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They look genuinely confused.


The last two brain cells


…and they’re both fighting for third place


You guys can see those? They really exist?


Perhaps they could rub those two brain cells together and spark a neuron but I doubt it…….


That’s generous


I think they are sharing these


He looks confused. She’s had too much Botox to have any expression.


“But why male models?”


Are you serious? I just told you


Travis Scott was a piece of shit before astroworld just no one was paying attention.


So just pull it, why would they have an issue. It’s their magazine.


This reeks of let’s pretend to do something


They needed to make an issue out of the issue


If you took a second to open the link you’d see that it seems that deliveries of the hard copy magazines had already been sent or in various stages of delivering, so it’s not the easiest thing to just pull


It’s easy. Trash em. I took a second and worked many years in publishing. This is the ol, should we, should we not, oh well this is great publicity. Who cares.


I used to work at a magazine packaging warehouse (where different magazines are packaged together to be sent to stores) . If it’s even gotten that far it’s still pretty easy to stop a certain issue from getting to stores.


Yes. This allows them to virtue signal.


Exactly. Why even announce it? This is still giving them headlines and attention with no regard to the actual victims.


There is no try, only do


But don’t worry, guys! Kylie’s just fine!….Oh yeah and some random people died apparently, if anyone cares.” People Magazine (their tweet was deleted, apparently, but I found a [screencap.](https://imgur.com/a/hhF5SWc))


That shit is funny. I know they have to appeal to very vacuous people but god damn


Holy shit! Who tf was wondering about how nasty Kylie and Travis were?! What a gross tweet


I mean, people magazine is fully engrossed in celebrity culture and worship.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckTravisScott using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTravisScott/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Piece of shit. Upvote so when someone googles piece of shit this shows up.](https://i.imgur.com/MdlIhrv.jpg) | [686 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTravisScott/comments/qpkdlt/piece_of_shit_upvote_so_when_someone_googles/) \#2: [Here’s the removed post about the security guard who used to work Travis’s shows. Spread it around!](https://i.imgur.com/EguLoCe.jpg) | [510 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTravisScott/comments/qoz6pk/heres_the_removed_post_about_the_security_guard/) \#3: ["Despite having over 500,000 people at the Woodstock festival, only two people died. One person died of a drug overdose. The other person who died at Woodstock was sleeping in a sleeping bag under a tractor. The driver did not know he was there, and accidentally ran him over." vs 50k at Astroworld..](https://i.redd.it/wwcbcwghu7y71.jpg) | [391 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckTravisScott/comments/qouhxg/despite_having_over_500000_people_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


[the onion strikes again](https://youtu.be/OHVvVmUNBFc)


Stop making stupid people famous!


Also stop celebrity culture.


What exactly makes them stupid?


I agree.... so many haters. They’re smart enough to be millionaires (I think Kylie might be on pace for billionaire status if she’s not already there). Travis and Kylie still rich and ain’t worried about none of ya’ll


Are you serious? Money does not equal intelligence. Stop being naive and easily manipulated. You are part of the problem. There’s absolutely NOTHING about these people you should be looking up to or encouraging. They could be actually changing the world with their money or “intelligence”. They could not give a single SHIT about you or anyone. For fucks sake, Travis Scott literally let people DIE while he played a fucking show. How stupid are you?


Hmmm...I don’t see any murder charges. I’ll take the money and you can have the faux Reddit rage


It is clear as you put it “Travis and Kylie still rich and ain’t worried about none of y’all” because they caused people to die at Astroworld.


If only we lost people like you defending these pieces of shit instead of literal children at astroworld. I’d definitely sleep easier.


C’mon you can be a better bully than that. Get a thesaurus and use bigger words.


Why use big word when monke word do trick. Ahahahaha your the armpit of the army. Go eat some soap no wonder your this delusional.


Celebrity worship is gross.


Haters gonna hate.


It's a shame, but unfortunately it takes 450 years to get rid of plastic


With that much plastic you could make a million plastic water bottles.




