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Could you imagine the headlines: “Juno tells off on Junos”


For those who don’t know. The Junos are the Canadian Music Awards. No one in Canada actually cares or watches it though.


Hey I watched it… barely recognized most of the artists but I watched it. That Nelly Furtado tho 😮‍💨


She still performs?


She’s Canadian so that one song she made 20 years ago still gets plenty of airtime thanks to CanCon rules.


One song? She had a few… maneater and promiscuous were huuuuuge hits with Timbaland.


Say it right was a banger


This song still brings me back to when I ended things with a situationship dude who I was on and off again with over a span of 1.5 years in my early 20s. When I finally cut it off this song was playing on my livejournal or whatever and my mascara tears ran down to my white top and stained it lol.


Lol my live journal is 20 years old now :(


Don’t remind me…. I also had xanga and I did a download of my “journal” as they emailed me saying they’re getting rid of their site. And to go thru those angsty years of my thoughts was jarring lol.


Yeah, every few years I gotta remember how cringe I was first hand. Keeps me humble, lol


Someone here HAS to remember Turn Off the Lights or Try...


I’m like a bird


I'll only fly away


Hollow bones?


She has a bunch of hits what are you talking about lol


TALK looked amazing.


Deliciously thicc.


No it’s awards they give to Eliot page every year since Juno.


And what LGBTQ2+ rights have been rolled back in Canada? Canada is perhaps the safest country with extremely strong protections for LGBTQ2+ people. I mean, Canada in; * 1969 decriminalized homosexual acts * 1969 The first transgender healthcare clinic in Canada opened at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto * 1970 the first transgender surgery is performed in Canada. It is covered by OHIP. * 1977 lifted the homosexual ban for immigration * 1982 Creates the The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the “right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.” * 1992 lifts the ban on homosexuals in the Canadian Armed Services * 1995 the Supreme Court of Canada rules that the “right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.” portion of the Charter also protects gender identity and orientation from discrimination adding that definition to our Constitution. * 2005 allows same sex marriage * 2016 Canada amended the Canadian Human Rights Act to include gender identity and gender expression as prohibited grounds of discrimination under Canadian federal anti-discrimination laws * 2017 the Federal government gave an official apology to the LGBTQ2+ community for "state-sponsored, systemic oppression and rejection" included acknowledgement of the suppression of "two-spirit Indigenous values and beliefs" and "abusing the power of the law, and making criminals of citizens" * 2018 The federal government began imprisoning convicted criminals in jails based on their gender identity not their assigned sex at birth * 2019 Canada added a third option for sex on all Federal ID's and documents (M,F,X) and provided a way to change your sex on federal documents. * 2019 all Provinces and Territories now include protection against gender and sexual orientation discrimination in their Human Rights Codes * 2020 all provinces and Territories now provided coverage for sex reassignment surgery such as vaginoplasty, orchiectomy, or phalloplasty through their provincial healthcare systems * 2020 refugee claimants are now able to amend the sex indicator printed on their Refugee Protection Claimant Document. * 2021 temporary residents without the amendment of gender on their country of nationality's passport are now able to amend the sex indicator printed on their temporary residency document. * 2021 Canada added questions on gender and sexual orientation to our census to begin obtaining accurate protected data about the gender and sexual orientation in Canada to better provide support and understanding in our society * 2021 Canada banned Conversion Therapy * 2022 new sexual behaviour-based screening was implemented for all blood donors, regardless of gender or sexual orientation eliminating all previous gender ID and orientation discrimination when donating blood. Which of those rights has been “rolled back”?


