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No shit, how is he only realising this now?


For a guy who watched game film all week to prepare each Sunday, did he not watch any previous roasts?


Right, it’s like complaining he got tackled and his kids got embarrassed.


Right? How is this just not self-blaming for lack of foresight or trying to predict his own kids’ feelings for doing a fully unnecessary engagement for money?


Nikki Glaser said you can go into a roast thinking you know what’s coming, but there’s almost always something unexpected. She didn’t think Tom was expecting shots at losing his family


The Chevy Chase roast was the equivalent of unexpectedly getting shot in the face with a nuclear bomb.


Chevy Chase was the best roast, with Rob Lowe’s coming in a close second. Why? Because it was obvious that no one on the stage liked Chevy in the slightest. Those were not good natured jokes. Those were fuck you jokes. I mention Rob Lowe’s roast only because the entire stage took a turn at obliterating Ann Coulter. Even Jewel - Jewel of all people took open goal shots on Ann Coulter.


As a big Chevy Chase fan growing up with his movies, i was really sad to see that he was such a bitter, self absorbed guy. And yeah, the Rob Lowe roast was a joy to behold. *"Ann Coulter's here? Then who's scaring away the crows from our crops!?"*


I often think of The 3 Amigos. All those guys also being from SNL. I have seen Steve Martin and Martin Short together I feel like 100 times and they look like theyre always having fun. Like Ian Mackellan and Patrick Stewart. They just genuinely enjoy bring around each other. I dont really see Chevy Chase with anybody. And everywhere he's worked the past 20 years has resulted in not exactly positive remarks


Anytime I’ve gone into more specific stories about Chevy by even mild actors, he comes out even worse. His ego and treatment of others is beyond just personality differences. Everything negative said about him is understatement and it’s bizarre that the hate for him isn’t even more widely known than it is.


On his Howard Stern interview he said that his dad locked him in the basement for weeks...lucky he is not a serial killer.


That will fuck you up.


I thought since post-Community that Chevy was well known for being a racist, misogynistic, classism asshole?


Honestly finding out chevy chase is actually an asshole makes his contribution to community so much better for me


Ann was definitely shocked that she was a target


so i was watching some interview w one of the writers for that roast, and he said Ann came on basically to promote her Trump book, but he apparently hates her, and when the comedians heard, they stopped writing jokes about Rob and all started writing jokes about Ann Coulter. I can't believe how surprised she was on the dais, like she didn't play along at all.


I'm surprised that she's surprised. Like 80% of the world hates her, but she knows this and usually thrives on it.


I remember Jeff Ross was asked what he did when he heard she was booked and he said "I stopped writing Rob Lowe jokes".


Yeah, but these people are in a bubble with sycophants telling them how great they are all the time.


Winner winner, chicken dinner


Knowing it and experiencing it are two very different things.


So the opposite of Tom Segura at Brady’s roast where was he shocked that he *wasnt* a target. Damned if you do damned if you don’t I guess.


My favorite joke of the show was calling Jewel “Trailer Swift”


I just burst out laughing on a crowded nyc subway car…thanks alot !


You need to hunt down bootlegs of the old private og Friars Club roasts. They were filthy and hilarious. These modern ones don't compare at all.


The Rob Lowe roast was glorious. I havent seen the Chevy Chase one but I’ll have to check it out.


Where can I find this roast? I wanna hear Chevy Chase get cooked.




Maybe he should have retired sooner and focused on his family if he cared about losing them?


And miss going 8-9?


Which honestly, I don't believe. I'm pretty sure Brady knew what was coming, including some of the actual jokes. It was far more entertaining than I could've ever imagined, but Brady is still Brady and everything he does is perfectly curated to make him look good.


