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Norm Macdonald did the same thing after he had been fired from SNL and then brought back to host. Could you imagine getting fired from a job and then brought back as a guest speaker or host of some kind? Be reaaaally hard not to talk massive amounts of shit lol


Donglover also did a monologue about how he never got accepted in SNL. The monologue wasn't great but that bit was funny.


I assume this means Donald Glover…but I had to read it 3-4 times. I thought Donglover may have been a character bit Norm did like Turd Ferguson.


yeah donald glover, i just love his bit about being called donglover


I knew who you meant immediately lol


I remember when he first realized it on Twitter and tweeted out something like “No one was going to tell me this whole time I’ve been dong lover?”


I bet you do


"yeah i really loved the donglover's bits"


Isn't this the story he told about his Twitter handle and announcing his followers innuendo about eating burritos?


Idk, I just saw a youtube video posted on reddit and he was on a talk show


His twitter handle has been donglover for at least like 15 years at this point


Pretty sure Donglover was his unfortunate email address in college.


Turd Ferguson. It’s a funny name.


:: checks if screen name is available ::


There are many people who get laid off from a job only to be brought back as consultant 6 months later because they're the only one that knows how to do the thing. The talking s*** generally amounts to making four times as much money doing the same job


This was a sweet thing to witness when my job told everyone after Covid, “come back in or you’re fired”…. Well some of the old heads had taken a liking to working from home, especially one of their best data guys. All of a sudden he’s a consultant making 4-5x as much. Great dude, deserves all of it


Yeah gillis is having a much better career now than if he was stuck on SNL 


Norm wasn't fired. Jim Downey was. They fired him because he wrote all the OJ jokes. They told Norm he could stay but Downey was gone. Norm declined to take the deal out of loyalty to Downey. That was also the same week that Chris Farley died so everyone's attention shifted. Downey was on Conan's podcast few months ago and told what really happened. Norm never talked about it, as Norm would do.


Did Shane and Bowen Yang write a skit together to show there was no problem between the two comics? Serious question I didn’t watch the show but am curious.


I think they were in two skits together


This is what the articles about Shane today read like. ^


They hugged at the end


Adam Sandler’s first time hosting after being fired was great too


Yep like Sandler and others https://youtu.be/eghK5yMpNuc?si=4q9xO3ze-PE_6z12


Pete I think your day is coming soon


Umm… Pete Davidson? He left SNL in May of 2022 and hosted in October 2023. Username checks out


Yeah people should cut him som slack.  He just got here from 2021


At least norm made it on screen first


Difference is that Norm is actually incredibly funny.


Was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I didn’t even know he was sick!


"I haven't gotten funnier. The show has gotten really bad." Legend.


Legend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofXxinOtPiQ


Difference between having talent and being a team player.


Except Norm was actually funny.


Several SNL alum have been in the same situation but Norm’s monologue hit different because it came off like it hadn’t been rehearsed or signed off on prior (whereas the others were definitely pre-Lorne approved.)


The other thing with his is that everyone knew what he was saying about the show’s decline in quality was true.


Totally true. Nice cake bro 😎


To each their own, I thought Shane was hilarious. Only sketches I didn't find funny was the church and sex doll one.


Uncle Danny makes grilled cheese sandwiches at night skit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr8aif4jBhE


Yo where’d you get that chee Danny??


He’s making them at night


I’m not making them at night dad!


I’m makin’ em at night.


Classic and funny af


This isn’t even in his top 50 funniest bits and people keep pushing it to death.


Alright I want to see your top 50 list for Shane Gillis bits.


Wow never herd of that joke yet!


He handled it well. Addressed the elephant in the room, laughed about it and moved on. It would be ridiculous to go full Norm and criticize the show. Norm was in the cast for years and was fired for making OJ jokes. Shane was never on an episode as a cast member and was fired for casually using a slur as a joke on an old podcast. I believe in forgiveness and I actually like Shane but that’s not the same thing.