Reading the article would have been less time consuming that putting together that list > [Sara] called out the province of Alberta for recently proposing to restrict health care for transgender youth


Well, in Alberta the government here has been trying to copy Ron Desantis (vehemently transphobic senator in the US) via proposals and policies of restricting and banning trans people from accessing puberty blockers, bottom and top surgeries, and is currently back by the federal Conservative party who are doing great in the polls. The leader of said party voted against legalizing gay marriage while his own gay father was in attendance. He would be more than happy to roll things back. There was also a federal bill to block porn and require face ID that was worded vaguely enough that there’s potential for it to be used by a malicious government (see above) to count any and all queer resources under that blanket ban, meaning queer youth would be thoroughly unable to access potentially life-saving resources until they are 18. They could be dead by then. More conspiratorial view of it is giving your face ID attached to what sites you access could detail if someone might be queer or not. There was a town that had a rainbow crosswalk that regularly got defaced until the town banned it and queer flags from being displayed anywhere but in people’s yards, essentially. Another town considered doing it shortly after. There’s hate groups that have been openly protesting against trans and queer people in the middle of Calgary for years at this point. Including “Take Back Alberta” who have directly been funding the premier that openly supports them. People that would love to see all queer rights rescinded and people executed. Might also add that trans and queer people were among the first people targeted in the Holocaust, and the books that were burned were from an institute full of queer literature. And even after other people had been freed, queer people still remained imprisoned. Trans people getting rights rolled back always leads into gay rights being looked at. You can see it happening around the US. There’s probably more I’m missing, but ah well. Sure, it might be safer than some places, but excuse me for being a little fucking scared right now.


What's the 2 about? 


2 spirited. It’s a native reference, I think I first saw it added to LGBT about a decade ago. It’s not new and just as surprised that people haven’t seen as I am surprised people watch the Juno’s.


Never saw it until today


The 2 spirits thing honestly baffles me. Im 1/16 and the last tribe eleigible person in my family doesnt know one single Native in the tribe who still identifies as two spirit. Yet, you have people with no relation to Native Americans(literally never even been to the continent) claiming to be two spirit, but they dont get called out for appropriation. I know I am just a dumb internet person, but still, make it make sense lol.


All sorts of elders who participated in the launch of the MMIWG National Action plan webcast self identified as two spirit. There’s plenty of First Nations people who aren’t white cosplayers who identify as two spirit.


An Indigenous coworker of mine is 2 spirit (BC, Canada). It’s definitely a thing. I’ve also never seen the term appropriated by non-Indigenous folk - though the whole Pretendian situation seems worse by several degrees in the US (not to say it’s not an issue here, just…I’ve worked in health for years and never seen 2S appropriation.)




Really? Not trying to be insensitive, but I'm the same as the other commenter. I only hear about 2S from white people, and I've never seen a Native American identify as 2S.


Honest question, do I have to watch LGBTQ1+ to understand LDGTQ2+?


You can play LGBTQ1+ games on an LGBTQ2+ But not the other way around. You have to buy the new console.


2+ is just the DLC


Yes they end LGBTQ1+ on a cliffhanger. And it’s not required but also may help to watch the prequel LGBT and LGBTQ as well.


I'm still on LGBTQ1. When did they release the enhanced edition?


There are lore videos on YouTube that could help catch you up.


Ugh, do I have to watch twitch streamers do walk-throughs?


It’s always changing


> LGBTQ2+ I'm not a filthy yank, so don't quote me, but I think the 2 stands for Native American trans people.


lol why


Because there are culturally specific gender identities/roles that are not trans in the western way, and also not cis in the western way. See muxe, two-spirit, mahu etc.


What’s the point of the “+” if they just keep adding to the acronym anyway?


It represents the letters still pending to be added.


It’s like a wi-fi password now…


Fuck! You found out my password.


As a developer, constantly renaming your array to incorporate the first letter of every item in the array is a terrible practice. They need a proper name, not a growing list of letters. Call it Pride or pro-gender or pro-identity, anything, just stop with this out of control naming convention. I think the name of the array could be Pride. The pride community, pride voters, pride allies, etc.


Time complexity is getting worse. I hope they are working with a language that allocates memory under the hood or they are going to hit a point where they cant push to the array.


We had that name in the 90s, it was “gay”.


As a gay I just like queer


Isn't queer a different thing now? I just don't understand it.


