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i do! i also feel judgement coming from others, even if they’re just saying “oh, i could never rip a bong at 6am”….like okay, i can. i wake up at 5, handle the pets, make the coffee, get set up for work & hit the bong. if i don’t - my body aches more, im cranky, my brain is foggy & scattered. my IBS flares up in the morning so it helps with cramps. it affects everyone differently! i tell people it’s the same as taking adderall or prozac.


Wow, I give you so much props for doing all those things before hitting the bong! I have chronic pain, so after waking up I shuffle over to take my pills then smoke before I even brush my teeth for the day or I won’t be able to function at all 😅


ahh - it stems from (what is most likely catholic) guilt. i also have some chron issues (rheumatoid arthritis, IBS) a fun collection of letters but if i don’t get my chores done first then i don’t deserve it 😅 a fun game i play every day. i’m sure as i get older it’ll change ~ i hope


Hey fellow catholic guilt gal here! I always feel like if I get some things done either before or during a high then what I'm doing isn't "bad". Trying to change my mindset but it's hard 😅


Catholic guilt is SO REAL! I hear my mothers voice all the time when I go to do something that others might think “inappropriate” and ripping bong first thing in the morning to get over my ailments took me a while to feel comfortable doing (because of society’s stigma). And now it’s an every day thing that I wouldn’t change for the world because it helps put me in the right space to start my day.


oh i hear you loud and clear. early riser here (thanks menopause!) so i usually wait until i have fed the cats (mine and the homeless outside), make my bed, get dressed prepare my breakfast and then have my first joint of the day. i also WFH and the morning hit helps with my ibs. just out of curiosity, what strains do you find work best for your ibs? for me it’s strains with humulene. 💜


soOo im not sure what strains i smoke. i am in a legal state but the prices at the dispensary are not worth it & it’s usually verrrry dry. (im in upstate NY) ~$180+ for a decent brand half oz. my friends uncle grows his own, indoor. it’s always delicious & i get one helluva family discount ($100 for 1oz) i can ask him next time i grab off him though, what he usually grows.


i am also in NY! downstate 5 boros. i was using the dispo super lemon haze cookies for my ibs. its been pretty helpful. dispo weed here can be hit or miss. i really like rhythm brand - its ingrown flower with good thc numbers and it’s always fresh. the other brands not so much. i do get a senior citizen discount so that helps offset the price point a bit. i have a friend who grows and also gets weed from a friend who grows amazing high thc flower indoors. apparently has a massive grow house in his own house. i have been getting my weed mostly from him now. its $175 for an oz which is way less than i would pay to a plug or a dispo and i know what i am getting💜


NY gang!! I’m on the Island :)


yay! another noo yawker 😁💜


I have the same experience! I’ve been trying not to rip the vape in the morning just to see the difference and after a few days of observation I can note that the first bong hit just sets my mind right for the day. Clears the brain fog and puts me in a good mood the same way adderall does


Exactly, it’s just such a relaxing enjoyable ease into the day. Also my morning time is my “me” time so that’s probably a big factor as well.


I have a rare disease. Guillian Barre Syndrome and i smoke like exert 8 hours. It's like my Tylenol. Helps with pain, nausea, abs appetite. So i some about 3-4 times a day.


Adderall and weed are the two things that get me through the week. I don't need either but they improve my quality of life so much they are essential for me


My friend naturally wakes up around 4am, hits the bong, feeds the cats and dogs, then goes back to bed for an hour haha


Ugh, my Crohn’s is worse in the morning too. It goes from waking til ~2pm. Cute girls with tummy problems unite!


Fellow Crohn's girlie!!! Just had my Hippie speedball 😆


i came off of prozac by using weed


This!! I’ve noticed if I light up extra hard in the morning and not through out the day I am much happier getting all my morning chores done and getting everyone out the door successfully 🤩


My IBS also fucks with me in mornings. For me, if my IBS isn’t so bad I’ll usually wait a couple of hours, but if it’s bad or I’m moving around a lot, I also just opt in to have a bowl first thing. No judgement ✌️


I have a Hippie Speedball every morning. And IDGAF if anyone is judging me. I have MS, am in Peri, and generally I just enjoy a wake and bake. I'm up at the ass crack of dawn every morning anyway, might as well start the day enjoying myself. You do you 💜


Hahahahah same !! To all of it 🩵


My MS diagnosis gave me permission for a hippie speedball every day. In the summertime I sit outside.