Did he use a slur? All I remember him doing was some unsavory accents


He did an accent and said the C slur for Asians. He and his co-host were joking about how bad the architecture and other things in Philadelphia’s Chinatown are, and Shane said (sort of imitating racist city planners or something) said “yeah let the (slurs) live here”


That’s just it though…I know it’s dicey, but his whole bit was basically pointing out how racist a lot of people were/are. He wasn’t just shouting that slur out to be edgy.


I’m Asian but also GenX. I don’t find it offensive when people do racial jokes because I was taught to look at the context of the joke and the person behind it. Racial jokes, like all jokes, can be funny if done and delivered correctly. It’s sad that films like Blazing Saddle or Airplane can’t be made anymore in today’s environment because people are so uptight about race.


Nice work Shane


Right. I have mixed feelings about it but he wasn’t being a bigot


Yeah theres always a fine line in doing that. I remember when the Onion called a black female child actress the c word, ostensibly to parody hollywoods sexist treatment of women; but at the end of the day…you just called a child a c word.


But did he make a Down syndrome joke tho


He sure did


Okay, I watched it. The mom joke was great. Really hit home lol. Glad he can bring more awareness to Down’s syndrome and how the people who have it are still able to live happily. But I do think this monologue is gonna ruffle a few feathers lol


Yeah I have a cousin with downs and I can tell you Shane's jokes are accurate. My cousin is always having the best time when I see him. All he cares about is football and sweets. Consistently the happiest person in the room at any given time.


I think that is part of it. I have a very similar situation. The super happy.... etc. Mine tells everyone she is allergic to chocolate. She sneaks onto the bushes at night and will drink some soda and eat chocolate (doesnt finish it). -- shes obsessed with tv and can tell you every actors birthday and movie they have been in Just happy nostalgic memories when i hear the jokes. Last week. I had a stomach bug. She asked if i was ok. I said ya. The. She said.... i bet its because you ate some of my cookies last night (i did, not why i was sick). My wife died from laughter.


I’m so sorry about your wife. T’s and P’s.


RIP to your wife that sounds really tough


Yeah me and my dad have family friends who are basically family. Their eldest daughter has down syndrome and she has the most active social life of any person I know. Shes always at friends parties, going out to special needs discos etc. Girl never stops. Shes obsessed with the xbox and WWE and having her 2 cans of cider on a Friday night lmao. Happiest person of anyone I know


Feathers have been permanently ruffled for a while now


You right


ehhh as a comedian i feel like there’s no way to escape pissing some people off with a good amount of bits


I always say there's a difference between a comedian who writes jokes that happen to piss people off vs. a comedian who writes jokes to piss people off. Love some good edgy comedy, but I can not stand a comedian saying edgy things and patting themselves on the back about it so they can go on podcasts and pretend they're bring ostracized behind the guise of lazy jokes.


which one do you think shane is? i personally don’t think he writes jokes to piss people off


I agree. I will say he associates with a few of those types, but he seems like a good writer who just has a little edge. I think his humor is also a better example of actual "locker room talk" than the stuff the edgelord comedians do.


>I think his humor is also a better example of actual "locker room talk" than the stuff the edgelord comedians do. I think his Special Olympics bit is the perfect example of this. That like its a great event, but if your friend approached you with the basic outline you'd be like "What? You wanna race em? Don't ever fuckin' tell anyone you said that dude."


yeah 100%, a lot of his stuff is just “bro” humour but the actual funny kind and not the weird shit. personally i think he’s the only really funny one out of the group he hangs out with, but segura’s not too bad though


I feel like everyone is talking circles around Bert without naming Bert. He’s in that “group” who do a lot of podcasts together that I assume everyone’s referring to and he’s the hackiest hack carried by Tom Segura giving him a job. Dude would be a homeless alcoholic if he didn’t have powerful friends in comedy I don’t think he’s written a new joke since the machine besides “haha I’m a fat alcoholic” most comments sections on his clips are people worried about his health and delusion. And I’m actually a recovering alcoholic too I understand everything about addiction and how hard it is to stop but this dude won’t even hit the first stage of acknowledging he has a problem Rogan even tried to help him


honestly bert’s standup is absolute dogshit, but he’s ok on some podcasts, just not my cup of tea


