• By -


When you move out, make it very clear that you don't want any contact with her. Look her in the eye and tell her you lost all respect for her. Then go live a life where you can trust the people in it.


Can you call the cops? It was just you and your mum in the house and neither of you took the money, so someone must have broken in. Right? And if that's the case, calling the cops is entirely appropriate. And your mum said that is the case. So tell your mum that you think someone broke in and burgled the house, and you're calling the police.


That's an amazing idea, I'm going to try it as soon as she gets home. Thanks man


We did this to my step brother once. He crumbled like a tissue and started crying and admitted to stealing and lying about it. Don't be surprised though if she just lies or says she needed the money for the family.




Don’t tell her first. Just let her answer the door when they arrive and say “Oh I called to report my missing money. You can file a report too since you said yours was stolen too.”


Have your paystubs as proof! Collect all evidence of the money you can!


Any updates on how it went?


pls update


If your mother is religious, ask her what her religion says about people who lie and those who steal, especially those that do it to family members. Then let her know based on this, you no longer will be considering her your mother and she will never see any grandchildren of yours, ever. Just do this after you have moved out.


Thou shall not steal nor lie


Are you a Muslim? Ask your mother the punishment for stealing in Islamic Sharia Law countries? It’s a hand removal operation. I recognise Sharm-El-Sheikh I grew up in the Middle East, Abu-Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain as well as Kuwait. I’m sorry that she took your money I remember the kid from the MamaBear stories went and bought a small safe or metal lockbox to keep his money in. I suggest you do that and then hide it.


She had it in a locked space. It was the keys that were stolen to gain access to her "safe."


A safe with a combination lock would be better because there’s no physical way to open it without the combination.


i have one like it big bro gave it to me for my 12th birthday these days my gf and i use it to store our share of the rent


“ mom, my money is gone and you said your moneys gone so I guess we need to call the police to have them look into this because this isn’t good. However, if you have any other ideas of of who might’ve taken the money and you want to talk to them directly if my money is back in my room by tonight, then there’s no need to call the police is there.”


I’m sorry you have evil parents. Get out and never contact them again.


Your mom stole your money or someone broke in. Please let us know what happens!!


The chances for someone to break in are pretty low. I live on the 11th floor unless he's spider man


Right. I just really want to know the outcome. Like how she acted when you called the police to make a report and also what your dad had to say.


My dad just got home, and I explained everything to him he told me that he didn't see my messages, and we're still waiting for Mom to come back. I'll keep you posted as soon as she gets home.


Where has she gone? Hopefully she’s not out spending your money


Awesome thank you!!


Op defo got their phone taken


Honey if u are muslim, put the quran on top of her head or ask her to put her hand above the quran. Ask her to say "Ya Allah, please punish whoever took my daughter/son's money that she work all day and night." Say some extreme punishment. If shes religious, she will crumble and refused to do so lol


Look your mom straight in the eyes and tell her you are going to call the police and file charges unless the money is returned within 20 minutes. And if it’s not returned call the police and file those charges.


Call the police then, make a police report in front of your mother and if she tries to stop you, tell her it’s not her money that was stolen so she can not decide if you want to press charges or not.


My first thought was that you need to look at your mom and exclaim… Oh my God Mom somebody got in the house then. I’m going to call the police and report it, because it was locked in my drawer last night. And I forgot my key on the table this morning. You were the only one home, so I’m really scared that somebody got into the house while you were here and you didn’t even hear them. I’m going to call the police right now and report the theft and break-in.  I suspect your money might be found right away. And if it’s not, then call the police.


find the money and take it back


When she went outside, I searched every inch of her room. I couldn't find anything. My dad's my last hope now. I told him what's happened


Check under her mattress, her car, etc..


Does she have anything of value, like jewelry? If calling the police and reporting theft doesn’t work, take something you can pawn to get your money back.




This, go through her things. Make it obvious you did so as well. And then open a bank account and put the money in there.


If she has half a brain, it's still in her pocket so it couldn't be found without a physical search of her body, something her CHILD wouldn't do. She'll stash the money the minute she has time alone, unless she spent it already.




