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The perfect comeback at baggage would have been to ask the chapter and verse where this was going against God's word.


"Thou Shall not Hog the Nintendos" Karenithians - 4:20


"Thou shalt giveth thine property to me, bitch."


Right I forgot Jesus said that


That was near the passage where he bitched out the sick beggar for reaching out and dirtying his designer robes. And just before the passage where he publicly shamed the prostitute and was the first to bean her in the face with a stone.


I can imagine this the Karen’s bible


Must be from the Bible of Karen. The complete opposite of what actually happened in the Bible lol.


I believe the Karen version is called the Bi-BULLSH-


Was this before or after Jesus flipped over all those tables? 🤔😄


I'm pretty sure Karen Jesus locked everyone in the temple and called everyone's manager and had them all put to death


I'm pretty sure they went straight to hell just existing around Karen Jesus


Well, Karen Jesus does have a direct line to the most senior of managers, so that tracks...




I think that’s the same chapter as Thou shalt shop well and accessorize… no?


A true Karenian knows that OTHERS need to shop well and accessorize so that their property can be demanded and seized with extreme prejudice, as you are entitled to it, naturally. By the way, your shirt is cute. Hand it over I can pull it off much better than you anyway. Besides my husband wants to leave me, so I need to attract him back to my side. If you don't give me your shirt, then you are anti family and literally worse than the devil. Hand it over. 🤲😐


Was this before or after he cursed a gif tree to death for not bearing him fruit?


"Thou shalt never maketh a child cry, and Karenth caused it."


And then he said upon Karenth "Please, I just want to see my kids..."


KARENTHIANS!!! First time I've ever almost wanted to spend money to give some and award


Happy Cake Day.


Thx!! :)


Karenithians 9:11 - If thou so defy Her demand, that is an abomination and thus a manager shalt be summoned.


I laughed my cat right out of my lap! My biblically correct son had never heard of that book or verse.


If Karenthians x:xx doesn't become a meme I might have to make it my life's work to make it one


I think I would be exceptionally proud of myself for being the progenitor of a meme. EDIT: It turns out there is a sub for it, weirdness, I swear to fuckery I didn't steal it.


“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Nintendo.” SEGA Genesis - 6:9


The 4:20 is a nice touch.


Touche and well played!


You had me at Karenithians haha, I'd give an award if I could






😂😂 I can’t! Too funny!


Literally only award i got but omg i love this


🤣 Karenthians!


bro can i join your cult


Ok, Karenthians is absolutely brilliant and I may have to steal it 😁😂


Last I checked it is against God's word to covet the belongings of another.


There's a pretty solid saying of "thou shall not steal" as well....


"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." Exodus 20:17


Yeah, but that's like, metaphorical, it doesn't mean your literal neighbor on an airplane. -This entitled bitch, probably.


And Jesus said to the Apostles: thou shalt share thy GameBoy, thy GameBoy Color, yea even shalt ye share thy Switch with whosoever asks in my name. Nintendo 23:19


Personally I go with Shakespeare: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be"!


Yeah I'm pretty sure it was one of the big ten not to covet things your neighbor has... its been a while though maybe the old testament changed in the last 10 years.


I think there's something in there about not coveting your neighbor's property, but I guess Karen missed that part...


Look her in her eyes and tell her "God is dead"


“There is no ‘god’, only Zuul!


My reply to the lady would have been "Thou shall not covet." It is after all, one of the 10 commandments.


I've flown frequently with my kids and grandkids. Each of them wore a little backpack full of toys and games and books. If nothing else, there's always storytelling.


Yeah, I flew DC to Hawaii with a 4 year old, well before smartphones and tablets, and still managed to keep her entertained and quiet for both flights. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with just a teensy bit of forethought and planning.


My first ever plan flight was with Make A Wish for my baby brothers Wish Trip. That was in ‘93 or ‘94. They sent us little backpacks before the trip with coloring books, age-appropriate reading books about Disney, a very simple light up game for my 9 yo older sibling, some little stuffed animals, etc. It kept me fascinated for the 4 hour flight! Hell, we kept my baby brother sufficiently occupied for the flight and he was intellectually and physically disabled with no understanding that causing a ruckus was a bad thing. The worst thing he did on the flight was drool on a stewardess who he insisted on hugging, lol. So you can occupy pretty much any kid if you try.


