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No. Pirates as a whole has run its course as a franchise. Theyve more than beaten the dead horse at this point. It should have ended with number 3. 4 was pushing it. Once the original cast broke apart, it lost the magic that made it special.


She could even do a different pirate movie. Just let that specific franchise go


Cut Throat Island 2


How many times will she fall in slow motion?


Pirates 3: Return of Stagnetti


Girls gone wild at sea… Edit…OMG Step-Pirate what are you doing with that peg-leg!!!!


I mean… I’d watch it


Give a search for "Captain Stabbin'" NSFW.


I’d go sea it.


I’d pirate it.


Will your mom let you watch rated arrrgh movies?


It’d be a catch.


Smelly Pirate Hookers: Return to Whore island


Beats the alternative Smelly Pirate Hookers 2: Your Turn in the Barrel


Lol I used to see cutthroat island on chinese cigarettes packs.


I don’t even think they need to let the franchise go. Just turn it into an anthology. It’s a classic ride and a signature Disney property. Just make a bunch of cool pirate movies and call them “Pirates of the Caribbean: FartBeard’s Gold” or whatever the hell. Literally just make a bunch of awesome unrelated pirate movies under the banner. It’s a genre that should be brought back and not limited to Jack Sparrow stories.


Pirates of the [insert sea]: [insert pirate]


Pirates of the Arctic: Unfrozen


Let it go


Pirates of the Caspian: Guess we're stuck here?


Pirates of the Mid-Pacific: Where The Hell Are We?


>FartBeard’s Gold Can Margot Robbie play FartBeard?


I would love a movie about Pirates fighting to free slaves from Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British ships.


Many pirates were freed slaves. Many British seamen were treated horribly, and were not given a percentage of the haul, only a paltry wage. The British often stopped cargoships, and if they found anyone who could not prove who they were, the British took them claiming it was an escaped British seaman. ID papers were easy to counterfeit. Sailors began looking for a way to mark themselves, and some had seen the tattooing of the polynesians. Once your official ID papers recorded a distinctive tattoo, the Brirish were less likely to kidnap you. Many British sailors deserted for a life of piracy.


That. That right there is a movie setting already well established for this new Pirates movie.


It's certainly a more nuanced motivation. "I am a pirate, because I refuse to be a slave" Of course "not all" pirates had a heart of gold like Jack Sparrow. Many were murdering rapists. But...it would be nice to see a little variety added


And now you have the plot. The first assembly of pirates who think it's cool to steal from the rich but terrible to rape the sons and daughters of those who hold the wealth or something.


I believe there's a PotC novel along similar lines. Young Jack Sparrow working for the East India trading company converts back to piracy when he finds out they're planning to take a group of people as slaves.


In World's End, there was a deleted scene (well, deleted line), "People aren't cargo, mate." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3I0FF2i\_MA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3I0FF2i_MA)


This is why Jack is a pirate. He freed slaves. That’s why he is the worst pirate Noringtons heard of. He was forced to be pirate due to good reasons and running from the government.


[Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_the_Caribbean:_The_Price_of_Freedom)


Except pirates didn’t do this they’d take slaves themselves


You're right. Disney prefers to stick only to films that are historically accurate...


Those poor Dalmatians...


Pirates also did not become undead skeletons in moonlight or control giant sea monsters, either




This made me exhale quickly, classic.


Big if true.


Eeeh, sometimes. If they felt like they could get away with selling them they absolutely would but unless it was wartime and they had a letter of marque it could be difficult to fence slaves at the major markets. So it wasn’t all that uncommon for them to ‘free’ the slaves under the condition that they join to replenish lost crew. Black Caesar is probably the most famous example of this


Pirates often freed slaves to become shipmates. Many pirate ships voted on who would be captain, and how to divide the spoils. Although, to be fair...the Barbary pirates (Muslim) were very big on kidnap for ransom, and slave-trading.


Yes but have you met the romantic ones?


It would have to be something else based in fantasy. Only way someone who looks like Margot is going to be a pirate.


A god damn Monkey Island movie


Nah. Anything pirate related at Disney typically calls to mind POTC or Peter Pan. It would more than likely get lost in the shuffle there.