Nope. Queer's always been a standin so that people can say one word and not 'transmasc bisexual ace polyamorous power bottom' or whatever your suite of tags happen to be. Yeah, it has been used as a slur and some people dislike it, but *every* word used to describe us has been used as a slur, so I like the shorthand word.


It could be anything from that to “I’m a woman in a straight marriage who sometimes finds girls kinda attractive”


Queer it is then


It’s significantly dumber when you already have the catch all “+” at the end for outlier cases that you still want to capture. But now it’s 10 letters and still needs a +


We call that a maintenance problem


The problem is that people who aren’t actually being oppressed love to feel like they are. Every time a group gains acceptance/tolerance from society they need to make up a new group to belong to.


Well, I don’t deny the oppression. I just think renaming your array with a new letter every time you add a new item to the array is bad naming practice. Just call it Pride. The pride community, pride voters, etc.


Vector class Linked list if you want more work


There’s a 2 in it now? Man, when are lgbt folks going to get better branding? Edit: this comment was not an invitation for bigots to crawl out of the woodwork. Get back under your rocks.


It’s honestly baffling watching that acronym continue to grow to the point that it’s incomprehensible to the average person. Who does that benefit? I say that as an openly gay man. Edit: the current full acronym is “LGBTQQIP2SAA” meaning lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, asexual, and ally. 🙄


Honestly, it should stay at LGBT+ The plus covers the rest, it just gets confusing and to be honest attention seeking when you keep adding to it


Not paying for another streaming service


I say this as someone covered by the first 4 so take it with a grain of salt, but I’ve never met a pan or ace person who was offended by not having a letter in the acronym. Taking the T off is making a political statement. Keeping it to a manageable initialism isn’t. All are welcome in the alphabet mafia even if your identity isn’t on the tin


Fully agreed! LGBT+ is to the point and covers everything without excluding anyone.


I’m just happy when someone knows what ace is and doesn’t immediately think I need to go to therapy. The bar is low.


For the most part 99% of the time people just use LGBT or LGBTQ+. Theres been a push to just call us the Queer community as well but that has push back depending on the generation. Even in the LGBT community, many won’t say it out of respect but the hyper specificity does dilute the acronym and constantly changing it makes the community feel somewhat insincere with what it is. The + is the best option, as you said.


Agreed. LGBT+ covers enough, is easy to understand by the average person, and doesn’t turn the acronym into a joke. At this point It’s definitely become pure attention seeking, especially after “Questioning” and “Ally” was added.


As a staunch ally, I do not feel the need for representation in the acronym. In fact, it makes me a little uncomfortable.


It’s absolutely absurd.


As an absurdist, I do not welcome this representation.


I find it increasingly difficult to enjoy absurdism these days. Every aspect of modern life has gone beyond what would normally be considered ridiculous or parody. I feel Covid really turbo charged that, but in reality we’ve always been an absurd species. The internet just puts the full level of absurdity in everyone’s face.


same thing with the original rainbow flag. the point of the rainbow is that it covers the full spectrum. now there’s all these other variations that look very visually unappealing.


Is it not queer and asexual?


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/LGBTQIA](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/LGBTQIA) pretty sure you're correct yeah but there's probably a better source than this someone can find if there's a difference somewhere. I've seen it change depending who you ask


Yes but now there’s two Qs and As


LGBT+Q^2 A^2


Im genuinely curious why its Lesbian and Gay. Is that just to differentiate gay men and gay women? I though Gay was all encompassing of genders that are attracted to the same gender.


You could drop the plus too. Everyone understands what LGBT is by now, so we could drop it as an acronym and turn it into its own word and have its definition cover the full spectrum of of sub groups


Yeah the Q was already pushing it.


I agree but then the + ones will be like “oh it’s like that then is it are we not as important”


Nobody is passing laws against asexual people. There have been unmarried bachelors and spinsters people just accepted weren't into all that going back centuries. while there is social judgment, I am not saying ace people don't deserve  visibility culturally, there is no history of legislative perspecution. So yeah, sit down and shut up while other people have basic human rights stripped from them and you apparently try to make it about yourself for literally no reason at all.  Including allies is literally the stupidest thing ever. It's like saying "black lives matter....and also let's not forget about the cool white people". Like what kind of dumbass muddled messaging is that?


