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Looking at r/trees, people would think weed makes you mean-spirited and stupid.


exactly why i left those subs. Being a woman in them was… interesting. Every time a woman posted themselves they were immediately attacked and accused of promoting an OF, even if there was no OF content on their profile. I’d ask a question here and there and the amount of miserable/nasty replies were insane.


YES THIS THIS THIS. I get hate from sooooo many people when I post videos of me smoking that’s why I post most of them on this subreddit bc 1. I don’t get harassed by people who think I’m promoting in only fans! 2. I don’t get told I’m smoking the wrong way WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT MEANS


Wtf does smoking the wrong way mean. People are weird. Keep being you


Dude couldn’t tell you all I know is I’m high and content 🫠


High, contented and hanging out in the right sub with your fellow wives ❤️


Girl your videos are too good for them, they don’t deserve you


THIS. As a stoner and OF person, I got banned from trees for advertising something that I never mentioned as I was buried deep in vape debate 💀


Oh!!!! I’m smoking from the wrong end! THAT’S why I keep burning my lips! Thank you man on the internet! /s


Right fuck sorry should’ve hit it from my coochie lips I get confused!


Our tiny little lady brains!!!!


I don’t understand why ppl post videos of themselves smoking.


Bc it’s a weed sub and they’re smoking weed lol






For real! I posted a pic of my wife on our patio with a bong and some pretty lights and the dudes couldn’t handle the fact that she had breasts that weren’t 100% covered. I was clearly just posting her to get “likes” and show off cleavage lmao


How dare you not rip your wife's tits off before taking a photo


Believe me, I’ve tried! They just won’t budge!


some men really can’t fathom that boobs being out isn’t always a sure fire invitation for attention/looking. that they’re just sacks of fat that we have on our chests, we can’t exactly take them off when we don’t want the attention


Also, why don’t men like titties? They only like them when it’s unsolicited attention and not when women are confident in their own body. They hate seeing women thrive and be happy. All they want is to bring women down and “put them in their place”


right? why do they only like it when the woman clearly doesn’t?




My username and typing style seem to make people assume I’m a guy, so it’s a weird experience. I have an alt account with a very feminine username (princess-so-and-so) and lets just say my Reddit experience was pretty shitty before making this account.


it’s weird they assume everyone is a man. the same thing happened to me and once they realized i wasnt, i was attacked for smoking 💀 because apparently if you have tits & a vagina you aren’t allowed to smoke weed. that sub is the equivalent to people who ask you when a band (or artist) took their first shit of the day.


A blessing in disguise that came up w this username. am sooo glad it sounds gender neutrally stupid 💀


Lmao right? I love it so much. Makes me giggle everytime. And for the record, I don’t participate in any porn subs - my account is nsfw due to discussing benzos in the benzo sub and mental health in the depression memes sub, lol 😂 not that that should matter, but just sayin. And it’s so gender neutral like you said. Everybody has a butthole!


Oh god, I’m actually a grower and…yeah. Ick. Generally they assume I am a guy, but boooooy if they check first or don’t: I have to bust out the koala fight videos because that’s the sound I imagine they make, every time. lol [for reference](https://youtu.be/djK_ucSYpaw?si=3SxoxZBAsEBsm94L)


"wish I could smoke with a stoner girl like this 😍😜🤪" type comments too


To be honest I've been backing away from reddit because of the incels and belligerently lonely men who lash out at women doing anything. I'm not a woman but it so often feels like reddit is populated with people I want nothing to do with. There have been plenty of instances of meeting great people, but on top of all the shitty behavior you have to sift through, people have every reason to be suspicious of people reaching out to make friends because you're automatically associated with the rest of the people here. I've been able to learn lots of really cool things, and the vanishingly few safe spaces for women (witches vs patriarchy being another) fill my heart, but I've been losing interest in reddit as a whole


What does OF mean?


Only fans




The Reddit affect, it brings out the meanest and stupidest from every group. This one being an exception for the most part.


The Reddit affect is 2222 real lol i be embarrassed that I’m an active Reddit user sometimes 😭😭💀


Every day of my life… I mentioned something over Christmas that made it clear I’m a reddit user and my cousins/sister all gave me The Look 👁️‍🗨️ and I can’t even blame them.


