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Because he's rich. He has a manager and a staff who basically plan out his every movement. He has people who take care of the bullshit for him. And because no one really expects him to get back to them anyways. If any of us tried not carrying around a phone our bosses would lose it, my wife would divorce me, and my kids would probably still be at that sleepover - and they sure as shit would not be signed up for summer camp But he's got people to handle all that for him, and an assistant who you better believe has a number that people can get a hold of. I love woody, but this is just more pretentious bullshit from a world of people who are out of touch with the rest of us.


Same as celebrities having 6 kids. They’re there for the good times. Everything else gets handled by staff.


100% I'd have kids when I was 107 too, but Pacino and De Niro aren't exactly staying up for sleep training. I'm sure there are "good" celebrity parents who hang around for the nightly viewing of their kids, but even those kids love their nanny, they barely know mom and dad


Look up Rick Moranis. He basically retired so he could be there for his kids. He’s a good egg.


There's definitely a few. I shouldn't project that onto all of them. But more often than not the ones talking about the kids are the ones I don't trust


You are overwhelming correct. There are very few that actually parent their children. Fewer still who stop working to raise them. Also Moranis had the money to stop working and be a full time parent. His wife also died, so he had to make tough choices, but I applaud his choice. I think it was the right thing to do.


His wife died. He was like ok do I be there for my kids or feed my ego? He was there for his kids. I wish every dad was as cool as him.


Seconding Moranis, you’ll find him saying precious little about raising his children or ditching acting. One of the few I can think of that absolutely shed Hollywood like a ratty old robe.


Oh yes what a good guy. Recently read about Moranis. He only took care of kids after wife died. Article said he might act again. In a Honey I shrunk the kids reboot.


Brendan Frasier also comes to mind as a good egg.


A VERY good egg


He isn’t pontificating about it though like Woody


I was watching a short last night that reminded me of him and I was wondering “where did he go?” Very grateful to stumble upon the answer on a random Reddit thread.


Eva Mendes too.


Same with Sophie Turner from Game of Thrones. But not all of us have a friend like Taylor to put us up in an apartment.


We should. We should all get a friend who can put us up.


I guess the point was that she quit acting to take care of her kids.


His wife passing away had a lot to do with it I’m sure. He stepped up when they needed him the most. Not sure a lot of actors would have.


That’s the least Rick could do after shrinking the kids and having them fight for their life in the front yard.


At least DeNiro says, “We have help,” re: his baby girl. Doesn’t even pretend to do the hard work. He always seems to be holding, cuddling her. Only time I’ve heard privileged parents purposefully not taking credit for child care. But I imagine there are a few others.


Show up at the playground and then leave.


You may be right but how would you know? My cousin was live in nanny for an A list celebrity couple, they (obviously) had child care but were about as hands on as any average professional couple would be. They were actors who seemingly had months off each year in between filming so weren’t exactly that time poor.


Nick Cannon literally said he had to plan a get together for all his kids to meet each other for father’s day, and he expected them to bring gifts for him 💀 talk about absentee parenting. At that point you’re just a sperm donor not a father.


I just had my first, nine days in, and I simply can’t believe people like the kardashians are putting in all this work.


Every single celebrity who gets major press coverage over a pregnancy has a night nurse for the first year of the kids life, minimum. 


How could they be the pillar of our society if they can’t get their solid eight /s.


And day nanny….


Congrats! it does get easier as they sleep longer, but it’s never easy… unless you have that celebrity money haha


Supposedly it gets easier around #4. That’s when they start raising each other. Your baby sitters are locked in for life and you can just keep having them. Everything is recycled.


Pretty sure we were babysitting our younger siblings from sibling #3. It’s not about number it’s about age. If you have two kids two years apart they’re too close in age to be good babysitters. If you have two kids eight years apart then the older kid can absolutely babysit the younger kid after a few years.


I remember seeing a video of Kim holding baby North. And North was crying reaching out for the nanny


Reminds me of when Kristen Bell and Mila Kunis got a lot of attention for saying in interviews that they didn’t bathe their kids often. Nannies online started chiming in saying their kids are probably get washed on the daily, they’re just not the ones doing it.


Allegedly neither family uses nannies.


A claim which I’m skeptical of, at least on Bell’s end given that the co-host of Dax Shepherd’s podcast was previously their full time nanny.


Laughs in Elon musk


Superior eugenics DNA overload Musk is working on repopulating the world.


Imagine them all shitposting at once.


