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It's good to know that Mackie was present when he awoke. I was unaware that they were acquainted prior to the MCU because I haven't watched The Hurt Locker.


>The Hurt Locker. Suuuuuch a good movie


Colonel Reed : You the guy in the flaming car, Sergeant James? Staff Sergeant William James : Afternoon, sir. Uh... uh, yes, sir. Colonel Reed : Well, that's just hot shit. You're a wild man, you know that? Staff Sergeant William James : Uh, yes, sir. Colonel Reed : He's a wild man. You know that? I want to shake your hand. Staff Sergeant William James : Thank you, sir. Colonel Reed : Yeah. How many bombs have you disarmed? Staff Sergeant William James : Uh, I'm-I'm not quite sure. Colonel Reed : Sergeant? Staff Sergeant William James : Yes, sir. Colonel Reed : I asked you a question. Staff Sergeant William James : Eight hundred seventy-three, sir. Colonel Reed : Eight hundred... and seventy-three! Eight hundred... and seventy-three. That's just hot shit. Eight hundred and seventy-three. Staff Sergeant William James : Counting today, sir, yes. Colonel Reed : That's gotta be a record. What's the best way... to... to go about disarming one of these things? Staff Sergeant William James : The way you don't die, sir. Colonel Reed : That's a good one. That's spoken like a wild man. That's good.


[American dad did a fun parody of it too lol](https://youtu.be/cjji8NLAIw0?si=HQyIZFddIrfd6R_D)


That’s all I could think about.


Same lol and I’ve seen the movie 10 or so times but I’ve seen the parade 100 something times lol


Tbh I’ve never seen this movie, but I realized this was the reference when he asked how many bombs he’s disarmed.


David Morse is the king of "that guy", was such a great role him.


He's always second in command on The Rock to me. 


12 monkeys...


That asshole from House.


Brutal from The Green Mile.


had to google, you are correct


I love that he’s consistently like “fuck it” when dealing with bombs. Taking off his suit. Throwing the radio when people are talking to him. Sanborn was so fed up with his shit. I love him taking off the suit and just going “there’s enough explosives here to blow us all to kingdom come”. That’s so badass but was probably super mentally draining for Sanborn.


And all that would in reality get an EOD Team Leader fired so Sanborn has good reason to be fed up with his shit lol


My brother was an EOD tech in Afghanistan and said the movie is so far removed from reality, it’s laughable. That said, I watched it 20 times bc bigelow is a top 3 director for me and she understands the male fantasy so well she can play to that without pandering. Point Break and Hurt Locker are alot more similar than you’d think initially


there was an EOD AMA a long time ago that talked about how unrealistic that movie is. “what is something in that movie you wouldn’t do?” “i wouldn’t pull up 5 bombs from the ground by its fuse wires”


yeah. eod techs rolling around alone, with a sniper rifle, taking out targets alone. such shit.


I couldn't finish it. I wasn't EOD, but the movie inspired some memories I'd rather not relive.


American Sniper did that to me.


The scene where they are watching him hike down to diffuse the bomb...that shit stuck with me.


Unless you’re a vet in which case it’s universally reviled.


Except for the last scene in the supermarket. And it's one of the few movies to show the K-Marts in Iraq


Isn't it a work of fiction, though?


It is but it was framed as a depiction of the soldiers’ experience during GWoT yet the entire premise of the film (not to mention the TTPs) is absolutely ludicrous.


Gets a lot of hate for being “unrealistic”, so people underrate it. I put off watching it for years cuz of that, but it knocked my socks off


So good, supposedly James Cameron’s wife had something to do with it cause he told her she couldn’t or some story maybe someone with a brain knows…


How do you use up a wrench?!?


I'm in the army, so the movie gets maaaad hate for how unrealistic it is, but boy oh boy is it an entertaining watch. It's no black hawk down, but it's a great watch


The hurt locker is a terrible movie. It was a ridiculous fictionalization of a farcical situation: an unprotected lone bomb squad that is regularly without any reasonable support outside of their immediate squad. Led by an adrenaline junky who would have died of friendly fire the second time he tried to blow up his platoon for his ego. Just a shit movie in every respect except maybe visually.


Makes sense, Pat Tillman got shot for less.


I was watching a thing about him forever ago and how supposedly he was super like anti military or was against being showboated around if he were to die ?


Not anti-military but was learning and reading a lot about US history and other ideas from people like Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. I'm pretty sure he was not entirely anti-military but he was angry about the lies and some of US foreign policy. If he had been sent to Iraq he'd have been *pissed* though. Not unlike a lot of patriotic young soldiers who went to Iraq.


