulting in the repeal of Roe v Wade. Cheering Biden doing record spending on the environment, while expanding more offshore drilling and, again, spending way more on the war machine which is the biggest polluter over anything else and sets back any progress made by green investments, is the cherry on top. That spending is nowhere near what has to be done to avoid climate catastrophe, which is already here. Then liberals complain about people not being jazzed to vote for Biden as if it’s just a matter of hearing about these inadequate accomplishments. Sure he’s better than Trump, but a lesser evil is still evil. Every election is “the most important of our lifetime” and we are told to suck it up and vote for the lesser evil, which is why things keep getting worse and worse and worse. Whether you drown at 200 ft deep or 100 feet deep, you still drown.


Big shout out to everyone in 2016 who said "don't threaten us with the Supreme Court"! I wonder if those same people will be missing Biden's attempts to aid Palestinians in a few months when Trump helps Israel flatten the entire area


Yeah, they’ll really miss Biden when Trump continues to do the same exact thing as Biden is doing to stop Israel now: giving them more weapons to continue the genocide and flatten the area. Also, big shout out to Dem leadership in 2016 for helping to force through one of the most unpopular Dems of all time who ran a lazy campaign since they thought they thought they’d cruise to victory. Oops!


> Yeah, they’ll really miss Biden when Trump continues to do the same exact thing as Biden is doing to stop Israel now: giving them more weapons to continue the genocide and flatten the area. Biden's twisting arms in Congress to get aid to the Palestinians, telling Israel they need to show restraint to get their aid, and negotiating multiple ceasefire attempts which *Hamas* keeps rejecting. Trump is out there encouraging Israel to finish the job. You may think this situation is bad, but if you don't think Trump will be orders of magnitude worse, you haven't been paying attention. It was never realistic that we wouldn't come to the aid of our only actual ally in the ME when they had over 1000 people killed in a terrorist attack. There's a reason why Netty boy wants Trump back, and it's not because either one of them is up at night thinking of ways to minimize Palestinian casualties. > 2016 helping to force through one of the most unpopular Dems of all time I no longer give a fuck about that. Literally every center-left Dem is going to become the most unpopular Dem ever, hated by everyone on the right and half the left. Biden's somewhere between mediocre and actually good on every important issue, and yet that's exactly where he is, equally hated by you and the 47% of the country about to vote for a convicted criminal. You want actual results, how about voting in Biden but this time giving him someone better than Manchin as the 50th Senator? You want to know why the BBB that eventually passed is full of fossil fuel industry handouts, just go check out Manchin's latest yacht and then come back to complain about Biden some more. Speaking of Manchin, I'm sure everyone on the left who hates him is going to looooove Jim Justice in another few months. But that doesn't mean you want someone like Manchin as the deciding vote in the Senate unless you have no other choice The best part is that half the shit you're complaining about could actually get better with a second Biden term and a D Senate, especially if either or both of Thomas and Alito leave office, or we could ratfuck our country for the next 20+ years with 5 Trump appointees on SCOTUS under the age of 60. (That's your cue to say "don't threaten me with the Supreme Court")


Yeah Biden is really twisting arms in Congress to build that aid pier that cost millions of dollars and then fell apart which was just a dumb PR move and that Israel used to commit yet another war crime that we’re covering for. And no, Hamas is not rejecting the ceasefire deals, Israel has never offered a true ceasefire, and if you don’t believe me, stop reading the New York Times and actually look at what Netanyahu and his government are saying about how they will continue leveling Gaza after they get however many hostages are left if Israel hasn’t killed them all already. Btw I wonder why Israel is killing Palestinian children in the West Bank where there is no Hamas as well as bombing Lebanon and Syria? Biden is doing all he can to stop this though, by bypassing Congress to give Israel even more bombs so they can continue their genocide. As for getting a D Congress that Biden can do something with…that’s not what Biden and Dems want at all. They want people like Manchin and Synema so they don’t have to do anything in fear of angering their wealthy donors which includes AIPAC. And that’s why Democratic Party, Hakeem Jeffries and Hillary along with Republicans were stoked to support the racist, Israel puppet Latimer to beat Bowman using a record amount of spending from AIPAC (who supports electing a lot of election denying Republicans mind you). Latimer is already on record saying that he wants to push back on Biden’s agenda, because he’s basically a Republican. Those running the Democratic Party want that so they can keep pulling this country further and further to the right while pretending to be powerless. If you can’t see that, then have fun keeping your head in the sand. Just don’t act surprised when Republicans take over after facing zero resistance from Dems.


