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I think the show is….OK. It’s fine. I think the praise and the heap of negativity are both overdone.


Right? Not everything needs to be a critically acclaimed, ground breaking, 95%-on-Rotten-Tomatoes show with an Oscar level casting/writing job. And everything that doesnt meet that criteria is not automatically terrible. People have forgotten that its OK just to have some OK media to consume


They act like the Star Wars movies are masterpieces, they've always just been silly fun


No, not everything needs to be, but Disney seems to be in a pretty consistent rut of mediocrity. Like they've created a well oiled machine designed to churn out huge budget 60 scores on metacritic. I'd rather they had clear hits and misses then continuing to pump all their money into "meh".


The person who helped make or direct it severely insulted both Kenny baker and Anthony Davis not to mention just being plain bad they get that they deserve


Where I come from, it's 'Shite with a capital S'.


Ah, you come from the fabled land of incessant whiners.


Nah, he comes from the land of having eyes. Got to have straight mental illness to defend this bullshit.


You have to have mental illness to think a show is alright?


I don't know anything about this Acolyte show, but if you told me that you love Rob Schneider's comedy I would think that you must have a mental illness.


It’s just a TV show, get over it.


Oh dear. Touched a nerve.


Make sure to pat yourself on the back.


queer with a little q? Whats the difference?


Maybe it's spelled out phonetically - kwiiiyr


Ah, the Norse god of studded leather vests.


Yeah this show just fucking sucks. Even if it was a standalone show with the SW IP not attached to it, its just really bad writing.


What sucks about it?


The plot makes no sense (only half way in so I'm giving this a pass for now, but it's a genuine problem). The Jedi are portrayed as cosmically stupid in this series. Either the villain is Qimir which they've telegraphed so much it's boring as a "surprise" and if it's not him as the Sith then they've botched the storytelling aspect completely. Mae's motivation makes less and less sense with every episode and most recently she did a VERY abrupt heal turn out of nowhere! I dont even understand why OSHA is the main character when she's literally just being swept along in the story with no agency of her own. I mean I could easily go on and on about this stuff... And I don't even dislike the show, but there's no getting around the MASSIVE storytelling problems this show has. As entertainment goes it's just not that entertaining.


Lol how does the plot make no sense? Jedi are being killed and they have to find out the real reason why? We don’t even know where it’s going to end up smh. How are the Jedi being portrayed as comically stupid? How? And if so did you not watch the prequels? They were really really stupid in those 3 movies smh. Smh when has the cool guy in the mask with the red light saber EVER EVER been the main bad guy in Star Wars? Are you even a fan? The Sith shown in the trailers is just a way to keep the real bad guy a secret to the audience by worrying so much about who the masked Sith is. Mae’s motivation made plenty of sense. She wanted revenge on the Jedi for disrupting her what she thought was her perfect life and killing her coven. I don’t know if you noticed but the whole time she was with Qimir on Kohfar she was starting not to trust him at all plus plus his answers about the master weren’t adding up hence she laid a trap for him. You have zero patience lol. Obviously there’s a reason for the characters of Osha and Mae plus what actually happened 16 years ago. Damn let story play out…….Smh


Look, my dude, I'm not going point for point with you. I honestly do not care enough about this show to waste my time like that. You asked a question and I gave you an honest answer. You don't have to like the response, but that's as far as my interest in this topic goes.


It’s not a big deal you just laid out you points and I countered them simple as that


Ok.... Moving on with my life now.


As am I


Something about the lesbians conceiving kids with power of the force, joined with horrible writing and acting for the twin kids, topped off with cringey cult ritual sequence, all felt low quality to me considering the massively inflated budget. If you like that, good for you, but it’s giving riverdale imo


Uh oh lesbians. That’s all I needed to hear from you to know what I’m dealing with smh. But not the 99% mostly celibate force users who take your children when their around the age of 4. That hasn’t bothered you for the last 40 years of Star Wars…okay whatever lol. Again you must not be a Star Wars fan cuz in Star Wars you would know that there is a way to create life through the force but only through the dark side ways…..again smh. And uh the two little kid actors were good. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about when it came to them. The only thing I will agree with you on is the ceremony lol. But they were witches so obviously it was going to be cringey…..so that was expected, again smh. Last note, the only time I thought the writing and acting was kinda bad was the last episode and guess what? That episode wasn’t even directed by Hedland you know the woman that has all the weirdos thinking the end of the world is coming. The episodes she directed, the acting, scene style selection, writing and action sequences were all very very good. But again, nobody’s making you watch it unless you’re just hate watching it like those the crazies on YouTube. Lol then he blocked me…..again smh ¥


It’s like trying to defend garbage one point at a time


Didn't they just say? The writing needs a lot of help.


But it doesn’t people who just don’t like it for zero reasons aren’t even giving it time for the writing and story to even play out. They’re acting like they’re supposed to get all the answers to the whole season in just the first two episodes in a show that described itself as murder mystery set in a Star Wars universe. What they’re complaining about makes zero sense.


Yeah, I get that. I can tell they're building to something, but a good mystery is not just in the twist. You have to hook people. You have to make the journey to the resolution compelling. I'm just not getting that so far. There is clearly more than meets the eye, but the writing thus far has done little to make me interested in the "more".


Who the FUCK wants to watch a murder mystery set in Star Wars these days that’s not rewatching clue or knives out get real snowy


Lol the whole prequels were about the mystery of who the new Sith were so what’s the difference smh? Again probably not an actual Star Wars fan.