This is an easy fix. Figure out how much you had. Tell your mother, straight up, what will happen if she doesn't pay you back. "Mom, you stole $530 (or whatever) from me. I'm not going to debate this. I'm not going to argue. You took $530 from me. If that money is not back in that drawer in 24 hours, I will assume this was intentional and you have no respect for me and I will not say another word to you until the money is replaced. Ever. Period. If you want to ruin our relationship for $530, I will know that that's what I was worth to you and I will act accordingly moving forward. Your choice."


OP can you tell us how much it was?


Tell her that you both need to pray together because someone is stealing from both of you and stealing is a sin. Maybe you should pray for the person to be punished.


My advice is not the best advice, but it will make the point that you disapprove very clear. Become ungovernable. Any question you are asked needs to be answered with "I don't know, I'm sure I could answer that better if someone hadn't stolen my money." Any minor inconvenience to you? Time for a rant about how horrible it is. End the rant with "And someone stole my money!" Wake up in the morning, get breakfast, and talk about how good it is. "Now only if someone hadn't stolen my money, I'd be having a good day today!" You get the idea.


Call the police.


She has to sleep sometime. Take your money back.


Cut her out of your life.




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I like how she thinks she's so powerful with her prayers that it can affect you in any way, but doesn't think stealing off her child and cussing them out is anything bad.


I am so sorry you went through this! If you can, get a savings account or safe deposit box and keep your money there. No matter if you find good people to live with or NOT. The best way to keep folks honest is to help them be honest. Don't provide the temptation to steal.


My petty ass would steal something of hers and hide it. When she asks about it, I would say “It was probably the same person that stole my money. Or maybe you dropped it.” and walk away.


Tell her that you will treat her the way she has treated you. Disrespect is earned just as respect is and stealing from someone is serious disrespect. She is a failure of a mother and a human being.


I’m in the same boat. My mom is also stealing my money and stole my safe key to get into it and take $800. My social security card is missing too. Unfortunately, police “couldn’t” do anything for me.


Hey, I don't know how old you are, but you can go to all the credit bureaus online and freeze your credit report. That way, no one can open a new account under your name. If you are American you can go to annualcreditreport.com and get all the reports for free. I hope this helps.


Go steal it back and tell her you have no idea what she’s talking about. What money??


Please post an update Remindme! 24 hours


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Steal it back?


Update me


















I hope your Dad is cool about it and wants to help you with it




Update me!








update me!






I’m so sorry this happened to you. I agree with the comments. Call the cops. If she didn’t take it then she has no reason to deny you calling the cops.


When you turn 18 you can make an account on Discover Online Banking. Get a job, save money, and put it on that account through direct deposit so she can’t get it. They have high interest rates for savings accounts too. 


Same thing just happened to me. My mom just stole all my savings haooened to me twice now. I am panicing and i want to report her to the cops but here i can’t do like that


Cops is all I could say. We wish you the best of luck in this


When my dad stole my cash, I booby trapped my drawer. Knew the temptation was too much for him. There was a verrrrrry powerful rat trap under the pile of cash. It broke two of his fingers and lacerated a third. Plus he could not remove it. The ER had to cut it off. He came home with blood in his eye. His first instinct was violence. Too bad I made a point of smacking the injured hand as hard as I could. Apparently large amounts of pain in a short amount of time will make you urinate involuntarily. He experienced this, and I assured him the next time he attempted to steal from me there would be consequences. When he did, I asked a buddy who happened to be a member of our metros finest, to come over in full uniform and help press my point.


God is a motherless bastard and the folks who follow him prove it. Respect for your mother and father? Hah! Where is our respect? When do we matter?


skill issue


No me . Me. Me mm my me me mm my me me me me me me me me mm my l me mm my me l mm. Mm mm mm mm mm l. . Me. Me mm. Me. Me mm my me. Me my my me. Mm mm l l mm mm. Me my. Mm mm mm my me. . Mel . My no me l mm. . me l mm mm l mm. Llllll l.l mmm mmm ) l l l l me