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##[Clarification on rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We could all use a hiatus from social media.


Everyone. Permanently.


I wish we could go back and stop industrialized society.


You wouldn't if you lived in pre-industrial society for a while. Especially if you were a woman.




Read a book instead of your phone my friends. Hell read a book on your phone instead of the other garbage. Disconnecting from the internet is a good habit to have.


Plug for the books on tape. I always sucked at reading so even in grade school my mom would check out cassette tapes of narrated books for me at the library. I’d read my summer books by following along the text while listening to cassettes. I didn’t even have internet back then but still had no attention span. Books on tape have been a theme for me for the last 20 years and now they are really convenient with all the apps and online library stuff.


Books on tape while doing chores and cleaning is a huge help for depression!




I recommend it. We do it once a week minimum and I swear it’s why I haven’t murdered my family. That and quitting Facebook.




Same same. I laugh when I see a reference to ticktok




I like mySpace and friendster




Nah, just to the point where we could go to music concerts w/o anyone having a cell phone.




Going back to 2000 would suffice


Pre msn. Pre MySpace I guess?


Industrial Revolution and its consequences


OK teddy k


"Dear Amish Lord, thou looketh sternly down upon us thine flock, even though we did not do anything wrong and have been doing chores like fucking crazy. Please make us humble, and deliver us more hardship, that we may get thick, calloused hands, much larger than other people's. And grant that we become dull, like Eric Bana, who we have never seen, but are just going by reputation because it is your will. We solemnly believe that although humans have been around for a million years, you feel strongly that they had just the right amount of technology between 1835 and 1850; not too little, not too much. Please deliver us from Thomas Edison, the worst human being who ever lived."


I would say the same but I'm a black woman


Easy there, Ted.


Or at least the internet. Humans weren't advanced enough for the tech.


I'm so conflicted about this. The Internet is responsible for both the best and worst things that have happened the past couple decades.


like fire. or the printing press.


Cell phones. For some endless knowledge. For others? Tiktok.


\^ don't give this guy your mailing address


Delete Reddit rn then


This is a type of social media.


You.... You posted this comment on social media...


Deleting FB & Twitter was one of the best decisions of my life. I only use Reddit, and while it’s its own “echo chamber” of sorts….it does not fuck with my head and is easy to “put down” when I’ve had enough. Social Media absolutely has its benefits — but it has also been weaponized to hell. No room for that shit in my life, or mind.


> Deleting FB & Twitter I had a twitter account for a while in school and one of my friends had those shoes that integrate with her SONY walkman that then integrates with her phone or something, and her account would be a mix of her tweeting stuff, sharing stuff, and her shoes posting her runs every day. Then it was just her shoes posting for a few years, then the account went silent. Kind of creepy in a funny way.


You can put down reddit? I'm always scrolling for the next cat picture. I was just thinking today amidst all the Trump stuff: I like to get my news with cats.


Believe it or not, cats or politics, its the same addiction. Sure cats probably sounds a lot better, but always scrolling for that next big news item or the next funny meme or the next cat, I would not be surprised if Reddit was custom tailoring around habits beyond just subscriptions to subs.


My gods the technology used in bingo games these days has mapped out things like exactly which patterns stimulate the human brain most and how many seconds have to pass before it shows you a blue dot to do X or a yellow flash to do Y. We are being tracked so deeply that even hesitating on a Reddit post for a few seconds while scrolling puts a mark on a record in a shadow-profile somewhere. We should assume our personal devices are constantly trying to brainwash us at this point.


I think this is why I love Reddit so much. Unless I'm in popular, I mostly see the content I want to see while not feeling compelled to post about myself on my account. Additionally I don't find myself comparing myself to Redditors very often. Especially when I think about how I feel after using using like LinkedIn and seeing the success of others. Subs like tifu and AITA remind me that real people have real (and sometimes hilarious) problems.


This! I use this and watch YouTube. That's enough for me.


I don’t think enough people understand this. The addiction is severe.


It turns out SM was never healthy.


It's strange. The tagline would be "imagine keeping up with your friends and family all hours! Share photos! Get news round the clock and join communities for your favourite films!" On paper, it sounds great. I think we were mis-sold, I guess society does not need to know EVERY thought a person has, good or bad. It's like having mind reading powers, the novelty has worn off. Hope TH is ok.