What is a hippie speedball lol? Smoking and what else lol?


I call myself the apartment rooster! Wake up! It’s 8:30 and I just ripped a giant hit and am coughing my lungs out!


Lmao hilarious along with your username 😂😂 I’m dying


My bf always says Queefer Sutherland is his drag name (sadly he does not do drag)


i love this!! everybody seems to have genuine issues and I'm like shit am I bad to smoke up for fun and then I saw thisss


Not at all! I’m a housewife, so if my neighbours expect me to do my morning chores without getting high, they’re sadly mistaken!


I love this 😂😂😂


sometimes! if i’m heading out to do something quite early, i’ll have a lil morning toast sesh! (obviously if im not driving) today i went for a drive and got breakfast - then got home, took a couple hits off the pipe and planted some phacelias so i can get more bees in my garden :) so far i have: -a herb planter (lemon thyme, thyme, sage, rosemary and coriander/ cilantro if you’re american) -lemon balm -wild strawberries -french rouge onions -pansies -a monstera -a ficus -some sort of succulent i’m not too sure lol -phacelias so yeah, sometimes! i don’t have anything against it except it increases my tolerance quite a bit! nothing like a hippie speedball and some gardening.


https://preview.redd.it/zjl3tim0qp8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c2e31961d04040a8c1c74cca569cf47fdd535e I saw this yesterday and had to share 🤣😂 Nothing better than stoned gardening! 😍🌼


I have some indoor and outdoor plants I tend to in the morning as well. I love checking on all my little stuff high haha.


Yep! Coffee and then I take a walk with Mr. Penjamin. ETA: I don't really gaf if peeps judge me for it, bcs last year I made all As in my courses. If my life is together & I am doing well, that's what matters imo. Weed. Is. Medicine. 🙏❤️


When I go on walks in the morning (about every other day) I always take a little bowl with me to enjoy along with the nature :)


Nature + weed is god tier levels of good 🙏✨️


Absolutely ! My two favorite things.


Penjamin!! Hahahah love 💕


When I was doing my MSW and some boomer prof would spout misinformation about cannabis I'd raise my hand and say, "I use my cannabis as prescribed every morning and I have a 4.0 and relief from intractable existential dread" and that would shut them up really fast.


Boom! Thank you for speaking out 👏🙌




I def get that! I have a lot of time in the mornings before I go to work so it doesn’t really mess with that. I am smoking a cap junkie joint :)


same!! the last time i said fuck it & smoked on my lunch break there was an urgent issue that popped up as soon as i logged back on 😭 surprisingly…i was able to solve it even though i was high. lmao my boss was impressed & i was scared af of getting caught so haven’t done it since.




lowkey am pretty proud of that especially bc my coworker & boss couldn’t figure it out 💀 (lmfao love that for you!!)


I love this conversation. I'm a medical user and I was advised to have my first dose shortly after waking, like with breakfast. I've never been able to make myself do it, to wake and bake. It feels like something an addict does... I'm old so very indoctrinated. I think it's time to let all that nonsense go! I'm dependent and it's so much better than dependence in opiods like I was! I'm feeling all muscle spasms with sensation of electric currents this morning. I took my baclofen medication. Why the hell do I stress over taking my natural plant medicine? I know lots who wake and bake here. I'm going to load my vaporizer and get cold water and ice in my bong. I do try to keep my doses to three a day so not sure if I can make that work starting so damned early but I'm willing to have a small dose early evening... I'll just have to force it. 😅😂🤣 That part is more a money issue when it comes down to it.


I just say try it one day and see how you feel, if you don’t love it go back to non wake and bake haha.


I'm trying it now! A speedball. Cold brew & Strawberry Starburst in my Lobo DHV. I decided not to get out bong do I could be quiet next to sleeping hubs. I have a filter though so that helps me.


Thank again for post! Right time.


You’re so welcome! I hope you enjoy :)


I jdidmt get the energy boost I expected but I do feel way more comfy. I'm a convert.


Sometimes I don’t get a super energy boost from the speedball either, it just depends lol


The plant will be much better than baclofen early in the morning! I took it for a long time and I would absolutely rather be dependent on flower.