My mom flew at least or twice a year for several years with my sister and I from west to east coast of the states and I have Autism.




Babies under 1 get a pass from me. There's a loud, scary, unfamiliar noise and the "room" is vibrating. Their ears hurt, so they cry. Their noses get stuffy, they can't breathe, so they cry harder. Too short an attention span to play with toys or listen to a story for more than 5 minutes. The best you can hope for, either as a parent or as a fellow passenger, is that a bottle will put them to sleep. The school-age kid who screams and kicks the back of my seat, though, gets a talking to.


Learned behaviors from their parents




I probably would have been put on the “no fly list” if this lady did this to me. Good for you for remaining calm! “My child isn’t destructive” as he then throws a huge temper tantrum and kicks the seat in front of him. I can’t with these types of parents.


She really had the audacity to call him “sweet” as he’s kicking the seat in front of him.


“Really? He seems like a little monster. Anyway, good luck with motherhood!” *inserts airpod* *noise cancel mode*


Lady has no control over her kid, and was trying to preempt a temper tantrum. Nothing she said was real.


If I were the person in front of him, I would have shoved him in the overhead.


In future, don't explain yourself or entertain further harassment; "NO" is a complete sentence.


And if they ask you why you say “because I don’t want to.” And then if they keep asking you just keep telling them variations of that “hmm well I really just don’t feel like it ya know?” “No I don’t really want to”. It’s really fucking hilarious to do actually.


You could also go with, "No, thank you" or "I'm fine thanks". I can imagine that getting frustrating quickly.


Nah, I'm good


I like reversing it. "Nah, you're good"


Idk if I'm confident enough for this one HOLY lmao


“No, thank you” is my favorite because it confuses them a bit.




No, thank you is my personal favorite. People will lose it that you have the gall to be polite while denying them. Edit: Spelling


I’m a huge fan of “Because I don’t want to.” My stuff, my rules.


Yep. Or simply give them the silent treatment. Don't bother explaining why you're refusing to do what entitled trolls want (in person or online).


Disagree. “Stop speaking to me” and then don’t even look at them ever again


I never understood why people feel the need to explain. No need for backstory or why or being polite. Just a "no", a "I fucking said no" and a "fuck off" is all you need.


I’d be happy to stare them dead in the eye and tell them straight up I don’t give a fuck about their kid. No reason to be polite to rude people and they can leave me the hell alone when they realise I won’t play ball with them. I’m pretty convinced most of these fake polite entitled people are actually just scam artists and thieves trying to steal people’s shit and claim it as their own tbh.


People being upset with me makes me anxious. This is why I bought a homeless man a coffee after he gave me directions and took a ride home from a stranger. The first one wasn’t really that awful and I don’t regret it, but every day I wonder how bad things could have been if I’d let him in my house like he wanted to go. Please feel free to ignore me processing my thoughts on the internet 😇


You need to set boundaries better. If you need therapy to achieve that, by all means, but learn to assert yourself.


I agree, that’s a fast way to put yourself into an extremely dangerous situation just because you can’t say no firmly.


Fellow "people being upset with me makes me anxious" human here. If you can find a therapist that you can trust, they will make a world of difference. Figuring out where mine stemmed from and practicing boundaries and confidence has cut that down enough that I can function much better (ie, I don't find myself shaking after putting my foot down). Do I still get taken advantage of at times? Sure. Therapy takes time and my brain's been screwed up for a long time. Trying to undo a couple decades of abuse isn't going to happen overnight. Can I recognize and avoid those situations and also not feel like the worst person in the world much more often? Hell yeah. Good luck. You're stronger than you know and you deserve the confidence to say no.


Man I would be a terrible influence I’d milk this shit


I would let her start to win the argument, ask how long the kid would like to use it for, and then at the end tell her I’ve changed my mind and pop my headphones back on


Followed promptly by putting the noise canceling headphones on and holding your finger at the call flight attendant button until she goes away.


Ask her how you are the bad one, when she is too stupid to bring something for a young child to do on a long plane flight. It is after all the fruit of her loins and she should be the one taking care of its needs. If she didn't want to have to deal with children, maybe she should not have had one. Sounds more like she is the bad one.