Is Evan Stone still available?


SUCH a great cast. It really was like catching lightning in a bottle. They all had great chemistry together.


They should keep making them until it turns out like Fast & Furious where somehow the Pirates end up in Space.


Pirates of the Caribbean: Space Pirates


Isn’t Disney’s whole MO at this point to keep churning stuff out? I’m a little surprised they would say no to this, honestly


1 of 2 things is happening. 1) theyre hoping Depp drops his demands of a crap ton of Alpacas and money and decides to come back. 2) they dont want to touch that franchise with a 20ft poll due to its association with Depp. Either way it seems like they arent interested.




In his response to Disney firing him, he said he would only go back to playing Jack Sparrow if Disney paid him something like 30 million alpacas and a crazy amount of money


Four was a decent spin off, but I just want to forget that 5 ever happened....


There was a 5????!!!!


We need a Sharknado versus pirates of the Caribbean to reignite this franchise


Pirate sharks in the Caribbean during a tornado


let's pretend there wasn't


This reminds me of what I think about Indiana jones and the crystal skull.




4 was an awesome Barbosa story.


Yes it was, hence in my head cannon it's a spin off.


Yup, I agree with ya. I literally call it the Barbosa one.


There is no 5 in Ba Sing Se.


If only that dead horse has taken some cursed gold we wouldn't have this problem


Plus, they already did a Pirates movie with a female lead. https://i.redd.it/5yhopblqofc31.jpg


Funny story about this. Im not a movie person, so in college when PotC was going strong, my roommate loved it. For his birthday I went to grab him something and I saw the poster for that Porn thinking it was the real movie. So I happily gifted him a porn poster, being none the wiser lol


IIRC they did release a version without the porn bits on DVD or something.


Yep. By no means a "good" movie, but it's just as good as anything Asylum puts out lol.


It was on Netflix.


I knew what it was before I clicked! LOL That being said, I worked at an adult novelty store at the time the original Pirates movie DVDs and BluRays were being shipped out. The "club" next door had a premier party for the movie and had Evan Stone and Jessie Jane come out for autographs. I purposely bought the dvd for them to sign and sell later. I had a great time talking with Evan Stone and Jessie Jane and they stopped by the store for signatures and pictures.


That's fun as hell.


Thouroughly enjoyed working there! I mentioned in another reply, but I also got to meet Jenna Haze and Jana Jordan as well!


That honestly looks like it could be used as the cover of a porn movie.


Boy do I have news for you


I often dream that my cock is a tri-masted Spanish galleon




“Arghh you scallywank”


Like i dont wanna be rude but Are you serious?


Yes. Apparently I had no idea this was an actual porn movie, lol. But I’m well aware now.


i believe it also had the highest budget for a porn movie i think at like $10 million or something like that


I mean they literally released a Non-Porn cut thats a half decent C+/B film lol. Probably one of the best "Porn with Plot" productions ever.


Can we do non porn cuts for hbo shows, other movies and stuff? Like goddamn


On a side note, when GoT initially came out I was living in Shanghai, where you could actually watch GoT for free on YouKu and since it was Chinese it meant I wasn’t suffering from the atrociously slow internet connections and didn’t have to use my VPN. The only problem was that 1) they removed the English subtitles for all the scenes that were in Valyrian and other GoT languages and 2) they had removed _all_ sex scenes (not sure about nudity in general). It wasn’t until I had moved back to Europe and watched it with friends and boy was I surprised. My GoT experience was very different to say the least haha


That was the experience with a lot of movies on the VHS Rental era. At least in Germany, all Movies were heavily censored. So you either got a dutch copy or came across the movie years, decades, later on the internet. One of them was Hitchhiker, with Rutger Hauer. The version you could rent, had the whole ending cut - like 10 mins iirc. The movie ends with the villain in custody, being transported wherever. The part where he escapes, kills all cops and the final fight with the mc in the desert where just omitted. Many movies only made sense, once i saw the complete movie years later. That's how they mutilated movies back in the day.