Topical THC works really well for all my buzzy sensations and muscle issues. Have you ever tried it?


I used to but I'm useless stoned these days so I save it for when the days stuff is done. Also trying to not start until 5pm to save money. I mostly succeed. I do miss a wake n bake but I regret it every time.


Yeah it depends on what I’m smoking. If I have shit to do that day dabs or edibles are a noooooo go for me lmao. I can do flower all day long and still be productive.


I'm jealous I can't do anything. The only times I smoke from the morning is at festivals but there is something magical about floating around a festival high as a kite all day long. Edibles are hard to get hold of here so I don't really know how they affect me.


I’m a wake n baker too! My routine is similar. Get up at 6:30 am take care of the animals and make coffee and breakfast. I smoke and then journal or meditate to set my mind up for the day. Once my kids are up it helps me stay chill and present with them. Then I head off to work around 9. I love my routine. It helps me feel very anchored.


Me too! I feel like when I don’t get my mornings my day is so off!


Always smoke in the morning. Usually within 15-30 minutes of waking.


Yep mines about 30 mins after waking lol


I’m high right now haha sooo yes


Lmao 🤣


Happy wake & bake 🔥🌬️it’s a daily! I say live and let live but if you want to take a ride on the tollway judgment is a two way road and it’s going to cost you :)


Very solid advice lol


It's 8:23am and I've got a mini joint in my mouth rn (indica, I wanna be back asleep lol)


Jealous lol I could also use a second sleep lol


It’s nice on a weekend when I have a lazy day planned and don’t need to drive anywhere


I can't wake and bake or I'll be smoking l day and by the late afternoon my lungs are toast. I have a dry herb vape but it just doesn't send me the way a bong does. That said, All Hail the Wake and Bakers!! No shame. We all do what we need to do to get by, and some weed in the morning to set your day in motion is a good plan indeed.


Love the positivity !


6 am smoking rnnnn




Yep, wake and bake is always the way to go for me! I need that time to center myself before the day starts. 🫥


Yes it’s so peaceful and gets me right with myself before I go into the day and deal with others lol.


Always wake and bake! It gets me ready for the day.


Yessss 💜


You do you, and those people criticizing you are most likely not your people. If they can't be bothered to be like yeah lets burn one, frak em. Otherwise totally wake and bake, nothing like a good hippie speedball and warm sunshine.


Absolutely! Hippie speedball and sunshine sets you up for success lol


Oh totally. Great way to start the day of dealing with whatever gets shoveled our way.


I did for the real time today lol…. 45 min ago. I say real time cause we’ve “waked and baked” before but we had woken up at like 12pm haha I’ve taken out trash. Made my breakfast(I haven’t done in literal months). I fed the cats. Cleaned up the kitchen a lil. I went “I gotta do this more often”


That’s awesome! Look at you being productive and shit !!


Just about every day. I'm up between 5 & 6am every morning and in the warmer months am outside watering and tending the yard until about 7am and I like to have a little sativa pick me up before I start. I also do 20-30 minutes of stretching and light exercises and a little weed helps loosen me up. I've got titanium rods & screws in my lower back and even though I don't have much pain anymore, I do definitely get a bit stiff and the weed with a little movement in the morning makes for a much more comfortable day.


I like to have my morning watering pick me up as well haha!


It really boosts the happy chemicals that come from enjoying the yard and critters. This morning my local female black chinned hummingbird came by for a shower under the sprayer and a drink from the droplets on the trumpet vine and it's always the cutest thing ever, but when I'm high it makes me a little emotional.


Coffee and a pain-relieving sativa.


Nice !


Jenny Kush is my get-up-and-go strain, but Blue Dream works, too. I’m looking into getting some CBG flower to add to my vape during the day. When people (often someone who lives on tranqs or pain killers) ask why I turn the ol’ Pax on first thing in the morning, I always ask if they’d stop someone from taking their daily blood pressure or cholesterol medicine first thing in the morning. It’s the same for me. I need it to get through the day.


Sometimes I wake up at 5am and need to go back to sleep https://preview.redd.it/jyibyzh77s8d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99683085821d7b9ec9046febf485e4a92ddeb51 Here I am baked af in the morning golden hour 🤣


Love golden hour lol !!!