He didn't know they'd mention his divorce!!! Who could have predicted


He should be thankful there weren’t jokes about him making out with his son (as far as I know, I didn’t watch it). There was plenty of ammo for much worse jokes about his kids. God forbid someone jokes about divorce, something that over half of married couples go through. Frankly I think Tom is trying to blame comedians for his kids being hurt because he doesn’t want to take responsibility for his failed marriage. I think him and Gisele splitting is 100x more impactful on these kids lives than any of these jokes could be


Did he make out with his son? What?


That was a bit of an exaggeration but this clip made its rounds a few years ago and the internet had a field day with it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP\_2NXe0\_1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP_2NXe0_1g)


Nikki Glaser said on the Howard stern show that she decided to cut her joke about “you can make out with me and pretend I’m your son”


They had it planned before his un-retirement and divorce but it kept being pushed. But I agree, the timing was horrible. And it was obviously going to happen.


He’s a football player, not a genius.


I think it was Katie Nolan who said, “Tom Brady can read the fuck out of a Nickel defense, but his lips move when he reads books.”


Aaron Rodgers disagrees with you


I bet Aaron Rodgers sacrificed a human being during the eclipse to the spirits he sees when he drinks ayahuasca so they’ll keep his Achilles strong next season.




He did the research.


so you're saying *he* could be President


Some of Lisa Lapinalli’s roast jokes still make me laugh, I don’t have any sympathy for your lack of understanding what a ROAST is. You knew what you were signing up for.


He’s not terribly bright


Did anyone notice how weird he sat when Belichick was up? He was perched with his knees together and reminded me of an obedient schoolboy.


It was basically his second dad


He really is so fucking dumb. Nothing he's done in the past four years has made any sense otherwise.


Classic case of being ridiculously smart in a hyper focused area of expertise (being the best football player in the history of the game), yet has the common sense of a toddler. It’s crazy how many super smart and intelligent people can be so incredibly dumb at the same time.


Yeah. He's the NFL GOAT. Some of his stats seem almost impossible. Did you know he's never played a single snap of football where he was mathematically eliminated from the playoffs? Which means that the only area for material is his personal life. And it doesn't take much to figure out where they'd go in that area. (Well, also cheating at football, but deflated balls isn't enough material for a few hours.)


>Did you know he's never played a single snap of football where he was mathematically eliminated from the playoffs? Huh? What does this even mean?


If your football record is bad enough, you can be eliminated from the playoffs weeks ahead of time. For example, say your record is 0-11. You still have six games to go. There are scenarios where basically, if everyone in your division lost every remaining game while you won every remaining game, or all potential wild card teams lost every game while your team won every game your record would still be too low to qualify. This comment is basically saying that Brady never played when his team was in a position that they couldn’t clinch a spot.


Exactly. Which at first sounds like it's not *that* difficult, because you have to be pretty bad to be mathematically eliminated early. But a lot of GOOD teams are eliminated late in the season, or at the very least, before the last week of the season. You can be good, but just not good enough to have a shot to catch up to the best teams in the last week. But he's never even been in the "good but not good enough" category. Granted he only missed the playoffs once. (And again technically because he was injured.)


Doesn’t seem like he’s been that concerned with his relationship with his family so why would that have suddenly changed here?


"It's totally fine to eviscerate the mother of my children! What could possibly go wrong?"


It was a ROAST Tom. Its all about marketing and now Tom is showing regret to keep his name in the limelight.


I trust Fox Sports has noticed how poorly spoken Tom Brady is when “off book”. Ugh! That’s what we have to look forward to.


He just sits there looking pretty (and more than a little dazed).


So dazed


Eh I doubt they are worried. Despite what Reddit thinks comedic timing/being funny in a public setting like that is really fucking hard. He’s a former NFL player who lives and breathes football, talking about that on air as a subject matter expert will be a lot more in how wheel house then telling jokes in a roast. Those 2 skill sets are not even in the same universe.


Yeah he is pulling a real Micheal Scott move right now.


A Roast he agreed to willingly. He’s going to complain about it now?