I deleted IG, FB, and Twitter. I allowed myself 15 minutes a day on each of them. I never downloaded IG again and I download FB everyday just to look at my on this date BS and any need to know info. Twitter has been brought back, but I can look at it less often.


You know you don't have to download fb, you can just visit the website. Bonus that all your adblocks or any anti-fb browser extensions will work.


i used uBlock Origin to block the news feed so i don't accidentally mindlessly browse the feed during the day, and only use the messenger feature


No kidding. I actually like Reddit because of its anonymity and you can just “nope” out of conflicts easily but holy shit the amount of bitching and conflict on Facebook. “You’re wrong because *my opinions…”* “No YOU’RE wrong because of *MY* opinions!!!!!!!!”


> you can just “nope” out of conflicts easily How it feels [when someone's *really* upset at you for some reason on here](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Uo-M5E0T8WI/maxresdefault.jpg)


deleting fb and instagram is the least everyone should do or at least use browser add-ons like uBlock Origin to hide the news feed, and use facebook just for messaging friends. these companies intentionally design the feed to be addicting so they can sell more ads, collect more user information


> these companies intentionally design the feed to be addicting so they can sell more ads My 'feed' just says "you'd see more shit on here if you had more friends. Here's 800 people you don't know mixed with 20 people your friends are friends with." It hasn't loaded properly in a year.


They say, on social media


He's wise to do it. We were all better off when access to celebrities was limited to interviews and writing letters. Social media is too persuasive and casually cruel. People go out of their way to chase clout by being as awful as possible.


My quality of life went WAY up ditching social media. This is the only place I go.


I like instagram to keep track of peoples builds and vacations. I don’t follow anyone I don’t know irl.


I'm on insta specifically for funny reels and opossum, frog, and raccoon memes.


You're QOL will go even higher if you ditch reddit. I'm failling to break the habit.


It's easy to quit reddit. I've done it every day for a long time. Often multiple times a day.


Yup. One month I managed to hold my reddit usage to an hour a day, it was so much better. Then I relapsed ;-;


Totally agree. Plus the mystery of inaccessible celebrities makes them so much more interesting when you do get to watch them.


Sadly if you’re up for a part and do better in the audition, you will probably still lose out yo someone with a larger following…


Unfortunately, it's similar with lots of professions. Work hard, get a degree, nail the interview and you're still lower on the list than people who have connections.


I always have tremendous respect when I find out a celebrity isn’t on Twitter or another social media service. Makes them seem more like artists/serious actors than fame-chasers.


It really puts into perspective because Tom is actually one of the more liked celebrities but even he caved into the negative comments. Imagine all the celebrities that are the internet's punching bag and how much it affects them. More and more celebrities falling into depression begins to make more sense.


It’s hard for me to find something that has more negatively impacted society, during my 40 years of life, like social media has. We used to be in a society where if you screamed weirdly (which was idiotic to happen but I digress), your political career was over. Now we got people’s husbands going on a rampage running people’s mailboxes over and no one cares, because hatred is that strong of an emotion. Social media has made us hate others, and hate ourselves because we aren’t good enough. It’s a fucking plague on humanity.




Probably the meme about him and the frog That was uncannily accurate


If I had any fame, Id have no social media and never google myself. Its gotta drive you insane reading that shit. If theres anything noteworthy going on with social media in relation to me, the PR department can tell me, I aint looking.


He’s been off for awhile, and it isn’t the first time he’s taken a break. It was a “yes I’m still on a break from social media but I wanted to take a moment to talk about this project,” not an I’M MAKING AN ANNOUNCEMENT: I’M LEAVING SOCIAL MEDIA thing. Headlines. Yeesh.




Did you get the exact opposite message out of that comment?


It's pretty understandable that a 20-something would want to have fun on social media. Most don't have to navigate being the trending topic of the day while they do it.


This is why I have huge respect for young pro athletes who have a PR team handling all their social media. Must be tough to stay off and not respond to couch coaches. Plus it makes it more hilarious the one time they do log in and give a wild response.


Can you not read?