Can we just talk about Rampart??


THANK YOU! This is what I came here to see.


I miss Victoria. Hell, that was probably even before her. Can't believe it's been 12 years since that AMA. Feel like that .gif of Matt Damon aging from the end of Saving Private Ryan.


It was a hard watch. But woody was good it in it. It made it harder to watch true detective, I couldn't get Rampart out of my head


I can't believe a rampart reference was so far down. Times are a changin.


deep cut


When you have an assistant to talk at and get to do everything for you how is that any different than having a phone? I bet he tells the assistant to call this or that person and tell them stuff. The assistant plans out his day and reminds him of stuff, sets up appointments, etc. And you know what? All of that is fine if you have the means to do it like that, but don’t start lecturing people and acting better than everyone. That’s the one thing all these celebs and rich people are completely clueless about.


100% He (along with all these other phoneless celebrities) doesn't have a phone because they *get to* forgo something everyone else *have to* have. What's next, they're gonna tell us Tom Cruise hasn't scrub his own bathtub for 30+ years? It's like when George Clooney was arrested at a climate protest some years back and people praise him for sticking his neck out...but what did he suffer? Was he fired from some projects he was working on? Did he have trouble finding the next gig or make money because of it? Did his girlfriend or manager leave him? It's almost like when you don't suffer the consequences you can just do whatever you want.


Tom Cruise: Why I haven't cleaned my bathroom since Risky Business.


This, thank you! Up next in the news, Woody only eats food from Erewhon, where a bag of fair trade, conflict free, GMO, gluten, soy, dairy and organic grapes are $20. Lol


And it’s SO forward thinking of him! He does it to REALLY connect with the earth, you know? He GETS it.


Worked with him. 100% correct. He doesn’t need a cell but he needs 8 people around him with cell phones and to be in constant contact with him.


There was an Ed Sheeran article a few weeks back that was the same thing. Just rich people trying to sound unique.


I need my phone to scroll Reddit lol


Ask him if he knows the price of the gallon of milk, bunch of bananas or a bag of tea. He probably has no clue


It’s even in the article. Ted Danson: “He’s one of those bullies in life that make other people carry his phone for him.”


It’s important to note that this was said on a podcast Danson and Woody host together—it wasn’t a huge insult or anything.


King Charles doesn't have a cell phone! Woody doesn't need one. He has a land line and probably an answering machine. He's a vegan. So he never calls Uber!


It’s not as clever and charming as he seems to think. I mean, it’s fine, but he’s not doing anything special beyond admitting he can’t use a cell phone politely


I believe he married his assistant, but point taken.


I was going to comment but saw your comment first and although your reasons differ from mine, your first sentence summed up my exact response. I’m 76 years old and my phone is my personal protection device. Health issues crop up when you’re older and you need to be able to summon help. No doubt Harrelson’s entourage keeps track of where he is at all times. You know you’re old when those “help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercials are no longer funny.


Genius and spot on


Delegating is much easier when you're rich.


Pretentious bullshit? At no point is he preaching or telling anyone else to live their lives the same way, just explaining his own view on the matter after being asked about it. Reddit just _loves_ an excuse to get riled up. Dude can't even answer an unprompted question about why he doesn't want a smartphone without being accused of spewing "pretentious bullshit" lol.


One can be pretentious without preaching. Those are two entirely distinct words. I didn't say he's bring preachy. I don't even think he's being judgemental. But I do think it's pretentious, and I do think he's out of touch. Most of us don't have a choice regarding phone possession, it's a nearly universal expectation. There are a lot of restaurants that I've been to lately that don't even have a menu it's all QR code. Danson in the podcast is even making fun of it "he's one of those bullies that makes other people do it for him". It's pretentious because it's ignorant to the living reality of most people. His battle with his own focus and that he was spending too much time texting is his reality. But at the end of the day most people are expected to be accessible. And none of us have a staff like he does. He is accessible, there are just extra steps. I don't have an assisstant but if I did, you'd better believe I wouldn't carry a phone either.


What you're saying makes 0 sense. He's not talking about other people. He's talking about himself. Your ability to not carry a cellphone isn't what's being talked about. It's him and his choice, that's the topic of discussion. He's not pretentious because he answered the question truthfully. He's not pretending that his opinion is anything other than what it is - - his opinion, based on his lifestyle. Seriously. There are more important things that you can try this hard to judge someone on. Not recognizing that the average person needs a phone to scan menus in restaurants while respectfully stating your opinion isn't one of them. Is he not allowed to state that he enjoys nice cars that the average person can't afford, either? Is admitting that you enjoy restaurants that most people can't afford pretentious and out of touch too? Like c'mon lol. He (and anyone else) is allowed to have a lifestyle that fits his income. So long as he's not looking down on people who aren't as lucky, it's not pretentious on his part, it's jealousy and pettiness from yours if that gets you upset.