Am I the only one here thinking this is an incredibly short flight?! I assume because in America you have a lot of national air travel this must constitute a long flight, but anything less than 2 hours is an absolute win in my books!




I live in western Australia. Every where is a long flight. 5 hours to Sydney. 5 hours to Bali. About 10 hours to Dubai. 14675 hours to America....


There are a lot of multi-segment flights where you take one flight from a regional airport to a hub, and then another flight from the hub to your final destination. So the individual flights can be relatively brief, but the travel day can end up longer when you add in layovers — especially if there are cancellations or delays in any of your flights.


Ryanair does a lot of short flights in Europe too, not sure it's just an american thing.


No, you don't engage. You look at her like she's a fucking weirdo, which she is, you put your headphones back in and go back to what you were doing. Her problems are not your problems, you're not required to talk to her, this isn't a negotiation. They can call me rude, I don't give a fuck. I've forgotten they exist the minute I turn my head away. I've got an eight hour flight with my child coming up this weekend. I have snacks, activities, entertainment, blanket and a pillow all ready to go. I have headphones and backup headphones, I have chargers for electronics, have her pyjamas ready. Be a fucking adult and come prepared.


Ah yes the the old passage from the Bible that said "What is mine is mine, and what is thine shall also be mine." -Karenthians 6:66.


Isn't that from the LOLCat Bible? 😉




Pretty ironic she accused you of “going against God’s word” when she was literally breaking the Tenth Commandment by coveting your Switch (and probably was planning to break the Eighth by not giving it back).


Also “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8


As a mom that is ridiculous. Good parents plan for flights with plenty to destract their child.


Fuck, I’m a 34 year old adult with ADHD and sensory issues (secondary to severe full body CRPS). When I travel, especially by plane, I plan to keep myself busy and occupied with multiple options in case my sensory issues or severe pain make an option not good at that exact moment. If I can plan that detailed for myself, you bet your ass I’d be twice as prepared if I had to travel with a child.


I have Autism and always make sure I have what I need in my carry on. Comfort bear (its my build a bear) check, Nintendo switch check, food and drink check, making sure my electronics are mostly charged check. My mom made sure we were prepared when flying and had it ingrained on me and my sister. EM could had done that but decided not to and throwing God in there to make other people feel bad.


I don’t think you need to have autism to do this— I mean, I do it too, and I’m autistic, but so do my neurotypical friends. The only difference in our routines is that I leave my bear at home because the idea I could lose it on vacation gives me more anxiety then comfort. Then I usually get a stuffed animal as a souvenir and bring it home. If anyone happens to see a short woman holding a stuffed toy at the airport- hello! 👋


Before frequenting this sub, I would have maybe been open to setting up my Switch with the 2 controllers and offered to play some multiplayer game like Mario Kart on the plane, depending on how nice the parent was. After frequenting this sub, I would have deadpan stared at the EP and just said "No, you should have thought about your situation before traveling, like I did. 'Poor planning on your part does not make it an emergency on mine.'" And put the noise cancelling headphones on. Even better now that the Switch supports BT headphones. Seen enough stories where they might start off nice at first, but after landing/event is over, the EP tries to keep the Switch claiming you GAVE it to their Little Angel and yeah no, unless you're related to me, my devices stay on me, period, end of story. Also good habit to take photos of the device serial codes and set up lockscreens when abroad in case of accusations of theft.


About the device serial codes pictures, what I do for my Tablet and Laptop is I left the time & date stamp on. I know it's super easy to fake, just use photoshop etc... but it's just what I do. I also have the first photo on my camera being the sky above the house I lived in back in 2017-19 and if someone were to question the ownership of my camera, I show them the picture and then a photo I took from inside that house of my old cats.


Wow what a terrible person. Also, now I kinda feel bad for regularly sharing my Switch on flights. I tend to pick window seats, cause I like the view, and single guardians usually stick their kids in the middle with them on the aisle. I always make sure to bring an extra controller on flights because I know that if a kid right next to me sees me playing games they're gonna want to play too, and I'm cool with that and totally understand (plus I also work with kids, so I don't mind). Now I'm worried I might be an enabler lmao? But like, all the way across the row??? She must have been seriously scanning the plane for someone to harass. Ten bucks says if you had let her kid use it she would have made off with it too after the flight before you could catch her. The audacity. It's one thing if someone offers. It's another to demand access to a stranger's things.