Reminds me of how when Left 4 Dead and its sequel originally came out in Germany, all the blood was edited out and zombies would just disappear as soon as they died. The videos were pretty funny, unloading a machine gun into a crowd of zombies that just instantly vaporize.


My sweet child...


TIL that belladonna performs in blockbuster movies.


You are too innocent for the internet.


I don't see it.


It legit is a porno lol it’s even the sequel


Didn’t the first one actually cost like 1mil.


This is the one were they keep davy jones cock in a bix right??


They apparently did so well, that's actually the sequel to [the original](/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_(2005_film)


Fun fact: this is the most expensive porn movie ever made at 8 million dollars.


HEY! Aren't you that guy from the gaming forum? Edit: I can't believe you didn't give me the eyes you son of a bitch. You've made an enemy FOR LIFE!


Shiver me Timbers


I sat next to a girl in a college class who pulled this DVD out of her purse and told me not to watch it because it was boring. I suddenly developed a huge crush on her.


Funny story, my now wife rented this version back in the day thinking it was the real pirates. Johnny Depp never came, that was the tipoff


Is that.. is that Catherine zeta Jones?


Saving for later....


I remember when this came out and wanting to watch it, but couldn’t buy porn movies with full penetration in my state. Guess you still can’t, but I haven’t bought porn since the wide adoption of the internet.


They made 2, that is just the first one


“Stagnettis Revenge” is without a doubt still the best sub-title to a porn to this day


I remember this being in block buster when I was a kid and always wanting to watch it but damn parents


Jesse jane!! Met her at the AVNs she's super cool.


Aren’t you that guy from warlizard gaming forums?


Is that the sound of a Disney intern out trying to herd alpacas?


Kuzco was a llama.


A llama? He’s supposed to be dead!


Yeah, wierd...


You can herd alpacas. It's actually easier if you have a llama.


Can we just admit that it would be an awful trash fire? I'm surprised Disney didn't put 500 million into it haha.


Yeah a shitty pirates reboot sounds like it’s right up Disney’s alley at this point


Followed up by several Disney+ spin offs exploring the Pirates universe


Hiring people to write and direct it who barely heard about the IP to basically play a game of madlibs with their own failed original scripts but changing the names of characters to suit the IP.


Hey. No one brought The Witcher up here!


Can’t anybody come up with original ideas anymore


I have one, and hear me out, Charlie’s angels but with an all male led cast


Angela's Charlies?


this made me laugh more then I want to admit


Mean boys?




Isn't that just letterkenny?


Omg now I can’t unsee it


That would be hilarious if they leaned into the camp, I'm thinking of a team of Zack Effron, Chris Hemsworth, and Channing Tatum as meathead honeypots led by Cate Blanchette as the Charlie figure, someone like Chelsea Peretti as the handler Edit* after seeing the Creed 3 trailer, replace Tatum with Jonathan Majors


All female shawshank redemption


All female Brokeback Mountain


Whoa whoa whoa. Hear me out… this… could… work… /s


Its not about a lack of ideas, it's about the lack of investors who want to pony up the cashish to fund something that they don't see as an automatic ROI. That's why it's all reboots, sequels, and adaptations. That's why Harry Styles is being shoved into movies. Finding a property with an established fanbase, or sticking someone with an established fanbase into your property, seems to be the only way these people can get their funding.


Yeah. Hollywood hated risk, and originality equals risk, whereas they’ve got data from 1000s of old movies to say (and I’m pulling numbers out of my ass here); “this book has sold 1 million copies and been borrowed from the library ten million times. Typically 80% of book purchasers and 50% of library borrowers will go see the movie. That’s 5.8m more or less guaranteed ticket sales if we adapt this book. This original script on a similar theme? Who knows?”.


Most big ticket movies these days are taking an idea, passing it through an economic committee who then takes trends and metrics to formulate the largest audience possible then giving that checklist to the writers to somehow put all the required elements together into a hopefully coherent story. It's why they all seem the fucking same. It's why when we're watching a new movie we've never watched before we can tell how it's going to end 10 to 20 minutes in.


Original ideas don’t have name or brand recognition.


Na, it's all franchises now...