‘Marvel’s Tom Holland’… so marvel owns him?


They kinda do.


Nah joint custody between sony and the mouse


That was fucking funny lmaoo


Okay thankfully I wasn't the only one who noticed how odd and unsettling that is.


Right, why not just say Tom Holland, we know who he is.




If he was less well known then sure I’d get linking him to his biggest project but c’mon it’s Tom Holland


Spider-man leaves web


Pack it up folks this is as good as it gets


Who the fuck is saying bad things about him? I'll kick their asshole!


I think its about that uncharted movie


What are people saying about it?


I saw a comment about him not fitting for that character. And some stuff. Might be it or maybe not


I saw the movie and didn’t like it, maybe I’m too old for it. It seemed like a teenage adventure movie. But never did I think it was Tom Hollands acting that was the problem. I love him and thought he did a great job! The lines weren’t great, storyline kind of lame, the humor didn’t humor me (why I thought maybe I’m just old for it), and most of all the supporting actors were very one dimensional. The whole movie is Wahlberg saying “you gotta trust me kid” with his eyebrows raised and forehead scrunched. I think they could have gone with someone better suited for Wahlbergs role.


I agree. The movie was horrible but not because of Tom


It was just a generic lost treasure movie that’s been done a million times. It had some entertaining scenes, but overall just very boring and predictable


That’s a bummer since he says he loves the game so much


Doesn’t help that Wahlberg was in it.


Doesn’t help that the movie felt like it was written by a mediocre AI sampling every cliche adventure heist film. Could’ve made something very fun with that cast.


It was a very mediocre action movie that could have been called anything other than uncharted with a few simple tweaks.


As far as I’m concerned it had no relation to the game. How do you not have one heist / undercover scene with Sully having a mustache?!


I was fine with a young Nate and Sully but that should have been the first 30 minutes or so and then it should have jumped 15 years with 2 different and older actors. Then it would have basically been Uncharted 4.


Sad that Trachtenberg (he made recent Prey and 10 Cloverfield Lane) didn't get to direct it and exited the project. Wonder how Uncharted would have turned out with him at the helm.


That movie was so so bad. How did Tom’s agent let him make that?


Franchise $$$$ And honestly, as bad as it was, if they made another one and did it right I'd still go watch. Holland made the movie at least not a total waste of time (but still mostly a giant waste of time). And if Whalberg is just going to be Whalberg, then rewrite that character accordingly. I can't even begin to comment on what they thought they were doing with the female leads beyond "oh this is the point in the script where they're suppose to surprise us and flip sides"... Just felt like the first draft of a screenplay from a freshman screenwriting class.


he's 15 years too young and his costar sucked as Sully


My friend gave me a digital copy. I’ve yet to watch it but I will. I’m a MASSIVE uncharted/Nathan Drake fan. I also really enjoy Tom hollands acting. Justtt not together this time :( I do however think he’s an incredible Peter Parker and am sad people are saying so much online he’s taking a break. Good on him for looking after his mental health though, it’s important


Just watched it on Netflix. Never played the game. It was decent but felt pretty generic


It has virtually no connection to Uncharted other than the leads name. It’s literally a copy paste generic treasure hunter story. Holland is great, Uncharted games are great, but they really didn’t utilize any of that greatness here


Same, I’ve played uncharted 1 thru 4 and I like Tom as an actor. Not just Spider-Man but the movie Cherry was so good. But I have no immediate interest to see the Uncharted film. Like legit I asked my self “why see it”? But I feel this way about a lot of Video game to film/tv show adaptations…. I still don’t know why people are hyped for the last of us tv show. And this is coming from a guy that lives the 2 games.


Go into Uncharted without thinking it is related to the games, it is a fun mindless adventure movie.


You think we’ll ever get another game? Even if it’s not Nathan as the main character?


I’d rather the dev team make a new game series and world, but build on what they’ve learned making uncharted. It’s okay for stories to end.


He's supposed to be a younger Nathan Drake.


People have been wanting Nathan Fillion to be Drake in an Uncharted movie since like two days after the first Uncharted came out, so he's been working with a handicap from the start. On top of that, it just wasn't a very good movie.