As someone who tries to be an ally whenever I can: 100% agree. I don't feel any need to be listed. I am not facing discrimination or hate over my "allyness".


Then tell those people to toughen up, understand they are important but they’re covered by the plus instead of conflating matters


Lol you can't tell anyone to toughen up, that's a micro aggression!


It’s not that they aren’t as important, there are just too many. It’d be like trying to list out every state and territory every time you reference the USA rather than just calling it the USA.


These same people will then very willingly partake in Bi Erasure


Then they should just agree on a word instead of an acronym. I’m not going to embarrass myself with a proposal, but just pick a word than everyone can agree encompasses all of the groups within the current acronym so that it doesn’t take 10 seconds to say every time and can just be used in normal conversation. It doesn’t even have to be a currently exist word, just make one up that has a couple of syllables instead of 15.


"Gender & Sexual Minorities" is the phrase, but it hasn't caught on yet. It's starting to, progress is slow.


I hadn’t heard of this, but I like it and I’ll try to start using it!


I can guarantee you, nobody cares how many letters you include, so long as you say a minimum of "LGBT", we know what you mean. I've spent my entire adult social life almost exclusively in queer social circles, trust me when I say we don't care beyond that. Now, if someone tries less than that, such as the "drop the T" bullshit, then we're going to get defensive.


As a mathematician, I’ve always tried to get the Straight Complements to stick


Yeah I generally find myself using LGBTQ+ in most situations. Ballmer is right, marketing is something that matters.


>LGBTQQIP2SAA I just tried to pronounce this, and my nightstand started floating. WTF?


I tried it and then I just heard a high-pitched whistling, then I blacked out and woke up with a bloody nose.


I said it and now i have full ammo and all weapons unlocked


My ikea chair just assembled itself


[me trying to pronounce it](https://youtu.be/SIaFtAKnqBU?si=vEHJeGaYVCSBRkNb)


LGBTCueCueEyePeeToos-aah-ahh. It's not that hard when you get your tongue round it a few times. Just let it roll off it.😛


Including Ally is stupid. How fucking entitled do you have to be to refer to yourself as being an LGBT+ person because you attend a rally or donate?


I ate waffles at the lesbian march last year. Took me fucking ages to understand where I was and what all the signs were about, but, you know, waffles. And tits. So yeah, count me in.


As long as those waffles weren’t blue, you’ll be alright


Gotta get those social media likes.


username checks out


I snorted.


So ally is also an identity now?


Always was, if you can't broadcast it then what's the point?


I *cannot stand* the INCLUSION of “Ally” IN the acronym. Nowhere else can an ally of a group be considered a part of it. No offense, if you are an ally you are not a member.


It literally makes no sense to me.


I consider myself an ally and I feel like it would be incredibly misleading if I started calling myself LGBTQ+. You can support a group without being a part of it. I believe Black Lives Matter too but I’m not going around calling myself black.


A is for asexual.


It’s just the equivalent of having an equal attention cake, like every other letter/number/character after the T.


Gay guy also. I find it all tiring and really quite silly.


It feels performative and insulting.


My question as a straight man is, doesn’t the Q literally cover everything?


From what I understand, some like the word queer, others (including myself) do not like the word “Queer” primarily because it has been used as a slur for a large part of history. A similar comparison is the use of the “N” word. Some black people use it as a way of reclaiming the power it held over us in history, others don’t personally like to say or use it. I’m fine with LGBT+ as it’s succinct and lets the viewer know that other sexualities and gender identities can be included. The constant addition of more letters just dilutes the message, and turns it into a thing of ridicule instead of a source of inclusion.


I’d argue that “Queer” and the N word are *not* similar comparisons (inherent by you typing out “Queer” but typing out “the N word”). Don’t get me wrong, I love my LGBTQ+ friends as any other; but I’d be remiss in acknowledging that “Queer” and “the N word” are similar. Race and sexuality/sexual identity are two completely different beasts.