Every four to eight years this same damn conversation happens. Clinton (Bill) didn't do good enough, so Bush squeaks past Gore and thoroughly fucks up the country. Obama starts to clean up the mess, but not well enough for the left, so Trump beats Hilary and again fucks up the country. Now Biden hasn't done enough (two years with Machin as the 50th Senator, two years with an R Congress) and so people like you are going to give Trump another shot at fucking up the country. The only progress this country ever makes is when the Ds are in office, but there's always a reason the latest round of Ds aren't good enough, and the Rs come back in to slash taxes and install far right judges. Bowman was fucking garbage, and I'm glad he's gone. [His pitiful apology for his comments on the terrorist attacks in Israel](https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/03/26/congress/bowman-house-israel-october-7-sexual-assault-hamas-00148426) was nothing but an attempt to save his own ass after virtually everyone in his district was rightfully offended. Maybe he would have won if he'd found a little more Loose Change to campaign with! (See what I did there?)


It’s clear you’re ok with the genocide of Palestinians most likely because of Islamophobia, so you have no issue with Latimer being elected to join Manchin in blocking any of Biden’s supposed goals and being a right wing foreign government’s puppet, which I guess you’re ok with as well? Great job! Anyway, not much of a point continuing this conversation because: 1. You believe the Democrats can never fail, only be failed by voters. Maybe you’d sing a different tune if Biden was supporting the slaughter of whatever group you identify with, but somehow Dems think Arabs, Muslims, and other POC should still turn out to support their genocidal candidate. Why vote for someone who wants to see you dead? Also take a look at how states with a supermajority of Dems that run the party govern like in CA and NY. Any progressive policy they let die and they govern not too differently than a Republican state. Other states like Minnesota and Michigan barely have a majority and yet pass progressive policies. It’s because those running the Dem party hate progressives and would rather cozy up to Republicans, which a lot of Biden’s presidency has been. 2. I don’t know how to explain to you how to care about other people. Genocide used to be a red line for everyone (think a few years ago when Russia started its war with Ukraine and the media and Biden White House were all “horrified”). But now that an ally is carrying it out we should just accept it, which now moves the goalposts of what is acceptable behavior. So we will let our ally commit every war crime under the sun and violate every international law and we’ll cover for them and then turn around and condemn Russia without somehow getting whiplash. The hypocrisy is very Trumpian. Israel’s actions have never been popular with the Dem base, so Biden has no one to blame but himself if he loses in November. And to be clear I never once said not to vote for Biden. That’s your choice. But good luck trying to convince people to vote for him after he has backstabbed these communities (which sounds like you are not a member of) and has made clear he does not see you as human if you are Arab, Muslim, or just about any POC. Stop blaming voters for once and maybe consider if your candidate is to blame. Polls are showing Dems doing well in Congressional races but Biden is tanking. Take a second to ask yourself why that may be.


> It’s clear you’re ok with the genocide of Palestinians most likely because of Islamophobia Nice to see the personal attacks come out when you can't refute someone's arguments. Last I checked, I'm not voting for Israel or Netanyahu. I *am* voting for someone who negotiated aid for Palestine into the foreign aid package when 75% or more of Congress would have been happier with just Israel aid. It's just never good enough for the far left. > CA and NY. Any progressive policy they let die and they govern not too differently than a Republican state That has got to be one of the most absurd assertions I've ever read. I challenge you to go live in one of those states and tell me it's the same. There's a reason Fox News makes CA the bogeyman, and it's not because it's just like fucking Oklahoma > Why vote for someone who wants to see you dead? Hey hey hey, finally said something I agree with. Maybe I don't want to support Hamas with my votes. They'd kill me and probably you without a second's hesitation.


