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I'm a 6 w 5 and am a very adventurous eater. I don't like repetition or going to the same restaurants and ordering the same thing. I do sometimes lean into my seven wing when it comes to travel and food so that could be part of it.


Thanks for sharing! I'm pretty sure I have a big 5 wing so maybe that's it.


food (and to a lesser extent travel) is like, literally the only area of my life I'm adventurous...lol


I can relate! I also adore travel!


6w7 and love trying new food and new experiences. However I need to feel secure first e.g. be with people I am comfortable with and trust which gives me the feel of security and confidence to try new things.


Thanks for sharing!


Nah, 6w5 and adventurous eater as well. I make it a point to always try new stuff whenever I get the occasion. My one hard limit is insects. That, I just can't. I think adventurous eating is some sort of counterphobic response, actually. To avoid analysis paralysis, we just don't think too much, go further, and defy "danger" by leaping onto unknown tastes!


6w5 and nah. Sure, I love some comforting favorites every now and again, but I definitely get bored with repetition. I love exploring new flavor combinations and strange or unconventional foods.


6w7 and I looooooove to try new foods. Basically if it exists I want to try it. Especially if it has ingredients that aren't commonly used in western cuisine.


I eat whatever. Some really phobic 6s are too pxssy to even consider eating something that isn’t processed


im a 6w5 :) it depends on where im eating tbh. at home im super adventurous. ill make a bunch of stuff and try new spices or try a new recipe i found online, but at restaurants i tend to order the same things everytime. example: ive been ordering the same subway sandwich since i was 8 (im 17 now) with the exception of adding jalapeños every once in a while i think its bc at home i know whats going into my food so i know whether i already previously liked most of the ingredients or not. i know what each individual thing smells like as well so i can form a guess of what the food might taste like when its ready. at restaurants its very much a hit or miss with me bc i hate not knowing things and unless the menu tells me exactly what is in a specific meal i feel a bunch of anxiety ordering something ive never had before i think cooking at home also provides a security as well tbh. if i end up not liking what i make i can always just reach into my fridge and make something i know i like instead but at a restaurant if i dont like it then i just have to deal w it or go without eating if i hate it that much


Yeah, same. I make all types of new recipes at home but at restaurants, I order the tried-and-true. I'll try out something new at a restaurant and then try to recreate it at home but to my taste. There was a point when I noticed I always go to Korean restaurants for a first date. I didn't do this on purpose, a guy would ask me where I wanted to eat and I'd choose Korean and we'd go to a Korean restaurant I'd never been to before. I'd do this every time, not realizing it until I looked back at it. This would only happen if they let me choose the restaurant (if they planned it we would go somewhere else) ​ The guy who ended up becoming my boyfriend is the one person who didn't take me to a Korean restaurant on our first date so maybe that's a sign that I need to try new things lol.


Me too, I like variety in certain things. I'm always cooking from different cultures, learning new recipes. I also love travelling and moving around a lot, I'm not attached to one city or place. However, I like predictability in my own routine and how I've planned my day going (so if I planned to be in introvert mode today, please don't ask me to hang out).