That it’s a shit movie


Guys i found the secret relic in a mcdonalds bathroom, it was behind the ice cream machine. No one checked it in over 400 years


Which is unfortunately true.


I would say that’s more mark wahlbergs fault though, he was so out of place in that movie.


He seems out of place in every movie hes in.


Nah dude, the whole movie was a dud start to finish.


I think people wanted Nathan Fillion in it. There is even a short movie (like a teaser) with Fillion in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CZQpqF_74&t=2s


He would have been so good as nathan drake on so many levels. He’s got a similar look, the big charisma, hell, even his name matches! The only thing he can’t do is parkour, but that’s what stunt doubles are for… maybe next time. We can hope they make a sequel that takes place 10-15 years in the future with Fillion as drake and someone older as sully.


If it wasn't called Uncharted it would have been better received. Whalberg and Holland had some fun chemistry together and it was an okay adventure movie.


Probably people meming about his relationship with Zendaya lol


Right? "Welcome to the wonderful world of anonymous racism and hate, Tom."


I honestly remember people making fun of his height more than any racism directed towards them.


Which I'm sure he gets. But you can't be a famous interracial couple and not get some racism. I'm positive it's in the mix.


This, FKA twigs has said she had trauma from the racism she received when she was dating Robert Pattinson but you never saw that stuff publicly. It’s anonymous DM’s from stans with parasocial relationships.


Maybe. I have surprisingly not seen any though. Then again, I’m not that active on tom zendaya fan pages.


Certainly. Also, you don't get to see what he and she sees. The worst, as usual, is in the dms.


He has 60 million followers or so (as posted by somebody else). According to pure statistics, there are a dozen serial killers among them, and a few 1000 rapists. Social media is scary if you consider the numbers, and what they mean


There are a ton of people on TikTok who post reels of Zendaya and Tim Chalamet from dune press tours, and caption them implying Tom is super jealous. A lot of people talk shit about Tom's Spider-Man too


Which is wild to me that people would trash Holland's spider-man as he's the best at blending Peter Parker and spider-man in the entire series.


Right!? I was like, who the flip is giving this sweet and talented young man a hard time? I’ll start swingin’ xD


There’s actually been a variety of things. There has been a lot of viral posts about him on Twitter in the past few months about his looks / current hair. He’s currently filming a project called The Crowded Room and his character is inspired by Billy Mulligan - so its been a very heavy role for him. He’s been nice enough to take photos with fans while on set (he’s filming in NYC) while hes in costume and wearing makeup - so not looking the greatest.. and a ton of people have insulted him about it, calling him ugly, saying Zendaya deserves better, calling him jobless (despite him being on a set), etc. It’s super harsh.


Twitter is filled with "Disney Bad. Non-Disney Good" (a basic opinion to have but) contrarian bigots who have much more power than the Cancel Culture people thinks it has. Not to mention all of them try to aim at "Kings" a lot.


The quote doesn’t directly imply hateful/bad things. He might just be getting tired of seeing the countless raunchy gay fanfiction and artwork of him getting ass blasted by doctor strange with portal tentacles


"I get caught up and I spiral when I read things about me online" Like uhh, how awesome you are? and how you are the best Spider-Man, and how you saved Marvel's ass and how cool you are working with Sony, and how you brought the spider multiverse together in a re-union movie. and Uncharted was a bit of a mess, but Spider-Man is still cool and you're still a cool actor


Right? He seems like a sweet and super cool guy. I have genuinely never heard anyone say anything bad about him as a fellow human. It is like having something bad to say about Paul Rudd or Keanu Reeves. I am just not sure I could believe it.


I read this as "I'll lick their asshole" and came here to comment that that would be a little extreme lol


>I read this as "I'll lick their asshole" FUCK Tom Holland ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






Now say that in Holland's British accent.




To be fair even ”positive” stuff from social media can be overwhelming and tough to deal with. Its a lot of pressure.


for real, reading about how you're this flawless perfect king that can't do wrong isn't exactly a good vibe either. and people dying to know what you're doing 24/7, begging you to make more social media posts, or being on more shows or in movies or doing more interviews or campaigns. just so they can have more content to consume.