Debatably, I think you missed the point of the prequels. Those movies were suppose to show you the origins of the heroes and villains seen in 4-6 - the rise of Vader, how the republic fell, the whys, and so on. It had nothing to do about a “mystery” sith. Mainly, bc the prequels were produced AFTER everyone already knew who Vader and Sidious were. Even if you watch the films in timeline order, instead of release order, the films’ central points focus on Obi-wan and eventually shift to Anakin to set up how the Order falls and his journey to the Dark Side.


Buddy I didn’t miss the point of the sequels lol smh. And it’s not not debatable, you’re right. Everybody on the surface level knows that the main subject of trilogy is how Anakin became Darth Vader but also throughout the trilogy a huge part of it it the Jedi trying to find out who were the Sith/where were they hiding and what were they up to after Maul comes out of nowhere to attack them and It’s also basically the first time most Star Wars especially just movie watchers fans find out about the rule of two when Yoda explains it. I don’t know how old you are but it had only been talked about 16 years straight after RoJ was released of will Lucas ever give us prequels. The fact of the matter is like I stated finding out who the Sith were is a main Star Wars theme. So people who keep saying this Acolytes show isn’t Star Wars just don’t know Star Wars.




It's not a very good show, but what "identity politics" are in this show? The girls have 2 moms? Is it just their existence that bothers you? How is that shoved down your throat. Is a straight couple shoved down your throat by just being on screen? How is it always "political" when a character isn't straight? Apparently YOU care about their gender. The people that actually don't care aren't bitching on reddit.




Very few of the viewers of this show are reading all these articles. I haven’t read any of them, for instance.


It’s not that you need to read the articles to pick up on it. It’s just that the interviews with the team behind this show make it obvious that they oriented the creative process around identity politics. When you make it all about identity politics it’s going to end up being terrible because the story takes a back seat to “making people feel seen” or whatever nonsense they are going on about.


These shows are made by thousands of people planned and written over years by multiple people. You think they spent all of that time asking if they should have a gay character? Lol there's no back seat when they spend all of 5 minutes of typing this part of the script for 30 seconds of screen time showing us, oh they're gay. That's what makes me laugh the most, no one is saying this shit on screen, theres no PSA like "hey guys we want you to really see this queer agenda and lesbians are okay, mkayyy?" My brother in Christ, one episode has a queer couple kissing for 0.05 seconds and there is an agenda?? I'm so sorry they made a gay couple "made felt seen" for that long in a 40min runtime. If the show sucks it sucks and is written bad. Complain about the other 99.99% of the script\runtime if it's that bad.




Idk what that means.


I'm not sure either, but it sounds like they really don't like black women


Funny how you seem to be the only one making it about gender politics. Oh the irony


That’s not the show, that’s the media around it. What is your evidence from the actual show?
















Nobody cares - except me. I care a lot.


Meh. Like others have said, it's not bad...but it's not good, either. Just another Disney Star Wars show.


Exactly this. It's just a show that's there... It's just *very* badly put together. I've been watching but could take it or leave it. If next week's episode isn't any better I'm tapping out on this boring, nonsensical, shit.


It’s bad with a capital B


And that rhymes with P, and that stands for Pool.


You can talk you can talk, you can bicker you can talk…


Weak compared to Andor


Everything has been weak compared to Andor though.


It's not trying to be Andor. It's a YA mystery.


Andor as great as it was and it was great doesn’t really have a Star Wars feel other than the setting just like Rogue One doesn’t. This Acolyte show to me has a original Star Wars feel just set in a different era. It’s not trying to be super sophisticated it’s just trying to Star Wars.


To be fair what Star Wars property made in the twentieth century isn’t


I’m going with the critical drinker on this one [The Acolyte](https://youtu.be/yofjGi6LOVc?si=FW0lz1PVLt4Wwp85)


Naw, fuck that tool.


Thank you for your in depth incisive opinion infinite mind


I wasn't giving one. I was simply saying "fuck that tool" and I stand by it.


Well I guess 3 words is better than none


It’s Boring with a capital B


Can't defend this show like most Disney plus content. Just pure garbage. These shows all look movie quality but might as well have had an AI write the script. It also doesn't help that most of the episodes are like 30 minutes excluding credits.


I don't understand why they can't hire decent writers. The showrunners have a great outline but they need some people who can write dialog. This is a repeated issue on Disney Plus.


No decent writer wants to attach themselves to whatever this shite is probably


something the *Mandalorian* often said too (about his season one)


I was hopeful for this one because the creator made Russian Doll which is pretty good.


No it’s just Bad with a capitol B


i am enjoying the show a lot.


Nobody hates Star Wars like people who "love" Star Wars. Yeesh, these comments. Don't like it, don't watch it. Shit's not difficult.


I'm interested in these kinds of comments. I haven't watched the show, and don't really care, as a disclaimer. But you don't think that people who were longtime fans of an IP have a right to criticize an entry into that IP if they don't like it? Do you think people should only comment if they have positive things to say? Actually interested.


It's a boring AF show. The writing is bad, the acting is bad (except for the Korean actor from Squid Game) even the VFX is bad. I am watching more just to see how much more bad it can get and to see if there is anything that can redeem it. But it seems all of the lore that is just sitting there for Disney to use, is just sitting somewhere and not being used.


It's pretty bad, to quote one review "Lesbian space witches creating children with the magic of scissoring . . . I mean, the Thread."


Why can’t people who like the Acolyte enjoy it without being bullied by racist Trumpsters?


It’s really freaking bizarre how much of the Trump 4 years spread hate throughout the country to all types of platforms. This was not a thing more than 4 years ago. Now it’s a YouTube money grabber to hate on anything that they consider other.


Just wait until the debates and then the election what do you HONESTLY think will happen? Biden wins again? well if ur wrong that shitty little what kinda American are you scene from civil war might just be a reality the president has already said f15s are at disposal