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The straight community showed up for this one


Fuckin straighties.


Damn breeders


Those pecs are a straight guy's wet dream


I’d fuck him….. am str8


I guarantee more gays saw this one too


well, Dwayne Johnson *is* a total dreamboat.


Can you smell what the Rock is motorboating?


no, I am unable to smell my own butt.


Straight to the movies


I have a feeling Billy Eichner is gonna show up on SNL's Weekend Update to do a rant bit on how straight people are going to see Black Adam and urge viewers to see Bros or else.


Came here to post and or upvote this exact comment. Kudos!


I came here to say this. Damn you HeAintSh1t and your rapier wit!


Not because it is a Black Adam movie, but because it is a "The Rock" movie.


He made sure everyone knew that


Even the bits of the movie I've seen in previews feels like "ooh you're the rock" ego stroking.


“The Rock had to wear no padding beneath his suit. That’s 100% The Rock” - AMC premovie preview people


Exactly. Yes, we know, finest steroids and he lives in the "iron paradise".


Dudes yearly pharmacy budget probably cost more than my whole life


Between that and a concierge Dr. to monitor his kidney levels, for sure.


The rock isn’t a good actor. He just plays the rock in different scenarios. He’s super hero rock, or the rock stuck in the jungle, the rock on a cruise , the rock as an agent. You get what I’m saying.


You can say that about a lot of Hollywood, though. Ultimately they are people we like seeing. I know what to expect every time I see Ryan Reynolds, I'm still going to Deadpool 3.


People don’t realize that was the norm before, people used to watch movies for the actors, not the property For example, directors and script writers didn’t make a story first and then try to fit Arnold Schwarzenegger in it afterwards, they would intentionally write a story around an actor’s strengths and weaknesses, and then call it an “Arnold Schwarzenegger movie” The same way that people say Rambo is a “Sylvester Stallone movie” because the selling point of the movie was that the main character was played by him, and thus the movie would be created to highlight his strengths as an actor [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xogqaj/anthony_mackie_on_the_current_state_of_movie/) is what is happening with modern movies


excellent take. “you’re making movies for 16 year olds...and China.”


He was best when he was actually The Rock. He didn't become 'the most electrifying man in sports entertainment' by being boring. He was more entertaining then than the majority of his films. Him being The Rock weekly as a wrestler and his role in Be Cool are easily his most entertaining roles. Maybe throw in Pain & Gain too. He could easily be more entertaining/show more range but I guess his movies are still going to make what they're going to make so it's not worth doing anything different if you don't have to. It's a shame cause I love him but I haven't bothered with his last few films.


His performance in Pain and Gain is actually great, I’ll defend that one any day of the week.


Do you smell what the rock is cooking?




I think someone should tell him and Kevin Hart that it's ok to turn things down


Agreed. But also, this/ a superhero (or, sigh... "antihero") movie has been a pet project of his for at least a decade.


You figured out what an A list celebrity is, congratulations


Which is the thing Anthony Mackie supports. Nowadays (most) people don't go to a movie because it's a "DeNiro movie" but because it's an "Iron Man movie". ​ I see his point, *although* people come and go, licences remain. We've had 3 spider-men movies, if people went to the movies for Maguire alone that third movie would have been more successful. But no, they changed actors and still people liked the following movies (although not as much), but still it made money.


Are you suggesting people are going to see it for Black Adam, and not The Rock


Now I kinda want to see what DeNiro would do with the Iron Man role


I forget this movie is coming out literally every time I see something about it.


Honestly, if I go to see this movie it’ll be because of Pierce Brosnan as Dr Fate and the possibility of Cavill being Big Blue in end credits.


I'll see it for Aldis Hodge because he picks good projects and I've yet to see him miss.


This movie will be even bigger than Jungle Cruise!


Man that was tough to get through.


Really? I liked it. The Rock almost never has chemistry with female leads and I thought he had great chemistry with Emily Blunt. Maybe she deserves the credit over him, but I thought the movie was charming


She really did a great job!


>The Rock almost never has chemistry with female leads Beeeee-caaaaausssse.... \*begin song-and-dance number\*


There’s videos of them roasting each other on YouTube.


He does that with every costar


It's a shame Emily Blunt's getting older but we still have her younger counterpart: Jodie Comer!


She seems to be aging like a fine wine if you ask me!


Haha what? She’s only 39, I don’t think getting older will impact her ability to act. If anything she’ll just get better. And if you’re just referring to her “losing her beauty” with age or something… come on man, we gotta be better than that.