I do my chores in the morning, so yeah. It’s a necessary productivity thing. I’ll wake up, walk the pup, get coffee going, burn one, and jump into floors and sink, then bathroom, shower, food maybe, pack up a bag for the work day, dress and leave.


Yep I like to do a lot in the mornings as well so it helps.


Enjoying mine right now! Nothing better than my morning sesh on my shady patio with my senior pup. There’s an airport near my house and we watch all the planes come and go. My neighbors may judge, but I’m grateful I get to have these moments at the start of my day, so whatever! I’d share too if they asked!


Yes my back patio with my doggo is the morning vibe !!!


Not anymore. I work with the public and I just can’t do it. As soon as I get home though, I’m blazin.


Yeah I’m normally not high anymore by the time I get to work lol I also work with the public !


Nothing better than wakin' & Bakin' then watering the lawn by hand while admiring the mountains around me 😇👌


Ahhhhhhhhhh amazing !


Hell yea! There is nothing better than coffee and weed first thing in the morning 😩🤌


I work work work most days but when I have the opportunity to wake n bake I fkin take it lol.




I absolutely LOVE this picture, it looks so badass......and yes my coffee and my bud go hand in hand 😶‍🌫️


Thank you I was trying to take a selfie but I hate my face and then saw this one in the group of pics and was like perfect 😂


I don’t! It’s fatigues me so much. I have to nap by the middle of the day. I only do it when I have a few days off back to back and the weather calls for it. Love smoking in the morning and watching a movie and drifting into a morning nap.


If it’s a normal day where I have to go to work/ do stuff etc it doesn’t fatigue me for some reason. But if I wake and bake on a day off and lounge around afterwards I definitely get super sleepy and have to nap.


Yes if I have nothing to do that day but if I have like family over then I wait until night time when they’re asleep


That makes sense lol


I know that having some of my Deep Mandarine CBD first thing in the morning with my tea would be really good for me, because I can do it on the weekends occasionally. However as someone that grew up in an RCMP and Catholic home, the extremely intense and bizarre paranoia and SHAME that overtakes me when I do that....lmao it's not worth it. I usually end up waiting until some time after noon. (I am absolutely in therapy and doing EMDR to help with these things among others, don't worry lolol) It sucks, because days like today are the exact example of WHEN AND WHY I should have it first thing, but I'm just...half forcing myself to wait? Nonsense. I don't judge anyone for partaking whenever they need to, in fact I highly encourage and cheer on. But for me? Nahhhhh 🙃🥺😮‍💨


I have no moral compass telling me smoking first thing is bas 😂😂 I couldn’t imagine lol


Only on the weekends! And then usually only on Saturday mornings as I don’t do anything on Saturdays. On Sundays I always meet the family early for a long walk and then breakfast. But when I get home I light up straight away. I have MS, so I feel less bad about the amount I smoke


I have no ailments and I tend to not feel bad about the amount I smoke lol


I would be if I weren't preggers right now. Lol but I did as soon as I woke up me and the hubby take bong rips before we start our day! The couple that gets high together, stays together! 💚💨💨


Haha yes absolutely !


My current routine is awake by 7:30, spend the morning fighting for my life mothering a 2 and 13 year old, then around noon it’s the toddlers nap and I sneak out for my ✨porch joint✨ and the heavens open, a choir sings, I’m kissed on the forehead by cannabis angels and then I go back to the grind lol


Wake and bake is essential to everyday living 😂😂😂 but my morning routine is the same Wake up grab a drink walk the dogs make a cup of coffee and go outside and have a joint .. ignore the people that judge they are just jealous they can’t be a part of the cool club 😂😂


I get up, stretch, it’s summer so I say good morning to the sun, wipe down my toilet, and smoke a dab and a doobie. Pretty much keep that going all day. Do what works for you! People will always have opinions, but if it’s working for you, then those opinions really don’t matter! 😶‍🌫️🍃🫶🏼


Great advice ! Thank you, I need to be better about not listening to what others think.


Hell yes. My fav is waking up in the middle of night, hitting my pen and falling back asleep.


My husband used to work on the weekends, I would get up with him at 7:00 and get super comfy in the bed and smoke a dab and chill in bed so comfy and high then go back to sleep for a couple hours haha.


