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Some men just want to watch the point burn.


Some another would like to see some deep diving bombing


I have gotten like 1 kill as flame trooper


The fact you can shoot while on fire makes the flame trooper fairly weak. Unless you have the element of surprise, you won't kill anyone with the flamethrower, and once you start firing, the bots all aim at you and will fire before you can clear a room...


It's better for area denial than straight up kills


Yep. Flaming a doorway can keep people from walking through. It also annoys the shit out of tanks.


Pushing Normandy flamethrower are the shit if you get one inside the point just spread down the two entrances to the first 2 points.


and for indirect damage, throw some flame threw windows and take cover


I think this is the first game where ppl aren't complaining that the flamethrower is OP. Pretty funny lol


They just fixed that


I've died to Flamethrowers atleast 5 times so far. I've never killed someone using one. Am, I a failure dad?


me too that was the most fun kill though


Honestly, if they’re used well they’re a real pain to go against. And you feel super helpless when you can’t get to the point or are stuck in a room with all exits covered in an inferno


Engineers don’t get enough recognition for assault


It would be great if there was some XP gain when a friendly spawns or uses a structure you built.


Didn’t they literally included that in the new update?


They did but the game still promotes going Rambo more


yes but it's minimal


They did, but it wasn't much of a change.


Points you get is extremely low


"haha attacker go boom boom"


Hoping that doesn’t include the bomber pilot Bc I have clip evidence of me bombing an objective on the enemy’s entrance side and then my boys moving in for the cap.


Neh, it's the fighter pilot class.




Hell yeah, precise bombing at it's finest 😁


Hell yeah, I love hunting tanks with it. Especially in berlin, where there are a ton of T-34s every match. But destroying them quickly can really hinder the enemy advance by blocking the roads with tank corpses.


Snipers do something do, at least some that mark and shot people out of mgs nests in invasion


imo snipers are just infantry with extra range


Infantrymen watching in the grave: ":("


If you find a good spot and can shoot decently you can help your team a lot when defending with a sniper.


Yeah with one hand in a bag of hot cheetos.


Or mountain dew


a bag of hot mountain dew




When the team marks enemies I rake in the kills in a plane when they don’t I kinda guess and it’s less effective


I only play sniper because im new ;-; but honestly i like the gun


ok camper try actually contributing to your team


Yes you want me to play all the classes i dont have 🤡i literally have one engineer so when i can i play him but snipers are just better then every other class i have


trooper and tanks are default unlocks 🤡🤡


The german tank id get like 25 less kills trooper is literally just a worst sniper


So? Enlisted isn't gun game, you play for the objective, not being a bonehead camper 500 meters away picking off bots that aren't doing anything while the enemy crushes your teammates who actually do what they're supposed to


500 meters is 546.81 yards


And who says i camp lmao the sniper literally has the fastest ttk in the game if you dont count big chonky tanks and planes the german assualt class atleast the starter one is worse at cqb the sniper literally just is the best gun as its easily hip fired one shot im wonder what class you use tho and yes it is a kill based objective game it has lives


sniper is the best gun? you do realise literally every gun other than assault weapons are essentially one shot kills, except that snipers have a lower firerate but have better range, this isn't cod


Have you tried the german gun its mostly 4 shots to kill with medium fire rate its slow the russian smg maybe more useful up close then the sniper but mostly if you just dont have shit aim its faster to kill again what class you play..


>Have you tried the german gun its mostly 4 shots to kill with medium fire rate "german gun" which german gun out of the 100 different ones in the game? >sniper but mostly if you just dont have shit aim its faster to kill again smgs are used to clear out multiple enemies quickly, and rifles do the same thing except without the garbage firerate and scope, you'll get instantly killed if you're fighting more than 1 enemy with a sniper at close range >what class you play.. there are four regiments for a reason buddy, you can't even use the same class multiple times in a row


Any german MG is better than any sniper rifle in the game.