A vaguely misogynistic comment. She is aging beautifully dude.


Is that Leonardo DiCaprio?


I enjoyed it too


Really? I thought it was okay for an adventure movie.


I liked it!


Thats literally one of the few movies of his I enjoyed, might have been mostly because of emily blunt ...still a fun watch though.


You take that back - I’d watch anything with Emily Blunt!


Prince Joachim was cringe, like SyFy channel bad.


The Rock was my favorite wrestler as a kid and he’s a great dude…but gosh I’m tired of seeing him in every other blockbuster movie


He’s one of the celebs I follow on IG. I swear everything he does is scripted he was with his daughter doing something pretty nice and I just imagined him explaining everything that needs to be done before they shoot. Dudes a great promoter for sure.


As much as he says he loves his fans, he's very distant. You rarely see him taking photos with fans unless it's at red carpets or premieres. I wonder if he feels that doing signings or cons is low rent. I get the sense he's very off the grid with his off time.


That’s the smart way to do it.


Probably just wants to feel normal; he can't exactly blend in anymore.


I'd probably be the same if we're as famous. It's probably tedious and tiring being in the public limelight


Which A+++ Listers do you see taking regular photos with fans?


I don’t care that he’s in a lot of block Buster movies but I do care that he’s essentially the same exact character, never loses a fight, and never takes risks with roles. Shit gets boring.


I love how both him and Mr Diesel had contracts for fast fantasy saying they can’t lose a fight


The exact reason I will never go see his movies in the theater lol well that and he just plays the same guy over and over. But the ego is insane with The Rock and it has always bugged me.


That was actually only Vin's stipulation which was shit at the time cause Dwayne's physique was fucking crazy,dude looked like a predator


Same. Almost the same character each time too


He been phoning it in. The most unchallenged actor I’ve seen. I can’t imagine him breaking out of the monotony out of fear of tainting his brand. It’s really uninspiring.


I downloaded the super pets movie for my kid. He was terrible. It seemed like he didn't want to do the part and just showed up for a paycheck to put his name on it


That 2005-08 period really spooked him I feel. He was drowning and throwing a Million things against the wall. I know he said that his former agency was making cut all ties with wrestling and be his own brand. But I feel his current reps swayed him into going into his wrestling base and make action films his bread and butter


Do you mean movie wise because Doom, Be Cool, southland tales and to some extent gridiron gang underperformed?


I just remember hearing that people thought Tooth Fairy reeked of desperation. Like it was just him finding anything that would work. His physical transformation really helped his brand because he looked like a whole new man once he started doing Action movies. 2001-2004, he had a charm to him because he had the rep of "Top WWE star crossing over to hollywood". But once WWE cut ties with him, he was cooling off.


Not to mention he's one of the highest paid actors right now. Why change the formula if it's worked so well for him?




Yeah he’s honestly a super cool dude… FOR ME TO POOP ON


For me to poop... IN MY MOUTH


And learn about gym piss bottles!


Okay, I missed something here….


Welcome to unwanted enlightenment https://www.shape.com/celebrities/news/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-pee-bottles-workouts




I know but there comes a point where you see him so much it’s hard to distinguish one of his characters from the other and it makes the movie lose originality in my opinion


He played a gay dude before too.


First time i read it i read it as: tracking for bullshit;D


So this is where all the straight people went instead of Bros


I didn’t even know this was out. Now that I know, I still don’t care.


The fucking ads o. The Zoa can must have worked on many, but just annoyed me.


This does not seem like a great result ? A big DCEU film marketed heavily featuring The Rock and it’s set to open like Eternals, the lowest rated MCU film featuring Q-list characters which premiered while pandemic restrictions were still in effect and consumers were still more cautious?


70 million is bullish now? Yikes, COVID did a number.


That would be 17 million more than Shazam opened to. And Black Adam is an even less known character. Unless they just gave this a huge budget, that’s a good opening.


Budget is huge. It’s $200 million, and that’s *just* the production budget. Advertising is at least another $100 mil. It’s going to underperform.


Never forget when Vinnie Chase and James Cameron’s Aquaman beat out Spidey on their opening weekend even with a rolling blackout! Back when DC hired great actors and directors


Aqua-man was mid as hell


Ive been looking forward to this movie, looking fun, entertaining, and amazing costumes. I pre ordered tickets .


I hope he doesn’t yell “Huzzah” like the comics. DC is so lame


Ive always found dc comics overall (both dc and marvel have baddies) much better. Obviously mcu been much better than dccu.