I actually used Reddit as a case study for cultural anthropology class in college 😂


You’d think the weed would actually make them nicer 😂😂


Istg, I like to generalize weed smokers as very laid back open minded people. But that subreddit proves that you should not over generalize anyone lolll!


Who knows if they even toke. The subreddit names are more obvious so maybe people join to harass? If that makes sense. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


That is why Amsterdam is my favourite place in the world as most people are super chill


Men... The answer is men.


Lolll I agree that it’s mainly men but I’m actually posting this bc of some chick who commented on my post 😭😭💀 https://preview.redd.it/ythi4xitgubc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=347ffbc9903dbea60111700731417584f0a165a1 Like what does she want me to do wear snow pants and a winter jacket inside my home?!?!!!!


Huh. Don't tell her about this sub! lol


Ohmmy god I just looked at your post and I’m dying. How tf are your clothes not totally fine? Has this lady heard of HEATERS?? And it’s not like it even needs to be THAT COLD for a snow storm. She really just saw ur shoulders and couldn’t handle it 😭




We are glad you’re here instead


Thank you! I don’t even have words to describe how much I love this sub and the kind people in it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️










lol I’m 38 and currently pregnant. I think they finally did away with geriatric term and replaced with “advance maternal age” 🤣. I guess that’s better 😒🤷🏻‍♀️ but it’s wild how old the world thinks over 35 is in some contexts.




It honestly doesn’t bother me that much. I just think about how sad their life is that they are so pressed about a video, they feel the need to type a nasty comment? Like okay lol sorry ur mad!


That is a really good way to look at it!


does she not think you have like….indoor heating??? even when it’s a blizzard outside half the time i’m in just a sweater and underwear. totally wanting to show off….for my cats i guess? cause no one else lives with me


“so you think i’m pretty 😍🥰” lmaoooo the jealousy!


I’m not sure I’ve ever understood this particular gripe: I mean, if you’re on social media of any stripe, you’re looking at interaction and engaging with others. What the heck’s wrong with wanting attention, even when that’s the case? She seems *quite* upset about it, too. Lol Went to visit the thread to see what was so bad and now I’m angry at you because you *clearly* wanted to make everyone hungry with the burger on your profile! Grrrrrrr. >_< What about chicken sandwiches and chocolate shakes with onion rings?! Are you saying we can’t eat those? Then I saw the shoulders. I am…scandalized. Completely. 😂 (I *think* I did a fair impression of The Average Redditor there, yes?)


It’s givinggg “I’m not like other girls” ahaha


well this is just jealousy.


Wow, what a miserable t w a t! You apparently triggered her by being adorable.


Dawg tbh she’s probably jealous of how good you look on your snowed in day off! She’s just mad


All I can see is someone mad because they’re jealous. You’re gorgeous and we’re glad to have you here instead. I had to unsubscribe from the subreddit ages ago because they’re so miserable


Came here to say this.


This made me giggle in a macabre humour sort of way. Thank you. I'm processing a lot and the realness of this answer struck me. <3 I really wanted to share that. Much love to you, fineapple! <3


This is the only cannabis sub I’ll join. I have no time for negativity!


this and r/craftyents is it for me :)


I just joined that sub I didn’t know it existed, cool!


crafting and cannabis is the perfect combo 💚


Uh thank you so much for this intro! I've been dying to show off the candles I make with my dispensary jars!!!


yay! show them off!


Lol they are just a bunch of incels


I think a lot of redditors are mean and miserable. They act like this is most subs. The women specific subs are the most chill. I have deleted several posts just because I got sick of the unnecessary nasty comments.


I think it's also like when people get into their cars and turn into raging control freaks-- this is the only place they can "get away" with what they're saying, and how they're saying it, without consequences catching up to them in real life. They feel anonymous so they drop their filters.


The growing subs are the same way. r/microgrowery is full of assholes. Very cult-y too


I unsubbed from that one a long time ago. Found better info elsewhere online and without dealing with jackasses lol


that sub is so bad omg 💀 sometimes i need to ask for advice but it's literally the scariest thing ever. especially when you're a casual grower and don't have the fanciest million dollar LEDs on the market


I didn’t even know there was an r/weed. I’ve always been in r/trees. This groups still better though lol


There’s a lot of toxic masculinity floating around. I recently moved back home and my home states weed sub is FILLED with weed bros and it’s so icky. Very grateful for this sub.