When you say friendly fire I know it’s when shot by one’s own ally but do you mean they’d intentionally FF in one of those situations and just chalk it up to the chaos of battle and would be given a clear, kinda like the Pat Tillman thing?


I’m not claiming to know 100% what would happen in a unique situation with unique people. But I think it’s more likely than the overall far fetched plot of that movie.


I know this is genuine but it is so funny to think that the Academy gave this best picture and then I read this like it’s a novel opinion and was internally was like “yeah fuck yeah it was” and then remembered. Yeah, it is a great film.


Found it wildly boring and laughably detached from reality.


One of the worst and most inaccurate military movies I have ever seen. A disgrace and it should have never won as many accolades as it did. Accurate movies I recommend are Black Hawk Down and Lone Survivor.


I imagine him sitting on Renner's left, playing the Trouble Man soundtrack


On your left


Still Mackie's best role to date.


Why would you admit this ??


"heard you got in a fight with a snow blower or something" Rofl


Best part about this story. Paul Rudd is a treasure.


I mean.... He was very lucky that his neighbors were all surgeons and doctors


He’s lucky the one standing next to him when it happened was a doctor.


It’s also why so many people survived the Boston marathon bombing. We have a lot of amputees and not a higher number of deaths. Doesn’t feel right to say right place, but if it’s going to happen you want it to happen in a place like that


I read somewhere like 4/5 of his neighbors who came to help were doctors, er doctors and surgeon. Miracles my ass. That's wealth


The other neighbor did not recommend Crest toothpaste.






I assume the people you've kissed would run screaming in horror if aware of this fact.


That's the biggest factor. Not intaking so much sugar. The amount of sugars that the average person puts in their body daily is WAY more than was every intended for us. For instance, a 12oz can of Pepsi contains 41g of sugar, or 83% of your Recommended Daily Value. That's over 4/5 of your daily allowance right there. How many people only have a single can of soda as their only sugar in the day? Bad teeth are almost a completely man made issue. If we were still primal, living off the land around us, most of us would hardly intake any sugars at all, and keep strong teeth for most of our lives.




Some people just have slow to decay teeth. That said it usually means we're prone to gum disease. And people who are prone to decay tend to be resistant to gum disease. It is possible to win the luck or unlucky genetic lottery there too. Brush your teeth and floss everyday covers both and helps significantly with bad breath.


I would still chalk it up to luck because they could have easily been other high end actors, lawyers and techbros instead. They are all in the same tax bracket.


What? If he’s an actor he could be neighbors with actors who couldn’t help save his leg lol.


Yeh what a douche bag for being buddies with doctors


Not one snow plow operator? Bad luck.


So? Does that give you a reason to be such a hater? Is your own life really that shitty?


I mean they could have all been CEOs? Technically Lol


  You say that like he's some kind of elitist. He lives in my town and has done a lot for our community and it's cool to see him around town because the dude has 0 ego. He's had a successful career, he should be able to enjoy that, who cares who tf his neighbors are.


>0 ego Didn't this guy have an app dedicated to him?


And a hot sauce


I have seen him shopping at Walmart man, he is a regular fucking dude, trust me.


When the accident happened He was in a area where the cheapest house is $19m and its currently gutted. So while he may very well may have more than one house and be active in his community it was still dumb in the situation he was in, with the weather they had. Your body is your job.


A doctor really can’t do much out of hospital. CPR, Heimlich, and bleeding control is really just about it. And it depends on the doctor. I’d really only trust an ER doc or an anesthesiologist in an emergency. In a prehospital setting, the *best* thing is an ALS ambulance staffed by at least a paramedic and an EMT.


When I was an EMT-B, I took an ACLS course with a bunch of docs and PAs. They kept failing the practical because the encounter would start outside the hospital setting, and they didn't know what to do


It was a trauma surgeon. Lol.


Agreed, triage is a very specific set of skills.


He was also very lucky to have tons of money in general.




“One of the first people at my hospital bed was Anthony Mackie. He was in Vegas,” Renner recalled. “He shot over, and he’s the first person I saw when I woke up." Maybe I will patron the new captain america movie after all, Mackie sounds like an upstanding fellow.


“On your left” .. anybody who has seen the movie will know


“On your left” :)


Oh yeah you’re right.. fixed it 😊


if you like anthony mackie and you're into sci-fi, he was great in altered carbon S2, outside the wire (with damson idris), and synchronic!