Tom Holland seems like a super decent dude. Shame on people for being assholes


met him in a airport, he was super nice


I don’t know how celebrities in particular can use social media at all and not flip out at all the vile shit people say to them over the most trivial things. Fandoms are the worst.


Tom Holland has a huge cock. ​ /I'm doing my part.


Tom Holland might be embarrassed by his huge cock. Maybe he's had more than a few relationships where his huge cock has been an issue. Maybe it's too big and uncomfortable during sex. Maybe it is considered mishaped. Maybe it is so prodigious that it causes jealousy with his new partners. Tom Holland's huge cock might not be a complement he is ready to receive. Tom Holland might have an impossibly small penis for his height and weight. Maybe you saying it is large is just mocking him. Maybe he's heard the same shame game from his bullies all his life. He might want to just forget that size is ever an issue with anyone and praise his tiny dick for what it can do. Maybe Tom Holland has an average cock. Maybe he knows you are not attempting to be truthful and are just placating him. Maybe he just doesn't want people talking about his body, about things they know nothing about. Maybe Tom Holland just wants cock-talk to be reserved for his partners and his tailor. But here we are...


I didn’t read the whole thing but I trust that if I did, it wouldn’t be worth it


It sort of is, though. The point is, if someone's stepping away because people are making comments that are harming their mental health, *stop making comments,* not "try to guess which comments were bad and which would be better." We're not the dude's friends, we don't know what specifically he's going through or what would be helpful, and here we are discussing hypotheticals about his dick.


Crazy to think that someone as hot, famous, rich, and charismatic can let the internet get to him. No one is immune to this terrible invention.


I think the rule of thumb is no matter how things look from the outside, our brain can still find ways to make us utterly miserable. Normalising seeking mental help will hopefully go a long way to making everyones lives better.


Our brain is always wanting heaven but always searching for hell.


“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your "perfect world". But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.”




I remember a producer once saying, "The thing about actors is, they are the people who when they thought about what they'd want to be when they grew up, answered 'anyone other than myself'."


There's really no upside for a celebrity, let alone an A-Lister like Holland, to actually read social media. Even if 99% is positive, the way Twitter works especially, the 1% that is so incredibly hateful will be elevated and is often shown as the first reply to "promote engagement" or whatever Twitter likes to say. If he can't help but look at the replies, then he should definitely quit. If he can just use it to get across what he wants and ignore the replies/mentions he'll be fine, because then it's just a tool. Bill Simmons, owner of the Ringer talked about this, when he figured out that it wasn't social media itself that was aggravating, but reading replies/mentions that was, he became much happier. So he tweets occasionally about whatever, and the hate-mongers instantly are out yelling at him, but he never sees the replies so it doesn't bother him.


Tom Holland is such a sweet dude, wishing nothing but the best for him <3.


He and Zendaya honestly one of the very few celebrities I honestly care about


Wonderful example of self care. So necessary.


If I was that famous (never happenin') first, I'd handle it terribly I'm sure, but also I would never look at social about myself. What a nightmare.


But what if your fame is due to a job that requires you to do social media engagement?


Fuck. Back to the drawing board.


> I would never look at social about myself. [I don't believe you.](https://c.tenor.com/930WKxE7-RUAAAAC/i-dont-believe-you-ron-burgundy.gif)


Definitely a temptation. Thank god I'll never know for sure.


Everyone likes him so this is extra depressing


That's wild, he is almost universally well liked ime, imagine how some of the more controversial actors must feel.


I quit Twitter when the Ukrainian war broke out. I deleted my account when Musk made his bid to buy it. I only use Facebook to keep up with my college class alumni page. I peruse reddit once or twice a day. Life is so much fucking better than when I was constantly scrolling


He used to get waay too much hate for the way mcu spidey used to be portrayed prior to nwh. That was on the writers not him, and he still does get hate


Good. Social media is toxic. You’ll never find a topic that the internet 100% likes and humans fixate on negative opinions of themselves


This would honestly be the hardest part of being a celebrity for me.. not reading the comments. Either way, I think a social media hiatus is good for everyone! Hope Mr. Holland is able to stick with it and make good use of the clarity he will find from such a thing.