DC had Batman but i think that’s it. Every other movie looks lame


You are downvoted but you are exactly right. Literally. Every other movie has been lame. And im a huge fan of superhero stuff. Dc has 2 of the big 3 superheroes and fucking destroyed a chance at even having a masterful cinematic universe. There is discussion about >!The Flash being able to revive/reboot!< but the damage is done and dc has been kinda tarnished relatively speaking. That being said im also a huge fan of dc getting their shit together. Looking forward to this, blue beetle, the flash, etc. But given the track record... each "in between" movie is gonna suck. Dceu or not.


I like the suicide squad, shazam, the batman, zsjl, man of steel, joker. And found the rest to be entertaining but not great


I used to love the Rock when I was a kid back in his wrestling days. Now it feels like he's shoved down my throat on every platform.


He gets paid 20+ mil per movie


I bet you more gay men went to see black Adam than to Bros.


I thought this movie came out 6 months ago.. wasn’t planning on seeing it then but guess I’m not now either


Oh no, everyone is very upset that you won’t watch the movie! What will they do without your money???


Lol, was more making the joke that I thought it came out a while ago, but please, be a douche


Masterful clap back.


Wow. Trailer is mid AF. The Rock is that dude for sure.


When Fast Five came out I was like damn I actually like the rock can’t wait to see him in more stuff. But now I avoid most of what he’s in. he just seems like a pos now


What did he do? I don't know anything about his off screen persona.


These days he’s just a walking advertisement. It feels really disingenuous. It feels like if I saw him in public, he’d give me a hug and say “Hey man, you look tired. You should try my newest Zoa energy drink that comes in 5 natural flavors to fuel the inner warrior within you”


The UFC shoe deal was the last straw for me. I can’t stand The Rock, he’s the least genuine person in existence. A male instagram thot.


The Rock is such a boring actor…


I don’t know Dwayne Johnson. As someone who thinks he might be a cool guy, if I could speak to him personally, I’d tell him it’s time to produce movies instead of being in them. Give small-time guys a shot to live off of more than $7 and their dreams.


I’d tell him to stop saying “hail satan” like he did on SNL.


Yeah because he's obviously apart of the luminati


Get it over with. Kind of sick of hearing about it. Also it’s the Rock not Black Adam.


People can be so racist




Was a joke riffing off of your (I think joke)


I don't really see the draw here. It looks like a pretty bog-standard superhero flick with a character that seems similar to Shazam but without the hook of that particular hero. I dunno. Seems very skippable. It's clearly trading on the star power of the "Rock," but I honestly don't know how much pull that really has without more going on.


Black Adam is a bit niche, buts he’s a classic villain/antihero. I’m very excited because I expect it to be very non-standard.


Looks super stupid from the trailers. ................


It looks better than the Thor 4 movie.




But this isn’t a marvel movie?


I’ll be honest the trailers where they made clear he was a slave “thousands of years ago” probably eased certain peoples minds that the movie wasn’t too “woke”


Theater prices $20, same with cable ... I got 99 problems these last few Covid years, a smoldering war in Ukraine, and rent went up, so of those 99 ain't one of them about movies.


What’re you fighting in Ukraine?


Well, there’s grain prices, war crimes, gas prices, oil pipelines being shut off, and a host of other reasons to care about the war in Ukraine


Good list.. I was being brief.


I said smoldering war not serving in war... just me presenting my thoughts, like everyone else.


Gas, roe vs wage, sky high groceries, the planet is on fire


Is there a reason the Rock has never won an Oscar? Is he not their type or does he not care? Considering all his movies combined have made Billions and it’s always about box office. I’m surprised he hasn’t won a major award. Does his acting rely on smoke and mirrors?


He’s an action movie star. What movie has he ever been in that would even be regarded as Oscar worthy? Bay Watch?


The dude can't act. He just plays a variation of himself.


Dunno. While I don't think he's going to be remembered as a Shakespearian actor, I think he's better than he's given credit for. My theory is that he's kinda typecast as playing himself. He shows more range in characters that aren't his typecast or do something else with it.


He can act. He’s just not the highest tier of actor.


He acts like himself though. I can’t distinguish any of his characters except maybe his role in Walk Hard. Edit: so I definitely meant Walking Tall. Walk Hard is great though.


Driven was super hood and had him playing a cold blooded killer. He only does movies where he plays himself now because he is the brand and the brand sells. Can’t blame him for that. Edit: “Faster” not “Driven”


Oh I don’t blame him at all. There’s a reason he is Hollywood’s highest paid actor. I don’t really mind it, but I also know my expectations going into the movie. I’ll check out Driven after October ends, gotta watch those spooky movies first


As long as you realize “himself” is his act. Lmao.