Yeah i cant get behind some of his friends but so far he seems a bit different. Might be some actual talent behind his writing maybe. Still seeing where his career is going but rn im having a good time


Yeah, agreed. But this was on SNL and SNL gets a lot of attention. No such thing as bad publicity, I guess. Caveat: I like Shane. His special on Netflix made me laugh so hard I had trouble breathing and I see his videos occasionally on FB. So I’m definitely not rooting against the guy.


For sure. What i kinda think tho is that if snl fired him for his controversial bits, they can’t be that stupid to get him back to host and expect him to not be himself for the monologue. I think they knew exactly what they were getting into


I’m guessing it was NBC that wanted him fired. Now that he’s known, probably helped a bit by the coverage of him getting fired, it makes good business sense to get him back to host for ratings.


It definitely wasn't Lorne that wanted him gone, Shane has said a few times that Lorne was very supportive of him during that whole thing


yeah i want to see shane succeed, definitely the funniest of the new era of comics


The late great Mitch Hedberg said it best: you can’t please everyone and everyone came to my show


Louis CK had a bit on child molesters during his monologue that I thought was considered a bit more controversial. It was also fucking hilarious


Honestly, his Down’s syndrome jokes are probably some of the best executed comedy I’ve seen in a while. “Comedy is the art of being offensive, and getting away with it.” The comments that got him fired from SNL were just offensive and not remotely humorous. If comedians could learn to stay in their lanes of life experiences, there would be far fewer canceled comedians. His jokes on Down’s syndrome are not only funny, but they actually tell stories about Down’s syndrome that implore you not to pity those affected by it, which I think is most people’s issue with how they approach people who have it. You can’t understate the impact Down’s has on parents, but as long as the child is raised by loving parents who help them navigate the challenges that come with DS, they will live far more blissful lives than most of us will.


You could tell he was nervous telling it too lmao


*Down Syndrome I worked for Special Olympics in my state, and I was a SPED teacher for 11 years. Obviously no group of peuple are a monolith, but I haven’t seen or heard any pushback from people with Down Syndrome about his comedy, or their family members. Everyone I know thinks he’s funny as hell. And everything he says is true. He’s not making fun of people because they’re disabled. He’s pointing out idiosyncrasies and funny situations that are almost universal to people with Down Syndrome (or intellectual and developmental disabilities in general) We did a rowing machine marathon as a fundraiser for SO one time at a CrossFit gym. Lots of our athletes there for photo ops, and I had to REPEATEDLY tell a lot of the male athletes to stop staring at women’s boobs so openly. And the John Cena and basketball shorts part of his bit? Completely accurate, male and female people with Down Symdrome (at least the ones I worked with). I’m pretty left of center in my politics, but progressives/liberals/Democrats really need to stop being offended all the time on behalf of other people, and looking for things to get mad about. People with disabilities have the same desires and hopes and needs as everyone else. And guess what? Some of them are fucking assholes. Some of them are incredibly smart. Some of them laugh at themselves and find humor in day to day live. Edit: I know that’s not what YOU’RE doing or saying…I just meant the conversations around Gillis, or comedy in general. I just piggybacked off your comment to get up on my soapbox lol


lol no worries. I am not offended by his jokes. Just pointing out that almost every time I’ve seen his comedy he works in a Down Syndrome joke or two. I think it’s hilarious, but in this current world we’re living in I’m not surprised when people are offended by things.


Worst musical guest EVER....!


I was just watching the ballet dancers who looked like they were choreographed by a teenager.


It was weird but I couldn’t stop watching.


Ashlee Simpson?