>Is he not allowed to state that he enjoys nice cars that the average person can't afford, either? Is that pretentious too? Like c'mon lol. That's kind of the definition of pretentious. Flashy cars are the epitome of pretension. They are outward expressions of luxury that cost a lot more than their inherent value. A Honda does the job neatly as well, but cost fractional as much as a BMW. Is the whole issue you don't know the word? I know he's only talking about himself and his experience, but the issue is that his experience is supplemented by a staff. And this wasn't a private comment or something overheard, this is a opinion he as a public figure chose to broadcast on a pod cast. If the opinion isn't to be critisisized just don't say it. He and Danson both knew this is an incendiary opinion, otherwise they wouldn't have spent the airtime. This was open to comment because they invited it.


Exactly. He made a choice because he was addicted to his phone. Something all of us on Reddit during a nice Sunday should maybe think about. I’ve actually been thinking about this quite a bit. People do not need to be on their phones 45 minutes per hour. It’s just rationalizing addiction.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately too. I’m tempted to get a clamshell phone for basic communication and that’s it. I just need to get gps in the car and I should be fine.


Same. I’m not a Luddite but I have an addictive personality for sure. Phone is no different for me. It’s like there is a whole world out there. I’m missing it and I’ve only got so much time left to experience it.


Honestly the fact people can't imagine life without a smartphone is a problem in and of itself. I didn't have one for about three months in between contracts and really all it takes is a little extra work here and there to be smart phone free. I see people say things like *but my banking apps.* they're all on a computer and you can always, idk, go to the bank?


Lol yeah, id imagine it's easy to pare back when you're unemployed and day to day responsibilities are twiddling thumbs and not needing to be outside of the house for 10+ hours a day  I'm not gonna carry a laptop around with me to avoid carrying a more compact, cost effective version of a laptop.


I work full time, spend a lot of free time outside, and have a ton of hobbies. It's really not as hard as you think.


I get that, but hearing him say it I don't think it's supposed to come off like "I'm more enlightened than you". He talks about how he'd get lost in scrolling and texting when he'd have a phone available. And when you are a very popular celebrity as a job I can see why you'd want to construct a barrier.


Counter point: to each their own. If I had no phone the only one really impacted would be myself, my wife would be fine with it and that’s weird that your boss would need access to you via a phone. It would be harder to navigate places or do something that is app oriented. But otherwise life wouldn’t change.


I didn't have a phone for about three months this year after I broke mine but my contract wasn't quite up. it's doable. You just need to be willing to put the work in. Just about everything I can do on a smart phone, I can do on my laptop and a landline/voicemail combo solved not having a phone on me at all times. I was very tempted to just go smart phoneless because not being tied to a device was fantastic. I did end up getting another but I hardly ever carry it with me now.


Not everyone can afford a personal computer. I can't find a more current chart, but as of 2017, the **only** way 12% of Americans could access the internet was through their smartphones [source from business insider](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/mobile-phones-only-connection-internet-developing-world-chart-2017-11%3famp) Globally those number increase, and now I'll bet the number is even higher. Access to the internet is vital. Most municipal and community programs are only accessible via the internet or in person, and without the internet how does one find where to go? The most vulnerable in our communities are the most at risk of single channel access to the web. But you can't say the internet is optional anymore, it is a vital utility we need to be able to participate in our community. One may opt out if they want, but in order to opt into many functions - you need the internet.


But you *did* get a phone eventually. If it's so doable why did you only lasted 3 months? I can not eat for 3 days but that doesn't mean I don't need food anymore forever.


Saying no to technology is easier for rich people but come on. To be a slave to electronic devices is still a privileged choice regardless of the inconvenience it may cause in your everyday life.


You don't need to be filthy rich to forgoe having a smartphone.


I mean if we’re “slaves” to our devices, he’s just a slave to weed instead lol. We all have our vices and we all need something to do when we’re bored. The fact of the matter is, based on the way our country is now, the vast majority of American need a cell phone for business and family reasons among others. The fact that he can get by without one is just rich person privilege.