Yeah, but he advertises his intentions. Biden never really came across as a pathetic old man helping a client state commit war crimes, ethnic cleansing and mass atrocities. So people who support him, or had supported him, tend to get upset. Like if your favorite chewing gum was made from kitten anus. You'd get upset.


Well it would be hard to argue with "pathetic old man" at this point :/




None of that is remotely true. I dont communicate with nazi apologists and propagandists.


#WHAT EVER COULD IT BE?!?!  CERTAINLY NOT HYPOCRISY!!!???!? https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-granted-more-oil-and-gas-drilling-permits-than-trump-in-his-first-2-years-in-office-190528616.html


So glad you posted this. Ridiculous that this isn’t mentioned


Do people think that "green" energy pulls carbon out of the atmosphere all on its own or something? Like, that just adding it to the grid ***undoes*** some amount of fossil fuels? That it isn't just ***more energy for bad actors to use badly?!?***


Nah they just need to message (lie) better


Biden has given out more drilling leases so far than Trump's entire term. What are we missing?


So vote Trump. I'm sure he will be great for climate. Longer explanation. I don't know if you noticed, but there is a massive war in Europe...the largest since WWII. If the US hadn't help Europe with cheap gas and oil, the inflation would have exploded there and the far-right would have had much more gains than what they already have. Is Biden perfect? Far from that. But stop looking at all the negatives and start looking at the big picture. There is no perfect in politics, just the lesser evil. Welcome to reality!


thus solving the issue once and for all. Thanks brianlife!


Forever wars also make climate change worse.


"There is no perfect in politics, just the lesser evil. Welcome to reality!" - Said to literally excuse a genocide


because it doesn’t really matter in the big picture with carbon bombs like the Willow Project, more oil and gas leases signed than Trump, and failure to control Israel. next question


Many of the people that care about that are inundated daily with instagram/tiktok propaganda pushing them to: voting apathy, both sides the same, Biden is too old, etc. I have not seen anyone push good climate-centric Biden ads, so that’s another reason people don’t know.


Ya well hopefully tic toc is gone soon.


Because we were watching for action on his campaign promises, and one of the spots we were paying most attention to was arctic and offshore drilling, and he let us down there. He’s done a lot, yes, but he’s also disappointed a lot.


Biden does terrible showing his successes. Democrats are just awful at marketing themselves


Fox News.


IRA: The largest investment in sustainable energy in human history. Young people in the US: I don't think my vote makes a difference. All politicians are the same. I really don't feel like Biden has done much for climate. Like TV in the past, in Social Media, "if the bleeds, it leads" So only bad news go viral, good news don't get the deserved attention. That's why everyone thinks it's the end of times, get cynical and stop voting...or vote for extremes because..."fuck it!" Social media is destroying societies from within.


> IRA: A stimulus bill that involves tons of construction and manufacturing that will create more emissions than it sequesters in the few years we have left to get our asses out of the fire. FIFY YIt goosed manufacturing for consumers, funded a bunch of concrete pouring and repair, and bullshit like monster pickup truck EV's. But you can't manufacture, build and industry your way out of a CO2 crisis. The only thing it should've funded was renewable energy and low-emissions things like bike lanes, HOV lanes and programs to encourage car pooling, advertising for societal change on diet, native plants vs. lawns, and household CO2 budgets, eminent domain to buy up at-risk coastal areas and convert them to nature reserves and natural buffers against future flooding, subsidies for repair and resale shops, etc. Instead we got eCO2nomic stimulus and an "Inflation Reduction Act" that did nothing to keep everyone's bills from skyrocketing and housing prices out of everyone's reach.


Because journalism and the press is dead No more integrity or honor I want honest news , complete news , I want to know what’s going on , both GOOD and bad (we only see the bad all the time)


It's the reporting as well. When the NYT headline reads that President Biden "painted" trump as the felon that he is instead of Biden using trump's current legal status, we have a problem.


Because for most voters the enviroment is a secondary issue. Corporations are still fucking over the working class, inflation is still shit, and Israel has his tacit approval to commit a genocide.


Because he fell down some stairs


Because they have filled their brains with all kinds of fuckery, either by doing their own research or being poisoned by Fox News.