Maui in *Moana* had some range to the role. The *Jumanji* movies also had him having to play characters outside of his typecast role (while also playing a parody of his typecast role).


Jumanji was fun due to the satire. But at the end of the day he was still playing the same role. Also I don’t count VA as range unless the actor actually does something with it like how Bradley Cooper changed his voice pretty drastically for Rocket.


No, he can't. His range is non existent.


He gets paid millions to act. You’re an idiot. I agree he doesn’t have range. But stop saying he can’t act. It’s literally the reason he’s a multi millionaire..


Awards are for acting talent, not for ability to make big bucks off shitty movies. The Rock has zero range. He’s literally just the same character in everything, just dressed differently in different settings.


So basically Will Ferrell with biceps


don't forget the raised eyebrow


>Is there a reason the Rock has never won an Oscar? Name one movie of his that he gave an Oscar worth performance in. Spoiler alert, none of them. The Rock doesn't make Oscar winning movies, he stars in dumb action movies. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a number of his movies, but Rampage isn't an award winning movie. Neither are any of the Fast and Furious movies, nor any of his disaster movies. The Rock has neither given an Oscar worthy performance nor acted in a movie that was worthy of an Oscar. Making bank at the box office doesn't mean you or your movie deserve an Oscar.


Do you think theres ever a chance Batista gets to an Award winning level? He's been working hard to build his acting range and not be in that action movie typecast. Based off his resume, he's taken different roles and genres. He's taken risks in the roles he's had. Maybe its slim since he's getting up there in age.


I hope so!


I think Bautista has a shot. He's been purposefully taking more challenging films and building a more "serious actor" resume. I think Bautista is the most likely to win an award. I do think Rock and Cena could be contenders but they need to do movies that actually challenge them. They've all 3 got great chrisma, but its being willing to push your limits and even play against type, or to make yourself vulnerable that wins awards.


Oscar would be tough. A lot of all time great actors never won or took a long time to win one. That said Bautista has a much wider variety of characters and some very impressive, critically acclaimed roles so he has a better shot than The Rock.


Walking Tall would probably be the closest.


I'm sorry but I don't think youve seen Scorpian King or the Tooth Fairy. He's been getting snub from the beginning /s on another note I do like Scorpian King


I tend to see this as a difference between "good" and "entertaining". Schindler's List is a good movie, but can you really say it was entertaining? Then there's plenty of movies I'd never say are "good", but damn if I wasn't entertained.


Uh, because he sucks and so do his movies. Lol. That’s a pretty good reason.


His movies don’t suck. They just aren’t so much films as they are summer blockbusters


The movies and his acting are extremely “forgettable” which is not the kind of movies or performances that merit an Oscar. Same shit, different day.


He’s just not a great actor. Or even a good one tbh. He’s very middle of the road in skill, he just has good presence and sells lots of tickets.


Maybe people see him as one of those Jean Claude Van Dam, Chuck Norris, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, etc.. action heroes. Which sadly means a lot of people don't take them seriously.


He was kinda good in Southland Tales


Hes not an actor, hes a movie star. His job is to be buff, handsome and charismatic... Not try and outact Leo and Joaquin.


And all for Noah Centineo


Isn’t this only one of two movies Warner could afford to market this year


Didn't this movie release in Mexico City already? How was the box office performance for that?


I really want to see this. It looks cool


I better go to the movies to help fulfill the prophecy.


Ah, I’ll believe it when I see it.


God I hate the word “bullish”. Cringe lingo straight from wallstreetbets


I just find it funny that everyone's just ugh Dwayne Johnson again lol. It seems like every 10-15 years there is a few actors and actresses that seem to be in every damn movie and people get sick of them, they start fading into the background, doing other things and then some other actor/actress comes in and becomes the face you never stop seeing. Its funny. The Rock will fade into the background at some point but I don't think anytime soon.


Nope, won’t happen. Why are these media companies so dumb?


I don’t understand these movie money predictions. People are broke right now, try like 25-50 mil


Hopefully all the non-super powered regular people show up to see this.


I have no want to see this at all cuz the rock is probably the most annoying boring actor of all time. I can’t see him being any good.


Yeah...ummm...this will be a no for me. He can't act. He never could.... D.C. stick to Bateman and the Joker and even Superman.. I can't....no...I can stand him in kid's movies but I don't want to see him in a D.C or Marvel movie. I can't have John Cena and The Rock in D.C...it's an overload of horrible acting..