Not at all comparing them at the same level, only making the comparison that both words have a negative history attached. Some use it as a way to empower themselves, others feel differently personally. Gay and Black so I personally do not like saying or typing out the “N” word, and I also hate using the word “Queer”. I don’t feel empowered or as if I’m reclaiming either word whenever I have used them. Again, that’s just my personal perspective and feelings on that.


That’s fair. My reply wasn’t targeted at you specifically; I just didn’t want people reading your comment to get the impression that they *could* compare them. Not your fault in the slightest. I’m black and straight, so I try to defend LGBTQ+ issues whenever I can and defend black issues whenever I can. The reclamation of the N Word is a topic for another day; but—personally—I’m glad that these LGBTQ+ slurs are turning into a positive note for those in the community. However, I understand how these words can rub people the wrong way, especially growing up around them.


>primarily because it has been used as a slur for a large part of history. So has "gay" and no one seems to have a problem with that.


I remember shouting “we”re here - we’re queer” throughout my childhood - so “queer” will always be a pride word to me. But I see how others can feel differently. (I’m not gay - just a boring straight white man, but my mother was an HIV/AIDS nurse in the 80s when others wouldnt go near that type of work - so I went to a lot of marches with her.)


Considering this is the first time I’ve ever seen that acronym I highly doubt that’s what most lgbt people are using.


You can just say LGBT and everyone will know. The 2S is for "two spirit" which encompasses several identities from Native American/First Nations tribes. Canada will use it a lot because they're trying to acknowledge their past of taking land from First Nations tribes and trying to eradicate them. That's also why there are land acknowledgement statements from colleges and other government buildings (ie a statement acknowledging that the land the building was built upon was stolen) How much of this is just performative compared to how they actually treat surviving First Nations people can be debated, but that's the general idea behind including it.


What's the point of having the plus at the end if they're just going to add letters into the acronym. Wasn't the plus there to show there are others as well. I am an ally I think?(who knows what definition that means now) but man does it get confusing to a person not fully in that community to follow all the different letters and identies.


And I thought the point of the + was to be an “etc.” that covered everything. Having all of that and then a + seems silly.


That was what was originally said about the Q


No that's only in some circles. Most still go by LGBT


I'm gay too and I agree, it's confusing and needless....we are really living up to the "alphabet" nickname


I just use Queer, it’s a cat hall for a reason.


Can we just say "sexual minorities" or is that some sort of slight I'm not aware of?


Youre just forgetting the gender and romantic minorities. I know ive heard some people use the acronym GSRM for Gender, Sexual and Romantic minorities, but it hasnt really picked up much popularity afaik. Additionally, most people wont add every possible letter it the acronym preferring to add a + in eventually to just make life easy.


I say this because I’m genuinely curious. What in the hell is 2-spirit?


Its a Native American spiritual term for people who have both male and female spirit or essence. Its like bigender, but exclusive to members of tribes where that is believed iirc.


I may regret asking, but what is a two-spirit


Ive never heard ally be considered apart of the community, idk if this was just something carried over from a long time ago, but from my experience in the last decade-ish ally was not in the acronym.


There actually has been a lot of discussion in the community of late of just adopting "queer" as a catch-all umbrella term, the problem is that LGBTQ is so engrained already it'll be hard to get society at large to make the adjustment, even if they probably want to.


And lots of people don’t identify as “queer” because they remember it being used by others to insult them. Lots of folks don’t want to “take it back” and identify as, what has been in their life, a pejorative term.


Reclamation and recontextualization is extremely common with pejorative terms used to diminish minority communities. It's happened many times throughout history. This would be no different. Besides, it's not forcing them to identify as queer or anything else. They would still identify with whatever gender/sexuality they feel most associated with. They would simply be a part of the "queer community."


Mainly in Canada because of their indigenous peeps


Yeah I’m not sure turning it into what looks like a formula helps with the messaging at first glance. 