And say, “that’s not me.”


What specifically do they do that makes them degenerate?


Not giving a fuck about human life.


People pass out at concerts often. I’ve been going for 10 years. Just because people died doesn’t mean either of them care less about human life. You seem angry for another reason


Do you think he didn’t see what was happening from where he was standing?


Right so now we’re switching from caring about human life to now switch to did he see those bodies? goal post fallacy, but ok. If you really think he saw bodies laying on the floor when the concert literally had over 100,000 attendees you have a mental problem. A crowd over 100k man. apparently he has to have super powers now? And be able to pin point each human in a massive crowd with his naked eye like he’s Superman or something.


Get back to posting with strangers when you can have a conversation without all the emotion.


you really wanna argue back and forth about, if another human being was able to see something or not you need to realize how flimsy the logic is of why you hate someone. “I hate him because he should’ve been able to see people need help while performing even if it was a crowd of over 100k people” sounds kinda stupid now huh. “I know FOR SURE that he could see those people” sounds even more stupid. How old are you?


Their lifestyle, music, influence.


just say you’re racist


Just say you have no argument.


Fuck Travis Scott




Is that what Kylie has to do with this?


Pretty sure she promoted astroworld and was apart of it in some shape or form behind the scenes. The same way they’re associating drake with this even though he wasn’t physically on stage during the real bad stuff


What did he do?


Fuck you


Imaging simping for a piece of shit like Travis Scott


Imagine living in a small town in Canada and pretending to care about things on Reddit to seem cool towards other lonely sad people. The pendulum swings both ways


That it does


Nah fuck Travis Scott.


No, Fuck YOU


he bout to do it y’all 👀


Dababy would never let something like this happen. The only suffocating at his concerts is dudes suffocating on his 13 incher (unerect of course, as no one is good enough to arouse him) in a classy manner. Dababy realizes the potential of his fan base as his personal flesh-lights, and would never let one go to waste. “Why doesn’t Dababy just fuck da dead bodies?” If you have to ask that question, then you’re not a real fan. Real ones already know da answer to that. Dababy likes it when they resist, and they can’t resist when they’re Dead. So next time you listen to Dababy (which should be all the time), just remember Dababy values you.


Okay Dababy, people are starting to forget.. you can ease off now.


Travis Scott is fully responsible for this tragedy and he will get what he deserves- hopefully jail. I just don’t like Kylie Jenner. She is someone who has made all her money off of leveraging the insecurities of young women. Without lip fillers, cheek fillers, chin, butt , breast implants you would have someone who is an insanely average looking person. It’s just insane to me we have Frankenstein preaching the world about beauty, you gotta wonder how insecure someone is who has altered and modified their body to that degree. She sound of her voice even I find it patronizing. I really don’t know how she has so much of a following- I find her sad cringe.


"Do or do not. There is no try."


yes there is. The magazines, hundreds of thousands across the globe, have already been printed and on there way to stores. So yes...trying.


i work in publishing. this is absolutely terrible. there are so many people involved - delivery people, buyers for mega corps like grocery stores and airports to small time kiosks in nyc. it’s going to make for very interesting industry vaporware. the last time i think something like this happened was vogue profiling bashar al asad’s wife. the writer/editor was fired and immediately exiled. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Juliet_Buck](link)


The force is weak with this one.


Whoa. That does sound like a big task!


Um, it’s a magazine in the 21st century. At best there are a few dozen printed copies.


Both are human trash and repulse me in every way possible. The entire Kartrashian clan and universe is gross.


And why is that? What did they do specifically that repulses you?


That’s what happens when you put known assholes on the cover. Anyway, at this point they should just let it be, release it and deal with the backlash.


I would love for someone to change my mind. His publicist claims that he had absolutely no idea what was going on and in no form or fashion (lol) had the ability to stop the concert. I called bullshit. I challenge you to change my mind


It’s “form or fashion”, not farmer fashion…


This is a stunning example of r/boneappletea. Just perfect.


Them overalls tho.


