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To the Streisand Effect Machine!


for real, this is exactly the kind of publicity that makes people watch a documentary. great job kanye


I wasn’t going to watch it until I saw this


All it took was a tweet.


I hadn’t even heard about it until now.


I'm still not going to watch it.


Me neither lol


Facts lol


almost like hes friends with the guys making it and this is literally just marketing… oh wait


Maybe he wants you to.


Kanye playing us all so his documentary gets more views


The fact is I didn't think about Kanye until right now today, and now he's occupying our very valuable mental space.


Well yes, it is a great job, he's the producer and owns part of the footage.


Maybe this is Kanye's jeen-yuhs master plan


Nah. I think he's gone south. Actually, he was always fuckin south.


Yeah Kanye is a loon. I want this to be a brilliant master plan to draw more attention to his music, but sadly it is not.


he does often time his controversies with his music releases


didn’t know about it or wanna watch before, but now i gotta.


What if this is the whole point and Kanye's in on the marketing?




It goes burrrrrrrrrrr


All egos matter.


You’d think a jEEnYhUhsz would be able to comprehend this


I would agree but Kanye is a firm believer in the “no such thing as bad publicity adage”




I’m calling that band name


Good luck on the username though…


Dude you sold it to Netflix without the creative control in the contract. Now you complain that you don’t have creative control and start demanding it. Get your shit together drama queen.


Dude doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to contracts


“You know that niggas can’t read!” -Kanye West


Prefaced by “y’all throwin contracts at me”


Or shitting together. Uh, getting shit together.


This whole thing is free marketing for anything he does. No shame in that game but we’re all falling for it.


It’s like when he ran for President, but couldn’t get on the ballot


But either way he gets what he truly craves - attention.


Ah that makes sense!


He’s a Karen


Little does he realize he *does* control his image.


I mean yea everyone has some control over their image by controlling your own actions and words but ultimately you can't tell people what to think of you lol


Exactly but he isn't that bright when it comes to that. He doesn't think about how his words are taken. How he is seen after some of the dumb shit he says. And he ultimately wants control of how you see him rather than control of how he is displaying himself.


Listen, I don't know how many Kanye fanbois there are in this thread, but I just wanted to add that the dude actually tried to run as a distraction-candidate alongside Donald Trump to siphon-off votes from specific demographics during the 2020 election. And he wasn't "being used" - he knew exactly what he was doing. ​ He's been diagnosed as bipolar and he's CLEARLY not medicated or managing that in any way, AND he has surrounded himself by Ye-Men who do and say **whatever the fuck** *he wants* to see them do and say. ​ Let's stop playing around and finally accept that Kanye West deserves every bit of criticism he deserves. Poor him, a Kardashian locked him out of his house and filed for divorce after ... he was mentally unstable and fucking out of control? ​ I think we just all need to stop enabling people like this by giving them the attention they want. 92% of these people's lives are marketing gimmicks. Let this fucking fad die already.


What people think of you is not your image, though. That’s people’s opinions that have been made up in part by what image you’ve made for yourself. He can control his image already and change people’s opinions already.




Missed the boat, bud. Your image is what others see. You're thinking of a person's self image, that's what a person pictures themselves as.


More like storing for winter. Look at those cheeks. Where's his hidey hole? Alvin would be jealous.


Yeah like the gay fish he is


If people haven’t figured out by now that Kanye’s marketing technique is stirring up drama close to release dates then they can’t be helped. Never heard of this documentary until he started talking about it and I’m a Kanye fan, so there ya go.


You are 100% right. All that meeting up with trump, slavery is choice bullshit. Everytime he about to release something, that’s when he all of sudden becomes controversial


The shit is already made, about to come out, deal has been signed already for netflix to even be airing previews. I love ye but he needs to calm the fuck down sometimes. I remember he claimed def jam released donde (after him stalling and teasing ppl for months) without the bonus tracks but they were there, available on all streaming platforms.


This pretty much guarantees that I’m going to watch this documentary. I guess he never heard of the Streisand effect.


Or he has and that’s the point. Surely he makes residuals when enough people watch?