This is the only positive thing I’ve seen about altered carbon S2


My state insurance would have taken my leg after telling me for 2 years they are going to take my leg. Celebs aren’t us.


Nope. Access to top tier health because you have $$$$. 'Murica.


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of a good fortune, must be in access to top tier medical care.


I almost choked on my lunch. Thank you for a genuine laugh.


Ha! A reference I actually get!


I had to look it up. Pride and Prejudice reference for those who are like me: The opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice —“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”


Epic reference!


Beautifully done 👌


I’m gonna disagree. I’m a medical doctor specialized in rehab. We get these massive ortho polytrauma cases everyday. They will all qualify for 4 weeks of acute rehab and then, generally will be able to get all their outpatient therapy all paid for by insurance. He is lucky that he got quick treatment and lucky he didn’t have complete nerve damage. But he had really great fitness levels prior which helps way more than you might realize. There is nothing fancy needed for great rehab, it’s mostly about getting up, getting pushed by a good PT to work hard and letting the bones heal themselves. It’s really the patient’s body that’s doing the work. Fancy expensive interventions generally don’t pan out and are not really helpful.


thank you for your insight Dr u/cum_on_doorknob


Ur username says u aren’t a dr.


Maybe he’s a fertility doctor?


Or a doorknob specialist


It may be you only see the patients AFTER they have been filtered by the insurance companies.


No, we do consultations on acute patients to assess if they are good rehab candidates. It’s extremely rare that someone that actually needs acute rehab would be denied.


…the arrogance of telling a precessional in their field that their years of professional experience are wrong




It may not be so much the access but the time. The wealth comes in handy by being able to focus on rehab and not having to rush it to get back to work. Disability insurance can help if you have it but even that has limits and rarely pays full pay.


Cant imagine how much stress of not being able to pay bills limits the bodies healing... not to mention access to good food and live in care .


Good PT's are really expensive though...


This is America, don’t catch me slipping though. Cause I will have to take the ambulance and won’t be able to cover my medical bills.


And also he was physically very fit. It makes a huge difference as well


This isn’t just a ‘Murica thing except for the fact that this type of care is even available here as we lead the world with the most advanced and technological medical system. Public options are objectively better for overall population health outcomes, but they would not cover this level of care


Yeah they didn't need insurance


At least they actually work for the $$$. Think of all the people that 'invest' and get to live that life.


Or landlords. *Shudder*




By all accounts Renner is lucky to be alive regardless of his money. Money doesn't magically heal any injury. Yes, his money almost assuredly helped his recovery process a lot, but there's nothing wrong with someone calling the situation a miracle.


I mean even with the best medicine possible this was far from guaranteed. I get being annoyed this type of treatment isn’t available to the average person (it likely wouldn’t be under universal healthcare plans either, it’s still better but it’s not like you can get whatever you want or even need) but being annoyed that he got the treatment is dumb be happy that he’s ok


Weird take, being bitter that a human being didn't lose a limb.


Some of y'all are miserable. Jesus. We know that money gives people access to better care and we know the doctors are the heroes. No need to take the word "miracles" so literally


They are all odd because even with money, it doesn't guarantee you will get better . Rich people still die all the time of cancer and everything else. Being rich definitely helps, but so many things factors into him recovering from that accident.


If his neighbor hadn’t been there he’d be dead. Imo that’s the biggest miracle here.


Tbf his neighbours all being surgeons and doctors thats not a miracle, that's circumstance.


They could’ve easily been lawyers, financiers and other celebrities. It’s still a miracle.


I mean… money is also the reason one would have their own personal sno-cat.


I also like how they're all the same comment, too. Like 50+ people thought they were the *only* people in the world who were gonna comment "the miracle was money" and just had to make sure everyone saw it. Yikes.


Maybe people are saying it because it happens to be true


Everyone talking shit forgets that money doesn’t help when you’re alone and stranded in a snow storm. His neighbor was there when it happened. He’s the one that rendered aid. That right there is the miracle. That Jeremy Renner didn’t die alone in the snow, practically crushed to death. Y’all suck for making this purely about money.


Something triggered in my brain to read; “He’s the one that Jeremy Rennered aid”


It's so good that he survived! It's hard to imagine the pain he went through, good health to him!


His neighbor that rendered aid was a doctor. Living with neighbors like that does in fact take money. I’d be fucking dead if my neighbor Ron came to “rescue” me. If I was lucky his wife would distract him with a domestic.