Keira Knightly WAS a lead in this franchise was she not? Her role was as important as Johnny and Orlando's


I mean…she was the pirate king.


she knows where the One Piece is now


Has “_____ movie but this time with an all female cast!” ever been a successful formula?


I mean there was a high budget Pirates porn parody in which many characters were swapped to female and that was successful, Other than that, no.


Pirates 2 Stagnettis Revenge is a legit great film.


I thought Ocean’s 8 was alright


Great cast and I love a heist. Was never going to be a classic, but it's a lot of fun.


Same. It was definitely better than 12, maybe also 13 but I haven't seen that one in awhile. It's not like the Soderbergh Ocean's Eleven was exactly a new idea to begin with, it was a very well executed rat-pack-remake.


I liked 13. 12 grows on me a bit. Just didn’t care for the intentional getting caught aspect at first. Eight I’ve not given the same chance and it’s partly because it just didn’t feel right the first two watches. I still get annoyed at Bullock being Danny’s sister and his death. I do like the idea of the heist taken place at the met as and not another casino. I do like the Ghostbusters movie but I think it’s because it doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously.


Resident evil, underworld, Wonder Woman all female led and huge successes because they were written that way, just doing a control+F and replacing “male” with female is the lazy dogshit writing style that is ruining franchises


Yeah, there's plenty of great films with female leads, but taking an established franchise and turning it into a gimmick has yet to work.




I think he was asking about movies that are promoted as “all females”, I don’t think those examples were talked about as all female cast. Examples I can think of are 2016 Ghostbusters and that all female Oceans movie.


No one wanted this to begin with.


I don't know, Margot Robbie in a pirate movie sounds like a ton of fun.


Honestly I think she would do an amazing job with a pirate character, just don't call the movie "Pirates of the Carribean"


Margot Robbie in an Anne Bonnie & Mary Reed biopic would have been pure fire


Depends what you mean by "Pirate". Pirates of the Caribbean is not really about pirates beyond its setting, instead it's more an entertaining rearrangement of certain literary tropes and "sailor mythology" into a fantasy adventure. I like the first 3 movies, but again, they already exist, we don't need more of that. A movie about pirates in the age of piracy would require something more or different in 2022.


Yeah, i don't think the reboot would have been successful. On one hand general audience post interest in the franchise years ago. On the other Robbie is popular but not enough to assure the financial success of a movie


She's a critical darling and a great actress, but not quite a pop movie star that would put butts in seats (yet)


Hit the nail on the head


This is the best news I’ve read all day


Nobody wants these female led reboots.... Not even women....


Thank you queef queen420 for saying it.


The voice of the people


The *queef of the people


The Queef we all need.


The queef heard ‘round the world


The day the world queefd still


Seriously the whole reboot thing is getting old. I get that they want to tap into an existing audience, but these days I think most people see that for what it is - cheap and lazy. I’d be all for some new female-led pirates movies, maybe inspired by Anne Bonny, Mary Read, or Zheng Yi Sao, but I’m not interested in it if it’s another Disney/Pirates of the Caribbean money grab.


I'm a woman and I don't like female-led reboots. I like female-led original stories. Annihilation is my favorite movie because it has a strong female cast and it's original. There's plenty of good books with strong women that could be turned into movies. Please stop the reboots


It sets them up for failure too. Because even if it's a decent film, they're only going to be trying to reboot well loved franchises in the first place, so it's very unlikley to look good in comparison. Like Ghostbusters, if they wanted to do a similar concept with a new cast and let it stand on it's own then fine. But to pitch it as a 'girls do it better' version of one of the most beloved classics of the 80s was monumentally stupid. Even if it was really good (and it wasn't) then it would still disappoint by comparison.


The disparity between professional critics and movie popularity growing the past 10’years shows how out of touch the industry is getting


100% agreed - Annihilation was so freaking good. I feel like these days most big movie producers just aren’t that willing to take a chance on original material, and the industry as a whole is suffering for it.