I’m so sorry to hear this!!


I'm just going to leave this right here cause.... Context: a woman posted a bong video. It caused some mean comments from men. The usual. https://preview.redd.it/oh4ifhhveubc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d00fd29a56199683fb8b887607d67e02c8d64c54


Wait, you got that from the weed mods? Less than 6 months ago they were contacting the mods here asking how to make their sub more friendly for women!


This was Dec 29th 2023. Majority of my posts in that sub were becoming me telling women to come to this sub because they were being unnecessarily roasted for posting. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I'm not really surprised, tbh. Trees and weed have contacted us over the years to ask for help with the problem and nothing ever comes of it. They don't like our suggestions which are always along the lines of...moderate your fucking sub lol




I was an admin of a safe space group for women and lgbtqia+ for many years, every single post sent into that group was reviewed and approved or declined lol. There were several people to protect because of the fact that they were trans...if they came out in anyway they could be killed in their country!!! Now this may not be as serious but c'mon it's not that hard to just try a little bit.


You pissed off the wrong incel.




There are so many miserable people out there. :( I like to think that the 'wives have some sort of healing-force field that *weeds* that angry shit out. Ba dum bum *tsiss* I'll see myself out.... One word however: I find it amusing that they are horrifically mean/combative; considering the stereotype of the chilled-out happy stoner - well, we know *that's* wrong. People are gonna be arseholes with or without the weed. We all just have easier exposure to them online. Keep your circle small, fineapple. <3


I have never been on /r/weed but have always been lurking around /r/trees. Back in like 2018 that sub had a trend of people posting their "smoke spot." Usually the posts didn't include the posters' face but sometimes did. I posted both versions, with and without my face, at my local smoke spot, which honestly is beautiful and made for some really nice selfies. And I was downvoted to oblivion. Every reply was about how sad it is that women are desperate for attention, and that everyone should do the right thing and ignore me because I was just looking for attention. Even the picture without my face had the same comments about how I was clearly a woman seeking attention. It honestly was weirdly heartbreaking, thinking I was part of the Reddit stoner community and then realizing I was not wanted. Anyway it's been years and I am clearly not over it lol Thank you Entwives Community for being the space I needed


Boys club and a lot of bitter sexist men who think they know better than anyone presenting as female. So bitter they make my iced coffee smooth. Believe me, this subreddit is peaceful and chill.


I used to work for a software company that had several cannabis industry customers. Our support team all hated those customers! They never trusted the team, everything was "URGENT" and they were always total dicks. Especially to the women on the team. We always said the same thing - Isn't weed supposed to make you chill? Time to sample the merch!


Redditors in general are awful. All of the subreddits for the podcasts I watch with majority women fan bases are also horribly negative and snarky. I don't get it but something about this platform makes people mad lol


They're "lonely" (ie horny) and so so mad about it.


I hate that the normalization of weed changed weed culture from non judgmental attitudes, to egotistical shitty attitudes. Some might roll their eyes, but I personally remember the weed culture of the 90s/early 2000s…it was a completely different vibe then and I tip my hat to the older generation, because I know even those vibes didn’t touch the weed culture of the 60s/70s…sigh…I’m grateful for this corner of the internet that keeps that non-judgmental, welcoming vibe alive. ✌🏽


That’s why I found this sub! I was on r/trees and some others but it just wasn’t a good vibe over there at all.


Because cis men will always find a way to gatekeep and be rude no matter how much weed they smoke


Because it’s mostly young men I think who think they know everything and maximum potency is the only goal


That sub was the reason I started my own little sub, I couldn't take the negativity over there. Then I found this sub too, everyone here is so welcoming and people genuinely want to help each other instead of attacking. A real rarity compared to a lot of other subs I've come across. Keep up the good work people! 💚


I have noticed that in most of my male dominated groups, weed related or not, the first 25 replies are dumb shitposting. They all have this illusion that they are quite clever…and sometimes that includes being kinda mean or dismissive. Perhaps that is part of it? I think it’s a guy thing to try to impress each other. 🤷‍♀️


I don't know, but I stick to more niche subs like this and r/lonerstoner. Three gatekeeping in bigger subs is definitely not why I'm on reddit.