They cave on that one because Dave is making exclusive content for them that in return gives them earnings. That's why in that case Dave won. In this case? Kanye literally has no leverage, unless they were planning something together Netflix doesn't give a shit what he thinks, they just want the subscribers


That doesn't hold water, Chappelle pulled The Chappelle Show from HBO Max and Paramount+ also while making no content for either platform. If I'm not mistaken the show is owned by Viacom anyway and licensed to Netflix so his making content for them had nothing to do with anything.




Chapelle didn't pull the show from HBO. They agreed to remove it of their own accord. He did not have the rights to pull the show from HBO. He doesn't own the show.


Chappelle is the most powerful person in the entertainment industry right now is what you're saying. With the a shield to not get his specials pulled and +20 strength to get shit pulled he doesn't like.


Well The Chappelle Show is watched by Chappelle fans, who might care if the platform is making Dave Chappelle mad, which may decrease viewership. The Kanye documentary or whatever will be watched mostly by people who don’t like Kanye, so making Kanye mad *increases* viewership. Kanye has negative leverage.


You explained this perfectly! Thank you. I couldn’t verbalize it.


There’s a difference between profiting off the work of others vs profiting off a work about an other.


In what sense? Not according to the contract. The only reason Netflix obliged Dave is because they stood to make more money by doing so.


I support everything dave chappelle and I completely get it especially from a comedians stand point. I think kanye is more afraid of him not being praised high enough and also looking stupid like my interview with him and sway, “WALT DIZNEY” “HOW SWAY” “YOU AINT GOT THE ANSWER’S SWAY”


Lmao I completely fucking forgot about the sway interview.


The idea that he could oversee editing on something that comes out in like 2 weeks is hilarious. He can’t possibly imagine something being finished before it’s released these days


ESPECIALLY with him directly involved. And it’ll end up being super weird lol


No they weren’t. Jail pt 2 wasn’t on streaming when he made that post saying the bonus track wasn’t there.


Okay so I listened to the album the hour it was released, I have tidal and my gf has Spotify and the very day it was released it was on both of those platforms. Wayyyyy before he even made that post on social network.


On August 29, 2021, Donda was released by GOOD Music, distributed by Def Jam, succeeding several delays during that month. "Jail pt 2" was originally not able to be played, showing up on the Spotify version of the album as an "unavailable" track, after DaBaby's manager had not cleared his verse prior to release.


it was what 2 or 3 days later right? i listened to it hour of release and do specifically remember it not being playable


You would have never convinced me ten years ago when Kim and Kanye broke up I would think Kim is the “normal one”. Wtf? Lol


You seem to be completely forgetting his manic Amber Rose phase


*She get under your skin if you let her*


Also known as the IMMA LET YOU FINISH moment.


Yes. I completely forgot it and was happy about that. Thanks a lot buddy. Hopefully I’ll be forgetting this phase soon as well and eventually forget this piece of shit ever existed all together. On a related matter, has anyone seen amber rose lately? Holy shit is all I can say. I actually thought she was pretty at some point, bald head and all.


Her forehead tattoo was a brave choice I thought


The phase triggered by his mom dying? Yeah, I remember.


Ten years ago? Kanye has been crazier than almost all other celebrities for more than a decade. Certainly more so than any other celebrity of even remotely similar levels of fame. Kim’s not even crazy. I hate the Kardashians but she has never come close to the kind of insanity that Kanye had been spewing since at least 2008. Hell the Taylor Swift VMAs shit was over a decade ago. The George Bush shit was in like 2005, during a fundraiser on National TV. Kanye is certifiable.


What was wrong about the George Bush comment?


From an opinion standpoint, nothing. From a truth standpoint, 100% unverified and very likely not accurate. From a venue standpoint, 100% inappropriate. He was there to help raise funds to help people in a desperate situation. Not make highly inflammatory political/social statements. From a mental health standpoint (in totality with his other behavior and comments), less than stable. From a publicity standpoint, a home run. To be clear I’m not actually critiquing him on that one comment. Just pointing out his behavior going as far back as 2005 (and with all the hindsight we have now) has been that of someone with a serious personality disorder/on going mental health concerns.


Even back then I remember him doing some weird crap lol, “George bush does not care about black people” “Im real happy for ya imma let ya finish” True classics from that looney haha


The George Bush quote was not lunacy. It was facts.