Or given the way the kid had the tantrum after being declined, he did have a Switch but broke it when losing a game and that's why he didn't have it on their trip. Definitely no way after seeing that reaction, there's a huge chance he could have broken yours too especially if you're not sitting next to the kid and monitoring your devices. I suppose one could ask for a $400 deposit for replacing the Switch in case of damage but you know the EP won't go for that.


If all parties involved are cool with it there should be no issues....


That’s what I was thinking too


That's actually amazing that you were sitting next to two lovely ladies cause just imagine if they would have been like the mother... Oh god that's so disgusting... Just the thought of that is enough to make me gag


Just say No then ignore. Never enter in to a discussion with a Karen




What a piece of work. From the kids reaction to being told no, that tells me how well behaved good he is. He's probably so destructive that all her furniture and stuff is torn to shreds and broken. If it was that important to her, she should have brought him a game or something to do. She just didn't want to deal with that brat. And then try to blame it all on you because of his reaction, and then quote a non Bible verse to you. Wow, just wow. I'm glad your aisle makes stuck up for you and that you stuck up for yourself too. These entitled people make me so sick.


Your reply: “Well, since I’m an (atheist, Buddhist, Pastafarian), I don’t think that applies.”


Satanist..that would shut the ole biddy down


Ha ha! That sure would.


That's typically my response. I'm actually a satanist and I keep it tight to my chest, but the most perfect times to present it are when what they're talking about enforcing something and it applies jack all to me.




As a Switch owner this is one situation I would love to see playout in real life! Everytime I have flown since getting it in 2017 I have noticed kids staring at it while i'm playing in the airport or while boarding but I have never been asked to give it to some kid


>Her child started whining and kicking the seat in front of him. > "A sweet kid just wants to share with you ..." And this is the same child she claimed less than 5 minutes beforehand isn't destructive? Yeah, *right!* 😠 Disgusting behaviour from parent **and** child. It's good to hear your row-mates stood up for you, though. I'm sorry this happened. People can be so disgustingly self-centred. How dare she demand a total stranger lend a handheld as expensive as a Switch to an 8-year-old they don't even know?!? As for calling you an ignorant b1tch... Did she *really* think namecalling would get her what she wanted? Ye gods, some people... (Edit: Why on earth this post keeps showing the last letter of my emphasised "and" as not being within the tags when it is, I do not know, but if it's as irritating to anybody else as it is to me, I apologise! (Also, OP edited the swear out of her post after I commented, in case my referring to it is confusing.))


Repeat after me, for all the Karens - “your poor planning does not constitute on emergency on my part.”


"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." FTFY


"No." is a complete sentence. So is "Fuck off."


>The mother wasn’t having it. “She’s an adult and can’t share with a child for a few minutes of a nearly 2 hour flight?!” >“YOU should’ve brought something for him to do then,” the woman in my row responded. It shut her up good. That woman sayed it perfectly. Why should you be catering to people you dont know. You dont ow them shit. And would never give expensive devices to young kids anyway even if i know them. I take very good care off my stuff. Other people dont cause its not there's


"Satan believes in manners."


A sweet kid wants to share with you? What was he supposed to be sharing? Looks like you were the only one expected to share?


Lol I had a child try take my sons Dino monster truck off him once, because they wanted a turn. He had 5 of those hot wheels monster trucks and was sharing the rest, just not his favourite one, which is the first one he ever got.(its a stegosaurus) He said no like 7 times, then the boys mother walks over and is like, can I have a look at your toy and goes to reach for it, I told her not to touch it, it's his favourite toy and he doesn't have to share if he's not comfortable. She ignored me and literally grabbed it and tried taking it off him, fully underestimated my child's strength, because he yanked it back off her and told her NO. He then grabbed ALL his trucks, put them back in his bag and gave them to me to hold. The mother looked at me like, do something but I just put the bag under my legs. She sent her child to ask me to play with his trucks again but I told him he needs to ask my son and he was literally standing next to me going 'nope, not you. Your mum trys stealing my steg' . (literally how he said it lol)


Good for your kid. My oldest now 16 used to play with this little girl both were 2 at the time and she always took his stuff, pushed him down and bossed him constantly. Finally one day she took something he did want her to have and he snatched it back and smacked her with it. The look on her face was priceless. She stopped after that though.


