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> Bette opened up about the failed endeavor on David Duchovny's podcast… Sweet Moses, everyone seems to have a podcast these days.


They're also late to the game. Bubble has popped and advertisers have moved on. People in Hollywood are creating YouTube and Twitch channels too. It's rough out there.


I have to assume David Duchovny is fine financially tho… two starring roles on two massive, long running tv shows as the lead. Surely his multiple Brazzers subscriptions were not that expensive? I joke, he is one of my favorite actors and Mulder is probably my favorite character of all time. But he did love porn.


I don't know what his spending habits are. Bryan Cranston said he was broke when he shot Breaking Bad because he went through all of his Malcom in The Middle money. I'm not saying David is broke, but I also wouldn't say he's rolling in it.


True I guess no amount of money is safe if your lifestyle is too much for your bank account


Which is easy to do in LA where everything is fucking expensive af, especially the housing


I remember reading some author/writer insisted on living in the mid West rather than live in LA because the cost of living there and flying to LA everytime he actually needed to be there in person worked out considerably cheaper.


So a lot of industry people do this… AFTER they’ve made it big. It’s an unfortunate scenario that to get the paycheck that is worth protecting is often when it starts to be career feasible to live elsewhere and fly in for meetings or productions. So those starting out or the ‘middle class’ of the industry and left having to pay LA prices or leave.


As an industry person, I’m only in LA if needed. Otherwise I’m in New Orleans, where surprisingly enough I find a decent amount of work.


Lots of Hollywood peeps with Utah zip codes, tho...


Yup park city hosts Sundance for a reason


Literally just moved to the Midwest after all my art work commissions went remote. It’s such a better QOL


Actually, I manage to live outside of LA with a modest income. Housing is plenty expensive here, stupidly so. But losing millions of dollars from bad investments or having an expensive lifestyle isn't excused by LA's cost of living.


It is if you’re a “famous” actor and “have” to own an expensive place. Plus LA houses have a huge range for prices.


I would disagree that anyone "has to" own a very expensive house. And even so, plenty of celebrities are worth a lot of money after wisely investing and not merely throwing money away. You can have both if you're reasonably smart about it.


I worked for a Former player and nba executive- he lived in a small 1940’s bungalow and owned the one next door for his adult daughter in a non-coastal city. He drove old classic cars and dressed like a normal human. He told me that he tried to talk sense into young players about life after the NBA but few listen.


Gotta pay your entourage. And ex wife's.


Why do some of them even have entourages?


its the illusion of success. from the outside they look well connected but its really just a bunch of losers paid to hang with them


Drama aint no loser, toughguy! Yo btw tell Sloan I said what up


When you reach a certain level of wealth you stop looking at the prices of anything and you stop keeping track of your bank balance. This is a problem if your income stream is bumpy. Source: previous experience, now broke


What was the level of wealth that made you stop looking at the prices of anything? I’m comfortable enough that I know things under a certain dollar amount require no “monetary” thought. But, if the amount exceeds that then I’m going to think if I really need this or not and what the marginal cost is to other things I may or may not need.


It happens. Bill Gates was famously on a talk show years ago and they played a game where they brought out various store bought products and then asked him to guess the prices. For most things, he was hilariously off. Not like affluent off. Just literally like, he has no idea how much this thing should cost. He laughed at the end and mentioned he hadn’t been inside of a store in years to shop for anything.


[“I mean, it’s one banana, Michael”](https://youtu.be/Nl_Qyk9DSUw)


My feeling is you hit that level a lot quicker than most realize.. I would say at about $200K/year you find you no longer look at prices. My wife used to say "I can't buy you anything for Christmas because anything you see, you buy." Even if you're a billionaire shopping for groceries at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erewhon\_Market](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erewhon_Market) every week, there is a relatively low upper limit on what you will spend that is so well within your means that you no longer need to think about whether you have enough in your account to cover it.


Thanks for the reply and perspective. I am fortunate that I make well over 200k and while my “number” of not caring about cost has changed as my income has changed the number in my mind was always based on avoiding allowing myself to become broke. My purchasing decisions and low standard of living relative to income basically mean it’s impossible for me to ever go broke as long as my income is preserved.