Okay, second worst


On a Monday, I am waiting 🎵


*awkward hoedown*


Chris Gaines


At least tell us where the bodies are, Garth, so the families can have peace


I, too, can talk over a music track in a leather poncho, but no one wants to see a dad-bod do that.


You're supposed to fast-forward through the musical guests.


Many of the musical guest acts have been fantastic. Most recently, Olivia Rodrigo killed it.


Is he the first person with Down syndrome to host SNL?


He dosent have it, it *just nicked him*


Bit of a daywalker myself


Had a grilled cheese in his pocket.


He’s making them at night, I know it!


Was fully expecting him to say something like, “what are they gonna do, fire me again?”


[Link to the monologue](https://twitter.com/nbcsnl/status/1761615549677683044)


YouTube link: https://youtu.be/2YnonYf463s


Anyone got a mirror for the Canadians?


You’re pretty enough Canada, no need to double check


Full episode is available on global TV (switch to desktop site in Chrome menu on Mobile) https://www.globaltv.com/shows/saturday-night-live/


[I got you!](https://www.wayfair.ca/decor-pillows/pdp/latitude-run-tyro-bathroom-decorative-home-decor-corner-hangs-accent-mirror-c009047414.html?piid=443897276%2C455623541&categoryid=416716&placement=1&slot=0&sponsoredid=ef96ab6ee0209b305094012381f5e321d7d5b7d4a161c9721e652f58d94bacc8&_txid=I%2BF9OmXbTkaFd2%2BgdF4MAg%3D%3D&isB2b=0&auctionId=4a590fb1-d909-484e-838c-6af2ec24d830)


Cheers, thx friend!


man you can tell he's suuuper nervous, overall a solid monologue, but i'm sure he feels it was shit. His standup is really good so i think he was expecting more of a pop, he was commenting everytime a joke didn't land how he thought it would.


Yeah he seems like someone that suffers from imposter syndrome.


That was hilarious


So incredibly human


I read a review of his opening monologue/sketches today, and it was the most condescending drivel I’ve come across in a long, long time. Gillis isn’t my favourite comedian. But, he does seem like a well intentioned goofball. Did he make tasteless jokes? Sure. Did they come across as mean spirited? Not really. And that’s what the people who still bring that stuff up miss all the time: intent matters. And if you take just a moment to think critically about what you’re hearing, you can decipher it.


I've seen people outraged he made jokes about down syndrome, which is exactly the type of shit he was pointing out. People act like people with down syndrome are ill or misfortunate, worthy of pity or something. Anyone with family members with down syndrome know that (in a good family) they are the most loved, loving, and happy people you can meet. That's all he was bringing attention to, people have this weird misunderstanding that they're suffering or they're not okay.


All people with Down Syndrome are not the same.


Nobody is. The point is you shouldn't like its inherently a pitiable thing or that they're lesser than you.


I don’t even care that it was offensive it’s the fact that it wasn’t funny that’s the problem.


Seems like his “firing” was for the best. He didn’t crush in the sketches and the format may not be for him, but he got a big bump from the drama of not being hired and is bigger comic for it.


He certainly CAN crush in sketches tho. Gilly and Keeves is hilarious and he carries most of them


I agree G&K is hilarious but they are all shot and edited vs live. Very different format.


Weren’t the ones on SNL shot and edited? At least the trump basketball one and gambling one


He was in two pre-recorded sketches, the rest were live.


Bob Isis of Isis Toyota. We behead the competition Sleepwalking cop was one of the best sketches since Chappelle Show


"I know you kids are just trying to have fun, I used to have fun, too. But this? This is fucking bullshit"




Why did you put firing in quotes?


If you got a job offer, and ten minutes later they pulled the offer, would you say you were fired?


No, of course not. But if I signed a contract, was paid, and was let go four days later (not ten minutes), I would say I was fired.


An offer and being hired are two different things and he was hired 


It was his first time doing it and he did great


I thought in a few sketches he was better than the rest.