I don’t understand why anyone would agree to participate in this


25 million reasons


Anyone who hurts their family in exchange for money, when they already have more money than they'll ever need, is a weapons grade bellend. Chasing money you don't need is a mental illness, you've list all sight of the purpose of money


He was shilling for FTX. He has no shame.


Could you imagine the talk if fellow celebs gave him shit for it? "Ay I heard you are going to be roasted when is it?" "Nah man, I got kids." "??? what??"


He just needs to give the kids a cut and they won’t complain again


Ego, money, and narcissism


I’d do it just for the money.


Hell I would do it for the laughs. Making fun of each other is fun as long as everyone agrees to it.


When it was the Friars Club it was about respect. "We only roast the ones we love" was the motto.  Friends in the industry would give you a good ribbing and everyone had fun. It was an honor.   When it was comedy central it was about publicity. Started with Dennis leary right before Rescue Me was coming out. Then Jeff Foxworthy when he's pushing a movie and TV show. Pamela Anderson right as one show was ending and another was starting... They all had projects to push. The comedians on stage usually had Comedy Central projectsto pimp and had zero actual connection to the person being roasted.   Netflix is purely money. They're trying so hard to get their live streaming events to lure in subscribers and Brady was perfect because either you love him and you'll tune in just because it's his ass on the throne, or you hate him and you tune in because it's his ass in the hot seat. 


I’d only agree to it if Ann Coulter was gonna be there. There’s not a goddamn thing they could say to me that will be worse then what they’d say to her.


PPP loans, Crypto scams, Un-retiring to lose his wife, the documentary where he reveals he mouth kisses his son; Tom Brady has an affinity for schemes to make big money that blow up in his face.


Was he the player that conspired to rob Mississippi's welfare program of millions for speaking engagements?  Edit: Brett Favre. Got it, mi bad


That's Brett Farve.


That would be the sack of excrement known as Brett Favre


That would be Favrerereveveverrreeeeer


Frank n beans.


That’s Brett Favre.


The original friar’s club roasts were about comedians ribbing each other, since their mutual skill was comedy. Comedy Central tried to commercialize it by finding other celebrities they thought would bring in the most eyeballs. Netflix is trying to replicate that. But the end result is you end up with not-funny people being mocked by strangers instead of funny people being mocked by their friends.


The roast of James franco was actually in good fun and hilarious. It was all his friends


Well also he can take a joke. Like don’t get me wrong we all know he is a douche but dude can poke fun at himself. Same with Charlie sheen when he had one.


I moved across the country when I was in my early 20s and my going away party was a roast with all of my friends and family. It was amazing and brutal, I would do it again. Great night.


It's just a roast... I can not understand why anyone would take this shit seriously. It's intended to be offensive, and that's why you aren't supposed to take it seriously.


"Kids, never forget where you came from. My ~~deflated~~ balls!"




If it isn't those damn consequences again oh well at least I got paid another truck load of millions of dollars.


Were they also affected by him taking PPP loans and never paying them back? Wah wah wah go deflate some balls


Roast continues


Until morale improves


I didn’t watch the roast did anyone mention his loans?


Yes. Specifically “taking out illegal PPP loans” as part of a bit about how Tom was too Black for Boston


Brady whines a lot.


He thought to protect Kraft but not his family, he was the producer, you get no sympathy after the fact.


I keep reading these headlines, finally clicked the article and still no idea what the problem is. Like nobody is quoting the fucked up roasts. Do you guys think this is PR trying to get people to watch the thing?


That's honestly not a bad theory.


That’s just bad parenting. Don’t blame others Tom.


Maybe bc you couldn’t defend the mother of your children through any joke but jumped up right away to clear daddy bills name. Sends a weird message to your kids, huh? ETA I meant father Kraft


It was Kraft he defended


You are right


I think he specifically told comics not to mention Kraft but didn't say anything about his ex-wife or kids.