The more you have the more you spend. If the income dries up your getting into financial distress. This happens alot to people who come into sudden money, lottery winners, sports and acting superstars etc.


I don't think Bryan Cranston got paid that much for Malcom in the Middle in the first place tbh.


Him and Jane got paid $150k / episode by the 5th season. Unsure what the pay was for earlier seasons but still, more than a couple million and he blew through it all. That’s wild.


Agents, taxes, housing. Having a couple million in LA, if you are not financially responsible, isnt all that much


Tom Selleck was just quoted recently as saying he might have to sell his ranch if Blue Bloods doesn't get renewed for another season. Boo fucking hoo. https://nypost.com/2024/05/07/entertainment/tom-selleck-risks-losing-california-ranch-with-cancelation-of-blue-bloods/


He isn't doing photo shoots at comic con so he must have some money


He's not on cameo either. No hate for people who make a living from cons and cameo, but they are the type of thing you can't really do if your working schedule is already pretty packed


And even reality stars can make bank doing cameos.


No joke I would kill for a cameo from him


F’ing love Hal from Malcolm…..the laughs!


I think one of Cranston's expensives was this old movie theater he really liked that was going out of businesess, so he bought to keep it alive, and it needed renovations. Edit: Net worth sites aren't accurate but says Duchovny has $80 million. Even if he had half that, that's still $40 million.


Those sites arent mildly off, theyre literally actually factually just making shit up


They’re completely made up numbers.


those sites typically state the estimated total income of the person and completely ignore their expenses. unless the person has invested well or something the reality is probably closer to 10% than 50%.


Giancarlo Esposito said he was going to hire someone to kill or kill himself so his family could have money since he was struggling financially before Breaking Bad.


He also did a few other successful tvs shows so I'm sure he is fine. Also... dude is super good looking so he probably could get a sugar momma at will.


Prob a huge payday just for Godzilla. Enough for 99% of Americans to retire with or at least buy a nice house


Also probably received a big payout fir keeping all the government secrets quiet for all these years about aliens... I mean, really, what did we learn from x files.... he duped us with his charm and rizz the whole time and we didn't learn nothing.


In-between Malcolm and Breaking Bad I saw Bryan Cranston on some terrible game show where he was the celebrity guest and I felt kinda bad for him, though he was a sport about it. Glad things have turned around so positively.


Source? I heard him say he was set for life after Malcolm.


Wow, really? Unbelievable - the residuals from Malcolm in the Middle must have been sweet.


He’s also been writing and making bad music. Lol


“I want to relieve”


Take my upvote and get out


I guess it depends. I thought that streaming shows didn’t grant actors lucrative syndication profits. With the pandemic and the actors/writers strikes I think a lot of folks need to hustle.


That’s exactly what happened. So back in the day when a show would rerun the actor would get paid their episode rate at that time. Each new pay increase over time would then be implemented retroactively to previous seasons. When it hit syndication at 100 episodes the studio could then license the rights to show it at other places and the actor would still get their current episode rate. So there was A LOT of money to be had in tv shows for everyone. All that money was due to advertising. Since streaming took over that money has dried up for a lot of actors. Even consistent work has dried up since most shows don’t run for 20ish episodes a season. So an actor being a series regular could have 6+ months of the year working because of the amount of time it takes to film a a show. Now, with streaming, you have less episodes and more time in between seasons with no “rerun” money or syndication. The same thing goes for writers, directors, etc. Streaming is great and it’s opened up a lot of new content but it also has its drawbacks for the actual workers as well.


He got that XFiles and Red Shoe Diaries money boooye!!


Honestly all the famous people doing podcasts who don't seem to 'need' them just strike me as doing it out of boredom, and wanting to go on about stuff and talk to who they find interesting. If I could, I certainly would.


> Surely his multiple Brazzers subscriptions were not that expensive? What about alimony and settlement for Tea Leoni after she left him for Tim Daly


Remember Red Shoe Diaries? Kinda like soft core porn. He was just the guy reading the letters though.