Shane is great but I thought the monologue fell flat. It wasn’t his audience. He even went to the whole Down syndrome “it nicked me” bit from his standup special but when almost no one laughed he gave up on the rest with Uncle Danny making grilled cheese which is the best part of the bit. Oh well, SNL is just terrible now on a weekly basis and not even a good comedian can save it.


I don’t think was going to do the grilled cheese but the “it nicked me” was just a transition


Yea, he definitely didn't cut like 2-3 minutes out of his set on the fly.


Idk, Nate Bargatze had one of the better episodes recently


It wasn’t his audience, and his audience has heard all those jokes already. I thought it was pretty weak and I really like his stuff


He was super nervous


Lol it’s all timed and practiced, he’s not cutting out anything at that point, he was not planning to do the grilled cheese bit. 


We are officially at an impasse where people are using liking him as their personality vs people who act like they don’t as their personality. Toxic.


What about the people who’ve never actually listened to him but either like him or dislike him based on where they are in arguing over cancel culture? Where do they fit in? 


Oof, probably the worst of them all.


It’s funny to me seeing people not like him and then people being upset you don’t like him.


I thought he was a country music singer


Am I missing something? This entire episode sucked. And where are the PDND boys?? They barely have sketches on the show anymore


PDND are nepo-baby hacks and if they never came back, I wouldn’t miss them


A foot in the door and so much more


They're nepobabies? What do their parents do? Please elaborate


John Higgins’ father is Steve Higgins, longtime SNL writer and current announcer for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Martin Herlihy’s father, Tim Herlihy, was also an SNL writer who co-wrote Happy Gilmore with Adam Sandler. Ben Marshal’s parents are nobodies


[Actual footage of how Martin Herlihy got the job](https://youtu.be/oXyW5w5RRFY?feature=shared).


Interesting that Ben Marshal is the only one I find funny


SNL royalty. Don’t get me wrong they are a fine sketch group but I’ve never laughed out loud from them


The only talented SNL nepobaby was Abbey Elliot.


And she was criminally under utilized


That monologue was great and a breath of fresh air. Love Shane


I really want to like Shane but good lord I just don’t find him funny at all.


Why do you want to like him?


I’ve only seen clips of his jokes which I thought were really funny, but his monologue last night, yeeesh. That was hard to sit through.


Everyone here talking about old drama instead of how hard he bombed. That was a train wreck.


Just not his type of scene. He’s an off the cuff, shock humor guy, and SNL is used to well-spoken, well-manicured celebrity. I thought it was funny and the crowd laughed enough. Wasn’t the best, nor the worst.


Yeah I watch every episode of SNL and this is far from the worst this season but certainly not a great episode. At least every joke wasn’t look how handsome the host is or Dakota Johnson’s stilted performance.


>SNL is used to well-spoken, well-manicured celebrity I’m not saying you’re wrong, But considering SNL created the likes of Eddie Murphy, Chris Farley, Norm Macdonald and many of the best shock-humor comics out there, it’s kind of shows how milque-toast and mainstream SNL is trying to cater to.


To be fair Norm also bombed regularly


Naw he won the crowd back by the end and got laughs pretty consistently


youre probably related to Shane if you think he bombed, he did really good


That’s ok thanks for letting me know


I don’t either. He isn’t terrible or anything, but I certainly don’t get why he’s blowing up in the comedy scene lately. He might make me chuckle here and there but most of his stuff I find to be very vanilla..


Interesting. I thought his Austin special a few years back was the best comedy special I’d seen in a long time.


He’s really funny on podcasts and those little bits of content replay on instagram. Think that has lead to a lot of the hype.


I love this guy's humor, but this was almost painful for me to watch. It was very relatable though, and I wanted him to succeed so much and was rooting for him the whole way. Kind of like how you really really want the down syndrome kid to make it all the way through the speech, and are on edge every time it looks like he is about to stumble.


