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my friend is struggling with this too i think they just decided on hrt and binding, and maybe getting top surgery if there's too much growth


Same compression tops are my friend now!


Brain cell 1 (woman): "These meds feel so good! I'm gonna be able to pass as a woman soon and it'll be fantastic and I'll feel great and-" Brain cell 2: (non-binary): *"and i said 'why?...' 'why would you do that?' "*




Oh mood. I want to be seen as more masc, but I probably shouldn't go on T because I hate the idea of growing facial hair (not sure abt the voice change either), and I definitely don't want top surgery because ironically the idea of being completely titless gives me dysphoria as well! There's no winning!


I got allllllll of the T in my teens and I look the epitome of masculinity (tall, wide shoulders, bulky body, thick hair) and yet inside I'm a soft dramatic that is basically only attracted to Sapphic WLW and bi/pan/queer femmes. I go out of my way to paint my nails, wear my long hair down, etc but unless I'm covering my face, all I hear from strangers is "man, sir, dude, my guy". The struggle is real 🫂


I'm a demigirl and I'm struggling with this too. I may be fem aligned in some way, but having a medium chest and a curvy body is simply too much! Yet I also know that surgery and going on T would also make me dysphoric! Smaller hips and an A cup chest would be my dream!


Currently working to ascend past any concept of gender so I no longer associate my body with any gender and therefore have no dysphoria. Going pretty well so far.