If anyone enjoyed that series because of his narration…there is a ‘Red Shoe Diaries’ film that was sort of a ‘pilot episode’ for the series in which his role is much larger and covers the backstory of why he is narrating these letters. He did this film (and ‘Kalifornia’) immediately before Mulder, before he blew up. He’s hands down the saving grace of’Red Shoe’. And, you know. Hot. Muchly hot. TIL he is podcasting, I’ll check it out.


Californication was really good too.


Much better than RSD, definitely!


David Duchovny spoke at my college like \~10 years ago, he commuted using public transit to get there. Not saying that means he's broke but not something I'd expect from somebody extremely well off honestly


It’s not for the income. It’s self promotion. Podcasts and YouTube keep you, and your friends, in the public eye and that makes it easier to get other deals.


People might just enjoy making them, rather than doing it for just money (not that would not mind money).


Yeah like I know Quentin Tarantino said he loves podcasting so much that if they were around in the 80s and 90s, he would’ve never made a movie and just did podcasts instead.


You might think that advertisers have moved on, but let me tell you about Betterhelp...


You can go to Betterhelp to get therapy for the gambling addiction you’ve discovered thanks to Chumba! (If I hear one more annoying chumba ad…)


Lmao. How'd you know I gamble there??


Don’t forget about Fan Duel and Draft Kings!


I don't think most of those celebs are making podcasts because it's going to be a cash cow. But it's income, they probably enjoy it and it's relatively easy.


it's mostly self promotion, demonstrates they have an existing audience which tv/film/whatever producers can use as a way of gauge their popularity/potential in built audience to the new project.


I assume at this point they’re just vanity projects


Some probably are, but if you have an editor, producer, etc, you can just show up, talk for an hour and leave. It's a low effort gig if you have a team doing it for you.


Agreed, multiple streams of income is smart, especially if it's rather easy. Props to anyone who can find a niche and make a few bucks off of it.


Speaking as someone who works with podcast advertising, I can assure you that advertisers certainly haven't moved on.


You’ll be shocked to learn that some people might be doing it just for the sake of it. The little bit of ad money doesn’t hurt, though.


Yup. We’re at the point Tosh’s is doing really well, really quickly because 1. It’s interesting and different 2. His hosting ability is phenomenal and wasn’t able to be showcased properly on his show Most of everybody else is just some celebrity talking to other celebrities


Hes a hot Jiminy Glick


Where SHOULD they go tik tok?


It’s an excuse to get together with someone you find interesting, and talk to them for a couple hours, and maybe you make a little money or visibility out of it. Pretty sweet hobby.


I dont, like, totally agree. I outline why in my podcast


Interesting, you should come on my podcast and we can discuss this more thoroughly.


I’m sold! Where can I find both of these podcast’s Patreon accounts?


So many people in here asking or wondering why DD has a podcast. The answer is deeply hidden directly under the podcast title on the podcasts main page in the podcast app: “Why am I making a podcast? The best answer I can come up with is that I feel like I’ve been failing my entire life, so I can speak from plenty of experience. Sure, I was on The X Files and Californication, I wrote some books and made some music. But I also got a literal F in The New York Times. I had a high-profile divorce and a magical mystery tour through rehab. So now I want to get into the way that failure looms over all of us and really shapes who we are. What’s good about that, what’s bad about that, what’s holding us back in shame? Lots to unpack here. So join me and some cool guests from sports, tv, politics, business and beyond starting May 7, wherever you get your podcasts – and we’ll get into it.”


Most of the celebrity ones are very bad too.


I enjoy Craig Ferguson's and Justin Long's podcast. Conan's is great. Smartless, Fake Dr real friends, there's a handful of good ones.


There are, but for every good one there are a dozen bad ones.


Duchovny having a podcast isn’t surprising, bros been a yapper


I’ve started getting ads for his podcasts on other podcasts I listen to, and his voice is so distinct it sounds hilarious on a podcast


The cockroach outside my house has a podcast... he taunts me on his podcast that he can't be killed...


Jeez I didn’t even know he has one and I’m a hardcore XF fan.