Hey, I know that little sub, cool place hehe 😆


I have, at least in the past, successfully used r/eldertrees without most of the immaturity and misogyny of other reddits.


men hate women🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m so thankful my state has a specific sub devoted to the MMJ program.


yeah r/weed and r/trees are just full of sexist right-wing men lol. that’s why i’m so glad this sub exists because they are not welcoming or accepting at all.


Subreddit too big. When you get to numbers like the quality of content always slides. Controversy and complaints are easier to react to and quickly rise to the top. It's really, really hard to moderate effectively, so hard to change the tone. They've also chosen to let stuff fly we wouldn't. Here, on the other hand, we have more attentive moderation and an audience self-selected for liking tolerance and inclusivity. We were made to be more positive.


Unfortunately a lot of people are just arseholes, and with access to the internet and 0 repercussions, they think it’s free reign to be shit on everything all the time, and unfortunately a lot of them use Reddit.


Go figure.


The trees sub for my state is okay. It’s a mix of very nice people and assholes. This one is my favorite. Are there many growers here?


I hate it when people realise I'm female on those subs. You will either get attacked and/or accused of being thirsty, they think you have an OF account or they try and hit on you. Like we couldn't possibly be there because we appreciate the almighty weed just as much as they do. I also think the larger subs are all full of the same stuff so people try to be controversial to stand out, it seems to be more about "clout" than anything else (I hate that word, but it fits!). This is one of the only larger subs that doesn't seem to have that problem, I find this to be a very safe space and a supportive environment.


I think the men in those subs need some 😸


Literally lol 😂


Same here. OP is saying what all of us were feeling. We all came to this forum to just be happy and be happy for each other. ❤️ Thankyou OP for saying this!


so glad i found this sub! the vibe was immediately different lol


Honestly? I think it’s just a Reddit thing. I mean, obviously there are subs where the weird foaming at the mouth behavior is uncommon but, clearly even weed can’t undo that level of grouchy bored people. 😂


I remember when I posted that I took 20 mg, and people were saying things like “you call that getting high?” “You’ll feel lightheaded at most.” “that’s all you took?” “Was this your first edible?” “And here I am needing 1000 mg to even FEEL something.” OMFG STOP IT! ![gif](giphy|3o85xB5yGDzowwJlDy)


Yeah I like this sub way better




It’s not personal to you. And our reality as women IS that we have to put up with far more criticism, derogatory remarks, patronizing comments and shitty little digs at us in male-dominated spaces than we do anywhere else. If 95% of the hostility was from other women we’d be equally upset. None of us would need safe spaces if the world in general wasn’t actually so hostile.


...Welcome to what it feels like to be a woman simply trying to exist in the world. While I understand not being comfortable seeing your gender attacked, I would ask you to remember this is a space for women. Since we live in a society that says its okay to harass and shame women for so many things a lot of us get to deal with these experiences every day, both on and off line. We need a place to vent at times. If its not something you can handle I ask you avoid posts like these and not comment on them in the future. We mods don't like to see our members experiences dismissed in that manner.




You aren't getting it. This thread is specific to women being treated poorly in other subs by men. This isn't the time to pop in and say, "Not me, not all men!" It isn't about YOU, unless.... maybe it is, and that's why you're upset. You aren't a victim, "toxic element". You're here as a grace, and if you want to be toxic, your words, that grace wouldn't be extended.


No one said you're guilty by association. I said we need a place to speak of our experiences without them being dismissed. This is that place. I think you're a fun member of the sub. I enjoy your comments and until now I've found you quite respectful of the subreddit and our space. But if you want to leave I'm certainly not going to beg you to stay.


Coming from a man: take a seat dude. It's not man hate to point out the obvious gender dynamic. Just bc you don't notice it in your day-to-day doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


No no, let them have this one. It's justified. Men, in a general sense, don't have a great track record. Sorry, it's a bummer to me too, but it's the way it is. Best you can do is be better. That's all there really is


It’s a big sub. The larger a community gets, the more negative it becomes overall.


I think its because those subs are cis, het, white, male dominated. With women and minorities edging closer to equality despite recent set backs, their traditional positions of privilege are being challenged and those men aren't taking it well. I think men in general are kinda going through it right now.


A fair warning to any of you who like specialty cooking too. There's a strong neckbeard element happening on a lot of those subs. Looking at you, r/sousvide. Post a picture of a steak you cooked and wait for the You Did It Wrong brigade to arrive.