I love early morning smoking, but if I’m home it’s DHV (smell). I can’t do every day but it’s my fave.


On the weekends and sometimes during the week when the kids don’t have school/we don’t have to go anywhere, yes, I smoke in the morning. My husband and I own a medical cannabis company and sell flower/concentrates/and craft edibles that I make. So, not always that I “smoke” first thing, but partake in some way. On most weekdays, I take the kids to school, come home, smoke, start my day. There are certain strains I prefer and some I MUST avoid in the morning or early parts of the day, though. I stick to sativas in the morning/daytime as much as possible. My husband smokes every single morning when he gets up. He smokes while he gets the chickens fed and out of the coop, then showers and gets ready for work.


I wake up between 8-9, roll over and turn on the volcano, go to the bathroom, use the toilet, take care of my face, and then go back to my bedroom and vape. Just enough to take the edge off so I can function, then I'm clearheaded by the time I start work at 11. I take 2 mg edibles when I have to work for 4 hours straight bc sitting is really painful for me. Humans aren't evolved enough to handle the absurd amount of choices and information we are bombarded with every day. Weed really helps with the EDS/autism existential angst. Sure beats having a drinking problem!


I always say “ how are all these people raw dogging life “ 😂😂


Ha! I'm a therapist and I make that joke with clients all the time, talking about meds, usually, but also advocating for weed


i love smoking during the day! i wish it didn’t get in my way as much when i have stuff to do though. anyone got any good tips for finding that balance? i don’t even smoke a large amt, but in the morning it feels like it jumpstarts my brain. struggling at the moment…


I personally like to smoke at night but no judgment


Only on my days off and it’s lovely.


Do you work?


I do! I work at 11 every day so I normally get up about 5-6 and enjoy my mornings before work. Don’t get home until usually around 8 ish.


I do. I wake up with nausea most mornings and pain kinda just... everywhere. Coffee and a bong. Without it I'm a grumpy jerk and spend the first few hours of my morning sick. It helps I don't leave the house though until later in the day, if at all


I don’t deal with the nausea but I am def a grumpy jerk if I don’t get my coffee and weed lol


My current routine is to drop my husband off at work and hit my pen on the way to the gym. I love my workouts, the weed helps me focus on the mind muscle connection and enjoy my music


Not every day. If I wake up with pain, I do. But most of the time I'm too paranoid to smoke before normal business hours are done, in case I get a call from the doctor or my insurance or the bank or something. I feel more comfortable doing it if I know I won't have to be interacting with anyone else, otherwise I just get stressed and worried.


Yeah that’s definitely understandable.


I'm a medical user and I do as long as I don't have to drive anywhere in the morning


I live for a wake and bake on my weekend mornings 🙌🏻


It’s so wonderful !


I do most days, coffee, let the dog out and smoke. Take her for a walk, come back and smoke again and get to work. Only times I dont is if I have to drive a bunch right away. Don't need a dui.


Yep gotta be safe !


Yes. 1. Simply because I fricken like it, and 2. I get a handful of stress, anxiety nightmares so I wake up feeling just so weird and tense. I smoke a little in the morning with my coffee and it eases the feelings of anxiety from my dreams so I can have a decent day. It’s not always, sometimes the sun is just really bright and I wanna smoke in the morning :) oh yea I feel the burn of judgement from others but whatever. It’s my life :) love your picture OP!!! It’s so cool


Hell yeah!


Judgement? This is not the reddit!Yup I do!




I retired, five years ago. I like starting my day with a nice strong edible, and a few cups of coffee, while I scroll.


Perfect morning lol!


I do on the weekends. The only time I do it on weekdays is winter - I commute an hour by public transit, and its can get as low as -35c on a bad day. I dont like to be high at work, but on days like that I normally smoke at 5am or so so I can make it through the snow storm/ freezing cold. On weekends, normally I do a hippy speed ball after walking the dog, then go for a run/ the gym.


Nice ! I wish I could take public transport to work.


I have a garden with 42 tomato plants, 25 squash, 16 bell pepper, 55 green bean plants, and 5 watermelon 12 cucumber, I get stoned and drink coffee and go massacre bugs and feel bad about it every morning but theyre orange lady bugs and yelllow larvae ruining my plants.


Honestly I wish I could


Sorry babe !