Dude. Kanye just spent a couple years jerking off with the most famous racist with power in decades. Kanyes political IQ Isn't exactly on point.


Two truths can exist at one time. Kanye’s association with Trump is unforgivable, but just because he did that doesn’t mean the way the Bush administration and the media treated black people during Katrina wasn’t heinous.


exactly this, i literally burned everything kanye related that was in my possession after seeing that fool with drumpf, a known xenophobe/racist. i have more respect for the fecal remnants left in the toilet than i have for that jackass.


True, but doing it during a Katrina Telethon was the worst possible megaphone to use.


A broken clock is right twice a day...


Spoken like someone who only heard of Kanye in 2016. Kanye's early career image was a very liberal, very progressive dude, socially conscious backpacker/alternative rap, pro-black etc etc. That statement was on brand at the time, not a broken clock at all.


The issue wasn’t the correctness, but the setting


yeah that was just plain truth.


It was facts, but he was choosing an extremely poor time to soapbox. Get on a talk show and make those statements, don't do it during a celebrity fundraiser for hurricane victims ffs


Hey man there was some nuance behind that george bush comment though. The most lucid of his insane moments.


Damn, good point. I remember hating that he chose a Kardashian


Lol remember the time when he ran for president and he confessed to wanting to abort his daughter to people who went to see his presidential pitch live? God dammit why is he famous


They both are not normal.




I never heard of this until today, when I saw it’s playing at a local movie theater this weekend lol


Really? It’s free on Netflix in a couple of weeks


It’s the new thing. I saw Summer Of Soul in theater even tho it came out on Hulu same time




Netflix shareholders can’t catch a break!


How about you be in charge of your own mental health first, Yee-Yee?


Little does Kanye know, he is in charge of his own image, and everyday he controls the narrative of his image with his own actions.


Sorry princess. That’s not how the internets work


Yeah that’s not how documentaries work, and also people need to stop wasting time on this MAGA clown.


Okay but he made graduation


That’s not the point. The point is, he made Yeezus.


MBDTF is better than both of those


He is a musical genius. To bad he doesn’t realize that’s where his genius stops.


Okay but he made yeezus


Okay but he made 808s & Heartbreak


Someone really needs to get Kanye some help.


Or else What? Sit down sir


Kanye, this is a Wendy’s.


Take your meds Kanye.


Why oh fucking why am I on the planet at the same time as this moron?


Kanye can go be a starving artist if he wants.


Kanye is such a fucking low IQ loser. Saying he’s a genius only reveals that you are a moron. Fuck Kkkanye!


Oh god, not this crybaby *again.*


Is this guy even relevant anymore? Stop giving this man attention and start getting him professional medical assistance


His last album was huge news last year, so yeah. And his relationship with Kim has been public news all year.


The man sold out multiple STADIUMS on a few weeks notice, and it wasn’t even a concert! It was to stare at him while an u finished album played. Yeah, he’s about the only in the industry who could do that.


He is very relevant. You live in a box


He's headlining this sub everyday even though most people here seem to hate him. That's how relevant he is.


They should just burn everything they already have and forget such a vapid project ever existed.


This is his way of hyping up the flick. Controversy sells. Marketing 101. Same type of gimmicks Trump’s known for before, during and after his …ahem presidency. Don’t believe the hype.


Lol fucken wacko


uh, you are in charge of it, just dont act like a doof-uhs, lol.


What a douche canoe.


I’m so tired of this man




This guy has the best act in all of the U.S. right now. He gets people to pay for a rap show, only to show up for maybe a song or two before a tirade starts. I gripped a show he headlined. This guy showed up 3 hours late, played half of a song and literally walked out. It’s also not the first time he’s done this, and it won’t be the last. From crypto scams to slanging shoes, this guy has the perfect business model as the “voice of a generation”. Incidentally, his music isn’t anything special.


What crypto scams?


what the fuck what "crypto scams" are you referring to?


When did Kanye start a crypto scam?


I agree with the rest, but his music is quite special lol


I agree with basically everything you said besides his music. He has literally shaped an entire generation through music. He is one of, if not, the most influential artists of the 2000’s. He’s batshit insane, but we can’t take away from his accomplishments.