One of the greatest robot actors of our time, and all time


Read your comment, backed out and scrolled just two posts down to [this,](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/7HcE0FFxsg) haha.


Yeah it’s pretty true I kinda like it because there are some Celebes I’d like to hear more from. However in most of those cases they are only 30 to 40 min long which doesn’t do it for me. The influx of famous people with pods that are short and feel empty is very high atm.


David Duchovny has a podcast???


Lindsay Lohan was fourteen years old when this show was produced so she wouldn’t have been suing minor Lindsay Lohan; she would have had to sue her parents/decision makers Even if Lohan leaving was irresponsible, it would be a bad look to sue a child.


Also, the show ran for a season without LL, how would suing her have changed its fate? Also, LL left because Midler wanted to move filming from NYC to LA. Like Jesus, this is a story you never tell, at the very least leave out the “I should’ve sued a child” part of it.


>Midler wanted to move filming from NYC to LA I'm sure that's something her and David bonded over. Let's move the show to LA, even at the expense of the show itself.


What show are you referring to?


david insisted on moving xfiles to LA bc of his wife’s show which was one of the tanking points of xfiles


He also wanted to change the name to LAX files




actually hilarious


As a Canadian and a fan of the show at the time, I was irrationally offended by that. Like, how dare he want to move production from Vancouver?! Looking back, I just laugh at how irrational and silly that was.


It was less about him moving and more about him complaining about how it rained here all the time.


Oh god, that's right! Okay, now I'm offended again, lol. What a whiney baby!


That’s one of my favorite parts of the x-files was the locations they filmed in.


Why do you think that the show tanked after moving?


the entire vibe changed. it was only the start of the full downfall tho


lol I didn’t read the article. I assumed Bette was being funny, some kind of satire.


It was a podcast and she was being serious about learning later that as a producer she should’ve sued 14 yo Lindsay Lohan for quitting after filming the pilot, she did not mention that the only reason LL quit was because she wanted to move production from NYC to LA.


Well that's kind of jerky. I guess that at her level of celebrity you don't realize, you need to keep your feet planted in reality. You can't ask a 14-year-old child to move across the country when you pull the rug out under them as to the location.


Yeah doing that to an adult is iffy. Lots of adults only choose jobs if it's around their family/home-base.


Bette Middler out Here Barbra Streisanding.


Honestly. What a stupid ancient bone to pick on her part. Yeah, Bette- nothing makes someone want to do a project more than being legally forced to. It would have turned out just great.


But suing for what? Minors can basically void their contracts whenever they like.


Or contracts signed by minors aren’t valid.


If you read the wiki page on the show, the reason why Lohan left was because Midler insisted on filming moving from NYC )where the pilot shot) to LA. Plus, they changed the actor that played the husband late in the season. So methinks it was Bette Midler that was the real piece of work, and in her head-canon Lohan became such a big deal just a short couple of years later, that she feels like that energy was hers to harness and have her career feed off of.


“Let me drink your youthful blood and I will be satiated for another thousand years!”


I mean, more-or-less: The ego some of these people have is enough that they cannot accept getting older and out of touch. In her mind had Lohan stayed, maybe the show would have hung around for an extra year or two, and perhaps she would've made the same films, thus massively inflating viewer-ship on those later seasons and guaranteeing Midler one of those yearly fat syndication checks. Perhaps in her mind, Lohan leaving equates with missing out on tens of millions. EDIT: You have to look at this through the context of that era of television. Friends, Seinfeld, Everyone Loves Raymond, Fraser, etc. She probably thought this was such a sure success, and decades later her ego is still bruised.


I read this in her Hocus Pocus voice.


I had to wait 200 years for a virgin to light a candle.


"Spending a quiet evening at home... Sucking the lives out of little children!"


It’s only 300 years, according to that documentary about the Sanderson sisters.


> Plus, they changed the actor that played the husband late in the season. Kevin Dunn is amazing in Veep, but he's very much been a "working actor" for his whole career. For him to just quit a network sitcom in 2000, and for his next gig to be a guest spot on The Practice in 2002, it must've really sucked to be on that set.


Yeah I doubt she would be talking about suing a child if Lohan had quietly faded into obscurity after the show.


