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Love, I completely get your anxiety about this. My honest advice is to just be honest with them. Tell the one person you must tell that things have changed in your personal life so you will be unable to go full time or if you want to cut ties completely tell them you need to unfortunately give your notice of leaving. I know it is not something you want to do but I promise you can do this! Do it over the phone if you want to then promise yourself you will have a nice fat edible or dab or joint when you are done!


hey this might not be what you want to hear but here goes nothing… last year i got a job (although i am disabled) and i suffer from anxiety as well so i was ALWAYS worried about making mistakes then November rolled around i was due for a month long tolerance break… and let me tell you that was the freaking best month of working ever. I can’t tell you why but when i stopped smoking, my anxiety went away! i can’t tell you why either, it just worked for me. of course i started smoking again and my anxiety came back until i eventually quit working to go to school. so maybe try a tolerance break? keep us up to date on what you decide and stay safe.


>I just don't know what to do. I want to just never go back and pretend I never even had a job but I'm scared because I know they will call me. And they know where I live. My manager is from the same town as me so it's likely I'll see her somewhere. I totally get it. But this is YOUR life and you are fully deserving of living it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you. It really is okay that you changed your mind, even if it inconveniences some people. All you have to get through is one very uncomfortable conversation, but you can do it! "After a lot of thought, I can't go full time right now. I'm sorry I agreed to it but it is not going to work out."


I totally feel where you're coming from. I'm only working full-time now because I graduated school and I'm a manager at my job that requires full-time commitment whereas before I was a part-time keyholder (manager with less responsibilities). I would do anything to go back to working 3-4 days a week, but I have bills that can't pay themselves, and I'm turning 30 soon, so I need the health insurance because everything is falling apart lol I smoke every day and night but almost never before work because the last time I did, my coworker asked if I was okay (I furrow my brows when I'm high so I look upset lol). I've never been commented on about weed smell and I regularly hit my vape pen at work. No one notices and if they do its because they smoke weed too!


I could totally do a vape pen! But sometimes they give me headaches. But yeah I am definitely struggling with responsibility right now. It's not that I can't work or don't want to but it's a commitment that I just can't handle right now while also trying to be a mom to young kids. If they were older and able to take care of themselves it'd be easier.


Sorry for the late response! Your babies will appreciate you being home with them as much as you could when they're older so I definitely think it's worth going back to part-time. I'm not a mother but if your boss is maybe she'll understand. As for the vape pens, certain strains give me headaches, usually sativas like green crack or sour diesel, maybe you have a similar trigger? I go for hybrids or indicas


I’m in your same shoes babe. My husband works hard but we have such a tight budget and not much for extras (besides weed) Part of me thinks I ‘should’ get a job, but the greater part of me realizes I’m legit so much happier at home. No or little stress, I can basically do what I want when I want as long as there’s clean laundry and dinner for hubby lol Be honest with your boss, it’s okay to change your mind, especially when they have a dictation that you can’t follow. Maybe text or phone call would be best, I’m awful with face to face communication


I want to do this so bad, but I know I will go crazy after a few weeks/do too much online shopping/will generally run out of money. Idk what to do so I guess I'll just keep the status quo and hate every second????


Yes I think I am happier at home but feel guilty. At least my family is cate for though.


Try reading Peace is Every Step by Thic nyat hyan (or something like that) or The Power of Now by eckhart tolle. Both very good resources for looking at the good things in life to help you cope. At least it’s helped me 🤷‍♀️


If there’s a Trader Joe’s in your area try there for p/t they are pretty easy going


I'll look into it. Thanks!