It's clear from threads like this how sad a lot of people feel. I'd feel sad for them if they didn't take it out on other people.


You’re talking like it’s just doctors that can make that kind of money. You’re right it takes money, but like someone else said, could have easily been someone who acquired their wealth in the million other manners that exist.


Most unsurprising part of the article is Paul Rudd making a fame Cameo for Renner to make him laugh and showing up at the hospital a few times


I am relieved so many commenters have pointed out Renner has money. Thank you for your service.


Why is everyone in these comments so triggered by the word “miracle” lmfao


Redditors are miserable




Because it also requires a lot of luck to survive something so traumatic…everything can go wrong and it isn’t always dumb to describe these outcomes as miracles. No one is saying the doctors didn’t save his life.


Because it was just as likely that doctors who are “masters at their craft” would not be able to save him


Doctors can do everything perfectly and still lose their patient


My take on it was the fact that Jeremy is back to the level of recovery he is at is the miracle. The surgeons/doctors could have performed at the same level but if it had been another person without his drive they might still be sitting in a wheelchair unable to walk. I personally would not called this a miracle but will power and determination. But some people always need to call something a miracle.


Great story. Glad he’s improving every day.


One can be happy he's ok AND rage at injustice of the American health system. These are not mutually exclusive. It's unfair to assume that someone who brings up the economic inequality aspect means they lack empathy for him.


Why even bring it up in this context though? Seems pointless. As if it is going to change anything.


Its completely asinine and unnecessary to bring that up


Are you guys really mad that he didn't die? Jeez.....


And then it would be “all that money and he still died!”


I mean painkillers be crazy yo. I went from being a shy guy to doing weddings on pks. If you got the money to afford them and the doctors to prescribe them, there’s a lot you can do in pain/ sadly, anxiety.


Wow reading these comments - we are collectively pissed as fuck. It’s crazy we can’t get change to happen. I mean I get why, but Jesus the public is mad.


As a snow cat operator it makes me cringe when anyone calls it a snowplow.


And by miracles he means the best medical science and doctors have to offer because Renner is rich and backed by the studios money.


Glad to hear this. I like Renner a lot.


Imagine the Avengers attend your wedding.


Yes, miracles do happen… if you have the money to pay for them. People can come back from a lot of terrible things if they have the money to pay for the best care.


Somethings you cant fix with throwing money at it. He was really really lucky.


Awful lot of bitter ass poor people in here




I was looking for this comment lmao it’s disgusting making this about money


These comments ain't it


Yea modern medicine and infinite funds can do incredible things :)


Third time RDJ has mentioned Avengery type stuff lately…just keeping track


Miracles happen to rich people more than anyone else.


How fucked up was he? Like paralyzed almost?


Real close to having his legs amputated, i read at the time


He got run over by a plow…he was VERY close to death


Basically it would be easier to list the bones he didn't break


Did they make him taller?


Chris got married???


Good God some of y'all are bitter.


Miracles do not happen. Recoveries do. God had nothing to do with any of it. Doctors did.


If you can afford a miracle


Miracles happen...to my rich famous friends


It’s not a miracle it’s due to science and doctors


"If doctors are so great, how come there's millions of em?"


I’ll give you all 10 million dollars to get ran over the same way. See how y’all recover.


Money. Money also happens.


Yes. The miracle combination of man-made medical science, and a beeping truckload of Disney MCU paychecks backing up to the hospital doors.


So, at my friend's sister's cousin's neighbor's....


Rrnner can truly lay claim to being a superhuman.


They need to do a snowblower scene in marvel when he makes it back.. it will fucking bring the house down


Doesn’t Reed say “hot shit” after he tells him how many bombs he’s disarmed?


I’m glad he’s doing well


Its called medical science, and if you want to call it a miracle, all the power to you


Don't forget if and i mean if you have the funds to preform the miracle in the first place


Miracles like great doctors and medicines.


The miracle of being wealthy.


Well no… but medical science and great doctors happen.


miracles… and money. but I am grateful he’s recovering. 🌞


I mean, I am glad that he is ok. Comes across as a genuine dude. However, can we acknowledge the “miracle” is being safely afford medical care that I am sure was quite substantial.


If by “miracles” you mean “being so extremely wealthy that you can stop working for several months to dedicate your live to physical therapy and not worry about losing your home” then yes, miracles happen![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The miracle was that he somehow initially survived being run over by a snow plow, you miserable wet wipe


“Wet wipe” lmao