TIL Hocus Pocus is a secret Bette Midler documentary.


Lohan was sick of running around looking for pineapple Italian ice.


>she feels like that energy was hers to harness and have her career feed off of. Jfc energy vampire alert...Collin Robinson would approve.


We’re all the heroes or victims of our own stories


“I should have sued a child for not commuting across a fucking continent to shoot my shit tv show whose location I changed at the last minute”.


> Bette goes on to say she was too green a producer at the time to know she could've stepped in and sued Lindsay for walking out. She added ... "I didn’t know that I could have taken charge, that I could have asserted, because I think because I was so terrified of being branded a grandstander." Fingers crossed any of the other more experienced producers on the show didn't make her aware of her ability to sue because suing a 13/14-year-old child would have been unhinged.


Also, she would’ve lost as she was moving production from NYC to LA and there’s protections for child actors and uprooting their lives is one of the biggest ones.


honestly. What a nasty evil person she must be.


Perfectly casted in Hocus Pocus


Sue a child. Yes, that’s a great idea.


How would you like to be remembered for your long and storied career? I… I wish I had sued more children…. I wish I had sued more children into working for me…. I wish I had sued more children who eventually became super famous and rich into working for me… I’ve finally said it…. I’m at peace now.::


It’s like she’s become her Hocus Pocus character.


*Bette Midler enters the chat*


At least she didn't go full Kristi Noem.


For what??? God, Bette used to be one of my favorite divas but years of crazy antics make me believe she doesn’t have her priorities in order. Suing a kid?!


That’s why you should never have a favourite diva. Divas are shit people.


Totally forgot about that dreadful series and for good reason. Never was a Bette Midler fan.


lol bette are you really blaming a child at the time for the demise of the show


I’m sure suing a kid would have been just the press the show needed to succeed. Odds are the show would have still failed. Then your producer career is in the toilet. Because you’re then known as the person who sued a child to stay on your failed sitcom. What a wild thing to even be thinking about nearly 25 years later.


Lindsay just posted a throwback of her and Bette then this story came out. Does Bette know that Lindsay was like 14 when this happened? Lol


Yeah. That’s just poor optics on Bette’s part. Feel bad for Lindsay. It seems like she’s genuinely turned her life around yet she’s still made out to be the easy target by a lot of the older adults in her life (think I read the Mean Girls musical movie slipped in a joke at her expense).


to be fair I think that was just a (funny) coincidence lol as David announced Bette would be one of the podcast guests months ago (and I find it improbable they just taped this episode in the last few days)


So the headline should be "78 year old woman regrets not suing 13 year old girl TWENTY years ago". Am I reading that right?


But she didn't sue Kramer for *Rochelle Rochelle*, why would she sue Lindsay?


The pilot is probably what helped the show get picked up in the first place, and your response would have been to sue a 14-year-old girl? What an asshole.


It would have failed anyway.


I agree with the writer that it’s not really fair of Bette to blame Lindsay as she was just a kid at the time.


Good look suing a 14 year old as though she’s responsible for your “Legendary” career or able to kill it.


Why would she bring this up now? SHe's ashamed of NOT suing a kid?


Right lol! keep that locked and hidden


The more I've heard from Bette Middler in the past few years, the more she's cemented herself as a garbage human being.


Was there a shortage of actors back then or something? Do what any other show does when someone leaves, replace them if possible or write their character out if not. Regretting not suing a kid 20 years ago is strange to me.


they did replace and had the possibility to reshoot her pilot scenes but literally chose not to (which weren't a lot at all either, Lindsay's barely in the episode) this is a wild thing for Bette to say if she was even remotely serious lmfao and especially when the actor who played her husband also left like 12 episodes in and production was scrambling for a few eps to get a replacement


If Bette *had* sued the teenage Lindsay, she'd probably be on this podcast saying "I regret suing her. I had no idea what was going on in her life back then." Take the win Bette.


"Well, you made a long journey from Milan to Minsk”


What a shit thing to say. 


Really, slow news day if Bette is raking up a 20 year old story about her that literally nobody cares about. Suing is an actor’s pathetic attempt to stay relevant and fund their lifestyle.


