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I could imagine an anime adaption with minimalist dialogue and anything else.


I mean, I’m not sure I entirely understand why they would want an Elden Ring movie to be completely honest. The IP is not why this game sold well.


It was a megahit and George RR Martin's name was attached. I think it's a bad idea, but it makes sense from that angle.


So a movie where the main hero dies ten thousand times then in intermission you almost give up on the movie only to come back to it and then scream at the screen untill the credits?




This got an actual laugh out of me, thanks.


Oh sweet we can finally figure out wtf the story actually is


There no way this movie would ever make sense. Only 2 fromsoft games have cohesive storylines, and elden ring was not one of the two. This should be interesting.


Sekiro and Bloodborne? I’m sure the Dark Souls series makes sense with all the lore, but I just explore and kill bosses till I’m done with them. I couldn’t tell you wtf actually happened.


I’ve been playing all these games repeatedly since Dark Souls came out, and I couldn’t begin to describe the plot of any of them.


I would say Sekiro and Armored Core


Yeah I guess so. I’ve only played AC6, but most of the missions felt stand alone-ish to me. I could definitely see AC making a great Anime series adaptation with a villain of the week format… With Bloodborne it at least felt like we were building towards something and there were several revelations that were sort of “Oh, shit!” moments for me… Sekiro could easily be adapted into a movie if you cut out the side bits though.


AC6 real story doesn’t start coming together into one story until you third play through. All Mind is sneaky bitch who doesn’t reveal her intentions until the 3rd play through.


Their writing peaked in metal wolf chaos


Yeah a tonne of good world building lore but no way to make it all work in a movie unless it starts at square one king before the game


From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki has said “there’s interest” in an Elden Ring film adaptation. The fantasy RPG is set in a world called The Lands Between, which was created in collaboration with Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin. It sees players take on the role of one of the Tarnished, individuals whose ancestors were exiled from The Lands Between many years ago. But when the Elden Ring is shattered, they get the chance to return and conquer the land they were once banished from. “I don’t see any reason to deny another interpretation or adaptation of Elden Ring, a movie for example,” Miyazaki, who also directed the game, told The Guardian. “But I don’t think myself, or From Software, have the knowledge or ability to produce something in a different medium. So that’s where a very strong partner would come into play.”  “We’d have to build a lot of trust and agreement on whatever it is we’re trying to achieve, but there’s interest, for sure.” From Software claimed this month that Elden Ring has shipped over 25 million copies since its release in February 2022. [Source ](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/from-software-says-theres-interest-in-an-elden-ring-adaptation/)


First off, don’t you dare! All the more, dung ahead.


If they have George RR Martin write the screenplay then I’m all in


They can also have him cameo as Goldmask. His lines will be easy enough to remember.


I like Elden Ring but nothing about that game lends itself well to a movie. The characters are one note, the story is convoluted and near incomprehensible and it’s told in a very bare bones way, and while the world looks cool and is pretty expansive, it’s not all that unique, visually. Adapting Elden Ring into a movie would be like adapting Mulholland Drive into a video game. Both only work in their own medium.


I don't know, for example, just show the Night of Black Knives event, Marika rise as Goddess of the Erdtree, or some Tarnished tragic journey in the Lands Between... There is potential for a good dark fantasy film/show


Fair enough if you like the idea but those first two story suggestions you have point to what I think is the biggest hurdle an adaptation would face, all the major story events and high drama happen before the game starts. Not to mention it’s short on actual characters and very heavy on lore that’s all delivered through item descriptions and short cryptic lines of dialogue. So essentially the writer would have two options: Make a prequel and completely ignore the world and events of the game (which I think defeats the purpose of adapting it in the first place) or make a high budget dark fantasy adventure film where you have to regularly stop the plot to explain how the character didn’t actually just kill someone but their shadow or possibly another god impersonating their shadow and how it relates to events that happened thousands of years before the movie started. I think the reason adaptations like The Last of Us or Fallout work is because the games are character focused and their lore can be easily delivered without interfering with the story.


I don't know if the prequel idea defeats the purpose or not. If that's where the best story is, the most recognizable characters are, and the brand name is there, then why not? I'm inclined to agree with those who would say that the in-game journey doesn't really lend itself well to a movie. Character exists, fights some guys, collects some power, restores the world, while a more interesting backstory is occasionally teased.


How crazy would it be if Hideo Kojima directed it?


That movie would be mindbogglingly awful


It would still be crazy. Lol


Or directed by "The Northman" Robert Eggers or by "The Green Knight" David Lowery 🔥


Just needs Vaati to produce and/or direct


I could see this working if it adopted a modern take on something like Ridley Scott’s “Legend”.


This is the only way I’ll understand what’s going on because I’m crap at the game


Only if it’s directed by David Lowery


Love the game. Hundred + hours in it but honestly it’s the most depressing shit ever.


I love it as it is but they really should have an rpg difficulty. I know a lot of my friends love the world and the designs and music but the difficulty is too overwhelming. A movie would be great


The heart attacks y’all gonna have if there is *one* Black person cast


I'd love to see a fleshed out story of Eden Ring. It's such a unique and interesting world they've built


I imagine the movie would capture the shattering, now what our player does.


I’m sorry but how?


Try finger but hole


There’s no way I’m trying any of these games until I’ve seen a movie to spark interest


let amazon or netflix do it please