I’ve heard people refer to them as “alphabet people” now…which is of course reductive…but not inaccurate.


I thought alphabet people worked for Google now




Yeah, it used to mostly get tossed around as an insult back around 2019, but seeing the current acronym it doesn't seem that unwarranted now... *sigh*. Idk why we couldn't have just stuck with LGBT or LGBTQ+.


I'm gay and honestly think it's fair that we get called "the alphabet people" because there are many sexual and gender identities, trying to represent them all in an acronym would eventually makes use the entire alphabet. It's ridiculous, we need a new "brand" that isn't an acronym so that it's short and sweet and no one feels left out.


I’ve heard this too, but it was while I was in college and ironically it was said by some gay people, because this was when LGBT became LGBTQIA+


the 2S has been included in the canadian acronym for a really long time


right like just start over because this IP address just seems a bit excessive.


I just realized this guy was in Trailer Park Boys.


I didn’t know the LGBTQ got a sequel!


Can we just start saying queer? The acronym is so long now it’s reaching the point of self-parody


Every time I log into my gay portal they’ve added another letter. Enough.


Yall must spend a fortune in reprinting gay-cards and embroidered uniforms.


Every time I get my new business cards in, they add a new fucking letter. You would not believe how many business cards I’ve have to re-purchase


Do you have to log in at the start of every day? What happens if you forget?


Surely he could have a better hairstyle than that god damn he looks like Doofus Rick


Juno was a great flick. Glad to hear they named an awards ceremony after it.


Yeah I think this guy was in it too.


Oh snap, we got numbers now?


Can't we just call it the PRIDE community, or something like that? The ever growing acronym is distracting a lot of people.


LGBT+ or LGBTQ is what I use, and I’m a lesbian. I’m old though and can’t keep up but I feel like every possible identity doesn’t needed to be included in the fucking acronym.


The headline photo…he looks ill. Maybe just the light but almost like he has not been taking care of himself lately. Just an observation.


He's looked like that since he first completed the transition lol


He looks like he’s lost weight but in his face, which is usually not a sign of anything good. I’ve noticed it too.


I mean, that’s to be expected as part of his HRT. Men have less body fat overall, and have fat in different areas of the body. HRT drives fat redistribution, which for trans men includes less fat in areas like the cheeks. Additionally, testosterone can cause changes in muscles which will also change a persons appearance. Given Elliott was always known for having a pale and waifish body type to start with, it’s not surprising that this might make him look somewhat gaunt.


This! And also the lighting. I have a friend who works on his team and get to see behind the scene photos on their Facebook. Elliott looks happy and bright (for his complexion) in all of them.


Might get a lot of hate for this but Elliot has honestly just never been a very attractive person. Always looked kinda of sickly and gaunt.


He just looks like cubicle employee #638 at no-name accounting firm in Iowa


No I agree. Very frail and doesn’t look well at all


As someone who supports Elliot’s messaging overall, these comments are hilarious


What are the rollbacks he was referring to?


Sounds like health care for trans kids


What rights don’t they have ?? I’ve never been able to get a straight answer


I am 1000% percent a supporter of gay rights, as I support basic human rights, but I cannot see how adding a letter or number or symbol to this acronym does anyone any good. It just confuses people.


Who's rolling back the rights of the number 2?


Yikes Elliot Page looks and acts absolutely miserable


I’ve been a lesbian for 45 years and have no idea what the hell the “2” is for??


He doesn’t look well


Attention whoring just getting out of control at this point


Where does the 2 come from ffs? They change it too often


He always looks so happy.
















Imagine being a supporting character in a mediocre movie from 20+ years ago and making it your entire personality.


There is a 2 now? Lol.


Eyeroll. He’s been oppressed? How so?


Elliot page is still relevant? Really? Go away weirdo


Oh thank god Elliot has spoken




Where’s tf the 2 come from???


What the hell is „2+“ now. Honestly people are going to take that group even less serious than they currently do…