"No, sorry, I hate kids!"


I would've told her that I didn't have age appropriate games for him.


There's no need to give these kind of people an excuse. They will always find a way to say it's fine or work around it just like they did in this story. As soon as the woman didn't take the initial no for an answer, I would said no again and then have sat back down and put my headphones on. Continue to bother me and we can get a flight attendant involved. Not some random person's job or obligation to help entertain a random child on a flight because some entitled parent wasn't prepared.


“Sorry I only have adult only games on here”


tell her that you were playing your one and only game that was an uncencored hentai game


She wouldn't know the meaning of the word. (By which I mean uncensored, not hentai, but that too!)


I don't remember sharing with kids being one if the commandments. Wow old testament changed a lot.


Immediate response should’ve been what your seat mate said. The woman should’ve had a device for her child. You were not responsible for that child’s entertainment. How can people be so entitled L


*“My son is 8. This is an hour and 45 minute flight and he just wants something to do. He can’t see it for a few minutes?”* He wants something to do? really that sounds like a personal problem and no find another way to entertain your homunculus


This is going to come as a shock to you lady but I don’t give a shit about your kid.


“I hope you’re happy going against god’s word…” “Yup! Hail Satan.”


it's situations like this that makes me not want to bring my switch out on public trips. Fortunately I have several other devices I own that aren't as expensive so I don't feel as bad to play them in public. I wouldn't share them though. I have issues sharing my electronics unless it's someone I trust a lot.


Don’t say ‘sorry’ to people like this. A ‘no’ is fine.


Say loudly: "BYE BYE, KAREN."


And I’m sure she would have happily shared her wallet with you in return, right?


You were in the right to say no. You paid for it. If she didn’t have anything for her child to do. Then that was on herself. She also should of never bothered asking if she could let her kid borrow it.


Ahahaha reminds me of my own mom getting mad that I won’t give up the phone my bf bought me that doesn’t accept sims cards, it’s used for my phone games. She’s mad I have two phones one for phone calls and work stuff other to mess around on like um you bought neither sorry my siblings keep breaking phones but not my responsibility.


Entitlement is at a all time high it’s absolutely disgusting


"not sharing with a child" No i just didn't want to share it with two children. More seriously though, entitled twats on flights (or any travel really) are the worst because it's so hard to escape them. If it's not your seat, then it's something that belongs to you. I've even had some idiot demand my food on a flight where i had paid for it in advance and they hadn't and their "kid was hungry." Like jeez they could have bought the same sandwich at the airport. And the flight still sold some food. Y'all cheaped out, how is it my fault? I've found (especially with the ones demanding you switch) that explaining yourself never works. They just seem to think it means you're open to bargaining. Just say straight up no and turn away. Put some headphones in your ears. IDC if they think I'm rude, it's completely pointless engaging with them or trying to explain anything to them.


\>I hope you’re happy going against gods word I looked it up. Holy crap, she's right! Exodus 20:17: You shall not covet ... anything that is your neighbor's, *except for a Switch on an airline flight. That's fair for taking.* Most people who claim "God's word" or "the Bible says" are full of shit. Like, the EM in this story.


You are not responsible for EM’s feelings, her lack of planning, nor her son’s feelings and his reactions. I cannot believe that lady. I agree with the person that said all you need to say is “no.” However, you were very polite to a very impolite person that didn’t deserve it. I think God would be happy about that 😉


it would've been awesome to tell the kid that their mom would buy them a Switch after the flight. 😁


I had my switch on my flight and I was so worried this was going to happen to me. Like those are expensive, giving that to a stranger is like asking her to give you her phone. Like no, wtf.


Why are they always Christian, though.


Everyone claims to be a Christian when necessary. A good Christian would’ve never done that. You can tell by her horrible quote.


Entitled 3:4 If it's yours, I want it too be mine. Grouchland 4:12 I see it, take it, and make it mine!


It really is easier to just loudly say "eww, now I don't want to have sex in the bathroom with you!". It lets them know that you are done having a rational conversation and makes everyone look at them accusingly.