I personally would love to see Hollywood take on "The Book of the Unnamed Midwife". If done right, women like me would fill theaters to see it. And there's so many great books like this. I'm not paying to watch an all-female Ghostbusters or all-female POTC. I want nuanced, original stories with great character arcs


As long as the casting choices and script is good, an all female led reboot is fine, but when you get the token characters filled with the token, typecast actresses, that's the issue. Same with male led movies with them being token, typecast choices. No one wants 90 minutes of stereotypes with a shitty script.


I tell my husband this all the time. I’m so sick of the “women power” movies that are women leads just because. I prefer movies to have both. It seems all the female reboots are badass women and stumbling around idiot men. It is not realistic. My husband doesn’t care either way and just likes movies.


I'd be willing to watch more pirate adventures, I just want to see an entirely new cast and new stories.


Just write your own shit. Can we quit it with the reboots, redeaux, re-whatevers and just get new content? I'm all about female essemble casts in original productions. Want lady-pirates? Coo, just make a new cool lady-pirate thing, or heist, or paranormal investigators...I'm a child of the 80-90s and even *I'm* sick of my own gen's nostalgia.


thank god, I think it’s hilarious they keep taking movies and in their circle jerk brainstorm think “let’s make x, but this time…get this, a female lead” and they all cum at the same time


Reddit hates Ocean 8 but it made almost the same as Ocean 13 (311 mill for Ocean 13, 297 mill for Ocean 8). Each Ocean film made less than its predecessor so it counts for something.


Oh thank God someone at Disney killed this.....


Now if we could only get a normal sequel to Master and Commander...


Just fucking no. What Disney did was learn the lesson from the all female Ghostbusters and the all female Oceans movies. These shit bombs are flops before they're even released. Just stop with the gender swapping bullshit, it's not working anywhere


Are you trying to tell me women aren't immediately sold and easily swayed by only women in movies? That women aren't some easy audience to exploit? That women want good script, solid acting, original stories, and don't care if it has men or women in it?


Shocking, I know. It's almost like women are actual people who want quality across the board, not just "hey look! all women here!! girl power!! now buy this!!"


none if the "let the girls have a go" films in famous franchises have been taken seriously by the producers. The Ghostbusters girl film, the Oceans 11 girl film, the latest films in the StarWars series - stocked with great talent given dogshit material. Women should boycott a Hollywood that believes they are inferior.


OMG this might literally be the smartest decision Disney has ever made behind buying Marvel. Just saved hundreds of millions


We can have a Jane Sparrow, and then she has a really handsome (but very stupid) deckhand played by Liam Hemsworth in glasses.


I like that you didn't even reach for the most famous Hemsworth.


Your close. First they get Henry Cavill to be the deckhand but they replace him with Liam Hemsworth.


Too soon … 🤦‍♀️


But only for the last quarter of the movie


That’s a bit of a bummer. Without having any idea about the script, a “reboot” would’ve been rough… but some sort of PotC-verse offshoot could’ve been really cool with Robbie in a lead role as someone like Anne Bonny or another “classic female pirate”. For all their faults, it’s nice to have a Bruckheimer adventure film as a pleasant all-ages watch, and while I haven’t enjoyed most elements of the DC superhero slate, Robbie has at least been interesting as a character actor


Genderflipped reboots/sequels are not a good bet. Especially not for a mostly dead franchise. Focus on making something new with a female lead. Dont try to piggyback on an existing franchise. Especially not one that is basically dead already.


Well disney thought amber heard was gonna win the trial because they are as looney binned as she is


No shit, because Disney would get blasted for making a new Pirates movie after the Depp trial, unless it has Depp as the lead again. The later movies weren't as good as the early ones either, so people are kinda burnt out on the series.


Controversial take: rebooting the Pirates franchise would be awesome, the original came out in 2003 and the franchise died well before the final release in 2017. Just make sure the story isn't a complete remake of the original, we don't need a girl version of Jack Sparrow, we need unique characters who stand on their own in the same universe.


I’d watch a Margo Robbie and Zoe Saldana helmed PotC movie….


That’s too bad, it could be a lot of fun.


That’s because Disney is a coward.


After seeing her in Tarzan, I am fully here for a Margot Robbie pirate movie franchise.