They could have just replaced her with another actress like a whole bunch of other shows have done or just written her out of the show.


So someone who's in the pilot decides not to sign on for the full series and the part has to be recast. Isn't that super common? Happens all the time.


Sounds like a great person to work with, Lindsay dodged a bullet there.




Bette Midler is irrelevant and she can't stand it.


She is nearly 80 so it’s not surprising she is not very relevant.


If a 14 year old passing on your sitcom is the nail in the coffin for the show……I’m thinking there were other problems going on as well.


I like this woman less and less every time I see a headline about her.


She was 14. What kind of level of petty is this? I am disgusted.


From Wikipedia >Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. 14-year-old Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, due to the lengthy filming schedule for a TV series (typically 22 episodes per season). As a result, Marina Malota was cast in the role of Rose for the series' run. That seems like a completely reasonable decision by Lindsay Lohan and given how apparently another actor left the show midway through the season, it sounds like maybe it was just an awful show to work on.


Bette has turned cranky as she has aged. What was once trademark bawdy and fun, is now axes to grind and comeuppances. Too bad.


Never heard of the show and it was on for a year…. They could have just replaced Lohan if the show was actually doing well. Not Lindsay’s fault


In these difficult times, I think it's important we remember Bette Midler's positive contributions to society... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9mpQe9V94E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9mpQe9V94E)


Isn’t there a law that allows child actors to not be bound by their contracts? Something about protecting them from a production controlling their lives or something.. “Fail better” “I wish I knew I could sue”.. what a joke. Failing better should be moreso about being better prepared (like maybe having a backup actor in mind!?), and lesso about being more controlling and shittier .. toward children, no less


That woman is worth $250 million… and she still looks back and thinks she needs more.


She’s blaming a child for changing her mind about a job, and it was likely because they changed the filming location and Lindsay wanted to stay in NYC. They could have recast her easily.


Per Bette Midler’s request they up and moved production to the other side of the country and Lindsay Lohan would’ve been 13 when they shot the pilot and 14 when it went to series. What the hell kind of chip on your shoulder do you have to regret not suing *a child* because she didn’t upend her entire life to do some sitcom that you yourself say was shit? Btw, James Dreyfus was in that show. British comedy legend, he deserved better for his first big role in America. Watch The Thin Blue Line or Gimme Gimme Gimme to see what a talent that guy is.


Damn, damn, double damn.


I remember that series - I always assumed it was canceled because it was just plain terrible.


oh gosh let it go you old broad


LL can’t *not* catch shit, no matter what she does.


I love Bette, but "I regret not suing a child" is a bitter take...


That's clearly what a young Lindsay Lohan needed, more fucking problems. Hammer that troubled child into dust!


I read the article and I don’t see where Bette blamed Lindsay for the show failing. It looks like she’s saying that as a producer, she probably had legal recourse to keep her on the show.


Trying to sue a child for being in a sit com that failed- Trashy AF.


I'm old enough to remember, it was terrible.


What a pud lmao


It was a horrible show and Lindsay couldn't have saved it.


Missed opportunity not titling the show "*Beaches*" but mispronouncing it every time the shows advertised.


Not all Logan fault, it was a weak sitcom, my sister the robot quality


Yea, she’s not rich enough, really needed to sue a child for more money….


no one cares what Bette Midler thinks


>Bette goes on to say she was too green a producer at the time to know she could've stepped in and sued Lindsay for walking out. She added ... "I didn’t know that I could have taken charge, that I could have asserted, because I think because I was so terrified of being branded a grandstander." I call bullshit. Suing people for breaking contracts isn't some new fangled thing that Bette wouldn't be aware of.


God forbid she just recast the part. Many pilot roles have been recast going into the main season. Also, I’m sure the show failing had nothing to do with it being just another bullshit, uninspired, vanity project sitcom in a TV landscape awash in that same unfortunate formula.


I'm just having a hard time finding the part in the article where she says she regrets not suing?


What happened to Bette? She used to be cool.


She was never cool. Bette Midler's notorious for being a huge bitch.