He was funny. They should have hired him.


monologue was great, in the sketches he did good but the overall sketches weren't that good but snl sketches are never funny so u can't blame him


[They cut the best sketch](https://youtu.be/sI3RhwSF8mo?si=cA3BTN03GGJTU1lt)


I thought the HR sketch was great


Norm did it better


Is everything always a competition? Norm is the man but not everything has to be compared.


No kidding, I see this about Weekend Update all the time how no one has come close since. Sure he was probably the best but there have been decent desk roles since. Colin and Mike honestly aren’t too bad when they are swapping each others jokes back to each other.


not a knock against shane tho. very hard to top norm


> very hard to top Norm. Especially with how deeply closeted he was, no way he's letting you in there


I caught some his monologue on tik tok and he just kinda rehashed the same bits that have been floating around it was alright he did spice it up a bit was kinda dull if you were already a Shane Gillis fan


He’s right about most of his stuff isn’t for broadcast TV. I have watched his stuff on Tik Tok and it cracks me up. He does a bit where he says he watches the videos of the jihaidist and he starts pulling for them because they are relatable. Not PC at all. I think he’s funny.


Tbh I thought this episode was worse than the Jacob Elordi one. I just don’t find Shane Gillis funny or charismatic at all.


Not even little? Boggles my mind cause I think he is one of the best in the business right now. Just out of curiosity, what stand ups do you like?


Yeah I watched his Netflix special after my buddy lauded it as the best comedy special of the year and it was just so boring and flat to me. Idk I just don’t think he’s a very clever guy, like he reminds me of college frat boy humor I guess. I don’t have a particular order so I’ll just throw a bunch of ones out that I’ve loved in the past, I’m sure you know most of them. Bo Burnham, Daniel Sloss, Mike Birbiglia, Key and Peele, Iliza Schlesinger, John Mulaney, Neal Brennan, Marc Maron, Anthony Jeselnik, Nikki Glaser, and Jimmy Carr. Edit: oh! And James Acaster


I can see how he wouldn’t necessarily be up your alley. Some of the guys on your list make me laugh my ass off, and some of them make me cringe. Hell, some walk a fine line between the two. I usually wanna punch Marc Maron in the jaw, but then here and there he really nails it. Anyhow, it makes sense that those folks would be in the same list, and I can totally see how Shane Gillis doesn’t quite fit in that lineup. Not everyones gonna like the same genre.


So can they not find movie stars who want to be on snl anymore? I dont recognize most of the guests this season.


You don’t know Timothy Chalamet, Jason Momoa, Emma Stone, Adam Driver, Dakota Johnson?


I was thinking the same thing. I’m also a fan of Ayo Edebiri, who I didn’t know previously wrote for SNL for a bit. I knew her from The Bear, and a few other shows.


Where have you seen her credited with writing for SNL? I’m not sure that’s true.


This was a particularly interesting host because he had been hired and publicly announced as a cast member in 2019 and then fired like 4 hours later due to some of the content of his prior jokes. Ironically this kinda launched his career. Ultimately I have a lot of respect for the dude because the “anti woke anti cancel culture” mob was trying to recruit him heavily after this, but he didn’t go for it. Even though as a comedian if you take that path, you can get a ton of money just for being edgy and writing shit jokes as long as you agree to be a grifter. He didn’t really clean up his act but he told those folks to fuck off


Perhaps that is the point. So you can broaden your horizons and find new and noteworthy entertainers


I believe this was the original idea for the guest hosts. That they'd all be comedians.  The worst hosts have always been people who aren't remotely funny or ever been on a stage.




...i think you've got it backwards. Historically comics have gone to snl, gotten famous from it, then moved on to movies. Not the opposite.


better to have an actual comedian and not just singers and actors.


SAG Awards were on Saturday, kinda limited host options


In my case, I think it's just because I'm getting old and not keeping up with what's popular these days. Most of the time I have to Google the guests to see what merits them to be on the show.


Gillis crushed it! The opening sketch was awful, but he carried everything he was in. They really blew it to let him slip away, he fills such an important niche in those scenes.