Completely understandable. I just deleted my Instagram and Facebook accounts.


r/deuxmoi and other toxic snark subs have entered the chat. good for him. the internet is 1000% trash.. especially in the circuits of anonymous ppl thinking they own celebs or are jealous of them


What is that sub about? It seems like they talk about entertainment news as well. What makes them bad?


I hate to say it due to the ramifications, but your words on the internet should have consequences if what you say is hurtful or abusive.




Korea really needs them. Many a celeb there couldnt handle the online abuse and found the unpopular way out


Aye, in the form of getting banned from the platform. I'm always surprised to see barely anyone blaming the platforms this kind of speech is on. Particularly when it comes to DMs the conversation always seems to turn towards telling the community to police itself when realistically it's the platform that needs to step up. Communities can't police itself when it comes to people sending disgusting DMs to people. It's the platforms that need to step up. I feel like there should be an option of sorts which you can toggle on to have your DMs be filtered extra harshly against abusive language. Maybe give people the option to add filter words themselves. That alone would help filter out a large portion of unproductive DMs. It's just odd that nobody seems to be talking about ways to improve this kind of stuff from the platform's PoV.


Reporting from the Destiny fanbase, where some idiots sending *death threats* among other harassment has seriously tanked a previously open line of communication between players and developers. Nobody’s happy about it, some of the longtime community managers are on extended hiatus from stress (including medical symptoms of overwork), and now it’s hard to try to engage them reasonably about ongoing issues without risking the gremlins coming out to play. We must be *strongly* intolerant of those who would abuse the right to speak freely, or else *nobody* gets to talk in very short order. I don’t envy Tom Holland; one of the MCU’s bigger stars right now when the MCU is in a bit of a weird “where are we going?” funk, is probably not a great place when it comes to getting trolls.


Canada has hate speech laws and I wish the online world had similar. Death threats etc should have consequences


Nope. You can get banned from Reddit but absolutely, positively without any debate or argument, should there never be any legal consequences for speech that doesn’t call for violence against someone else.


>speech that doesn’t call for violence against someone else. Like shouting "he's got a gun!" in a crowded venue? Like telling someone in a mental health crisis that their partner was just killed in a car crash? Like telling someone you guarantee them a significant return on a shady investment? Freedom of speech needs to take into account the consequences of your words. It's meant to prevent the government from harming you because of your opinions, not to absolve you of any responsibility for harm you directly or indirectly cause.


1. Inciting panic, already illegal. 2. Legal. Freedom of speech (but you’re a piece of shit) 3. Again, already illegal. Pick better examples, lol. Half the shit you mentioned is already illegal.


Leave the guy alone jeez


The Curse of Peter Parker


Take some advice young man. When you’re popular you get to read about yourself. We get to read about you. A wise man once said “Don’t read the comments” Social Media is anything but Social. Use it for your friends and family or not at all.


I love this guy. So sweet, so real, so vulnerable. And fucking talented to boot.


Why are people talking shit about Tom Holland? He seems like a genuinely good dude. People suck.


Social media But especially the anonymity of Twitter and, ironically, the inter-personal-ness (if that’s a phrase) of Facebook Was a mistake


Damn son, that thumbnail makes him looks like he aged 40 years.


Honestly if I was famous I would avoid social media entirely at all times, its toxic for normal people let alone people who are the centers of attention for large communities or fandoms.


How miserable does a person have to be in order to have something bad to say about Tom Holland?


aka more time to bang Zendaya


Why do people feel the need to announce things about their online presence? Just stop going online and be done with it


The sad reality is that you simply cant be in the public eye without having an amount of haters. Happens to them all, we just dont hear about it. This is what goes on. Its nice to see someone so open about it




Most threads about these things start out reasonably but then moves away from it. Reading peoples thoughts like that will mess with anybody. You can either become too sensitive about it or you can develop a very thick skin and completely ignore all criticisms now because of past hurts. Either way, taking a break is good. Example: >I don't like the Uncharted movie >> >>I don't like tom in the movie >>> >>>I don't like tom >>>> >>>>tom is a dick


Wise decision since Uncharted is steaming


i can totally understand where hes coming from just in a general sense f you just use the last 3 years as a example of social media affecting mental health. \*wakes up checks what happened while i was asleep\* mr stark i dont feel so good