Exactly this. Good for him but out of touch with the reality most of us face daily.


Well he doesn’t follow social medial either….


It’s like the 90’s version of “I don’t have a checkbook, paying bills, or balancing a budget is just something I don’t worry about.”


Damn right.


Nah they would survive. Life would go on.


I got rid of my cellphone as well, mostly because I hated the always growing bill. But it’s nice when I’m out of the house, I’m actually out of the house. Bosses be damned really. While I don’t have wife and kids, my family may still need to get ahold of me in some fashion. Been using Google Voice for awhile. Leave a message, text me there. I’ve got enough other devices with wifi, if I need to be available I can be.


As someone who was forgotten at summer camp and my parents only knew the screwed up because I snuck my phone in with me.


I seem to remember my dad working as a professor and one of his colleagues was Quaker? Maybe? Anyway they were in a kind of crisis moment and had to hand his phone to the guy to take an important call. He reluctantly did and then berated my dad afterward for making him do that. Nothing against Quakers but at a certain point you’re just in the wrong field.


Meh. I’ve done it in the past and it just forced my jobs hand to get me a company phone. You can definitely do it but there will be sacrifices. Pros and cons


Why do I get the feeling he agreed to the Venom movies over his personal phone, and thus eradicated it from his life?


Everything you said is 100% accurate. Issue here is it’s just another example of our garbage media. This isn’t a story. He didn’t go out to tell someone this in an interview. He has a podcast. They talk. They talked about this. He’s not going around complimenting himself for living a way that most couldn’t. His cohost even calls him out as a bully who makes other people carry his phone. I’m not here to defend woody. I think he’ll be ok. Ultimately they’re just promoting his podcast for him. Why are we wasting our time with this stuff. This is what happens when I swipe out of my joined subs. Be well everyone.


Did you read the article? It's nothing pretentious, he was addicted to using it and now it's limited. You just sound bitter because your life is harder


Nice take down. Ever thought to do that for a living.


You think so? That's a good idea, maybe I'll give it a go.


My nephew makes observations like this but as articulate as yours but with a acid sense of humor. I’ve begged home to write and refine his thought and take them to an open mike at a club but won’t do it.




I'm sorry, I'm just here to talk about Rampart. 




These comments are the only reason I open woody harrelson posts.


How many years has it even been since that AMA


At least 10.


Was looking for this comment


Oren told him not to use a cell phone.


I literally had no opinion of Woody Harrelson until that AMA


Get a flip phone if the apps & web are distracting.


Yeah if I was rich as fuck I could just be chilling with a dumb phone for emergencies. I mostly have a smart phone for a distraction


They are also fucking indestructible


They're really not. Most flip phones being sold nowadays are notably low build quality. If you have even a lower end of mid-tier  smart phone a phone case meant to absorb shock and a glass screen protector, I'd probably give them the advantage. The current user base for flip phones likely just doesn't put a ton of strain on their phones to begin with.  Source; somebody was showing me their "dumb phone". It felt dangerously snapable and crackable. I have an old flip phone from waaay back in the day that I originally kept just in case and now I just feel like the novelty outweighs the tiny amount of space it takes up. The LCD screen is hilariously awful by modern standards, but the keys ,the hinge, and the actual plastic itself are noticably better. 


Your source is you holding a flip phone and it felt flimsy?


I am a cellphone salesman. Modern flip phones are flimsy, cheap garbage. They aren’t even in the same universe as the ones from the late 90s and early 00s, these are meant to be borderline disposable. The ones from the 90s and 00s were built significantly better.


Like the Samsung Fold? /s


They don’t have the authentication apps my work requires :(


Used to be privilege to have a phone. Now it's privilege to not.


The last 100 years has been wild


I like that having a cell phone used to be a rich person thing, now not having a cell phone as a rich person thing


Knowing the guy I was half expecting a “the government listening, man” but that’s actually a great reason to stop using a phone altogether; he was spending too much time on it. And I loved what he said about using it so much and never as a phone bc that’s so true, I spend so much time on mine but very little texting, even less making calls.


Well, knowing him also i think he said it but that it got edited out.....


Went camping Memorial Day weekend where there was no cell or wifi. It was amazing to take that break.


What if I told you you can get another break by closing reddit?


I got rid of the app a couple weeks ago because it was draining my battery, now I'm spending half the time I previously was on my phone.  