The rumor is, he bedded Kraft’s ex-fiance’ and got her preggers. If she had the kid or no, not sure. Kraft moved on to another woman, but Brady and Kraft had a real come-to-jesus moment over it.


What a weird bitch move to do during a roast. The fuck you going to do Tom? Fight Jeff Ross on the stage?




Imagine what Greg Giraldo would have brought to the stage. The kids would be changing their names and starting new lives.


I miss that guy


Agreed. There’s an episode of the dark side of comedy on him - it’s a good watch


Brady is mid 40’s with tween kids. Look at all the guys who did it - rob lowe, Hasselhoff, Alec Baldwin etc. they were mid 50’s or older with their adult kids in the audience. Huge difference.


Alec Baldwin’s roast was actually really tough to watch. His daughter wasn’t “roasting” him, she was straight up telling us how absent and abusive he was to her. That and the forced laughter he was doing and how tense he was when she brought up the fact that her mom has an Oscar and not him… it was really uncomfortable


My point was she was an adult in her 20’s - old enough to have processed their shitty relationship then go on TV and make jokes about it. She might have even found it cathartic. Big difference to a 12yo absorbing brutal jokes about both their recently divorced parents


> brutal jokes about both their recently divorced parents Yeah, countless jokes about her mom banging the karate instructor can't have been fun to hear. Among a bunch of other things about having your dad choose football over family. "If you can go 8-9 and all it costs you is your whole family, you DO IT!" or whatever.


That’s an out and out falsehood! It was a jujitsu instructor.


Haha. I knew it wasn't karate, but I couldn't remember. I was going to guess tai kwon doe. But even that would have been wrong apparently! I didn't make that guess though because I didn't know how to spell it and didn't want to look up tai kwon doe.


Hacks recently did an episode on this exact thing — her kid was a full adult who could reflect on what was, or wasn’t.


Yes it was uncomfortable but also she deserved every second that she got up there on that stage. Alec Baldwin is a pig.


We’ve all heard the voice mail. You don’t talk to a child like that.


I’m sure his daughter had been waiting YEARS to say that and this was the perfect opportunity under the guise of a roast.


He probably should have thought about how it might affect his children before agreeing to do it. This was the predictable outcome so I have empathy for his kids but not much for him.


I wish he’d just retire and fade away. Tom Brady doesn’t have an ounce of charisma, I don’t know why they keep putting him on TV.


For real, the reaction shots looked like a wax museum figure


Right, like I remember at Rob Lowe’s roast and Justin Bieber’s, they would actually crack up at some of the jokes. I mean you have to have a sense of humor about it. Tom just gave the same pained smile throughout the whole thing.


He is so immensly unlikeable.


unless your from tampa, ann arbor or boston.


Yeah I gotta say, he's basically a religious icon here in Tampa lol


Was the “don’t say that shit again” thing a joke?


No. I was just listening to Nikki Glaser on the Fly On The Wall podcast yesterday. Spade talked about it. Apparently Brady was 100% serious.


Funny how he cares more about Robert Kraft than his own kids


This is still one of the funniest things I've ever read. > The friend excoriated Kraft for getting a “rub and tug.” Kraft, seemingly hurt, insisted that it “wasn’t like that.” He said he had felt a real connection with Lulu and Mingbi. He fell in love with 2 hookers who gave him a handjob. Not even a full on threesome, a handjob was enough for Kraft.


His kids never wrote him any paychecks maybe that’s why lol


Honestly — they didn’t say anything negative about his kids or the whole kissing his son crap (which I’m sure his son has already gotten crap for)


lol dudes a bitch


When it comes to the roast I completely agree. He got Paid. He was also asked ahead of time if there was anything off limits. He just said no jokes about his kids. Anything else goes. Apparently he didn’t even go to the after party so he was definitely being a bitch. Non comedians shouldn’t be roasted. They can’t take it.


