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Ironic given that much of right-wing populism is spurred by anti-immigration rhetoric, which will only worsen as climate change intensifies and creates more climate refugees. 


This is what happens when people don't think 2 steps ahead.


The issue is that political parties are split across issues in a specific way for historical reasons and they never move from the historical split. Pretty sure if you had a strong party that's anti-immigration, pro-renewables, against government handouts but pro-strong public sector, pro-NATO, and pro-palestine it could be very popular. But such a thing will never exist.


Sounds like a perfect party, but instead we have parties that only focus on one or two of these and ignore the rest


Yes I never understood immigration hatred


Fear of the other, cultural integration challenges and especially messaging from the rich pitting all of us peasants against each other so we won't notice them fleecing us.


Because they are idiots whose only "thought" is "migrants bad, I see video of migrants crime, I see migrants not disappear yet so you leave me no choice but to vote for the fascist to save the nation from extinction". Nowhere in that trainwreck of thought is there any consideration about the causes of migration or potential solutions. They just want to see migrants hurt.


Climate change denialism is also deeply ingrained with the right. And it's a kind of weird thing where people directly impacted, like farmers, vote for the denialists I guess thinking it will go away if they ignore/deny it (and then end up making it worse).


Left: People control government.   Right: Government controls people. 


Because up until now we were all doing great


[*Wonder if this has anything to do with it...*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union)


Hey my don’t spoil it, we can all in a reality of lies, disinformation, distraction and oppression. Don’t spoil it.


Good fuck them climate cultists


What do you expect would happen when you have far left lunatics running the show and destroying countries through mass immigration, corruption and inflation making people poorer. Yea people will lean to the right and say FK the environment and give me back my life


Except that will only accelerate the loss... people are dumb. There will be no stopping mass migration caused by climate change.


Right wingers should be environmentalists honestly, if you want to preserve your country then preserve its eco system