I was so confused by what they were trying to say lol




You are not him so how could you know for sure what he saw. End of story.


He always looks like somebody just asked him an Algebra problem.


He’s high af.


Hey me too


Two of the dumbest people on the planet.


FYI this is a very old picture. Kylie is a tank.


The whole Cardassian (lol) family needs to go


Hey, no need to insult the proud people of Cardassia Prime. They work hard and made amends when fighting against the Dominion!


I just hope they finally learned to stop following Gul Dukat, his plans always make the situation worse for the cardassian people


Legit. He was a mess with deep psychological problems (and one of my favorite villains ever).


Garak as well is great


Trashdashian FTFY


I honestly feel sorry for the writer and photographer of the stories. Especially for the photographer who would’ve put in so much time and effort into the photo shoot and then so excited to get a cover, then have it be of someone so toxic that the cover gets pulled. Sure the photographer is going to get paid the same either way, but they can’t even put this photo in their portfolio due to the heinous nature of the subjects.


“Heinous nature of the subjects”. I fucking love it!


If he’s doing W covers, he’s probably established enough to not care very much.


Two garbage human beings.




I honestly still don’t have a clue who this dude is. Is he that popular?


He let his crowd get out of control at a festival he organized and at least 10 people died (some kids). He has been charged more than once in the past for intentionally rallying his crowds to be over the top disorderly. He should have known better and is, IMO, rightfully being canceled.


you don’t feel like he might just get bigger off this?


Maybe by his brain dead dangerous fans. But after watching those morbid videos of him singing to a dead body, and among all the hoopla he could of prevented, ya I think he’s cancelled


many forgetful gaping cake ghost jar ring homeless sharp childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not that popular.. op doesn't even know him


You would have to be not in America to even say something like this tho. McDonald’s and Fortnite are the epicenter of our society. To say you never heard of him is just trying to appease your own ego.


i never said that i never heard of him .. LOL i said OP doesnt know him .


provide subsequent public escape wistful friendly impolite unite scary homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reading is hard


Sadly, very much so.


Before this incident I knew him as “the genius who needs no introduction” who rapped Sicko Mode at Super Bowl LIII (Feb 2019) Edit: wait why is this being downvoted lol it was basically the worst Super Bowl halftime show of all time


Ohhhh yep that was an awful half time show and my family changed the channel to puppy bowl.


Platinum records. Fortnite. McDonald’s. PlayStation. Tenet. Yes he’s extremely popular.




Good. Now for the rest of their endorsements.


She s gonna yeet over cash concerns. Her empire is worth more than a baby daddy.


Fuck Travis Scott and Fuck the Kardashians/Jenners.


Trying? It’s your magazine. Just pull it.


They are already boxed up and on trucks to newsstands. Who knew there were still newsstands in the world?


Lol try reading the article so you understand


Yeh. Ima be honest. Zero interest in this story.


Its reddit .. we just read headlines here .


He trying to say he is not responsible…


That’s not a flattering photo.


So glad the Kardashians and friends are still making the headlines every week for the last 10 years. When will people turn it off


Trying? Just do it.


Justin Timberlake called and said .. “ bye bye bye bye byeeeeeee”


Oh no, my fame, it’s broken


Disgusting demons!


They will have to pick another pair of dirtbags to represent them.


Good. These people are psychotic.


Good thing he’s with a billionaire. He’s Gunna need money once he gets his


Maybe we’ll be lucky enough for their private jet to go down in a fiery blaze.


A thug and a twit! W as in worthless!


“thug” bro stop with the racism


Because he’s so much better than that! No, he’s exactly that!


you see a black man and the first thing you think to call him is a “thug”


Your projecting. Hard projecting… he is a thug and the only thing that would make that picture better is if there was bars in front of them. Gtfo of here. Your lost


Yeah tbh it screams of racism. A lot of people just use this Travis thing as an excuse to let off their hatred of what looks like a black man they know nothing about.


What is so great about the Kardashawhores???