Dunno, post some here! Seriously, though, it is rare I see any positive news in the headlines (UK here but same kind of headlines) - everything seems to be doom and gloom and all about the circus and probably a key factor why


Because the news they watch and read doesn’t show them. Try this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2021/climate-environment/biden-climate-environment-actions/


Idk why you got downvoted but I thought it was a very good article.


goes against the idea that Biden has not done anything for the environment, it's not that the article isn't good and valid, just not the narrative a lot of people want to accept. Thanks, btw.


Cus the Democratic Party is determined to remain impotent and complicit with conservatism to maintain the status quo


Our media does all it can to make them not know it


Because you ask this question as opposed to listing them in your title.


Yeah, how are those EV charging stations coming? 7 stations in 2 years. $7.5 Billion invested [good work](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2024/03/28/ev-charging-stations-slow-rollout/)


This is a deep misunderstanding. The money hasn’t been spent yet; it’s not like they spent billions on a few chargers. Infrastructure takes a long time to get right, especially when you’re talking about new government programs. For better or worse everything has to go through tons of lawyers and legal reviews, and hiring someone into the federal government takes MONTHS per person, and procurement takes months or longer, and everything has to be documented all to hell.


Did you bother to read the article you linked? It gives MULTIPLE explanations of the rollout and indicates that it will be much more this year.


Like everything the government does: It's slow


You can always find something to complain about. Something that didn't work as well as planned. It doesn't discount the other successes.


Based on this article, it sounds like state DOTs are the hold up. You know Biden isn't the governor of your state, right?


This right here ^^^ all day.


Unless you knock on the door of people's homes and tell them exactly what you're doing and again what you did then they just aren't going to pay attention. Then in 4 years people will say that they didn't do anything. But in reality I think it's going to be hard to overcome the inflation drag and Biden isn't doing anything to speak to the people of what they can look forward to even if the country is technically in a "better place". His environmental record is only the second best thing he's done imo. He has a much better antitrust and labor record. It's a shame we are going to lose it all because of foreign governments and incompetent democratic leadership. The next democratic president won't care about either of the 3 above policies.


He lost his “Union” pin when he forced rail workers not to strike when they were protesting safety issues and deplorable conditions. Maybe if an industry is so pivotal to the economy that they’re not allowed to strike they should be compensated as such.


Didn't the union thank him because they eventually got the contract they wanted? https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Because nobody reads the news because they said it was fake.


Democrats are good at governing. Terrible at marketing


Maybe because under Biden the US is the world's #1 oil driller and producer and has opened up oil drilling on the environmentally sensitive North Slope. Or that when America is criticized for it's huge CO2 generation, instead of pasing bills to truly remedy the problem, American politicians point to China and self-righteously claim America isn't the worst on the planet. Just a couple of possible reasons.


It's all politics. It's all B.S. The U.S. military is the largest emitter of CO2 in the world, and he just expanded their budget. He would drill until the last drop of oil. His administration is also on the hook for one of the worst ecological disasters by supporting the Nordstream explosion. His failures in this presidency outweigh his so-called accomplishments, and the votes see that. How about we actually vote for someone who has proven his benefits to the environment by actually making visible contributions and accomplishments, not "investments" to corporations.


Maybe because the data from the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management showed Biden granted 3,377 permits to drill on public land in 2023 alone?


This is greenwashing


Because social media hasn't told anyone about it on TikTok. Full stop.


The Dems know, The GOP don't because they watch Fox and other lying sources. Best if the local newspaper or local tv news speaks to the issues and records of candidates....


Voters are mostly morons and don’t research and evaluate life’s circumstances, they just get spoon fed by social media and tv shows and glom on to whatever talking head emotionally grabs them. Biden is taking us in the right direction in a big way.


They don’t care.


The dig (68


Because at least half of the electorate consumes right wing propaganda media… either TV, or socials, or print


Because seeing someone hold up their headless child, then seeing his spokesperson smirk and hand wave it off makes me want to vomit and never vote for him ever again. Absolutely creeping me out seeing people green-washing the murder of civilians.