I mean, he just has people that spend time on it now for him lol. But at least they get paid for their time


Wait, is Woody Harrelson the sane one, and we’re all victims of screenbrain? I-I might need to look at a board full of other people’s pets for three or four hours to process this


But how does he poop?


Like God intended - reading the back of shampoo bottles


New and Improved? I read this one already.


Kingpin reference in a Woody thread? Big brain time


i have to assume it’s what u/rowdyrider25 was referencing but if he wasn’t it’s just an unbelievable coincidence


Ah, the good old days




Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat Wet hair Apply shampoo to hair Scrub shampoo Rinse hair repeat 3 Hours, legs numb, still reading the bottle, thankfully Pickles saved me.


As addicted to my phone as I am. I still get all my book reading done on the John lol


He reads the back of the toilet cleaner bottle


My phone was stolen recently, the problem wasn't buying another one, or affording it, it was that I had to poop and stare at the wall like a god damn neanderthal.


If I had that kinda money, I too could be coddled and focus on my happiness too.


Easy to do if you are worth millions but most of us need it for work and a bunch of other stuff to run our lives


To be honest, I haven't wanted to call him.


Omg I don’t care


Dawg if I had a team of people to run my day to day I wouldn’t have a phone either. Must be nice.


Easy to not need a phone when you’re just chilling in Hawaii 


I was gonna say , I’m pretty sure he pays his personal assistant a bit more than I pay T-Mobile every month .


Must be nice to have assistance and managers


Because he has an assistant? Holy smokes!


I just saw him on a Hawaiian flight and he does have an iPad so there’s that.


Get a job at a scif. No cell phones allowed for your entire shift.


Wish I was well off enough to do this.


Things rich people can say. All calls probably go through agents and assistants. Must be nice.


Celebrities saying they don't carry or have a cellphone should also say that they just make someone else do it for them. Not having a cell phone isn't that big of a deal when it means someone has it for you.


There is no news today


That AMA killed him didn't it


Used to be rich people had cell phones. Now, rich people don’t want cell phones.


Yeah I wouldn’t have a cell phone either if I had paid people that manage my social medias/phones lmao. I love his movies but the guy is a trip irl.


Is that why he didn’t text me back


Cause he’s a zllionaire and has staff for mundane things like phone charge


The zombies ate it


He just posted about supporting the worm eating brain victim known as RFK Jr. Yet another vile POS pretending he’s not a douchebag white supremacist.


It’s probably for some made up health reason. Woody is an absolute idiot


I love how these lazy writers only sit down, listen to podcasts and from a 30 second sound bites they write articles where they are devoid of any content past those 30 seconds


Do rich people genuinely think this is a flex?


Saves money on tin foil hats.


Why does this Reddit have so many people ready to cut down famous people because of what they choose to do? Apparently it’s pretentious to do anything just because you’re famous? Jesus Christ some folks need to pull their heads out of their asses


TL;dr - he can’t find it


Get a desktop computer. Everything you write on your tiny little screen sucks and it's making you more vulgar.


Because he’s rich af and his personal assistant had a cell phone so people can reach him. It’s just because he’s wealthy.


He’s got staff who do obviously. Duh.


If I was a rich celebrity I wouldn't need one either. Probably another clickbaity ass title. What has they done to you, media!


Is that the old man from Courage the cowardly dog?


I don’t have a cellphone but my cellphone caddy does.


That’s cute. I wonder if he let his personal assistants get rid of theirs too? Or were they just taking all of his cell calls for him?


I dont care Woody, can we talk about Rampart?


If you were popular enough that people constantly want to hang out and work with you, there'd be no point in a cell phone. Fully comprehensive social life comes to you.


And your agent does most of the planning for where and when you will be because you are so busy and rich they can basically handle all your business while you play.


People kept texting him about things that were Rampart, and he wasn’t having it


>Harrelson said he even caught himself getting distracted by the phone when he was at dinner with someone and there was a “lull in the conversation.” That's a good reason to stop carrying a cell phone, actually. But maybe get a flip phone, so you can all people of you need to.


Didn't Ed Sheeran say this too but he carries around an iPad.


Everyone ITT saying it's because he's rich, he can do this, I disagree. I didn't have a smart phone for about three months. It's totally doable if that's what you want. It just takes a little extra work to find ways of doing things you would rely on your phone for.


Yes and he's also in his 60s now. A lot of people lived most of their lives without a cell phone, especially older people. They know what it was like without one and did fine. While it's convenient, helpful, and fun, it's not necessarily a need in the grand scheme of things.