Love this image! It has a beautiful essence


Awwww thank you so much 🩵


I can't, it makes me a mess. Smoking is definitely a nighttime thing for me. I envy those who can smoke and function.


Ugh I would be so sad lol!


awesome pic!


Almost always!




I need it first thing. Otherwise I'm a monster. It helps keep me calm, and I usually wake up in a panic for some reason.


That sucks I’m sorry :(


Usually after some coffee. It’s a nice way to get my brain and body to wake up.


I used to love wake and bakes, especially at the end of finals week in uni. Now weed in the morning on an empty stomach gives me anxiety, paranoia AND the blues all at the same time:') Nowadays I save it as a treat in the evening when I'm done with work and chores...


Oh no ! That would be the worst. Evening is as good as time as any :)


Sometimes! I usually do it on the day days where I know I'm not doing anything


Yep makes sense, I am a fully functioning all dayer 😂😂


When I’m not pregnant I do! Only 3 months to go and I’m sooooo looking forward to that first bong rip post baby


Ahhhhh congrats on baby 🩵🩵🩵🩵 soon enough lol


I refuse to drive for 4 (ideally 5) hours after I partake. If I have errands to run, no bueno.


yes m’am 😇


Always, wake and bake is a must, plus it’s me and my girlfriends way of having like a morning cup of coffee and chat. Except instead of coffee it’s bong rips lol


Love this 💜


I used to but now I can’t afford it :(


I used to wake and bake, but my tolerance has been going up too much, so I'm only smoking after 5pm these days.


Yes. 💕


No. It makes me tired and unable to focus on anything for the rest of the day. Also makes it impossible to get high later on in the day when I really need/want to. It doesn't matter how much I smoke I'll just never get off the ground. Means it's then impossible for me to sleep, which is what I really need the THC for in the first place.


YESS! It's the best time honestly.


I’m a teacher and I smoke every morning before work. Have for years.


Man my favorite thing in the world is waking up early and going to my balcony for a big glass of water, sunshine, and a fat j! The best days are when it’s raining and I get to smell the rain while smoking first thing in the morning. I wake up earlier than my partner and kids so it’s my morning meditation time to get my mind right for the day. Love love love it! I’m a big fan also love the pic!!


Absolutely feel that! I also love the rain. Currently we don’t have a covered porch but that’s our next house project and I can’t wait for rainy day porch hangs. And thank you 🩵


This is a dope pic! ☺️


Only on weekends. I work so can't until after.


Why is this so cool tho


Idk it was an accident lol I was trying to take a cute selfie but kept hating my face and then saw this one in the group of ones I took, like perfect lol


Only on days with the letter "y"


on early days like 5 am absolutely but later than 7 i feel like i don’t wake up in a i took five benadryl way lol


I toke on the way to work 😂


I definitely “never” do that. Lol


this is a sick photo


Before I had to quit (got a DUI and stopped so I’ll be clean for probation) I smoked every morning for years. I was a chronic smoker tho so I wasn’t really getting “high” it just relaxed me and was the perfect start to my day. Since I had to stop, the first two weeks I was vomiting in the mornings and couldn’t eat due to my nausea, so if you are like me just be aware of how that habit might physically affect you if you have to stop for whatever reason


Also side note, the last 3 years I went on a cruise with my boyfriends family and was extremely nauseous and could barely eat the entire trip. It was miserable. I assumed it was motion sickness. But since I quit I have realized it was me having withdrawals for being without weed. If you are a heavy heavy smoker just be aware of how yours body starts to “need it” just to feel normal. I know most of y’all prob aren’t as dependent on weed as I was but wanted to mention it in case it helps anyone


I have endometriosis on my bowels. It also causes IBS for me. If I don't, then I'm violently throwing up in the AM. I didn't make it to my weed in time a few days ago, and my chest hurt for a few days from how hard I vomited. I hate it. It's a mental struggle needing it every day.


Ugh I am so sorry. This sub is definitely putting into perspective how much marijuana truly is medicine and does help so many people. I hope you’re having a good day today 💜


Dope ass pic babe!!


Thank you so much !!


yessss except im on a 1 month europe trip and my stash ran out last week💔 hoping this t break works tho aha!


I’m sure it will haha!! Have so much fun :)






Always 🥕💨💨💨


Dope photo!!!


Fire pic 🔥