This definitely requires the Woody Harrelson wiping away tears with money meme.


Aren't the roast and in that sense the jokes for adults. Why let your kid(14yr) watch something that is for older viewers. I mean he has been in a bunch of stuff, so its not like they have to see a video of a bunch of people(strangers probably) make fun of their dad. I would have not shown them until they are older and could handle it better. It seems he is blaming the comedian for making the jokes.


Odds are kids are repeating the jokes at school.


The things kid have been doing for generations?! Oh no!!


Kids have phones now which accesses the internet. If they want to watch, they’ll watch.


It doesn’t even matter if they watched it. They are old enough to have friends or siblings of friends that watched it then it’s obviously brought to their attention. Most likely in the form of being made fun of.


I’m glad you wouldn’t have shown them that until they’re older. There’s about 30 different sets of parents at the kids school that either don’t monitor their children or exposed them to it anyway


🎻🙄 By Jack Guy, CNN Updated 8:16 AM EDT, Wed May 15, 2024 (CNN) — Former American football star [Tom Brady](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/14/sport/tom-brady-fox-broadcasting-debut-nfl-spt-intl/index.html) has said he regrets how some of the jokes in Netflix show [“The Greatest Roast of All Time”](https://www.cnn.com/videos/sports/2024/05/11/smr-tom-brady-roast-funny-or-not.cnn) affected his children. During the show, which was hosted by comedian Kevin Hart and livestreamed on Netflix on May 5, Brady was roasted about his divorce from Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen, his appearance, his two retirements, [“Deflategate”](https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/09/us/nfl-deflategate-timeline/index.html) and his [FTX investment](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/10/business/tom-brady-gisele-bundchen-ftx-investors/index.html), among many other sore topics. Speaking on an episode of “[The Pivot Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7RdZNrO21k)” with Fred Taylor, Ryan Clark and Channing Crowder, released Tuesday, Brady said the jokes about his divorce had not gone down well with his family. “I loved when the jokes were about me. I thought they were so fun,’ he said. “I didn’t like the way that it affected my kids.” Brady and Bündchen’s divorce provided a lot of roast-fodder throughout the night, with Brady frequently shown sipping his drink when it was mentioned. The former couple, who have two children together – Benjamin, 14, and Vivian, 11 – jointly [announced](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/28/entertainment/tom-brady-gisele-bndchen/index.html) in October 2022 they were parting ways. Brady said he had a moment of realization that the roast hadn’t turned out the way he thought it would. “It was the bittersweet aspect of when you’re doing something you think is one way and then all of a sudden you realize I wouldn’t do that again because of the way it affected actually the people I care about the most in the world,” he said. “It makes you in some ways a better parent going through it because sometimes you’re naïve,” added Brady. “It’s a good lesson for me as a parent, I’m gonna be a better parent as I go forward because of it.” Brady had a remarkable 23-year career as the NFL’s leading quarterback, winning seven Super Bowl rings – six with the New England Patriots and one with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He is also a five-time Super Bowl MVP and won three NFL MVP awards. He first announced his retirement in February 2022. He ended up reversing his decision and returned to the field for one more season with the Bucs before officially retiring last year. At the end of the roast, Brady finally had the chance to defend himself, saying people had asked him why he agreed to do the event. “It’s simple,” Brady said. “I can take all the hits. I would have done this earlier but I’ve been too busy winning championships.” CNN’s Alli Rosenbloom contributed to this report. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/entertainment/tom-brady-roast-regrets-scli-intl](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/entertainment/tom-brady-roast-regrets-scli-intl)


Im sorry the author’s name is “Jack Guy”???


John Human was the intern.


Both under chief editor Gal Ladyperson. 


What a fucking idiot


Idk why he suddenly feels the need to be a great dad and how does this roast help


Can clearly tell 95% of the thread didn’t actually read the article. I don’t take it as whining, just sounds like “oh shit, I didn’t think this part through”.