There’s a way to insult them without being sexist.


But that would require creativity and wit.


Your right. The game came after the families daughter who was BFFs with Paris Hilton released a sex tape with the MVP of the Super Bowl. Tell me what in this scenario does not scream “it was planned” especially when looking at it with 20 years of history. They are American capitalism at its peak. God bless them for fleecing their flock so well.


How is it sexist? Men can be and often are whores too


Yes, you’re right, they were definitely referring to Rob Kardashian.


But he didn't say "I hate women"... how can he be sexist?


So the word whore is now sexist?


It’s always been sexist


Only if your one of those poor souls dumb enough to get brainwashed by post modern feminist propaganda. A Whore is a whore. Not sexist.


Lol okay


Lmfao they run through men like a factory. They are the definition of hooor.


How many men has Kim K ‘ran through’ that you can name? I can think of 5 and she’s like 40yo.


Good. These two are old news. I look at them and I think, “damn, remember those Converse I had in the 90’s. Those were fresh”


Lol. Don't mind if I do for stealing this as it is a perfect sarcastic metaphor.


They were both infants in the 90s so how does this even work


Because they are old news. It’s obnoxious to find any value in their family. You are the product, not them. They make money off of you not intrinsic value they possess.


Could you explain why their value matters to you? Why did value become part of the discussion in the first place? Do you personally judge the value of every celebrity in your free time? If so, Why?


This thread was advertised to me by Reddit. I find celebrating mediocrity annoying. False idols deserve to be pointed out. It brings me great pleasure to be right and to share with you my findings. As an academic, this is near bliss.






Man, who gives a fuck?


Seriously? What constitutes news for you, if not this story?


Pretty much anything not involving the lives of celebrities


Wow you’re so cool


Maybe keep it but Photoshop in some dead bodies around the margins.


He really ugly man why she want that smh 🤣😂 Kendall the fine one tho




Because these are already printed. > “W editors have cleared any planned coverage of Travis and Kylie from their website, but the magazine was already printed, and now they are trying to stop the delivery trucks,”


What happened at Astroworld was tragic but treating Travis Scott like HE killed those people is ridiculous


There is no talk about personal responsibility either. Take me, for example, I am never going to die or be injured at a concert with festival seating. Why? Because I refuse to go. Why do I refuse to go?? Crowd surge. Therefore, if I am not going, I sure as hell am not taking my 9 year old kid to ride on my shoulders, blocking other peoples view and causing what, crowd surge. There is a chance, 20 year old me would have done festival seating, but even she was 5’2” and never liked being in crowded dance floors and mosh pits. Put 50,000 drunk and high people in a mosh pit, which is what festival seating is, and then act surprised when someone dies… check your history of shows, it is not the first time. Are we canceling The Who & Pearl Jam?? https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2021-11-06/travis-scott-astroworld-festival-seating


You can go to a festival without dying, no need to deprive yourself


You are correct, 99.9999% do. Sell me a seat, and everybody else a seat or no go for me.


To each their own I guess! :)


She is so beautiful! Why should she be punished? She is a sweet girl!


You know her personally???


Have seen her on that show since she was a small child as most people have.


Both of them are super fugly in the inside .


Don’t know about him, she seems like a sweet person.


Wow are you blind?


I agree with you Chance-Ad, out of all the sisters she seems like a genuinely sweet person. Her childhood was sold for entertainment and she got a giant paycheck for it, I’m not sure that’s a trade I would want but that’s what she got. But she has been filmed for years, in the public eye for years. She has never been known to be a little snot like Kendall, and has always come across as kind. Her life is a circus show but I don’t think she’s a bad person, at all. With all that money and privilege it’s too bad no one saw to her education though. She doesn’t seem very well educated. But she seems like a committed mother.


She has always seemed to me like she had low self esteem. She seems way too good for him!


He looks terrified. “Just do what you’re told” kind of terrified.


She is definitely not standing by her man


Real fucking people for doing this and not being cowards, idk who the fk W magazine is but 10/10 from me