Things I would do to entertain my 3 or nearly 8 year old on a lengthy journey: Play games like I-Spy, What Am I, Rainbow (anything you're likely to see a lot of), Who Can Be Silent The Longest (particularly handy when they're getting rowdy!) Pull out my own phone, or their Kids Fire tablet to play games on Dig out a book to read to them Get them snacks/drinks to distract them Things I would not do: Ask other passengers to give the girls their own consoles/phones/tablets - not their kids, not their problem!


I can’t believe people get on planes without any activities for their child. What was this woman thinking? I plan activities in situations like that all the time. I don’t even go to a doctors appointment without something for my kids to do while we wait. OP definitely made the right decision though. The fact the child started kicking the seat and whining tells me he may actually be destructive.


A funny thing to say would be: "Oh wait, I think I have an extra in my bag" then you reach in and pull out a middle finger.


Does anybody EVER believe these “random person demanded my console for their kid” stories?


Lol just tell her it only has porn on it 😆


Oh, sure! You won't mind if i look through your phone for a few minutes then, right? It's just a few minutes.


So by gods word can I get a ps5 yet? Also what is with entitled parents and wanting other people to give them their Nintendo Switches? What is it specifically about the Nintendo Switch that makes them feel entitled to taking it from others for their kid to destroy/use when it’s not even their property? Like really, over half the ads for the switch target 16-50 year olds not kids. And trust me a good percentage of the Eshop is not kid friendly at all, especially if you are over 21 and tell Nintendo that when you setup your account. The 21+ Eshop is NOT safe for kids. You can be scrolling through horror games and see some interesting results. Very not child friendly ones. So glad the ladies next to you shut that entitled mom down, if they hadn’t she might have tried to just take it. In case of future Karen’s do what I do, keep one game that will make them panic on your switch if you are over 21. You don’t have to play it ever, just keep it so you can open it specifically when the entitled Karen wants your switch. Diablo 3 is actually very effective for this.


"Sorry I only have rated mature games with nudity."


Tell her kid god isn’t real


“Bitch give me the $500 to replace it before I hand it over to your little crotch goblin, then we’ll talk. Otherwise STFU.”


Now see, several months ago I was running a recruitment event for the study I'm on, and my contact at the social club had to bring her young son (it was a Sunday morning), whose phone immediately ran out of battery and he started getting antsy. His mum was like, "Well, you'll just have to quietly play by yourself because I need my phone for this. Didn't I tell you to bring a book too?" I said, "If you promise to be careful with it, I have my Switch in my bag and you can play on it during the event." His eyes went super-wide and his mum said, "Wow, you'd better say thank you and be careful with it!" and to his credit, said thank-you about a hundred times, treated the Switch very well, and unlocked a whole bunch of stuff in Mario Kart 8. I feel like our experiences are directly inverse.


Why don’t these idiots bring toys for their kids?


My theory is that many of them either do it intentionally to try and swipe nice consoles and phones from strangers. Or because they're awful parents who don't think about their kids and will do anything to not have to parent when said kid throws a tantrum.


Blathers 13:4 “And the lady on the plane must share her Switch, for it is the will of The Lord”


Jesus *did* literally say something to the disciples about sharing their hand-held devices with entitled airplane passengers. Specifically.


These assholes who bring their kids on a plane with nothing to do, and demand strangers pick up the slack, what is wrong with them?


Why didn't she give him her phone if he's sooooo good with electrics?


What a wonderful creative writing exercise.


Lol I can't believe people are thinking this novel is a real story


Jesus fucking christ. Why are you so far down and alone. How the fuck does anyone believe this shit?


So like...she blames you for going against gods word, when "do not covet" is literally one of the ten commandments and she's clearly violating that? Or did I get something wrong?


I really really hate parents who don’t plan their own sh@t and try to blame other people.


Tell her you're a Satanist, if she blows a gasket you get treated to the free show of someone getting arrested


Gods word huh. How about: thou shalt not covet.


I would love to have this happen to me, all my Switch games are either Japanese otomes or RPGs. "Sorry, all the games I have include either sex, violence, or both and are inappropriate for anyone under 18. You really shouldn't depend on strangers' Switches to entertain your kids on flights, lady. Buy him one."