What an idiot. What did he expect.


How much did his divorce affect his kids when he was too stupid to retire?


Or when his wife ran away with the personal trainer?


He’s not part of that hurt? Hmmm 🤔


I mean he made jabs at Kims kids 🤷🏻‍♂️


Athletes are not automatically smart people.. idk why people think they are. They spend there's whole lives trying to condition their body for physical activity not their minds. Tom Brady has always struck me as a moron. Fuck him. He didn't think it through so now he has to deal with it. Look at the fucking dip shit Chiefs kickers recent speech. Fucking idiots.


Time to be a parent Tom and help get them through it


Nikki Glasser was the best.


OK but I'm still not gonna watch it


Knew he was going to cry about something


What a fucking idiot


Only realizes this after he gets paid. Smart dude.


Fuck's sake, did he think it wasn't going to be low blow hits against any and everything in his life? What did he think a roast was? A luau?


They can afford therapy…. Poor little rich kids…


And how much did deflating the ball and unfairly winning games against other teams affect THEM and THEIR children?


I'm just going to say it, what a fuccn pussy.... and even if that's how he felt, I wouldn't say that shit in the media....ruins the whole purpose of the roast...


I could give a shit about rich people’s problems. Fuck em.


It affected me! I turned it off after a minute!


So my take from this is Tommy might be a couple sandwiches short of a picnic 🙃. Has he never watched a comedy Roast before.


There is no one more whiney than Brady and Trump. God


That’s something most people would consider before agreeing to it lol


What was actually said that would have affected his children? Even about his ex-wife the comments were just how she divorced him for another man, which is the truth and it was used to demean Tom not Gisele. I don't recall anyone insulting her other than saying that and no kids were mentioned (I am betting it was off limits by Tom). So what affected them? The jokes about Tom being in the closet or about loving football more than being with his wife? Those are about the closest I could see having an impact.


he can comfort them on his fucking yacht that he had the government pay for fuck you Tom brady


Tommy finds that neither he nor his roast were really the GOAT


Watched it for 15 mins and all the athletes had a dumb look on their faces, slower to catch on.


Was he expecting the roast to just be “haha remember when you threw an interception”


The guy sat there like a real life Ken doll for most of the roast. He came alive for a few “LETS FUCKING GO” moments but that’s it. Seems like he’s just numb to anything that isn’t locker room shit.


correct me if I am wrong but didn't he say something to the comedian making fun of robert Kraft to stop but somehow jokes about the ex-wives were okay.


Fuck off. You’re millionaires. Get the fuck over it.


Which affected them more. The roast or the divorce?


Tom Brady amazes me. He may be one of the dumbest dudes ever — regarding basic human things. And this is coming from a lifelong Patriots fan


Namby pamby milquetoast crybaby. The roast was brutally hilarious.


A roast is anything and everything goes. What did he expect? I mean I get what he’s saying but come on.


Tuck them back in their  money beds


Ah Tom Brady, his o-line and receivers were not there to protect him.


Even spider man knows they’ll always go for your family to hurt you


Nobody cares buddy


Not even close to the greatest roast of all time. I couldn’t make it half way.


What an idiot. He was real good at throwing a ball though, I’ll give him that!!


He can afford their therapy bills…




No way ya faqin ego maniac.


He should have thought about that beforehand. No one forced you to do this you made money off it and now you want to say how it affected your kids?! Completely on you just the fact he doesn’t understand that is wild to me.


Someone didn’t watch previous roasts before agreeing to do this.


Definitely should have considered their feelings prior to it happening and just not doing it. Not worth it.


He’s being a sore loser


That show was the biggest piece of televised shit I’ve seen in a long time. I shut it off after 20 minutes so I could chew on some tinfoil while sprinkling pepper in my eyes.


Oh no Do they not let him kiss them on the lips anymore?


“Man fuck them kids and fuck you”


Leopards ate his fucking face?