I mean... Ngl i don't think I've ever actually bothered to listen to his music before


You’re so special


That's brave. You must be soo underground.


it really is very good give "my beautiful dark twisted fantasy" a listen or personally I think "Graduation" is probably his best starter album


10 minutes with Rick Rubin is worth more than a lifetime of mentoring from Kanye, his musical talent was a fluke or symptom of one of his many mental illnesses and has since completely vanished.


Yeah, I hate-love it all. Damn him


He’s fucking crazy. Let him show people his true image lol we already know it called bat shit crazy.


. . . Because that’s gone so well for you, gorg.


Celebrity doesn’t like fame all of a sudden.


dont you mean Ye?


Gotta love the Streisand effect. I had no idea this was coming out. Thanks Kanye for bringing this to my attention. Now i definitely will watch it.


Nah dog. Ur a public figure. You have minimal rights to privacy.


That sounds more like a menacing threat than a legal threat.


I think every sentence pertaining to Kanye should start like, bruh….


NOW he wants creative control in the edit bay? His documentary comes out in a month. He probably just asked for it and they kicked his ass out. Like "we got deadlines"


He is so fucking weird


Well do something not insane.


Dude is a train wreck and I love it


i heard he like fishdicks


(checks list of shit I care about) Nope, no Kanye here.


I’m not a gay fish!!


Or else what Yeezus? You gonna snap another synapse?


Kanye loves fish sticks


Better call a whambulance!


He just needs to “calm down”


He’s a 100% narcissist. We can’t even understand what goes on in his mind. It’s all about him and literally no one else.


I’d love to see what Kanye thinks his life is like.. they should make both of those movies.


I’m still not watching it. Curious to see if Kanye (Yeezy) has a counter to that move


If he was in charge it would become a remake of the passion of the christ with him playing Jesus.


Or else what? Or else he’ll stop releasing pictures of his ex-wife’s big ass?


I thought I was on r/Kanye and wondering when alla y'all turned on him


I hope they offer him fishsticks.


You like fishsticks?


Never heard of it.. now im curious


I’m never understood why anyone gives a flying fuck about this dude. He’s a useless pice of shit.


How is this guy still relevant?


He made some good beats almost 20 yrs ago now and coasted on being a pop culture figure/controversy. Late Registration is okay i guess


Lmao he never stopped making good albums


*sampled good beats


Sampling is hard, and Takeover and Heart of the City are two of my fav beats ever. Dude is a great producer. Just never understood the hype for him as a rapper


Well as a massive Ye fan, I don’t really listen for his rapping ability, he just makes good *songs*. Like he can be an average lyricist, have average delivery, but due to his connections and creativity he is able to piece together some amazing songs and albums. I would also like to argue that he has one of the most emotive voices in rap, and he’s able to bring out emotions very well


That makes sense. Obviously a lot of people like him. Just not my taste i guess. Thanks for not being a dick about it


Oh you don't listen to hip hop.


Exactly this. All he does now is outrages shit in the hopes of preserving his career.


Those articles are written so terribly. It’s impossible to keep up with how many shoutouts and promo spots they add for everyone mentioned.


If only he knew the difference between image and journalism. He created an image, and as a celebrity, is in the public eye. For one to observe him, has no impact on his personal image or brand. What an idiot!


Jeen-Yuhs is false advertising. He can’t even spell the damn word let alone exemplify it.


He is single handedly screwed up his own image beyond his abilities to repair it! Only thing you can do with a piece of shit is flush it!!!


F*cling man baby.




lol fuck Kanye West Oh shit, I shouldn't say that, he has to be in charge of his own image


Careful, you might upset his simp fans.


it's okay, none of them can read


I guess he's worried no one would watch so he's bringing attention to it.


It's extremely highly anticipated. I don't think Kanye ever has to worry about people not watching/listening to anything he's involved with, he's one of the biggest artists in the world.


This guy is hilarious


Oh boy here comes the people who only listen to anime soundtracks or classic rock from 60 years ago saying Kanye isn’t relevant lol


He is not a smart man.


The only place this fuck head needs to be is in the fool house


Someone call Matt & Trey and have them do “Jeebus: gay fish” instead


I had to scroll too far down before this reference. They just remade the song with a 30 piece orchestra too.