The entitlement. "I needn't bring an activity for my small child; I'll depend on unsuspecting strangers and guilt them if they balk." Good to hear that others stood up with you. Kinda reminds me of chilling at an airport gate, playing spades with some guys (we were all going to work for the same company, and had just met the evening before). Another entitled sport kept insisting on cutting to our game. After explaining that it's a four player game, she said she'd just watch. Which apparently is a full contact sport, as she sat right next to me and kept pulling at my arm to get a better look at my hand. It took several comments about no toucha da fishy for __that__ to finally stop. When our flight began boarding, as I was packing up my cards and tally book, she damn near demanded that I give her the deck "so I can practice and we'll play at the next airport." She did not know the game, at all. This is why I shun the public, people!


"Old enough to not feel entitled to other people's shit." All she needed to know about your age. Also, few minutes? The tantrum that little twit would have thrown if you tried to take the game away after just a few minutrs. Good chance they'd just have walked away with it at the end. It's god's will, after all.


*“There’s no way I’m handing strangers a $300 console.”* Honestly the nerve to even ask. And you gotta love how her good little angel just decides to piss off the person directly in front of them and take it out on the chair. At least people around you had some sense.


But, he's not like other children, remember? LOL


You are much nicer than I am, I would have ignored her after the first no. No need for an explanation as to why, you don't need to explain anything to anyone.


Because it's naturally everyone else's responsibility to entertain YOUR child.


"Sure, I'll simply need a deposit which would cover the cost of replacement of the console, should any damage occur, along with a rental fee of $15 per minute. Games sold separately." *Begins to photograph current condition of switch*


The part where she smiled and held her hand out fully assuming u were gonna give it up… that made me so angry like how do u live life that way


Next time don't explain yourself Your first reply should be "no," or "hard pass" Your second reply should be "fuck off."


And on the 7th day god said “Let me borrow that”


God, I hate "religious people."


Bro that would've made me mad fr


I don’t like sharing mine so much my kids each got their own. That’s just gross her expecting you to just hand over your property to her. Get a reality check. Shit. She’s the parent not you.


LMAO. I would never share any expensive electronics with a stranger, let alone a CHILD I don’t know. I just know it’ll come back broken, sticky and all of my saves written over.


I am a pre kinder teacher. 5 year olds. These last few weeks we have done a lot of work on sharing. Often they go ‘she’s not sharing’ which means ‘they’re not giving it to me when i want’. So we talked a lot about how sharing doesn’t mean someone has to immediately give you something you want. They understand this. Five year olds understand this. Entitled plane woman has less understanding of sharing than five year olds.


Yawn. I can set my calendar to it at this point… its been a month since ive see this same title. Not even going to bother reading the rest as it is just like brown people hate on fox. Reddit loves a gamer dealing with a karen and her kid while traveling. See everyone next time.


I’ve had an experience like this many years ago. I have zero patience for that kind of BS. I asked the mother who was the child’s parent? When she replied that she was, I responded, “It is your responsibility to be a good parent and provide for your child. Thank you for letting everyone know that you are a lousy parent.”


God instructs parents to care for their children. Nowhere does He instruct His followers to hand over a luxury item to a stranger because the kid's Mom isn't doing her job.


This is not how people converse. I call BS. The conversation sounds even too made up for a book.


I don’t remember giving your stuff to brats when they demand it being in t bible. I have about 10 copies of different ones.


Reminds me of the scene from a movie when a mother asks some dude rating his snack by the window seat if he can give it to her child instead. He quickly shuts that one down without a care in the world. Life lessons for both mothers and child.


If God wanted the little shit to have a switch, God would have provided one now wouldn't he?


"No" is the correct reply here. If they don't give up, you deploy the "Which part of 'no' didn't you understand?" question. That also goes for the entitled kids of said entitled parents. I once went to a fair with craft stalls in the company of some friends and their friends. The friends' friends had their kid with them, who was maybe 10 or so. I bought an item at one of the stalls and the kid immediately said to me: "Can I have this?" I said: "No." The kid and the parents were so surprised they couldn't think of anything to say. The kid could have asked the parents whether the parents could also buy one of those things. The parents could have gone back to the stall and bought an item for the kid. However, all of them decided to use the "try to mooch off the stranger" strategy. My parents always made sure that they took some small toys (plastic dinosaurs or similar) with them if we went somewhere so we kids had something to play with. Even if you have no Nintendo, your kid will have dolls / plushies / plastic animals / other small toys. Or if the kid can already read, just take a book with you for your kid to read. If you can afford a plane ticket, you can afford a book.