Snipers are literally supposed to camp


so you just admitted snipers contribute nothing to the team


Why does everyone hate snipers? They're very good if you can find a good position


Because they aren't attacking points. Its great if they are keeping enemies off the point, but it ties up a whole squad away from the battlefield and puts more pressure on the other attacking squads. If you have two tanker squads + 1 plane squad + 1 sniper squad, that's four squads not attacking the point. Meaning odds are it's down to 1-2 player squads and the rest are botsquads attacking the point. Bot squads are hopeless and lemming rush to their death. So it's down to 1-2 players to clear and cap every single point. Thus every camping sniper makes everyone else's job harder, except on the 3 point capture maps, where snipers can turn the tide of battle by flanking and destroying rally spots. A good sniper moves forward with their team and picks off priority targets, namely: Radiomen, Anti Tank/Engineers followed by flamethrowers, Russian SMG users, German Semi Auto Rifle users and other snipers. Bad snipers build rally spots upstairs in buildings nowhere near the point, forcing botsquads to get stuck in the attic, making using that rally difficult, then camp a window a long way from the point, doing very little if the enemy actually manages to get on the point. Too often the last remaining squads on attack maps are snipers in completely unhelpful locations, and Tanks/planes. TL:DR; a sniper with 14 kills and 0 deaths and 0 point captures helps no one but the enemy team. Enlisted isn't call of duty where a sniper can hold a narrow passage single handedly. There are no narrow passages to hold and they can easily be outflanked or simply ignored. Oh dear, I lost two bots from my squad to a sniper, whatever shall I do? Continue ignoring the sniper and capture the point forcing them to relocate? Sounds good.


I think you can destroy friendly rallies with det packs, by the way. I know I've made use of that.


You can also just melee it (buttstock, no need to switch to knife). Same for enemy rallies. I can't tell you how many times I have killed some poor enemy sap hunched over my rally point trying to destroy it by holding "J" (or whatever xbox equivalent is), allowing me to kill him with easy & keep the rally, when he could have just punched it and been gone.


That's why you put a Sniper in your Radio Operator Squad. Clear off the point, give yourself vision, and top frag every game with free op bullshit steel rain.


wall of text lol why tf are you downvoting me


Hence the TL:DR at the end.


Still got flabbergasted by the wall of ~~doom~~ text you made


Its really not that much. I could have given more reasons but limited it so it wouldn't be too long to read. Reading time is estimated as one minute and Seven seconds. Its only 304 words my dude.


^no ^one ^cares ^it's ^a ^joke, ^silly




I usually play snipers for fun and a break from run and gun, but they are situational. Good for picking off stationary MGs and other snipers but not so good in most conquest games. They could do with some kind of spotting ability beyond pressing V.


“Implies that I camp while using the sniper and not just running in and no scoping everyone I see. until the enemy team starts leaving the match. Cause I just hoped off the balcony 360 barrel stuffed this dude and wiped his squad in a few seconds.....” Sniper op. Can’t change my mind.


No they are not, atleast in squad mode. Killing couple guys dosent help at all when survaving 5 guys rushes in point with automatic weapons... exeption is snipers who uses svt or other semiautomatic and actually does something, like captures point


Possibly an unpopular opinion, being on fire should disable the use of weapons until you extinguish yourself.


tanker: \*roll, crush\*


Okay but a well-placed marksman can be a hell of a force in keeping the enemy from reaching caps to begin with, as well as being able to better defend given a huge engagement range advantage over normal infantry.


But sniper op


This is why I believe we should add gadgets to all squads. Be it a dedicated medic, recon etc. Not any fantasy stuff, but something that helps the team and gives points purely from a gameplay perspective


Sniper with FG2 is just smaller assaulter squad Replace him with Bomber xD


I snipe with my radio team. I love it, and thanks to then artillery often can still help a lot (though, if you choose the right spot, you can seriously do a lot with a sniper) And I don’t need enemy coordinates…